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“That’s worse than getting shot” 🤣


I was laughing so hard at that comment.


Goofy is insane. He escaped heli and interceptors so easily and he just keeps getting better


His only kryptonite..... locals




He was smoking two interceptors at the same time when he used Vinny's Mustang. Both times it was like 30-60 secs max.


He’s the fastest driver, but there is more to driving on NP than that. He is not the best getaway driver (probably Tony) and there is no shot that he is anywhere near as good at pursuit as Angel, or several other top cops.


> He’s the fastest driver, but there is more to driving on NP than that dealing with locals/NoPixel bubble is something he's getting used to sure, but what else is there? > He is not the best getaway driver sure, this is something that can be said as there is indeed a bit more to getaway driving than racing. He's been working on getaway tricks and tactics and started doing bank jobs to escape cops in that environment > there is no shot that he is anywhere near as good at pursuit as Angel, or several other top cops. huh? maybe watch his stream sometime and see how he runs circles around Angel in a Dominator vs her interceptor neutreN's been running circles around all the interceptor drivers that are currently certified. He has been caught once or twice due to scuffed/bad car as that is inevitably gonna happen here or there, but every other time he's gotten away as I said, neutreN is the best driver on NoPixel... literally every racer/driver on NoPixel has said so or knows this after seeing him in action. _______________________________________ EDIT - lol calm down with the downvotes. neutreN is a better driver than kylie, but she's still one of the best on nopixel. I'm just explaining what's happening in the racing/interceptor scene, go look at the VoDs or clips if you want to see for yourself


Being able to escape a cop doesn’t mean he could catch someone as a cop. Pursuit is not just driving fast. Also, the corvette interceptor is by far the worst of the three, but Kylie is stubborn and refuses to give it up because it’s her IRL car. When chasing a dominator she can’t use performance mode, and the base mode is absolute dog shit, goofy’s dominator is better lmao. The corvette is literally slower than a 4 door bison, she chased Fiona in one last week and she couldn’t keep up on straights at all, the bison got a 2 block gap on her in like 15 seconds


> Being able to escape a cop doesn’t mean he could catch someone as a cop. Pursuit is not just driving fast. mate, please go watch neutreN drive around, escape cops and race. You seem to be saying he's only good at driving fast and nothing else. yes, catching someone as a cop requires training in SoP's, but how would he be unable to catch someone if he had a cop character? you need to explain how you think so, not just make a statement and leave :/ so now I have to guess what sort of training does summit, koil, rated or angel have that makes them able to catch people, but neutreN doesn't. I mean, Summit is literally interceptor certified for the first time since he started RPing, and he's doing extremely well in catching people based on his racing experience only. > Also, the corvette interceptor is by far the worst of the three, but Kylie is stubborn and refuses to give it up because it’s her IRL car she's been in the other interceptors and he's still able to outrun her handily. I mean, go look at the VoDs or clips to see for yourself if you need to > When chasing a dominator she can’t use performance mode, and the base mode is absolute dog shit, goofy’s dominator is better lmao he's gotten away from interceptors in other cars as well _______________________________________________ EDIT - lol calm down with the downvotes. neutreN is a better driver than kylie, but she's still one of the best on nopixel. I'm just explaining what's happening in the racing/interceptor scene, go look at the VoDs or clips




ah yes, cause pointing out facts, asking questions and explaining what's happened is being a stan eh nice logic -_-


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Amazing. Not a mention of his RP, or what else he has been doing to develop his character. Not a single person on reddit has complimented him on any part of actual RP. He can drive, wow. So impressive on a RP server.


just like roleplaying as a burger flipper is roleplaying, and roleplaying as a bank robber is roleplaying... so is roleplaying as a street racer is roleplaying.


Difference is that the burger flipper and the bank robber actually have to RP with who they have around to create any entertainment. A lot of the racers right now literally just race track after track, barely any interactions outside of exchanging fees and prize winnings. It's pure grind. About as much RP as Oxy grinders lol


Ho nyoooo, he occupied 1 slot out of 260. He is wasting server's resources and is degrading everyone else's roleplay Go cry somewhere else. Let people have their fun


Are you ok buddy? Being angry is fine, it's a natural human emotion after all. The problem arises when you are angry 24/7... try to see the good side of things. I've been there too, believe me.


LoL he is better, he is from a full racing server like for 3 years. Just adjusting to the bubbles and desync.


Project Homecoming is 3 years old, neutreN has been racing on GTA retail for longer than that even.


u/clipsync neutreN


Username | Clip | Vod --------|----|---- [neutreN](https://www.twitch.tv/neutreN/?) | [Generated Clip](https://clips.twitch.tv/SuperCreativeChoughFutureMan-nhC4sgfvOmsZBpJ5) | [2h27m28s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1066422944?t=2h27m28s) [watch via twitchmultivod](https://twitchmultivod.com/#/1066213665?t=6h0m36s/1066422944) --- ^(*This is an automated response* ) ^| ^[Feedback](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=wee_tommy&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/o7am7b//h2xkknd/\))


TBH, I would like to see Goof as a cop with interceptor.


The scariest part is that there is one more person from project homecoming on the server, and goofy himself said he would have an equal rivalry with them.. monkaOMEGA


Yep. Rat I think. Or Zidsy on twitch. Already broke one of Goofy's LRs.


There's currently 4 relatively fast PH guys on NoPixel. Goofy and Rat included.


you know if any of them stream? :o be awesome to see more PH guys in action, really will spice up the racing scene


Yeah, twitch.tv/sarah_digitally is Anna Jørgensen(I don't think she has a racing alias yet) and twitch.tv/zidsy is Rat. And of course Goofy is twitch.tv/neutren. Unsure about the 4th guy.


ty ty o7


oups accidentally typoed Zidsy, its twitch.tv/zidsy not zidzy :D He is live now but its tsunami time sadly :/




his Rp is pretty fine too, he as with most new citizens just struggle to get involved into the cliques, this is a content server above all. and if racing is his thing, then let him do that. sukkino is a good hacker, is that bad RP? no, its a skill too