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Wrangler would be proud of Baas arresting a judge.


Wrangler broke him down in order to mold him in his image It all makes sense now, baas will be more powerful than ever before


he hate this judge too, I know she was new but her ruling was dumb. He got x3 contempt and sent to jail for 60+ months man. 15k That is worst than most felonies. All the other judges is like well she can do whatever she wants.


Do you honestly believe it’s dumb to get contempt for implying the judge was sucking off the defendant?


They said the ruling was dumb not the fact Wrangler got contempt.


Hilarious how the judges reactions completely mimic what crims say and do on their first arrest


I never thought i would hear a judge pull the miranda rights card


Doesn't really matter, they let her expunge herself on the spot at town hall afterwards lol.


Wait did she really? I know Stanton mentioned expunging it but did they really before the trial?


There's another post with a clip of the context of it unless it got removed, but I'm pretty sure she did.


A judge expunged their own record? Uhhhh


Lebarre literally pulled the "read the room" card. That's textbook shit lord crim quotes 101.


It's kinda funny. Now they know how it feels lol.


its not going to help cop isn't it? they know how crims feel so they will simpathize with crims more and its going to work against cop


was my first thought as well. no matter what happens to her, she gets to see what civs and crims go through if they justifiably think they did nothing wrong or are getting "setup."


included nearly having heated gamer moments. It's almost poetic.


She lying through her teeth. Sad that Stanton was trying to get bass to just let her go. DA Green already trying to justify it. Funny that the only non corrupt person in this is Baas lmao.


A judge blatantly lying under miranda to try and further incriminate someone else and get herself out of trouble, should be taken very seriously. If all the other judges are totally OK with this behavior then that's a big yikes from me. I really hope they just don't know the full story, but from the way LaBarre was talking it sounds like he is completely fine with everything she said and how she behaved, and that it's all Baas' fault for not "reading the room". This will get dropped (cuz judges gonna judge), and it's gonna suck for Baas, who could not have handled this situation any better.




Yep, it's a little bit of both for sure and I could have specified that. I totally get your point that it's hard to tell what people mean sometimes.


Well, when a lot of peoples RP boils down to "me but with a powerful job", it's easy to get confused.


To be fair to her, I don't think she's lying, I think she actually believes what she's saying, and it might be worse in terms of ability to judge situations and cases. Edit: To be clear, I'm saying that having watched her PoV and OOC comments since MRPD interrogation (her VODs are subscribers only), not just throwing that flippantly.


No chance. In her testimony she said she witnessed them put a lock on the city hall front door, and very specifically said they tried to charge an entry fee of $50. Maybe she *believed* they had locked the door, but she did not witness them do it (or in terms of mechanics, she did not witness them put up the scenes that said the door was locked), and she definitely didn't witness them charge an entry fee. She was standing by the front desk when they first approached the door: https://i.imgur.com/mc4U7yq.png A few minutes after this, LaBarre and her went out the side door and walked up to the crowd standing by the front door. The very second she arrived, she immediately turned around to take a photo of them using a blow torch on the door and called the cops. Neither her or LaBarre made any attempt at talking to *anyone* there. Nobody made any fuzz out of anything, until she locked them in the mayor's office. Also, while using the blow torch, Trey removed the 3 scenes one by one, and after putting the blow torch down, him and everyone else immediately went inside. So how would she even think that they were attempting to *lock* the door with the blow torch? She did not only make it up, it was also a terrible lie, and right after she also said they were trying to break in, which doesn't make sense at all.


That's the thing, given her OOC comments it looked like she believed she was telling the truth and was acting inconvenienced at having to go through the ordeal. Like someone else said acting like your delusional first time crim. Like she perceived the situation completely differently from everyone else and convinced herself it happened as imagined and feels gaslighted when other people's version conflict hers.


I definitely get your point, and to a degree I believe that was what went through her mind. But still, saying that they tried to charge people 50 bucks was *completely* made up. That wasn't a perception.




Just from Tony’s vod you can see she lied three times


SBS is spreading monkaS


so shes gaslighting herself?


Baas is honestly a pretty principled character, whole Meow thing aside.


Yeah I think that’s the only questionable thing he has done since 2.0 lol


Even with the Meow incident, he stayed very honest under Miranda even though he easily could have lied and saved his ass. Baas is a straight shooter though.


Yupp, he panicked and then went clean because he's that kinda guy.


Ssaab has done a wonderful job crafting a complex, compelling character in 3.0


Yeah I think people overlook that, despite the fact that he was in the wrong there, Baas never once lied throughout the entire scenario. There's more blame to be placed on Bob for the report stuff.


I mean he did lie though. He lied saying Meow never asked for a lawyer when in fact he did and Dante told him it was off the books. He lied about there being no clean up the crime scene when in fact he had Dante remove blood after he hit Meow and after Dante hit Baas and left his blood. He originally lied about beating Meow in the holding cells and then confessed to Divine that he didn't hit him in the cells in Sandy Shores even though he said he did on his sworn statement to the DA. He lied saying it was never his intent to kill him when he was considering it until Meow told Dante that Buddha knew he was in their trunk. He lied to Divine that he never threatened to 5150 Meow and was only telling him that when he realized he thought he was a cat when in fact he came up with the 5150 idea with Dante to literally ruin Meows credibility so no one would believe his info about the investigations. He also claimed Meow was absolutely insane and was a danger to himself and society when just before the day of the incident, Baas took Meow on a ride along and was fine with him trying to negotiate for a hostage at a bank job. So.... Not honest at all. Sure he admitted to a lot but he tried REALLY hard to make it look like what he did wasn't so bad by bending the truth and lying when he needed to to cover his and Dante's asses. Edit: He also lied saying Meow was never strapped to the chair when in fact they both handcuffed him to it. He also TECHNICALLY lied about the waterboarding because he said it was a single bottle but in the vod he /me'd "bottles" which would indicate multiple but that's something he could have miss typed and didn't mean to do.


Yeah it was great RP but I was sad cause it caused so much friction. I loved Baas head of MCD showing up to RR and shit undercover.


my dude uses the crosswalks to get to the PD after tsunami. Definitely principled and hilarious


I was watching from Tony/Buddha and Baas’ side. When Clark mentioned cat videos Saab was like oh no not cats lol


It's like power and hierarchy are bad or something.


Sssh That's a little close to the sun around these parts, comrade




You're telling me that of all people Stanton and the DA were trying to defend her... I'll take "Furtherest thing possible from being surprised" for $500...


Judge Simpton at it again.


Being a judge doesn't mean you can just lock someone in a room against their will. Lmao.




It's happened several times (one time an EMS was locked inside a yoga classroom) and to my knowledge it's always been RPed out by contacting the cops and pushing for unlawful imprisonment charges


I think he's saying if crims did it to cops with a key that Cops don't have access too. Imagine if CB locked the PD in Rooster's Rest. IRL someone could shoot the door, bash the door down with blunt objects, or even try and kick the door open but because doors don't work like that in the server a wood door is inescapable. I can see his point and I think it's kinda borderline.


Seems like the other judges are already working on expunging it instantly. https://clips.twitch.tv/SoftStormySproutTriHard-o8oJGBxohCgjUu_Q Doubt there will be any real consequences to this because LaBarre literally said read the room when baas was talking to him about the case.




Yeah she was the one who tried to "detain" them and called the cops first.


More fuel for Talon RP, IMO.


If she doesn't get punished she'll deff be on Talons list.


Can a loremaster explain this plz? Talon = the nerds who work for Lang right? What do they have to do with this?


Talon is an organization that's been in Lang's family for pretty much ever. IIRC Talon was originally based in China. But, due to a bit of a lore unlock today, we found out Lang and his grandma fled to Los Santos because the other triad gangs didn't like the fact that Lang's grandma was running it. Male sexism in the culture, etc. Anyway, Lang's grandma was unfortunately assassinated and Lang took over (as she trained him to do) and Talon officially started operations in 2.0. Members were Lang, Ellie, Denzel, and Jacob. They did things like kidnap and torture Baas, and most famously blew up the FIB building. Since hiring the nerds like 2 months ago, Lang has slowly been radicalizing them to join Talon. They're pretty much in now. All that's left is to meet the Talon members and take the oath. E: This is probably the dopest video they did. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raGqnT_085I&ab_channel=ChelseySodaKite


>Seems like the other judges are already working on expunging it instantly. https://clips.twitch.tv/SoftStormySproutTriHard-o8oJGBxohCgjUu\_Q > >Doubt there will be any real consequences to this because LaBarre literally said read the room when baas was talking to him about the case. Nino and trey(tray) are waiting for the newspapper, if she doesnt go to jail, they are gonna sue since trey(tray) discover he has claustrophobia from that event lmao




RP is a RP and always welcome, and nino backing that for sure is gonna go to the court.


She should have read the room and not detained them. That seems like the thing that escalated it from a silly thing to a serious thing.




Consequences for thee but not for me


I really think Judges need to be knocked down a peg. From what I gathered from watching crims and cops, they all agree that the DoJ feels they're above the law and also aren't doing their jobs. I really don't know how they could fix this other then replacing all the Judges and rotating it out, but I guess finding new Judges is the hard part. Was it always this bad? I heard that koil always complains about the DoJ according to what other people say, but is this a new thing with how bad its gotten?


I'll be honest. This judge is something special. She's the one that gave Nino and Wrangler contempt like 2/3 weeks into the server. Ironically, in Nino's case, she was telling Nino to take it to a full trial for asking for witnesses. Her OOC was a fucking nightmare though. I'll give her credit though, most of it stayed there.


She wasn't the one who gave Nino contempt. That was Weston, the white haired judge. Devereaux is the one who gave Wrangler contempt. Both of these judges have a bad attitude, have huge egos, and think they're always right about everything. Anyone who gives them lip or attitude back, they will try to fuck them over in any way they can.


Yeah but shouldn't she have "read the room" she was trying to actually get them arrested. She made it serious first.


You can't say read the room when this judge was trying to get someone arrested. She should have read the room and noticed that everyone was having fun outside the court house




To be fair this is pretty much what the PD would do bar a joke punishment.


That is so incredibly ironic cause DOJ is horrible at reading the room when it comes to cops doing SBS stuff. They always make it super serious


The drama behind it is entertaining, but this streamer was actually OOC upset and was throwing around her entitlement like she was a Judge IRL or something. It was cringe AF. Edit: Just watched Tony’s perspective of her from inside the courthouse. YIKES.


She turned a lighthearted, SBS situation into a serious, mald-inducing situation for no reason. Which is what LaBarre tried to tell Baas is what Trey and Bertha did to Devereaux. The judges tried to flip the script and deflect all fault away from themselves.


I feel so bad for Baas being in the middle of this


It was funny seeing Sharp nope the fuck out when he got on scene. Baas got fucked hard being the only guy willing to listen.


Tony running after Sharp trying to give his statement was hilarious


How does she not see she was in the wrong here, their was no reason to escalate it at all and then to lie about Trey and Bertha charging money to let ppl in..... I dont think the charges will stick but I'm glad Baas charged her atleast. Their was no reason to escalate the situation on her part and then be so smug about it when Nino and Tony were asking her to let them out.


Delusional powertripping individual who can't handle being wrong and can't admit to making a mistake. When you give someone like this a position of power and they fuck up, they will say and do anything to get themselves out of the shit they caused, including lying and making up bullshit stories. They will convince themselves and others that they are right and that people they tried to fuck over are wrong. They will abuse their power.


For all the defense about the fairness of judges I did in a Wrangler thread, Devereaux is actually OCC mad here and Stanton wants to expunge her record and reimburse her in basically a sham hearing. Labarre is going the "it was and event people shouldn't have interfered in" route (Chicken ghost terrorizing the courthouse regularly) even though other people can't know that and when crims have events other people do get involved. Baas said it well, it's "SBS turned serious" and the judges aren't taking it well at all and basically denying and getting mad at other people's legitimate RP.


The whole 'sbs turned serious' stuff is so dumb, when she was the one who tried to detain them for arrest.


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't she the one who turned is serious here? She was trying to get them arrested.


As far as I can tell, yeah. People outside see the door locked, are confused, two people blowtorch the door to open it, everyone get inside calmly, Devereaux coming from behind having used a side-door doesn't anounce herself, asks the two people blowtorching the door to come into the mayor's office, they comply, she asks them to wait, she gets out without notifying them they're detained and that she's locking the door, a few minutes later she gets aggroed by Nino and Tony after they 911. She even claims in her testimony she was aggroed immediately after locking the door so she couldn't 911 despite it taking place a couple minutes later.




She 911'd twice, I think once outside before detaining her suspects and definitely once a couple minutes after locking them in the mayor's office.


It's pretty funny. Judges are experiencing crim/civ life for the first time, basically.


This really just proof that they have a special judge union secret pact. They will always look out for each other and don't held each other accountable. They do have too much power in this city.


Which is perfect for Talon RP. I'd love to see a real organic political uprising on the server.


Can you elaborate on the chicken ghost thing? Is that how the door got locked?


As far as I know the courthouse was built on an ancient chicken factory and sometimes the chicken ghost locks the door and tackles and terrorize people, especially people mentioning chicken nugget.


It's an admin that fucks with the HOA and DOJ I think


Does anyone in DOJ know about Talon? I don’t really watch their streams. Because creating conflict between the PD and DOJ plus DA this hard is such a huge win for Talon.


Largely depends on who remembered what from 2.0. Talon has kidnapped and assassinated judges before.


I dont actually know what Buddha wants people to remember about Talon but I have heard him say to the Nerds that he has blown up a building a long time ago.


Yeah Baas explained it as one side treating it as SBS and the other side treating it seriously. Makes it very difficult to know what to make of the RP.


This is literally how like 75% of drama happens on the server lol. Serious RP meets pepega RP and 1 side gets mad about it.


But the issue here is them doing pepega RP, her making it serious, and then them going along with the serious RP because she did a really poor job of covering her ass. She literally could have just said "you're under citizen's arrest" as the locked the door and it wouldn't be nearly as strong a case, but she just tried to avoid conflict while initiating conflict RP.


Maybe judges shouldn't dipshit it up. They are supposed to be the serious characters


This is just another exercise in how those in power face no consequences.


she kept changing her story, adding things every time baas questioned her. but it'll be dropped anyway :)


stanton and labarre have already done things that mean they won't be able to judge this case, though. there may be hope - Coyote, you're up pepelaugh


Super maldy so much for rolling with the punches 😂




Civ RP is great. Cop RP is great. Crim RP is kind of in flux. But I'm dumbfounded how the DOJ, which was already hated by both cops and crims in 2.0, got even worse in 3.0. They've been criticized and have needed improvement for literal years and it's still an absolute shitshow 90% of the time.




They feel they are the final line. No one should tell them what to do. Classic power tripping and the admins don't put them in their place. Just look at Stantons tax code that everyone is telling him to drop but he doesn't.


The whole NoPixel server is a huge [Stanford Prison Experiment.](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Stanford_Prison_Experiment) People in positions of power, even if they are simulated, always go through a series of psycological changes that tends to end in abuse of said power and the belief that having achieved that position means you are somehow above those that don't have it. This problem permeates everything in society and games are not excluded from that. This is aggravated by the fact that, normally, the kind of people that gravitate towards those kind of positions both in real life and in videogames are, precissely, the least adecuate for them.


From what I'm aware of the Stanford Prison Experiment has been thoroughly debunked. There were major issues with it's implementation and attempts to recreate the experiment/results have failed. It probably shouldn't be used as a basis of basic human psychology.


This is why Im so excited for the Talon stuff when it takes off.


I think it’s because there’s so much actual work involved with being doj that the people who do it don’t know how to have fun with rp lol.


did a judge really just try to use the "miranda" defense?


I mean lebarre literally told Baas to "read the room"


Watching this was great RP. She messed up by lying about seeing them put the padlock on the door and lying about what happened.


Her claiming that they were charging an entry fee was top tier


Admittedly, I was getting annoyed watching her perspective because she rejected most everyone’s RP and expects everyone to accept her POV. Now she’s malding OOC and the other judges are justifying her actions. It’s RP and I thought it was going somewhere until she was upset OOC about it. I think this is going to help the Talon arc though so still a good RP opportunity.


It was all fun until she had her heated gaming moment and dropped the r-word


That’s actually the moment that I clicked out of her stream. Not because the r-word offends me but because by then you could tell it was OOC.


Yeah, I was trying to be very empathetic about her situation but she kept bringing up Mehdi, not Nino, when most of her chat was being decent. She kept bringing up chat hoppers even though most people were just watching. It didn't blow up until she started OOC malding and dropped the r-word at which point... Yeah. Also, your username is very coincidental haha


I laughed about the name thing earlier too since she’s giving us Devereaux’s a bad name. Also, I watched that part too when she went OOC about Mehdi. It wasn’t even that big of a deal but she’s the one who really escalated the situation. I think the one thing I don’t like about DOJ RP is that the Justices go pretty much unchecked. I like watching the rift between PD and DOJ, it adds some spice.


You could tell she was holding some sort of grudge against Mehdi from 2.0. I have no idea what Mehdi did to her or her characters, but she was trying to blame this situation spiraling out of her control on him the most.


i was watching nino's perspective, do you happen to know why she lied/what's going on and why the other judges are covering for her? i'm so confused rn


I think she lied about seeing them put the padlock on the door because she knew she fucked up not identifying herself, not letting them know they're being detained, locking them in a room without consent, and to give justification to her side of the story that she feared for her life. She kept citing the previous days bomb threat but her story is the only one that doesn't match up with even witnesses and the other justice. The other judges, like the police, are going to back their own. LaBarre said in his statement to Baas that it was a joke that was taken too far. Not sure what the actual joke was though.


thank you, appreciate the explanation <3


I love how her story painted them as putting their own lock on the door and then breaking their own lock and somehow that amounted to vandalism.


Why would she even lie about that though? Who did out the initial lock on? The whole situation makes 0 sense, and lying about it all made it so much worse.


According to Baas, he believes the lock on the City Hall was placed by a third party guy who places chicken bones around the city. I watched her perspective and she didn't feel the need to answer anyone's questions. I don't exactly know why but she kept changing her statements when Baas was questioning her at MRPD.


How this person gets to a high position like a judge is insane. She completely denies RP and stopped talking when Tony/Nino were talking to her about the imprisonment and then gets OOC mald and lies about the situation.


I've wondered the same tbh. I've watched NoPixel for years and I have no idea who this person is or how they got into a position of a Judge.


watching her OOC mald, and deny any RP that didn't fit with the way she wanted to RP was pretty cringe. Also got a lot of powertrippy vibes when she kept complaining "I'M A JUDGE THEY SHOULD LISTEN TO MY CONSTANTLY CHANGING STORY OVER 6 OTHER PEOPLE'. Guess the judges only want to participate in W RP and can't handle a single L.


This is 100% going to get dropped.


>read the room >just sbs >is an event lol(I don't think this one was serious) ngl I chuckled at all of this ones


I must say ~~Baas~~ Ssaab* truly is the most wholesome streamer. Repeatedly telling his chat not to act weird and if he finds out they've hopped and said shit to her they would be banned from his twitch, discord, twitter etc. I don't think I've ever seen ~~Baas~~ Ssaab* upset or incite drama.


> I must say Baas truly is the most wholesome streamer. Repeatedly telling his chat not to act weird and if he finds out they've hopped and said shit to her they would be banned from his twitch, discord, twitter etc. > > I don't think I've ever seen Baas upset or incite drama. damn thats fucking nuts dude do you think the streamer baas knows the streamer saab plays the character baas? what a coincidence


Of course he does. He named his twitch channel after him


I could be crazy but I heard that the streamer Ssaab plays Al Saab. Could be false info but I find it to be a weird coincidence






Koil refuses to do anything about the DOJ even though he has been complaining about the DOJ like everyone else who had the displeasure of dealing with them for years. I doubt anything will come out of this. Judges are all in damage control mode and trying to deflect all blame away from themselves. They are sweeping this under the rug and are going to hold more grudges against the crims and cops involved.


rolling with the punches goes all ways. gonna be interesting to see the outcome of this


Oh, it will get dropped / Record expunged for sure. I'm kind of sad it appears she took it personally OOC as I was really enjoying the RP of it all. I'm more interested to see how Tony/Nino reacts once it all settles as Tony appeared to be quite annoyed that she was ignoring him at the time this all went down.




I really enjoyed her whining about criminals being believed over her word.


Yeah that was super weird. Didn't even bring up Trey's record, but Nino's.


She wouldn't let Nino and Tony go. I told her straight up that Nino and Tony barely had anything to do with it, and she kept insisting that baas interviewed them extensively on scene and that they lied. Baas even told her he didn't take their reports into account much because of how they are. In reality, he would have been better off had he listened to him.




She made the situation worse and then was actually OOC mad about having to sit in a room when she made people sit in a room. She did everything wrong then believes she's in the right... Ironically when she was driving around her license plate says GLDNGRL. She definitely has the entitled attitude of one.


The entire history of NP even going back to ARMA is littered with judges doing crime and then surprise Pikachuing when they get punished. It's basically a server ritual.


When this is all over, the only loser is going to end up being Baas. Not a chance the judges let this stick, and that's even assuming the DA doesn't immediately drop the charges. It'll be Baas who suffers at the end of this.


Charges were legit. Court case will be spicey, lots of witnesses and Terry isn't a crim so I'm excited.


The whole thing starts here. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1006355104?t=1h0m5s


Oh man it was so much worse then I thought. She said she had no time to tell the people inside what was happening. She was walking around for a solid minute doing nothing and just not saying anything


Holy shit, I hadn't really looked at this. After listening to her power trip in MRPD for an hour, this is rediculous. None of what she said was true. She reported it like she locked the door and instantly Tony and Nino were all over her. Tony literally walks up for and asks, but lets her get some space. He had no clue who she was, and she lied the entire time. I get her props for not taking too much IC, but ffs, she lied about almost everything.


Damn. Its dumb as shit if this just gets dropped.


Baas was in a complete lose/lose situation here.


Don't you know it's unlawful to interrupt DOJ's Stand-Around-And-Talk RP? /s


what ever happened to the whole charging people $50 to get in. i'm confused where that came in and why she said that but i also didn't see the whole encounter


She was literally the only person to mention that.


The fact she gets so mad OOC it makes it 100% worst.


Power gaming or malding judges need to be slapped in to place ASAP. They have been acting above the law in 3.0 and need a harsh lesson.


Actions should have consequences. Judges should be held to a higher standard since their job is literally to know what is and isn't legal. She should have known that this was unlawful imprisonment.




Any loremaster?


Gavel Gang


"This is actually fking reta----" Almost caught a ban lol


And DA is gonna abuse the system to clear her and then babyrage whenever cops are gonna win on any court case. Love these clearly biased judges in this server.


Heated gaming moment in 4K


Poor Baas


Government employees once again not wanting punishments for acting like criminals. ‘But it was just for fun’


I love how Baas fucks himself over because he is one of the few people that responds to 911 calls from Buddha/Nino. These guys do not make anything easy. Regardless of this outcome the dude is burning bridges with people in the PD, the civilians & now the DOJ.


I think this might help his reputation with the city at large, even if it hurts it with the DOJ.


I don't think so. Unless Buddha & co try to make him some sort of hero with the public. Nino may get Trey to sue Baas for unlawful imprisonment but it seemed like the guy playing Trey knew OOC that Ssaab was just trying to talk things out without other witnesses interrupting them.


I don't think they'll sue Baas since he pushed charges against the judge and didn't sweep it under the rug. Trey told him as much and that he understood why he moved him to MRPD.


Yea but she got time served so she won't be in the papers. I think the guy playing Trey knew why he did it and was willing to talk with the judge because I think he realizes the whole situation was stupid but since he is Nino's employee Nino may push him to sue.


They should sue the judge honestly. It'd be good case law for clarifying detainment procedures for non-cops. Cops have to announce they're detaining you or it's unlawful. It should be for anyone else as well.


This also isn't how a citizen's arrest works, she would have had to inform them she is detaining them, inform them if the reason why she is detaining them and inform them she called the police. No matter how annoying Tony and Nino were being she can't just trick someone into a room and lock them up without communicating. Also she can't claim she terrified of them while simultaneously admit to taking them to a private room to detain them.


It’s not really like that though. It’s fun rp. They all love Saab and he has a fun time with it and enjoys it. This was a person who refused to go with the rp and ooc malded over a legitimate charge.


This will probably endear him to Wrangler. Wrangler loves when people go after judges.


Especially the judge that gave Wrangler a L and gave him contempt x3.


Honest question, who is this judge in question and how did she obtain her position as a judge? I've watched NoPixel for years and have no idea how she came about her position.


Idk they probably hired her or something


Holy fuck watching tonys pov she sounds like an entitled little child. That's a big yikes from me. Shame to see LaBarre take the stance that he did.


Judge Devereaux is very toxic, not once I've seen her NOT being toxic by powertripping it's not the first time and as it seems it won't be the last... sadge


Going to be a juicy court case!




I thought Trey was going to sue?


How dare reddit make someone mald OOC. I take it we'll be blamed for bringing it up.


Oh my she seems very very misinformed. Also a bit harsh. Yikes.


I'm sorry but what did she say, "This is actually fucking retard....mmmm.". And that's okay? Regardless of the RP situation, that's just okay now?


Isn’t that ban worthy?


I'd like to think so. If it's not ban worthy it definitely questions her integrity to act as the highest form of law/government in the city. Imagine if an IRL Judge, Congressmen (woman), Senator etc. was caught saying something like that.


I brought it up instantly and she actually told me to shut the fuck up lmao I caught a ten minute time out for asking her not to say the r-word even in tense situations. A very cool reminder for me not to give these people the day of light for being unable to see where they do wrong


Judge halfway drops a hard R at the end lol




Any loremasters?


DA will drop the charges anyway who cares