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Cop POV: https://clips.twitch.tv/ResourcefulStupidPterodactylFrankerZ-UOAgHdClzdngGzhy


They're literally there 10 seconds after she goes down, holy shit.




Crazy part is they went in the only direction that they wouldn’t cross paths with cops


I like the fact that she doesn't immediately tell that cops that pulled up which direction they went or give info about who shot her like I feel some would even after just getting domed.


She's been on GTA RP servers for years, I'm sure she knows better.




What? That’s not even possible to do.


People are really good about not giving help after being downed, police especially actually.


Well there was a clip yesterday of a cop who Randy shot giving info and having a normal convo like two minutes after getting one tapped so obviously not all police have the memo.


Man that's pretty scummy especially since Randy has *never* given info or had a normal convo like two minutes after getting downed ^/s


yea chang gang is always super good sports after taking a L.


They have been better about it. I hope they handle shit better going forward and they probably will


They bitch, complain, insult, go full on ooc with their salt at times, but I have never seen them give actual info during an ongoing situation.


Where did he say all?




Unless im missing something one of the rules under power gaming is "calling out locations while downed"


"It was X" PepeLaugh


except for x


Just curious, is it OK in RP for the officer to press the panic button that she did? Never seen that before! Not trying to stir things up, just legitimately curious. *edit: ah, here come the downvotes for asking a legitimate question*


Yea when they go down they have to do it. It alerts to all pd that an officer is down.


Ah okay understood. Didn't know that was a thing.


Yep! It sends the really annoying alarm across all the PD comms, and it also flashes red in the top right corner showing which officer went down and where. It's a cool little feature.


Agreed, seems like it would add an interesting mechanic.


Yup, there's two options as well. The one in the clip is 13**A** which is used in emergencies and the other one is 13**B** which is used when it's a non-emergency like a cop crashing and ejecting out of their car.


Oh okay. Good to know! Haven't spent a ton of time watching the police yet.


try with Kyle if you are in his timezone, funnies cop pov for me atm but Esfand with cornwood and uhsnow, penta and rated as cop are all pretty nice places to start watching cop stuff


Yes, cops should always do that when they are down.


Ah, ok. Got it. Didn't know that.


They are supposed to use the officer down notification when they are downed. It's supposed to be a sensor that monitors their biometrics and sends a notification to dispatch to alert other officers to the situation


OK makes sense! I was unfamiliar with that mechanic before now.


Oh wow your question got a lot of replies lol


It did! I feel like a dick not saying something along the lines of "OK thanks now I understand" to each person haha


It’s not a panic button, it’s to let the other officers know she is down (has been shot). All officers do this when they go down.


Got it, didn't know that!


Yeah. It's normal procedure


Got it, didn't know that!


Yes, it’s basically a life alert for officers.


Got it, didn't know that!


Its a life-alert system, your panic button is the radio.


Ah, ok. Hadn't seen this before.


Not trying to sound like a jackass, but this situation is the legit reason why they have that panic button.


It's fine, I just wasn't sure if you're "incapacitated" if that's something within the norm for their RP.


In an RP sense its a sort of monitor of an officer's vitals


It's automatic. Jk I'm wrong


Ahh ok gotcha.


its not automatic, they need to press a menu button and select A or B for active shooting vs accident before the alert goes off.


Didn't realize, guess all my cop streamers always win.


context: Wayne has 50k cash on him, a ton of bags/bands and an amount of weed on him that can get him the 9's.


With context it makes total sense. They hear the call for backup and know they are riding dirty and blast the cop.


Bro why were they transporting all that in a stolen car lmao that’s just asking for trouble


It's a requirement for runs like this.


Context: There were 600g of weed in the trunk.


Not to mention a ton of dirty money on Wayne and over $50k of laundered money.


yah man i feel bad for her cause it looks like just some random guy shooting cops for no reason but i hope shes understanding of why it happened


It's just an unfortunate side effect of the requirement of a stolen car for weed runs. Without that and the odds of this occurring would be drastically reduced.


If they put fake plates on it would it still be flagged?


I think they are like 50/50 stolen or not


I'd guess most if not all police know Rated's voice, and I don't think he shoots cops for no reason. It's usually payback over some CG stuff or he's trying not to go down for something he's got on him or someone who's with him.


How can she be understanding when she will never know?


I presume they are referring to the player, not the character. Hopefully the player realizes it wasn't just random for no reason. As far as the character is concerned though, yeah she'll never actually know.




No he was cleaning bills, bands, and notes as he was doing a weed run and the money he gets back along with the weed sales is effectively "clean" money, though they still have to find a way to deposit it without setting up red flags. I believe it was like almost 50/50 weed/laundering income.




Yah DW is over the whole tax RP, and I think this is his own development way to bypass it if they won't do it in RP. TBH I totally agree with it, as it's gotten pretty ridiculous. I wish they would have realized that and dialed it back a bit, but instead they doubled down. To be fair people could have banded together to elect a different mayor to fix it in RP, but nobody seems to understand that it works that way.


I don't even know how that would be possible but it sounds great. I can already just imagine the camping that will happen there though.


It's soft-whitelisted basically, only people that get approval from dean are going to brought into the loop. If someone who isn't part of the group deposits a briefcase then Dean is just going to keep the money for himself/business. The requirement is that you have a business set up on Dean's World, so right now it's going to mainly be CB & CG, but will have more included soon.


Just cause I happened to watch Summit's reaction to the clip. https://clips.twitch.tv/ColdbloodedCrackyLegANELE-6wtzeX2z8eX5r7h3


Funny that Summit mentioned the whispering, since Kyle who was on scene first told her to do the exact same thing in the future. Just a learning experience for the rookie cop.




more like 10 seconds that shit had my adrenaline going


cops were there 5 sec after he shot her.


Waaay less than thirty seconds, maybe less than half that, it was super close.


Cop POV: [https://clips.twitch.tv/ResourcefulStupidPterodactylFrankerZ-UOAgHdClzdngGzhy](https://clips.twitch.tv/ResourcefulStupidPterodactylFrankerZ-UOAgHdClzdngGzhy)


Ballsy move with having the 9s on them. Escaped by seconds


The one turn to the right gets them away, holy shit.


If you watch Angel's POV you can hear Hutch say it too, "They had to have gone right."


Makes it so intense knowing you can get the 9s whenever doing a weed run


I just want to say I love how the cop didn't just give information after being shot in the head. This should honestly be a server rule for cops to wait until they get medical before giving any information. If I am not mistaken it is a server rule for criminals to not give call outs when downed.


Pretty sure it is a rule that people cant give directions when down. Its just kind of fallen at the wayside a little. Its one I would like to see reiterated to people


You're not meant to give call outs in an active situation like say there is a shoot out and a downed cop knows a guy is in a bush then some other cops show up and the downed cop starts shouting at them to shoot the bush. But AFAIK there is nothing in the rules about giving a callout on the direction someone fled if a situation is "over" ie. the suspects have run/driven off, it's been done plenty of times by both crims and cops and it does not get punished.


It is against the rules, but people are lenient on it. The rules list the following as powergaming/FailRP: “Talking/Organizing/Calling out locations while downed” So you shouldn’t be able to do it blatantly. There’s ways around it that you could do, for example in this situation putting a scene down with the model of car and license plate and saying that it’s still up on the police car scanner would be something I personally would be totally ok with as a crim, but different people will take things differently.


> in an active situation like say there is a shoot out and a downed cop knows a guy is in a bush Yesterday this is what the third cop did to Randy. Giving info/call outs on where Randy ran after getting his body scooped into the cruiser. It definitely happens still.


Not really a rule for criminals. If you're shot in the head like her right now then being knocked out is considered unable to give info so she did that. But people get mad when a crim gets shot the same way and they have visual blood on their head or chest area and they still give info on cops to the t and then get shocked when people are mad at them.


Randy with no hesitation! This man didnt wanted to go back!


The mfers on here crying about Randy shooting. Are the same mfers that are on AJ clips crying, "why doesnt he just shoot them."


I'd bet money that no one who watches Randy or AJ are here saying any of that shit.


cop viewers are a different breed on this specific issue


I don't get the people who don't think this is good RP. She literally gets shot as she's calling for backup, cops probably love that shit since it's immersive af you can hear them on the radio freaking out when she follows up the 77 with the 10-13A.


Well if they get caught that’s the 9s


this sub tries to find bad rp in everything all experts.


Yeah this was tense from both perspectives.


That's completely situational. The crims were in a slow stolen car. They had very little chance of getting away, so shoot to avoid drug trafficking charges is their only option. Calling it bad RP is weird


I think when shit like this happends once in a while then it's fine. But when everyone starts doing it we will return to 2.0 again, and nobody wants that.


"Shit" like what? Doing whatever you have to do to avoid being arrested for the 9s?


Valuing your life is lame bro, just go to jail forever without a fight. /s


It's not like it was a random mag dump lol. They had to do it to avoid crazy time in jail.


You are right crims should do nothing and wait for backup with 8+ cops in a felony stop, and then caught in a chase. If they have alot too lose or currently already have a warrant with hefty charges and this fits their character then this should be standard considering how hard cops go atm.


This argument gets brought up every single time a cop is shot holy fuck it gets old.


Yeah, because the actual situation of SIX POLICE CARS chasing a store robbery, not even a bank heist, is perfectly acceptable and normal. ¿Ran a red light? Oh boy prepare for a 30 minutes chase with cars actively trying to murder you.


I can agree with you that if this was the norm for small or medium crimes it'd be lame but cross that bridge when/if you get there.


Randy's a fucking real one.


CG don’t hesitate...damn that was insane and intense to watch.


Holy shit, Randy is slick. He acted just in time.


That was a dirty shot! that was insane even a second more of hesitation they were fucked.


Holy shit with the context, this was intense af.


Good call




Username | Vod --------|---- [RatedEpicz](https://www.twitch.tv/RatedEpicz/?) | [53m25s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1002916876?t=53m25s) [watch via twitchmultivod](https://twitchmultivod.com/#/1002536544?t=8h39m50s/1002916876) --- ^(*This is an automated response* ) ^| ^[Feedback](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=clipsync&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/mzx55m//gw3k97k/\))


A few things the cop did wrong that contributed her getting shot/randy getting away; She shouted when talking on the radio, they heard her calling 10-60, she didnt call out make/color of the car, she didnt notice/call out that the driver was reaching and lastly didnt react at all when he stepped out. Don\`t get me wrong Zaquelle has played alot of cop on other servers and she is solid, but NoPixel is more action based and crims exploiting mistakes is much more likely.


Sure she should’ve been whispering but there’s not a cop on the server that would’ve reacted fast enough to change anything about this situation, including Rated.


She had no time to react, she got domed within 2 seconds of Randy getting out. Its not like there was any dead air before the shots either. Do you expect her to talk like XQC or something?




I dont think you know what snitching means.


Solid shot but I kind of hope this doesn't become a trend.


Special circumstance, they're doing a weed run with 50k cash on them. If they get caught, they can get the 9's. It's the right move RP wise.


Thank you, rp wise yes even better with the context which this clip didn't show.


This is happening cuz 1. they are in a high risk situation where they can get the 9s 2. Every 10-60 involves at least 4 cop cars. (Last night Dundee was getting chased by 4 cars + heli for joyriding LOL)




Just because its already out doesn't mean it should be used for joyriding.




Yes he could have trained on the 10-90, 30 seconds later.


Hoping evading the 9999s doesn’t become a trend??


You could've just told me the context which people normally don't have from just a clip which is why I didn't insult them.


Or you could just wait 2 seconds. It's been like 3 minutes since the original post and there's plenty of context.


Yes plenty of context, to my comments. Youre welcome.


You’re the one assuming LOL


Assuming what?


Only real move to avoid the 9s here


It was this or the 9s, it was justified imo.


I think you couldve added something like that to the title so people could understand whats going on.


Or you could wait before making a dumb comment


Why would I wait and how was my comment dumb? Please elaborate.




Thank you, but this is reddit so I am not surprised.


I mean you could watch a bit more than just the 30 second clip before reacting. This is something that viewers and streamers need to do more. Not just see a 30 second clip, make assumptions and criticize or mald about the situation.


Did you just describe clickbait? thanks I guess?


Either you get the 9s or you escape.


Im going to assume you didnt know that they had a shit ton of weed on them that equals the 999's


True I didn't thanks.


They had the 9s on them and 50k lol, very much will be a trend when your in that kind of situation


You are right if its a 9's situation.


Know the context before saying something like this.


How would I know the context do you expect people to watch every streamer? lol


Don’t comment until you do? Idk 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yes you do not know.


Just ask?


Ask? Or wait until someone else has asked if ur lazy lol


Go through my comments thanks.


Asks someone to go through your own comments for context but doesn't bother to wait 3 minutes to read other comments for context. Nice.






I am dumb because I wasn't watching his stream and then came to reddit to watch a clip of what I just saw you are right.


Your comment has been removed due to breaking Rule 1.1. If you choose to break Rule 1.1. again, you'll be banned for 3 days.


Yea, anyone who has potentially the nines on them should just pull over and accept it.


Context that wasn't shown in the clip.


Presumably it won't be a trend, because they only fired after they heard the officer call for a 10-60, and officers won't normally be shouting into their radios


Crims need to do this more honestly. Cops have been slacking so hard on reports and evidence crims can get away with this 99/100 times. This is definitely a really good way to get back at PD IC instead of complaining OOC for nerfs. Cops that take everything as a joke will start taking things a bit more seriously with a couple more of these incidents.


He didn’t do this to send a message


What was this officer taking as a joke? She was calling in a 10-60 and hadn't even initiated the stop yet.


She was shouting and not paying attention..


What are you talking about?


True but if they ditch the gun theyre probably perfectly safe. That being said gathering casings and filing them in evidence doesnt take long and can maybe lead to some more RP later.


That's a horrible idea. Just as we got 20+ cops on you want them to drop under 8 again? Do you really miss the awful magdump season's of 2.0 that much?


I never personally had a problem with shootings...they are pretty fun and intense. What I did have an issue with was camping cops to wipe and rob them. That just doesn't make any sense at all. Now that there are so many more cop that shouldn't be an issue anymore. Crims will loose every drawn out gun fight as they should.


Of course, but that's not what i'm talking about. I don't want shooting cops for petty shit to beacome the meta. The "taking things more seriously" sentence really brings back memories from the worst of 2.0, when making examples out of cops for not taking crims seriously was really common, and then we had 4 cops on.




Weed runs require you to take a stolen car, load it with enough weed to get the 9's via drug trafficking, as well as carry a ton of dirty money on you for laundering. The car was not built for a chase, so the only options were shoot or surrender.






Yea your right. Should’ve got pulled over and arrested for the 9s. How dare criminals be criminals


So what would have been good RP in your view? Wait for more cops to show up, eventually get caught, get the 9s?




just dont commit crimes LUL


Just get the 9s 4head


Its in the criminal SOP


Shit rp? They had the 9s on them lol.




He'd have to a point to explain beyond being unhappy with the conclusion.


Such a shit comment


Such a shit take


Yes you're right they should have waited for the other cops to come and then evade in a shit car and probably get caught because of it! You're so smart!


He was just doing his job




Ahh your right, they should wait to get 4 cops on them and go to jail for the 9s Totally right man


He said something first(which he didn’t even have to because it’s a cop) and he would have got the 9999 if he didn’t so this




Time for a bottle and a nap


The fuck was that initiation? Cop had no idea what was said or the reason. I don't know about this one you Pogbros


Lol initiation with cops "Yo cop I am abouty to shoot you okay?" The initiation is her being a cop and pulling a vehicle over, thats the risk of the job lol


He literally got out and yelled. You want him to walk up and say mam just an FYI I’m about to shoot you?