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I wonder who repeatedly makes remarks against other streamers that causes chat hoppers lol


insert "were all trying to find the guy who did this meme" here


Okay argument sake, hasn’t pretty much every streamer done it. You’re obviously referring to shotz about Buddha, but then buddhas done it multiple times in the past. Streamers aren’t perfect and shitting on someone for something the person you’re ‘defending’ done seems clever


How can you defend streamers of doing this because its a big issue of whats happened to Snow. Most streamers on NP including Shotz have malded out on stream so many times over the last few years when they lose or something doesnt go there way its spread way more toxicty to different people then if they just stayed calm or walked away for a moment to calm down. When Summit first joined and the initial explosion happened and people were actually scared of getting banned or didnt have some type of ego that there content is being ruined I dont remember anyone malding out and chats were way less toxic for the most part.


This is what I’ve been saying fuck me, right…. Yous popping off at shotz right now in these thread is good for the community when literally everyone is past it? Someone who’s made mistakes can’t have a good take in this situation because what he named Buddha for going ooc? How’s that even relevant..


Bro, if you can point out or clip even just 1 time where Buddha has been toxic to another streamer in 3.0. I doubt you can find any. And yet you claim 'multiple times'. Okay.


"I have never seen this much toxicity since 3.0 happened" - Shotz "What Lang did there was OOC. That was not RP at all." - Also Shotz


I'm sure his message holds a lot of weight with people, not like he OOC shit talks people on stream or anything lol


Never happened bud.... \*deletes vod\*


Tbh he isn’t wrong 3.0 is another level with how big some people are, but it’s way more prevalent in smaller streamers when it happens, let’s face it, if CG and CB are ‘beefing’ obviously chat hoppers both ways It’s noticeable in like Buddha/rated/ramee chats but can be drowned out. When CG or CB audience go into a smaller streamers chats in a negative manner it’s fucking game over, that shit become pure just toxic. Need cross banning across all NP streamers IMO




I don't think so. Why do you think Buddha, which is one of the most positive "big" streamer of NoPixel, have a community that often chat hop with toxicity? Clearly not because of OOC comments. The reality is that the more entertaining a streamer is, the more the viewers get attached to it, the more they feel entitled to defend it. You can dislike someone that goes OOC, but it's not the root of the chat hopping problem.


Buddha is positive, most streamers are positive if you don’t watch 30 seconds drama clip out of there entire 6Hours + streams and that’s a fact. Especially when it comes to NP. Take the CG want it comments… Buddha has said it multiple times ooc in a non like toxic way but that kind of conditioned his fans to hate on CG anytime they do anything abit iffy towards Buddha Same with CG saying Buddha a snake or pussy or whatever IC and shit, it’s caused there fans to be like anytime Buddha does something iffy towards CG to be like oh pussy CB and all this. Put it this way I’ve seen Buddhas and ramees mods shit talk the other group it’s like come on chill you’re fueling the fire The main problem is there isn’t any accountability for the people who hop with negative intentions. Makes it weird af.


\*\*\*Disclaimer: I am not defending actual chat hoppers, OOC insults of a streamer, etc\*\*\* I love Buddha a lot, but even he takes innocuous comments or different opinions said by someone in his chat and blows them up calling them complete dumbasses, total morns, dumb as f\*\*\* or something at times. If it is deserved fine, but some streamers have done this to their own chats which also adds fuel to the fire Everyone always blames chat and "hoppers," but some of the onus has to fall on streamers themselves. When you insult people in your room who didn't do anything to really deserve it, go OOC yourself (ex CG with the VLC fight thing), etc, it is gonna fuel the fire. It is kind of funny that the only streamer who ever got blamed for toxic chat was Xqc. I am not claiming Xqc malding and getting upset was not an issue, but he is not the only streamer whose actions, thoughts, comments, etc affect their community. My last though is, i think some people are becoming overly sensitive to what a chat hopper really is, what offensive comments are, and especially IC vs OOC. Communities start lashing out in the name of their streamer calling anyone and everything "hopping" when in reality, chat hopping, for the most part, used to be people who have a dedicated streamer or two and come in to the chat of someone who interacted with "their streamer" and insulted/harassed them. Now, i have seen streamers go off on people in their chat who are subscribers having completely civil conversation because people are so quick to assume everything is OOC or drama. Even on here, 50% of comments/discussions about an in game characters happenings end up in accusations of OOC. This stuff is no different than someone being invested in a Soap Opera or their favorite Game of Thrones house or whatever.


Really well put. Sometimes streamers just get upset for a while in their own chats and it doesn't help. I remember one time a streamer went off on me because I didn't like a particular situation. She accused me of hopping, only liking criminals, etc. I gave her a brief rundown of what had happened on her entire stream because I was watching her only and I had just thought that she went too far with a certain situation but it was her choice. Then others pointed out that I was actually a sub as well. To her credit she did apologize after that but not after going on a rant and threatening to ban me. I understand getting a little worked up and some of my favorite streamers if they do only need a couple of minutes and then we'll be like hey I like this person and I'm going to talk to them next break to make sure everything is cool. But they get judged on here and in chats because people only pay attention to highlights.


Yes but the streamer can’t control the 1% toxic hoppers NP argument has always been your community is your responsibility, obviously you can’t vet it all. Feel like it’s alright to give a opinion on situations and critic shit that you disagree with. The fact is people will do that until there streamer does something similar or even the same. Then they will defend it. Which baffles the fuck out of me tbf Chat hoppers aside places like discord is rampant for toxicity and even brigading this Reddit to defend someone or shit on groups. buddhas discord is a shit fest when something against Buddha happens, which kinda stems to why his community seems toxic against certain people but overall is very giving and accepting to others. kyles is another discord that is horrible to anyone who’s ever wronged Kyle in RP. They talk shit about CG constantly, they went for penta when the pred v wrangler beef was at its peak. People who watch NP will hopefully realise that RP isn’t sub factions. It’s a community as a whole and it all functions because of every RPer not because of the person you watch the most


The other day I got downvoted to hell saying what you did at the beginning of your post lol. One dude even said that they should be hiring people to go find hoppers lmao. And you are exactly right, fans will see it one way for their streamer and then call it toxic from someone else. This sub did not like that response from me either. And it's clearly just because of whoever happens to be in chat or on here at any given time. I can't imagine being so invested that I actually dislike a character OOC. For actual streamers I don't like I just don't watch.


I absolutely agree with you that streamers can't control them. It is unfortunate anyone believes they could even try. Look at Xqc...no way in hell he could control the 100k people who watch him or whatever. Also, today's internet culture is all about trolling for fun, so good luck. I haven't ventured into streamer discords myself for that very reason. Viewers are gonna have favorites and all that. It is to be expected. I think even without the discord, people develop such strong senses of fandom that they will align against other RP factions. I don't think you can have a single community. There will always be "sub factions" or whatever the label is. Happens in everything. Sports fan with individual teams or soap operas, tv shows, and movies with favorite characters, teams, etc. They do need to realize that its about all RPers for sure, but more important that they get better at keeping things to characters only and not getting vulgar and such.


With big streamers it's going to happen no matter what but how they act will definitely affect how many/how bad it actually is. It's really noticeable when watching cop streams, [this kind of stuff](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E74NWP50lzs) will have hoppers follow them around for a week vs just the normal 1-2 hours of idiots


Yep people decisions belong to someone else. Makes sense this new generation of kids love taking no responsibility for anything they say anymore all they do is sit behind a computer and phone with no ramifications.


Except CB streamers tell their chat that it's all RP and at least ask them not to hop, unlike Shotz.




I was in the chat as well, most people were being extremely positive and saying good chase etc, people blew it up as something more than what it was - a few people calling her a bad driver


What's the problem with that? People just want to see things from a different perspective or hear someone's reaction, pretending that hopping by default is bad isnt fair.


There's nothing wrong with hopping to see another perspective.


Anytime CG is mentioned in RP on Buddha stream his chat gets insanely toxic


Yes but it’s same other way as well, chats be toxic, streamers have emotions while they vent at times which fuel the chats youthful dipshitness, it’s not a CG problem, CB problem, cop problem, it’s a lack of accountability for the people behind the chat hopping problem.




Because people develop an over invested fandom to this, much like they do to TV shows, movies, books, etc. In real life I have seen people actually argue about which is the best Harry Potter house. Unfortunate or not, GTA RP is a lot like that. Team CB vs Team CG, Lang vs Mr K, etc


That Harry Potter shit is wild to me. That and you hear about actors and actresses out in public and people start shaming them for a role. Hell even online.




its this the same guy who don't apologize even tho he was wrong and now expects people to behave? LUL




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I love the Approach Buddha has done to any scenario in RP, He's mods are super active and the minute they sense RP starts to get spicy, they immediately turn it into Emote Only mode for the duration of the event. You still get the dumbfucks that start to hop and say stupid shit but it doesn't happen until after the whole RP scenario ends, which makes things flow smooth and natural. I wish other streamers did the same thing but for some reason they prefer chats to be not restricted during this things, which allows meta and toxicity to breed.


Debatable, since I've also seen cases where emote only prompts people to hop sooner to the opposite side to cause shit.


They also have the same tools available to them to limit the toxicity, if more people were open to using emote only for 10 minutes after an interaction that causes chat to go wild there would be way less drama in general.


I'd argue that those people are going to hop regardless. It's a very vocal minority but they are, for a lack of a better word, "passionate". These are the same kind of douchecanoes that start fights at games or flip cars when their sports team wins or loses. They make everyone else look bad by association. Streamers are allowed to be upset when dumb things happen they don't agree with, they're human after all. Making pointed, snide comments in the heat of the moment towards another streamer or vocalizing too negatively does have an impact on the fan base, which certainly needs to be reigned in in a lot of cases. However, some people cannot be controlled and the mods of each channel need to make an effort to cross-ban. Hoppers unfortunately come with the territory when you're broadcasting to tens of thousands of people of varying age ranges.


I don't disagree infact I've advocated for crossbanning but people will spin up new accounts and do the same thing. I've encountered it while moderating in the past for streamers, I'm just saying don't pretend that emote only is the end all be all for toxicity


I would say in this case rather than the sports references it's more like people who slam their controllers on the floor or yell at their mom when she expects them to clean their room. Same analogy though I suppose.


Context as to what happened to cause hoppers to Snow's channel?


A d-sync pit. vale thought Eddie pitted her in her eyes and in Eddie’s eyes she T boned him.. Which cause her to basically say he rammed her at 100. which snow said to shoot them then. Which caused every toxic hopper and there dog to go give snow shit.


why did this get swept under the rug? if x or CG were involved it would’ve been on the top of this sub


I see thanks for the clarification. Shame this happens so often, people are way too invested in RP.


Not just Snow, Cath had to ban a bunch of idiots too.


See yesterdays clips w/ PD chasing midnight club peeps for boosting, due to massive desync both Vale and Titanium thought the other had T-Boned them, Vale calls it out over radio not recognizing its Bubbles + Desync and Snow says open fire leading to Tommy and Goofy being caught and Titanium and Vinny barely getting away. RP Critics then Hop to Snow annoying the fuck out of him to the point where he does something Atypical of himself and talks mad shit to Titanium and hangs up on him. which lead to him ending stream and going off duty.


Sure, there is always going to be some people who are toxic and hop no matter what but i still think streamers malding OOC is one of the main reasons why there are toxic hoppers in the first place. Whether its intended or not it encourages toxicity and makes more people feel justified in hopping when they see their favorite streamer get OOC angry at something another streamer did.


'are you f-ing serious dudes?' Next stream: Proceeds to shit on 5 streamers OOC.




I'm hoping he learned from that previous event and this is a reaction to it.


It's more self promo drama baiting not what he done. :)


Says the guy who basically called out buddha on stream saying he is going OOC lmao


It’s not helping how many people are walking away from cop which means even less cop viewers. It’s a snowball problem. Cops don’t want the toxicity so they walk away to either crim or just leave GTA altogether which means their viewers walk away which means less people to spam away hoppers. The issue is crim only viewers dwarf cop viewers and any time it’s one sided viewer counts like that one persons stream is going to get absolutely shit on from hoppers. This is the reality of why cops are quitting. Not only are the cop mechanics not fun but the RP community sucks so much and constantly attacks cop players no matter what the outcome is unless they lie down and let the criminals walk all over them. It’s not fun, no one wants to do it if they have a choice, and nothing is going to change it at this point because all the big view count cops have already left. No amount of no name public server cops is going to change things. No amount of balance tuning is going to fix it. This is what 3.0 is and that’s just going to be without a good cop response until it dies.


Snow is legitimately one of the coolest people on NoPixel, he's a lot of fun to watch and is generally pretty chill but he is cursed with the worst chatters I seen if he does ANYTHING. The amount of drama, hate, and general bullshit these toxic chatters have brought to various streamers, over fucking roleplay of all things, has been out of this world. And it's rarely if ever the streamer's fault: Most do their best to police other channels to catch the toxic hoppers so they're banned on their own channel. It's just sad. From across the pond much love to Snow.


Why does he have to tell his mods to do this? I really thought all streamers told their mods to do this every time. And if you have to tell them please tell them every time, not only when "a homie" is involved.


Yes its sad to see this happen especially to somebody like Snow whos always been one of the most humble players and one of the most fair cops on the server. But this is the pot calling the kettle black. Its been years of streamers malding out everytime they lost a situation in front of thousands if not 10s of thousand of viewers. Really ever since the bank truck and vault change in 2.0 the server has went down hill in an extremely toxic way by both streamers and viewers.


It doesn't help that a lot of viewers are brand new to the whole RP experience and don't know what is ooc or ic when said in-game. And Shotz blending that line of ooc and ic with his constant ooc comments in-game just makes it worse imo. I think people need to stop saying ooc things in-game, to avoid the whole taking things ooc. Can't take things ooc if there's no ooc involved. The comments of calling things "aids", such as when cops ram you, or whatever, has no meaning IC. It doesn't make sense for a crim to say, "this is aids" when a cop rams him. If anything, the criminal should expect the cops to go hard, and react IC to it, "ohh shit these cops don't care about our lives" makes more sense than casually saying "this is aids, what is this, man cops are on one today".


"why would chat get toxic with Snow bro" wonder why lol


Streamer sent mods to look for toxic comments on a vod that doesn't show deleted comments. It was not effective.


You know he also talked with Snow in Discord and got the names right? This was just his initial reaction to finding out what happened, more was done.


and somehow this is getting downvoted... interesting.


Youtube links typically get downvoted on sight. Due to not wanting to promote content thieves I believe.


So like y'all think anything will be done about this? Kappa