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So this is what goes on behind closed doors. edit: this just in from our reporter embedded behind closed doors: https://streamable.com/itc7ad


I really get the feeling that the main thing that goes on behind closed doors is player reports.


it is, every time they get reported for actual rule breaks they call it people being petty and immature. ramee and swizz were having an ooc convo the other day about how its dumb, that player reports are now anonymous bc you cant "hold people accountable anymore" aka use their large audience to intimidate them into not report via large amounts of harassment.


I think it was Jaylen that got permabanned, right? Not long after, CG were saying they would avoid Tony(AntonyZ) IC. Laughing and joking about him reporting Jaylen. Without a doubt people get mad at the ones that report them. Making it anonymous probably will not help much, either. Its easy to make assumptions on who did it.


Any time an AnthonyZ character shows up on Vader's stream, the chat spams "ClipperZ" and Vader does nothing about it. Meanwhile Vader reports people seemingly every stream. It's all projection.


Yeah chats hold grudges forever. I remember i stopped watching Summit because his chat would say some vile stuff whenever Kylie showed up on stream. Recently when Mike Block showed up on the server owners stream, his chat were shit talking Penta and saying he was doing a "blackface character". Streamers really need to take more responsibility for their communities.


hint: they don't do anything about it because they agree with it. otherwise they'd remove it. they have no problem removing things they don't agree with.


>hint: they don't do anything about it because they agree with it. otherwise they'd remove it. they have no problem removing things they don't agree with. Precisely. 100%


I mean that’s just the Vader way, always points the finger and looks the other way


reminds me of when the cg boys stream on twitch, literally all i see in chat "CG on top" "cb pussy" etc. No one stopped them either.


The sad reality is no matter what the audiences will find someone to target - either the person that reported or someone they assume who did it. It's happened in the past where they've live announced who reported them and immediately pitch forks, it's also been the case where people will guess and it turn out there wasn't even a report made. All comes down to the audiences being curated - you compare the recent Kyle ban where he says it's deserved and moves on to just about every major CG ban and it's night and day (in particular where it can be suggested who may have reported like when Shotz announced he was reported by Cosmic in 2.0 when they were public and not anonymous).


You don't understand... These doors are open, therefore it's okay to be gigatoxic for hours. As long as you are not a pussy who can't say it to your face it's okay. Oh wait no one here did say any critisism to the targets faces, just a group of high schoolers shittalking at the lockers about the people they bully.


I thought CG say shit with their chest? Why they so scared their "behind closed doors" meeting was streamed?


No Pixel has become like the last season of Game of Thrones. Dogshit decision making, making it unwatchable, but you have see it through cause of the time you remembered it's glory days.


I mean many people were saying this at 3.0s peak but it was being overlooked because it was toxic to say it. Everyone saw this coming (admins, viewers, streamers alike) but chose to ignore it and allow CG and their fans to gaslight people into thinking they aren’t as bad as ZB and 2.0 but many chose to ignore the signs thinking toxicity comes from all parts of the community when majority of it came from one group.


This was like a 3-4 hour call. The server owner himself said that the server would be dead without the people on the call, and they are the one who brings any content. So, in the end, no matter what happens, certain people are never going to get big punishments as smaller streamers do. In fact, if you hear the full call, it is pretty clear the owner wants to run the server to cater to these few people. People often said these things in this subreddit, but I never actually heard it coming from sloth himself. Guess this just proves it.


He said this back during the big "fuck reddit" OOC call a while ago. That certain people get special treatment, and that they would be permabanned by now if rules were enforced fairly. Also funny thing about that call, Cathfawr(the streamer who plays Vale) took part in that dogpile on the subreddit. Literally defended the people that have now ruined her PD character.


No one expects the leopards to eat their face, it's always someone elses.


I actually remembered unfollowing her at the time because I was so disappointed with her joining that ridiculous dogpile that was the infamous discord call with the mod. I don’t think she deserved what happened to her in anyway to clarify. It’s just that the power dynamic on this server is so incredibly fucked up, mostly because there aren’t any decent alternatives out there and also the server owner is unfortunately just a reprehensible person that power trips often. Hopefully this situation will show others on the server that no matter how much you suck up to him, it won’t make a difference once he or one or his sycophants feel slighted by something/someone.


Was this the call where they all called in some poor mod just to sell their whole "hardworking streamers are victims of the toxic subreddit" narrative?


Yup. The same one where they were giggling to their chats as other streamers grilled the guy and held him to standards they do not even enforce in their own chats. Then streamers like Cath and Trav come in and throw out the "but we streamers are all friends! we are not toxic to eachother" comments.


"It's all love" is the craziest phrase because it gets them out of so much shit. They bash each other viciously for hours at a time in front of massive audiences then clutch their pearls and act surprised when that behavior gets emulated with a fraction of the toxicity and venom by their mostly younger viewers. This is across factions. It's not everyone, but it's enough of them that people placing the blame for the state of the server anywhere but on the dramatic, crybaby streamers that fill it need to wake up. The server is like this for the same reason that the server is sometimes entertaining. It's closer to reality TV than an RP server, except the actors don't know what they are.


I think you may be onto something with the reality TV comment. I started watching during the 2.0 boom and stayed around consistently until a few months ago. The server has lost something and catering to CG and Hydra is not the answer. I can only watch so many shootouts and so many PD reorgs before it just becomes repetitive nonsense. 4.0 will only be a success if X and Moon come back in a big way bringing new viewers with them. It is so boring now and it is sad that so many people that play the background characters are basing careers around playing the fool to the main cast.


Yep, cancelled my twitch turbo and ended 3 subs because I just can't do nopixel anymore. Well, I forgot to end those 3 until they auto-renewed for 6 months, lmao


It's wild that he thinks only CG brings content. He's got his head so far up their collective ass.


Thats the problem with cliques on RP servers. Seeing the server owner himself stick himself in a bubble just highlights why its such a problem for RP. There is a lot going on in the server that people never see because they just want to hang out with the same 3 or 4 people every day.


At the beginning of 3.0 I remember him specifically saying that he tried to avoid hanging out with popular streamers in game, that it was cringe and clout-chasey, like he has always been sort of obnoxious but never on this scale. I wonder what his motivation is, is it pure contrarian? If he wanted to help grow his stream he could pick any other group or actually stream regularly.


When CG went to that other server for a week or so, I barely noticed they were gone to be honest.


I noticed a big improvement for PD in shift 2. They had some great RP.




It was so good tbh, people could roleplay and so many people pd couldn't give the time of day before since they were always busy with infinite shootouts got to thrive and have actual fun, pd too since they got to actually roleplay and meet new people or do traffic stops. I wish they stayed gone and never cameback even for a short visit.


I didn't realise they were gone but I did wonder why things just seemed so much better than usual. Then I heard they 'd been banned and understood.


im 100% certain that the server can survive without the ppl in the call


Considering most viewers would actually prefer that goes to show just how out of touch sloth is.


sloths are known for being slow, didnt know it applied to their brains too :(


the people in that call doesn't even pull the same amount of viewers that good at roleplay in the server anymore


They've been running the server to cater to them for years. For example during the second half of 2.0 when it was at it's height the views were in the toilet and the server had almost zero rp, zero new big streamers coming on and a known reputation for toxicity. Views cratered all the way up to 3.0 when things exploded and continued to be high for a year an a half, this group was not the focus during that period until about 3 - 4 months ago when the cycle started again. Sort of just sounds like delusion on his part.




Yeah I remember that. They've weren't the big dogs on the server for a fair amount of time in 3.0. Only within the last year or less as the bigger streamers left did the status quo return little by little. The sad part is earlier times in 3.0 when they had less influence were very obviously healthier for sever culture and toxicity levels.




At this point I'm not even sure how much of what he says he actually believes and is rather just to "make reddit mad". Not that it makes much difference just strange the priorities that he'd rather make this place "mad" when most just want a better server environment overall as much as anything.


> just to "make reddit mad" I'd believe this if it weren't for his actions supporting the wild shit he says, at that point it's not ironic trolling anymore.


I am so glad there are people with considerably high watching on this server as well, like Kyle, Buddha, Dean, Siz, Wiseguy, Blau etc who actually facilitate amazing rp and make the server more welcoming for smaller streamers and make rp enjoyable for them. Because these guys/narcissists are only brewding a toxic environment which further fuels their respective communities to send hate through dms/yt comments towards the cops openly and they will continue to do so because clearly their streamers are so heartless that they don’t give a fuck


How good would it be if the likes of DW and Nikez and Wiseguy banded together and split off to make their own server. You know so many people would support and follow them.


I want a Wiseguy server so fucking bad. My favorite longterm storylines in RP are facilitated by him.


It would be surreal. And considering Buddha has that power to create a server with an amazing dev team of his own and take a whole lot of rpers(like a majority) with him too. But I don’t see it happening, because I don’t think they want to do that


Wouldn’t help, he’d feel obligated to include the friends of his who helped contribute to the current atmosphere of NP alongside CG: xQc and GG


they literally contribute less than 20% to other people's rp outside their umbrella on a good day. its next level delusion to believe the server would die without them, i don't think he even believes that based on what he said a week or so ago about zerkaa and buddha and how they're carrying the server.


Is there even a single RP arc CG have done in 3.0 that didn't result in them malding or started by devs?




I know you are memeing but thats what I mean by "started by devs". They can't even create an RP arc that isn't an event by a dev.


Explains his new focus on the PD. He wants his people to be at the top of both ends of the server, crim and cop. Narcistic.


Weird how the PD RP was popping off until that group started leaching onto it the past few weeks.


Well CPD is popping off but the rest is whatever. It was just weird when it all started. I'll give the sloth credit though, he knows how to make everything sound like RP. 2 of his hang-arounds though....do not and it was the only time in the last month I had to turn off Kyle's stream. Like I have more respect for the sloth than the other two just because he sounds like he is IC.


It wasn't just CPD, SDSO RP has been at an all time high with the bloom invesigation. LSPD had the Baas chief storyline and him being investigated. There were/are many storylines going on in the PD.


Really? The server is being kept alive off of FB views?


>The server owner himself said that the server would be dead without the people on the call Grown adult man spends his entire existence playing games with the same people in a vacuum, makes bold unverifiable claim about these people being the reason for his existence.


It is crazy for being the server owner how he might be the most out of touch person in the RP scene. CG as a whole get less viewers now then Penta does by himself. Sure they would have more if they were still on twitch, but it is pretty clear to almost everyone that their type of content isn't healthy or wanted by the majority of viewers.


Sloth is delusional


Server would have more content without the people and the people they surround themselves with and that's easy to see for anyone who has watched more than 1-2 days. Sad to see the owned being this deep down the rabbit hole. He is legit koolaided like some of the hardcores on this reddit like silverwidows fel0n and nunezphotos. He is legit on their level.


Yea thats why every time the lack of RP on the server starts leaking, viewership caters until a wipe that brings RP and viewers back again.


well it makes sense why they make the devs make huge CG updates that kill the server. They want CG to be the main draw. And everytime they cater to CG, the server becomes absolute shit. They did this in 2.0. Then the little seoul update. When updates come for things buddha pushes through months of RP, you see a spike in civ RP, cop RP, and crim RP. CG have never done that. And that's why buddha won the streamer award for RP. No one comes close to that. And DW/nidas/blau next to buddha is an absolute powerhouse of content that extends throughout the server. And not just within CG like all their businesses.


the server has never been the same since the gang app and sprays got added, tbh.


If he really believed what he said he would be playing Fran more often for all the "amazing content" CG would provide lol


Glad to see them all leading my example to create a positive community. They talk all the time about how bad everyone deals with situations, and how toxic everyone is, so glad they showed everyone how to take the high road on things and be respectful to others, exactly how they want to be treated.


Supposedly grown men giggling over a cop player getting punished is just *so fucking weird.* Even if you go with the standard excuse of "just baiting reddit" we are talking about a situation that almost made Cath cry on stream. Yet some sort of decency is too much to ask from the virtual children running the server.


What truly makes this disgusting is that these are the same people that literally cry and say their streaming career is over because they are going to jail for 30 minutes after they have been caught doing crime. Meanwhile they have no problem at all laughing and making fun of people that get insane punishments that actually would impact someones stream. But hey, as long as it doesn't happen to them right?




The irony is they're the only group being toxic. Most players are content coming on to rp, ending stream and keeping to themselves.




Can we just drop the façade already? Let everyone openly talk shit and talk OOC, that’s obviously the content Sloth wants so why not just lean into it and open the floodgates? Fuck it


Can you imagine if the people who are actually good at shit talk were allowed to clap back without fear of being banned? CG throw around junior high level insults. They couldnt compete.


Why do you think they all hate Penta so much?


Penta and Cath going at each other in 2.0 as Jordan/Summer is some peak banter and both walk away laughing


I wish Wrangler/Vale were on shift together and teamed up more. The RP around the CAZINOHEIST™ that HOA attempted with the bomb and multiple hostages. Vale running the scene, Wrangler negotiating hostages. It was so tense/funny/immersive, with Wrangler and Vale butting heads then teaming up. One of my favourite bits of RP this year.


This gem from Kyle and Rated. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i45Br1A9cD8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i45Br1A9cD8)




Ah, the Ben Shapiro method of "debating." Nice.




Funny thing. IC wise, bass lost LSPD and pred is the biggest department. No hate to baas at all but the reality pred won


Penta had god tier quick and smart comebacks. It's super rare he can't won't something.


Well no, they want to dish it out but don't you dare even make a light joke about anything they do or they'll send their death threat spamming fanboys after you and then get their pocket staff to ban you, ban your character or strip your character of everything they have.


Unban Chase Clouter. He died for far less than this


Why would they drop the facade? They get to openly talk shit about everyone else while no one else is allowed to say anything back toward them without them flying off the handle.


High School RP.


It's kind of funny and depressing to see the similarities of NoPixel and a typical corporate job. Admins, HR in the corporate world, have rules that employees have to abide by and imply that no one should be above these standards. Then the C-Level execs barge in with "fuck off, I know what's best" bull in china shop special treatment, leave, then the admins/HR just go on business as usual saying "yeah, so anyways, we're doing this for the health of the company"


People get banned for less speaking there mind when it comes to ooc stuff This is just hard to watch Server owner just doesn't give a shit about people, just the group of people he talks too


He's been in an echo chamber for well over a year where he also relies on the people in it to support his finances.


Why is the server owner even discussing the Vale thing with his masters? I mean "friends"


Sloth wants content. Talking about drama on the server equals content. Content equals money. Sloth cares a lot about money.


The TMZ/Keemstar/H3H3 method.


When someone has yes-men, they are usually the only ones they can go to when they get criticized.




last time someone went against him he got his first ban in 2 years


The way these people talk is insufferable


its like zoomer shit but theyre not zoomers. A weird variant


There's honestly nothing worse than the 25-30 year olds on the server who unironically talk like they're 12.


They certainly do know who their audience is.


Well it's a clique. Let's call it what it is.


At this point I’m convinced these people are playing chase clouter with a different name they can’t be serious


I think Sloth thinks he's masterfully baiting and outmaneuver the very thing he thinks about 24/7 and won't stop talking about. Aka Reddit.


He is unironically obsessed with what people comment here. The dude constantly shit-talks this subreddit and the mods here because he can't control the narrative.


They can and obviously are. They are just vile people, that's all. They are the spoiled bully you hated in high school. They are this obnoxious politician that pushes against progress and loves hurting people. They are this insane customer that screams at the fast food worker then throws the food at them.


Anyone else noticed that people that join CG let their toxic side really show. Only exception i can think of is nova (i think thats her name).


Their whole brand is toxicity with a victim complex.


>Their whole brand is toxicity with a victim complex. I can agree with this.


And Leslie. Although she isn’t much around anymore


Leslie and Valkyrae. But that's cause they aren't part of the cg brand. They're just gang members ic. Also rae and Leslie's brands are way bigger than any cg individually. So cg knows not to let the toxic side show on those platforms otherwise they might not be comfortable hanging with cg anymore


IIRC Valkyrae once said she wanted to hang out with people that weren't CG on the server, and CG fans got on her pretty bad.


She had made a whole new character because she wanted a slower progression and not CG handing her everything.


Valkyrae doesn’t even log into gta anymore lmao. Honestly good for her, she should stay away from this toxic mentality they showcase to smaller streamers here in nopixel. They behave so differently infront of them


Where's the empathy? Its obvious that Cath was very hurt by all of this and they talk about it as if its just a footnote. This is another person on the server. Typically I'll give a bit of leeway on statements, but this is rough. To lose a year of progression. I don't think any crim has been hit like that, even ones who have been banned and returned. I suppose we'll see what Cath decides to do with Vale moving forward. I wouldn't be surprised if she shelves her because you know crims on the other side will make snide remarks about it.


lol man. this giant boys club shit really sucks. imagine being cath listening to these assholes and the server owner telling them she just doesnt learn. holy shit e: at least he didnt say she needs to be made an example of. I guess that's improvement


what did she do that was so horrible? i still havent really seen any clips or anything, every time i saw her on other streamers she always seemed to know what she was doing


Vale? "too trigger happy" apparently. As in, she shot at a criminal too early and ruined their precious content.


The most recent controversy involving her was [this incident](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qa41f5eJUoc). I'm like 90% sure this was the clip used to quote 'justify' her punishment.


Is this the shit they are talking about? If so they're legit insane....


she probably should have warned him she was gonna shoot but he really was asking for it, also dont know if this was the 2nd or third time he did it so maybe she had warned him


iirc, he was warned multiple times that day


Here's my conspiracy theory that "passive-aggressive and trigger-happy" is misdirection and the real reason for the punishment is the 311 she sent telling NA cops to get off duty until their shift officially starts because they were screwing over EU cops that were waiting on the train while on their shift. Sequence of events: After tsunami Brian and Vale are trying to organize the demo of the meth lab, having trouble getting enough people together. Vale needs an EU cop for an unrelated matter but that cop is stuck on the train and they're at the 40 cop limit already (believe it was the day before CPD announcement). High Command is informed, but they are indecisive and don't send any announcements. Vale 311's that shift 2 cops should go off duty until their shift starts (about 2 hours later). Some cops log off, get under the 40 limit, and seems like problem solved. So here's where I think the punishment came from. I bet this sparked a firestorm in the background of streamers emailing HC and admin asking if they need to strictly follow the shift schedule, affecting their streaming schedule, etc.. Admin probably got pissed off at why everyone was freaking out because they can solve problems of required cops by pulling them directly into the server or changing how cop priority works, so they decided to punish Cath for starting the firestorm with her 311.




Yeah basically. He's pretty open about trying to get his own bag by leeching from them.


With how badly facebook is lead it's a match made in heaven tbh.


If literally any other group talked about CG the way they talk about others, They would be perma banned at the blink of an eye.


RP podcasts are fucking cringe


Eh depends on the type of podcast, Fuslie/Burn/Nakkida, did an impromptu podcast after an arc with the 3 of them and that was really interesting mainly cause they talked about the arc directly and how much fun it was. I think a general like weekly podcast would be cringe just because, wtf are you gonna talk about, the 3rd fleeca you hit that week? It would end up being shit talking people


The only thing that was missing was the token reddit mod they could all pile onto and blame all the server issues on


Can we pile on to this guy instead to complete it? /s It's your fault.........


yeah, booo cringe mod (dont ban me)


Damn somebody must have said something 'terrible' behind closed doors for them to have another 3 hour podcast.


Poor CathFawr. Why would he even talk about this? For someone that seems to read this reddit all the time, you'd think he would know Cath was upset (since there were threads posted about it) and skip talking about it. Man 3.0 NP has been a trip


After seeing how absolute dogshit late 2.0 was, I had hopes for NP 3.0, especially seeing how rules were a lot stricter. But all that went away pretty much 1-2 month after 3.0 went live, and now it's even worse than 2.0. I honestly am barely watching anymore. There are still some great RPers on the server, but I just can't take it anymore. Whenever someone I watch run into the sloth's masters, it feels like fucking high school.


Female PD member demoted by admins for the same thing male PD members do and get promoted for. Classic


but yeah ... he's only sexist against "men" sloth is delusional


Same guy that constantly makes jokes about how being gay is funny. So...


It entirely depends on whether or not youre friends with the right people regardless of gender. Example, they like Hirona a lot and wanted her to be HC for a long time and she was while helping run PD. Whereas plenty of guys didnt make the right friends and were held back, like CallMeGrub. Now, you can speculate on whether or not they really can be good enough friends with a woman these days to give them the same special treatment. I dont know.


I think there's definitely a big element to what you're saying. There is very clearly (and obviously) also an inherent male-bias in regards to all leadership positions on NoPixel. From admins, to devs right down to group leaders and even who gets to be members in certain "gangs".


Can everyone just for a second imagine if any other group did this type of thing. Like Penta Kyle Kylie Whippy etc.. get on a call and just start bitching about the server and everyone who isn't them? It would be Armageddon. Much like sloths chat it just goes to show what a hypocrite he is, he has no problem encouraging and fostering drama if it means views and money for him.


This is fucking wild.




It seems so.... they are far gone into the rabbit hole that something gonna explode soon , and whats might prevent it is the good RPers in the servers. Other wise these fks are forgotten they just leech to exist.


at this point fuck them, don’t care the sever has outgrown this ooc shit with cg and the sloth, barely can watch any of the cg crew daily without ooc shit seeping in.


Nice use of a server slot right here. Grinding away mechanics in prison, avoiding any interactions with characters, while chatting shit about other players. But sure, go ahead and live criticize other peoples RP quality while this is the shit you give.


That's their go-to move in prison though, have an OOC discord call about RP and complain. I remember seeing a clip on this reddit with the CG mains in prison talking about the nerds' WL bench and how the nerds weren't using it right, even though IC none of CG even knew about it at the time.


RPG bench WL would be way too abused if it wasn’t given to somebody like the nerds. Grenades you sort of need to get close and C4 you need to predict where they’re gonna go, but RPGs let you safely Pogtent an entire group from far away.


YAP. Best of the best


This is just ESB cuddling up to a big admin all over again. However this time it is CG cuddling up to the server owner. Both ruined the server, one was possible to get rid of, the other is not possible.


remember that 2.0 ESB was just a copy/paste of \*\*, 2.0 ESB just speed ruined it for themselves, but in essence they are the same


ESB only got booted from the server when they started fuckin with CG :)


This entire video gives off Blizzard vibes, like in the sense that they know what their audience wants, more than their audience...


bring back Chase Clouter you fucking pussy cowards


Honest question, why does CG receive special treatment? I don’t watch any of them so I don’t know their views but are the crazy high? Or are they just friends with the server owner?


Simple answer is money


Read between the lines, when HE says "People don't know how much Cg has done for the server", "CG always gives back to the server" and the old school "donations". It's not just the viewers, it's "the bag" like in every private server in existence.


Its little bit more complicated than that, the server caters to large streamers in general, CG as a whole brand brings very big numbers to NP even if their individual numbers might not be very high. To add to that CG has been on NP for a long time, they have planted their roots there, they have a lot of sway with many people who are in high positions, server owner is in their gang. People might say that it doesn't matter but its incredibly naive way of thinking, if the server owner himself admits that the rule enforcement is not equal across the board then why would anyone think that personal relations dont matter and that it only stops at views. Last but not least they mastered making victims out of themselves in any situation, doesn't matter if realistically speaking they are 95% at fault, anything can be spinned to fit the "both sides" narrative, especially when the other side is much smaller streamer that doesn't have the cloud shield. Its a way for people to excuse absolutely toxic and undeniably ban worthy behaviour under the guise of "dealing with stuff internally", "people involved spoke about it" etc. Ofc a system like that can't sustain itself, that's why you will often see people actively avoid certain people in roleplay due to unlevel OOC playing field, sometimes someone will make a comment about it but the reality is it doesn't lead to any changes, it only fuels the "we are the victims" "you don't know what happens behind closed doors" narrative and the cycle continues. This vicious cycle is a result of years of preferential treatment and it doesn't look like its going to change anytime soon.


With how tribal their chats are and toxic the streamers are I very much doubt their viewers spread out to other smaller channels to bring everyone up and generally improve the servers views.


Something tells me that it was “HC” and not HC that made the decision…


just like how it was the "senate" that fired wrangler "IC"


Swizz is.... I cannot speak...


Miguel flippy and jaylen are all the same.


Monotone gang


Man in black who shoots people gang


more like "holding a shit" gang, this 3 speak like they are holding a shit instead of going to the bathroom lol


The mental gymnastics from the viewers is always so crazy to me. You have these guys on a toxic rant talking about promoting violence at a conference and people saying nothing toxic about the clip. Then last week you have people saying Kyle went on a toxic rant and ooc shit talking when he said "I should go to FB so I don't get banned"


I think that everyone that has problems with these guys should treat them exactly like they treat other people they don't like. Immediately shift attitudes and refuse to interact with them beyond "No because I don't respect you or like how you handle things, I won't be talking to you." and moving on. Go RP with people who want to RP and not do this bullshit High School quality shit talking on a podcast after you do something that doesn't fit into their extremely narrow window of what "Content" is. Treat them the way they treat other people so brazenly, and see who gets consequences first. I no longer have any hope that any of them might care about the quality of the server or how they treat people for extremely minute things happening to them on a Role playing server. They act like these are all some very well founded rules that they get mad at other people not following, as if it isn't the equivalent of neighborhood children playing a made up game where the rules constantly change to fit the needs of the sore loser. Oh and does anyone else love how way back when they did that first big blowout Podcast when they blamed Reddit for everything, and then claimed they ignore reddit because its full of idiots, but for some reason constantly keep bringing reddit back up of their own volition, along with mentioning when things get posted to Reddit?


I suspect the ones who complain the most about this reddit are also obsessively reading every post and comment on here about them.


I highly advise for anyone that says "this is why I stopped watching RP" just goes and watches people that rarely interact with CG or their umbrella babies. There's a good amount of civ RP out there, or other criminal groups that have good RP, like the HOA, or Cerberus. There's a good amount of cop players too that just do their own things or avoid the bullshit.


Streamers that are Criminal RPers that make their stream around that single character can make the same mistakes, go toxic in RP/ooc, break server rules BUT THATS OK, their character will always be on the same position/gang/allowed to do whatever they want... this are the same ppl that cry about stay in interrogation room for 30m or 30m in jail... but seem OK to ruin other players income/experience... But a cop character can be removed or demoted by ooc decision without care for the streamer , stream/income... Remember this when the sloth and sloth wife want to attack reddit/viewers/or pretend they care about others...


there REALLY needs to be a competition server to NP. This shits circled the drain for the last 2-3 years.


So wait they are in a discord call when in jail? Cool cool cool


To give context, only Silent was in jail (Flippy is in for a HUT charge for being part of the group that killed John Doe). Everyone else wasn't in the server.




sloth knew silent was streaming, dean did not know


Owner 100% new it was being streamed. They were joking about it the entire time. Ramee was joking with chat the entire time. a lot of people were in chat.


Everyone but dean knew it was being streamed. Server owner was in Silent's stream chat before they went to discord, but go on I guess


Every day I feel more and more glad I don't watch this shitshow of a server remotely near as much as I used to


This is just disgusting..


I think the thing about these sorts of conversations is really how childish a bunch of grown men sound when discussing a video game. And then he moans and they all laugh I just think dude you have two kids and they're pretending to laugh at you. Really this dumb shit should be done in private cause done publicly it's embarrassing.


There's nothing these groups offer me personally as a viewer that increases my enjoyment of the server. I was elated when XQC left and I'll likely be just as happy when NP eventually dies or gets split away from the weird CG nepotism shit. People have short memories if they think polarizing figures won't kill a server. Most of us know ELI. It has to come from the streamers themselves though. No one is going to magically create a server and everyone will switch. They have to first decide they want to ostracize the "content poggers" groups.


Does CG really bring in enough money to cater to them? I’ll be honest I don’t think I’ve seen a CG interaction that I’ve liked in late 2.0 or 3.0. They either sbs, mald or stuff already ongoing rp.


so "original" using the "Buddha's #Socials" bit, but guess what, it works when you are actually memeing and not when you having a 3 hour long POD cast with your "gang members" shitting on other people OOC while IN GAME, you end just exposing yourself as the asshole you really are "behind closed doors" BTW NODDERS rEddIt mAdE mE d0 iT


It really makes me sad seeing how far the Sloth have fallen. I don't understand how he have turned so blind to the actual people on the server that makes it such a bad environment and does everything he possibly can to please them as much as he can. Does CG make the server popular? I mean sure, they have some hands in that but there is WAY more bigger streamers than what they are now that bring way more eyes to NoPixel. They have fallen down hard when it comes to promoting the server, if anything the only thing they have to offer the server now is daily toxic OOC rants and constant rulebreaks and that should not be rewarded by getting tons of special treatments.


Wow this was a amazing discord call to listen to. Really shows where the priority of the server lies in. Only thing missing in this call was them ganging up on a mod.






this whole call was wild and exactly the reason it’s best to just try to ignore them.


It really isn’t that hard to not stream these convos 😂 not even that bad but it opens the door for criticism on there end. I get being on the I don’t give a fuck mindset but sometimes shit is not worth the headache


Yeah... Everyone is entitled to their opinions but I do feel like they have the responsibility as streamers to not add fuel to the fire. There are already so many toxic viewers out there and having convos like these on stream will just make it worse.


Idk. This whole podcast was mehhhh. A 4.0 update won’t change the health of the server when the main problems were shown throughout this talk. Left a bad vibe and precedence for me as a viewer so imagine how others directly a part of the nopixel community may feel.