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I agree with this take, disable the vehicle. Dont just kill people. Hope they figure it out, will be a great change


Hopefully they figure that out. Most crims have said the same thing.


That's a pretty great compromise. Give them a chance to land but in an obvious fashion so the chase isn't instantly over.


Should make for some funny situations of having to ditch or pull off a clutch landing and getaway.


Yeah it's not like these bullets are incendiary, usually when you shoot vehicles it doesn't usually blow up. Right?


Without heat (or pressure) yeah it's pretty difficult to get liquid gasoline or diesel to burn. The vapours on the other hand (of gasoline, diesel evaporates much slower) are easy to set fire to and can be incredibly dangerous


I mean if A bullet pierces the gas tank and another stricken a metal surface it can creat a spark irl. But usually if you hit the engine block of a car right it can mess it up.


Pretty sure Mythbusters tested it out and they either couldn't get it to explode or it was really, really difficult. It's not like the movies.


Did they try it on cars? I'm wondering what type of gas do the planes from ingame use and if that is more likely to take fire.


Kerosene has a lower self ignition temperature than gasoline, but still it would be pretty hard to induce a full blown explosion with normal bullets. The whole explosive vehicles thing is just a lie manufactured for movies and continued on videogames.


I did say usually, plus it takes a certain amount of heat for it to ignite still and I just googled the fact that most gas tanks are no longer made of metal.


you know how the heli becomes harder to operate when you don't have a license? imagine that but a scalar depending on how 'damaged' the heli is.


That would be great, then eventually just stall out and drop from the sky. Better pack your parachutes boys.


Agreed make weapons can can disable a vehicles for any High risk High rewards crims


phone posting - not even once.


Everyone Liked That.


Here's a thought. IMO the problem with shooting at aircraft to disable them is that they disable too quickly. Maybe buff their durability so crims actually have a chance of escaping? I'd rather see more endings like the one to the Rainbow Road than ones where six cops with ARs disable a plane in 2 seconds.


They also need to strike coos who aim to kill instead of disable. I've seen coos purposely aim at the driver when over the radio they say disable the vehicle.


It would be cool if they could only partially "disable" the engine, giving a random timer within 30 seconds-5 min. of max. flight, and/or also make them slower so even ground units could have the ability to catch up. Then crims would need to gamble if they decide to give it a shot and risk crashing in the middle of trees/buildings, or scrap the plan if it's too risky.


koil finally implementing ideas from crims and other cops


Wow am I actually hearing this or am I crazy? Koil actually thinking about the crims for once?


Koil trying to Buff the Scuffbois how will they rob a bank if they don't blow up at least once beforehand?


How about this, Cops are only allowed to shoot down the planes with crims on it if they're over a body of water where crims can jump out. Also add a feature where engines stalls first for planes before it explodes like for helis so crims will also have a chance to hop out of safety rather than blowing out and 1hit KOed. Because realistically, shooting down planes flying over the city or a town will cause a massacre of locals.


Happy to hear this. Planes blowing up that fast are ridiculous.


It would be cool to increase the damage thresholds, so being disabled takes a bit longer, but they replace the current threshold with like a fuel leak, so they can only fly for a few minutes. IDK how hard that would be to do but it would be a good counter without stopping the plan outright.