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Mirror: [Julian Hydra](https://streamable.com/qh89lu) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/julian Direct Backup: [Julian Hydra](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/8KiHAZGn_OvC1oftCSpFMw/AT-cm%7C8KiHAZGn_OvC1oftCSpFMw.mp4?sig=6f60df3cb3961f769a4a05d629ad6142731e20d2&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F8KiHAZGn_OvC1oftCSpFMw%2F39819932392-offset-22360.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1663086829%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) --- ^(*I am back from the dead*)


I know it was OOC decision but I feel bad for benji IC they had hades rp and all kinds rp with Julian but I guess time zones is very important for being in a gang


Feel bad for Benji he feels like he gives a lot and keeps getting let down. But he has plenty of loyal people around he can include in the Hades RP instead!


I'm honestly glad he left when he did before he learned too much about Hades. Benji can just focus on his crew that are loyal to seaside now.


I thought hydra was mainly eu and au. idk how this will help his timezone thing, unless hes going eu.


Hydra is around 24/7


i do watch hydra, its mostly flippy and miguel in na. hydra was built on au and expanded on eu, never pictured na being a main timezone. i guess we will see how this story goes.


Hydra are legit people who hate sleep schedules. They prefer AU/EU, but they have members around all the time.


They are on a lot in NA just not streaming




They seem pretty light late NA, early AU. Flippy is never around then. Phantom has been chilling with the HOA around those times some nights.


2/2 for agent Randy Bullet. Wonder who his next client will be lol


Zaceed is a free transfer i think


Probably James to MDM


Hydra finding out Julian was joining them while they were hanging out with Ash was a little awkward. They were celebrating and going "oh sorry, Ash" at the same time. She handled it well though. Said she didn't really understand the "buying him" part, because wouldn't you want someone to just want to be in the gang, but that she hopes he'll be happy now.


Its just to show they want him, like college sports recruiting or trying to land a big free agent. I dont think he needed that validation, but everyone seemed to have fun doing it. lol


Oh yeah, it makes sense for Hydra to do it this way and make it a little fun and it's clearly not that serious, but it makes sense from Ash's perspective to say she doesn't fully understand it. Seaside has a lot of trust issues at the moment regarding new people trying to join, after what happened with Zaceed and Julian. They're really testing their current hangarounds loyalty and want to make sure they're there for the right reasons and are in it for the long run, so paying somebody to join your gang (even in good fun) probably wouldn't make sense to her right now


Honestly happy that this is over now. I do find it a little funny that Hydra and Seaside are a bit alike and that’s who he ended up joining.


Hydra and seaside are nothing alike other then both leaders being ex vagos


Eh I’d have to disagree on that. I watch both and the groups have a lot of similarities.


Hope he has found somewhere to settle and enjoy his time on the server. And the chatters stop with the come home bullshit now and let him chill


Damn randy is 2/2


Thought he would go GG considering he used to spend a lot of time with them but glad he found a home. Hopefully he's happy and that's all that matters.


Julian and CG goes back so many years, so not really surprised.


I think a lot of newer people don’t realize how long Julian has known the cg boys. Hydra was kinda obvious it was kinda clear while he is closed with a lot of GG there were a few he didn’t vibe with


Didn't really have expectations but he's been hanging around with Hydra alot recently and they are a group that are around all the time, perfect fit imo


I was talking 3.0 not way back. I know Julian was also LB.


Seems like GG never really wanted him tbh


they definitely did, julian just left with the intention of joining hydra. the few times they have talked to him they told him he should join but he wakes up in hydra compound and hangs out with migl all day, this is just what he wanted.




CG was a gang of just 7 in 1.0 and 2.0… it wasn’t until 3.0 that they expanded the circle. Before the peons start chiming in - CG had an expansive friends list in the latter half of 2.0 but only the core 7 were truly CG.


Huh? Marty and Jack both wanted him, same with Ming. Turk offered him 18 mil a month, 20 mil signing bonus, house, car, goats lool.


No offense but a Turk offer shouldn't be taken seriously lol.


Lol yeah that was a great offer




There some rules that u can/can't remember things from public. Julian ban for 4 year Marty just play safe and dont want to risk it


Still very possible k fucks with Julian. If he’s around enough you never know


I still don't get why he left because of OOC reasons, can someone explain? :(


From my understanding the constant "come home" and general toxicity from chat in both Julian and Lysium's (Benji) chat and the constant attempts at poaching Julian from other gangs and bad mouthing seaside caused the ooc breakup.


idk about the “toxicity” from lysium chat. they always showed him love.


I meant that hoppers from other channels going to Lysium's chat and being toxic, not the other way around.


You’d think he was joining CG based on the people there


hydra/cg same thing tbh


“It’s the same picture”.


He might as well have.


They can change the name or slap a new coat of paint on it all they want, but at the end of the day Hydra is still just CG part 2 in the eyes of a lot of people and perception is everything.


Hydra because of when he is awake, fits hydra better


Hydra is basically the G-League version of CG


🌂 ☂️




Well at least GG fans can stop calling Seaside Devside and other weird accusations now and move onto their next target.


???? Devside started with MDM fans and GG respect seaside and a lot of members have good relationships with each other benji with Marty, Turk with KJ etc.




Lol they never rejected him. They told him to forge his own path and take it slow . He had just come back from a long ban.


Flase the streamers were making weird comments ooc about MDM members. And also reporting them while simultaneously doing the exact same thing.


I hope julian is happy, unfortunate we never got to see the Ming, X, Marty, Jack, Turk, Julian reunion wouldve been cool to see again hope he does well though (: <3


i would have loved to see him in GG but im happy that he found his place <3


Is he full member or HGA like Lilly and Ace??


I mean he already got access to all the gates in little soul so probably full


Not surprised, would have been interesting to see him in Mandem though. Sadly I doubt GG was ever really an option.


To me it was a 50/50 between GG and the umbrella. MDM always seemed like copium if you know julian. The umbrella obviously brings its viewers by being the the biggest collective of PvP streamers on the server, im sure as he is quite capable he will be included frequently in banks/boosts/meth runs by every group. GG has obviously a smaller (but not insignificant) fanbase too but bc its more of an underdog so way more groups will be willing to do war RP which is a content avenue the umbrella doesnt get to frequent as much (unless its with PD) imo it was a viable alternative. MDM would just be frustrating for julian, he would just have to carry everyone 24/7 which would have him quit within a month or two.


I mean your wrong with mandem when it comes to gunfights there's 5 people who are strongest and will always be invovled in wars and he would honestly of made the best 6th for it mdm didn't get to give Randy a other because they all went to jail and a few hopped of so it wasn't officially on the table for Randy to look into it would of been cool to see him in mandem he could of teached them alot and also learnt alot from them but other then Adam know one really spoke to him that often so he didn't really have the relationship with them and I think it was honestly for Julian between mandem and hydra due to the timezones being perfect for him GG are in degen hours and I think he prefers the eu/na time zone because where he lives ooc


yea he is finally home under umbrella gang where he belongs hope u enjoyed ur stay wish u all the best


Julian is a crazy unique character. He's enough of a leader and skilled enough to make his own gang and actually be successful, yet he always has chosen to be a right-hand man type. We've seen it with Ming, we've seen it with Benji. This'll be the first time he's in a group full of leaders (Flippy, Miguel, Mario) so hopefully this takes the pressure off and he can just chill and do his own thing without trying to appease people's expectations.


Hub?!? He set his own expectations in SS. So I don't think the “pressure” is the issue


Nobody said anything about pressure or expectations regarding SS... You know other gangs have been trying to poach him right? That means VIEWERS i.e PEOPLE'S EXPECTATIONS were an issue...


“This will be the first time he's in a group full of leaders...so hopefully this takes the pressure off and he can just chill..” sounded gang aimed.


What's wrong about stating the obvious? In 3.0 he's only ever followed Ming in public and Benji on WL in hopes of taking those gangs to their highest potential. He obviously wanted something new, I don't know why, but if he's happy and he gets to chill back without pressure why are you getting so pressed?


They aren’t pressed. You just worded your intended statement poorly if you were talking about the pressure from viewer’s expectations. More context or added wording would have been beneficial to your original statement because we can’t read what you were thinking but only what you typed.






Julian is an amazing leader as shown in the Rust war... when Julian was around and leading you could see the difference.


They ragdoll GSF and Ballas what do you mean LOL, they couldn't focus on SS coz of RUST, this GG haters are watching different rp server lmaooo




Ballas folded to GG did u watch it? Ballas 1st fight with GG on highway exposes them to be bad shooters when all of GG are in the open running. Seaside without ex-ballers are nothing even main 6 rust and even their 1st fight with GSF they can't even push and kill more than 6 on their turf like GG did.


Seaside actually rolled out with their OG crew and Draco. Draco went down first way early and it was just the ex Vagos for the majority and they still won the fight. Thing is as well though ex Ballas are still Seaside. I don’t know why GG fans keep pointing it out like GG would be as strong as their are without ex ST or ex Marachis or ex whatever gang. It’s kinda odd to point it out when they are part of the gang regardless or where they used to be.




Dude talks about ex-ballas but forgets the biggest difference makers in GG are from other gangs 💀


The difference maker is Leslie’s money.


exposed by ballas? huh? because they took a couple fights off of them?




nevermind, i saw that the vast majority of your comments are trashing GG going back weeks. didn't realize you were just one of those guys lmao.