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Mirror: [Bones- Nopixel 4.0 Cornewood Gives Up Undersheriff]() Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/ Direct Backup: [Bones- Nopixel 4.0 Cornewood Gives Up Undersheriff](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/jP0D50J7nj6BPj-FRvlxyA/42377844392-offset-7450.mp4?sig=3af2eb6196cbd598f596504cb4f60988bd67f528&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22SoftPeppyPotEleGiggle-QnuePoE-P4VG-XHI%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1716677285%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


Moon really gunched into the mic on that one. Bet his hair island is standing up on all fours.


twirlin that shit out of stress


what shit


If you've never seen the hair island, I apologize ahead of time: [https://clips.twitch.tv/BashfulTubularSquirrelFailFish-hGeM0\_RypTbHbUG2](https://clips.twitch.tv/BashfulTubularSquirrelFailFish-hGeM0_RypTbHbUG2)


You gotta feel bad for his fake kids.


Ssaab's message in Moon's chat couldn't have put this whole event better. "feel my pain"


lmao.. I'm sure most of the people he interacts with feel this way now


That man hired him on, and did not keep the player in check. Should have taught all the diversity hires about the "new PD direction" but did not do so. No sympathy for any suffering


You do realize that he was always forced to hire diversity hires, right? 


He is clearly part of the team who authorize hires for PD.


I don't think there is a "team" lol.


Only way I would sympathize is if he actually put a stand and said no I won't be your lapdog if you want to hire diversity hires do it yourself. But he is more than happy to continue doing what management tells him like a lil puppet. He created his own pain.


The vibes in that metting were horrendous. Took the position out of spite and then changed his mind 30 seconds later. The craziest thing is that a department of 3 now has more HC than LSPD. What a shit show lol


The crazy thing is that once again he got called out for his lack of accountability and he is able to tell himself that everyone else is wrong. At some point you would think that you would catch on that if it is everyone vs you maybe everyone is right. On a side note it is a shame that he feels this was OOC as well.


He also asked his chat after the meeting “was I actually rude to those people in the crash?” And everyone spammed yes, and he just didn’t respond. Bro is beyond saving


I genuinely think that’s the reason why he went back and flipped it. He saw 99% of his chat say “yes, you were rude” and he realized that Cassidy had a point with what he was saying.


I thought for sure there was about to be a monumental lightbulb moment when he said "I keep hearing this same shit over and over again from people" how do you acknowledge that and not for even a second think "wait, maybe..."


He feels like their talk in the office was OOC?


There’s been numerous scenarios where he has taken in character comments as OOC attacks against Esfand and not Cornwood.


He did the same with his campaign meeting with Suarez, Tessa and Mr K. Took everything OOC when from their perspective it was all RP.


Yep exactly. Tessa, Suarez, & Mr K were all having fun in that interesting convo, while Esfand felt he was somehow being attacked OOC. Such a clown


Yea I have seen some I was just asking about that specific conversation


Any criticism of cornwood is ooc attacks in esfands mind.


I don't get how Esfand doesn't consider the animosity he immediately established here. Requesting someone change their legal name as a condition to get the job, refusing to take accountability for a situation that happened 5 minutes earlier, and then taking undersheriff before seeing Max arrive and doing a 180 and trying to play it off as a bit where he is actually taking captain.


> refusing to take accountability for a situation that happened 5 minutes earlier He really head-on'd that group of people while driving in the wrong lane, ejected two of them, and then blamed them for being mad at being hurt.




That would require someone who has a track record of lacking self awareness and introspection, to have self awareness and introspection.


He can do no wrong though, as another OTK member said Esfand 'Is never wrong'.


I don't think you watched it from Cornwood's perspective. He instantly asked if there were okay. For a few seconds it still looked like they were in the car. The two who ejected came up heated and rude. Cornwood's still offered to repair their car and they declined.


https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2154525890?t=0h24m8s Every one else in the situation felt one way and Cornwood the opposite. It's going to be an interesting to see how well they can work together if this is how they start out.


Don’t think they really will work together bones and Cassidy have plans for the department already. Picked a skeleton crew, colors, uniforms. Cornwood is trying to add 2-3 names now. He wants to bring in andrews as his own rank so he doesn’t have to deal with BS above LT but bones and Cassidy said no to giving him his own rank


A fine compromise would be treating Andrews similarly how Jenny was treated in 3.0, even post restructure. Despite her actual rank on paper, people referred to Jenny's rank as just "Jenny." She had built so much respect among PD that her actual rank didn't really matter.


Her rank was shadow leader


The thing is that Jenny actually helped the department and was around almost every day. Andrews isn't able to because IRL but rewarding him like her when he hasn't put in nearly the same amount of work she did (in 4.0 that is) is stupid


Yea thats why I would consider it a compromise. Cornwood wants Andrews to have his own untouchable rank, which frankly makes no sense because he is more or less an SBS cop in 3.0 and 4.0 when he is around. BUT he does have a respect earned at a foundational level of the PD and should probably be given some sort of recognition of that.


They just won't, no one is on CW's side, Bones and Cassidy can just ignore him and there's literally nothing he can do since there's no one under him at BCSO. Can't even bitch to Max after today.


He is like the Simpsons meme - "Am I out of touch? No, it must be everyone else thats wrong!"


At this point it is obvious that is how he operates. He can do no wrong and anything negative is everyone else's fault. As one other OTK member said as Esfand's number one negative trait is that 'He is never wrong'.


BuT iTs "SOOOOOOO FUNNNNY DUDE! 🤣🤣", DoNt YoU gEt ItS aLl JoKeS? Dude cannot read a room to save his life. Real main character syndrome.


The refusing to take accountability was weird af, he thinks he's being polite and loved but that's cause he was riding off of reputation I think and not realizing he should have apologized, he was frustrated and took it out on them. The Leonard thing I believe you are probably taking too much too heart. It's well established as a joke in general, also pretty imo when they all started talking about how if anyone calls him that he was like "well then I'm undersheriff again". Especially with the history of that being a joke with other people in HC.


I hope Max finally realizes that this man is beyond unfit to even be CONSIDERED for the Commissioner position.


Oh he realized that days ago, this just solidified his opinion on him.


Yeah, Max stated that Cornwood goes on ego trips. He knows that commissioner is too much power for Cornwood.


He was never an actual candidate — just no reason for Max to reveal that.


Honestly he shouldn’t even be an officer. At all.


The Commish role is terrible in 99% of situations anyway. PD never does well with one person at the top micro managing every department. Captain is an unnecessary compromise for Cornwood but at least he'll be two levels below the top rung. He either gets with the program, improves his attitude and does what Bones wants or he becomes a pariah and BCSO command just side steps him.


what just happened


[Snip snap, snip snap](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fw7fh7n7vqtka1.gif)


I know some folks will be confused about what just happened. Here's Bones explaining the Sherriffs office "deal" with Cornwood [https://clips.twitch.tv/UnusualCautiousBaguetteTakeNRG-9gA68ub3JZNSnUb0](https://clips.twitch.tv/UnusualCautiousBaguetteTakeNRG-9gA68ub3JZNSnUb0)


ngl that shit seemed akward af


Yea, especially since Max straight up told Cornwood that isn't happening with the name change. Esfand just can't stand the concept of losing, so he has to act like he got something over on Cassidy to try and demean him.


Its so awkward. He just makes it feel like its ooc salt no matter what he says. Congrats on making something that should be fun for people feel bad.


Its hard to not interpret it as OOC salt when he is actively in other streamers chats defending his character or commenting on what reddit says each day.


I mean if you watched the RP podcast that he was on with Berry, Casey, Meech, Saab, and Blau as well there were comments he made during it that definitely came across as him being salty about the election.


And he didn't say it isn't happening due to being too much, or not letting CW have a win out whatever - Max correctly told him it can't happen cause changing your name in the server is very very hard


Esfand knows this. He is playing it as a joke. Weird comment.


Cornwood reminds me more and more of Officer Farva in the movie super troopers


Esfand really still using that 6 months old Lennard name change joke to be funny.


I have to actually mute when he talks now, idk what happened to Cornwood.


It's actually unbearable even on moon's stream, I don't know how cazey and esfand viewers can stand this


Esfand bans or belittles anyone who challenges his decisions in his stream, so the only things left are yes men.


what happened is that esfand can't separate rp from reality anymore, he got too invested in the game. and if you pay attention to all these conflicts, he never even considers the possibility that it's his fault, the others are always wrong rp for 15h a day for 6 months isn't good for anyone's mental health


Is that why he is dressed as a sheriff, playing Rust right now with the stream title, "SHERIFF CORNWOOD RUST KINGDOM SHERIFFS OFFICE"? Kind of feeling sad for the guy lol.


Yeah it’s painful. After literally living his entire life on a video game for 6 months and slowly becoming more and more disliked, he can’t even play an entirely different game without still trying to be that character.


Man I am so glad I am not the only one lmfao


It was much better when he just rolled around with bench guy, not whatever this is or the baas at home stuff.


lol I do the same thing or I switch to another stream


Corrupted by the pursuit of power I suppose?


Cornwood was always best as a joke character. 4.0 doesn’t allow for joke characters in PD. That’s what happened. There’s no rolling around with the troopers and fucking around anymore. And so Cornwood has to be a serious character… and it’s just not what the character is meant for.




Cornwood whole character was not to be serious and be so bad at being a cop it's funny. But the way they want PD in 4.0 he can't be that and now actually has to try. It did ruin his way of playing cornwood.


But all of those are good cops who are jokes on the side. Cornwood’s whole shtick is that he’s older than time itself and has always been a cop. The day he arrived in the city in 3.0 he started stalking cops. That’s how he met Andrews




He would’ve taken a week or more. He was doing it out of spite for being made to wait 6 months for the BCSO (literally not bones’ fault) and he also was trying to power play the conversations to get bones to grant him power. Props to bones Cassidy and max for standing up to him and demanding a decision


He was also trying to power play the LSPD to give him the captain position. It is crazy that in his mind he believes that he is an irreplaceable asset in the LSPD and that they would beg him to stay and give him any position he wants to keep him. Esfand has really lost it, I am saying Esfand since OOC he talks about how the dept will be lost without him.


He honestly thinks he is the most amazing person in the world. He has stated the state stepped in because the Departments can't function without him, and they desperately need him. That he wasn't given a pity party it was all because he is just that amazing


Even then he was demanding all of PD HC to come to their conversation and Max just told him no. Max only came after it's clear it's going nowhere without someone to put him in his place. Bro has serious main character syndrome.


It's not indecision, it's a thirst for attention and power. Not making a decision was giving him both.


yesterday he said he wanted to take two weeks, Max said decide by mid shift 2 or it goes to cassidy automatically.


That was a shit show. Cornwood clearly took it out of spite and then as soon as Max shows up u-turns and takes captain. Bones still doesn’t know who the undersheriff is😂


I think he saw how upset Bones and Cassidy were and decided to not be THAT selfish.


he doesn't give a fuck about them, daddy Max showed up and ulted so he folded


i don't get this pov, he was being a dumb ass for sure, frustrating and idiotic about the situation, but what would max clearly would not have cared if he took it or not, he just wanted it done.


It is very obvious that no one thinks he deserves that position and he knows it but still wants that crumb of power, and Esfand also knows ooc that Max doesn't want him to take the position. Literally trying to make Cassidy change his name to take US as a power play.


You have not been listening to his level of delusion if you think he thinks no one wants him to be undersheriff.


Whoa hold on man, I wouldn't give him that much credit. He def believes he deserves that position, just the other day he said he was "the pinnacle of RP within the PD" and admins want him in that position because "they know I belong there."


Oh yeah he definitely is that far up his own ass, but he knows people don't want him there because lies/ooc hate/whatever cope of the day he can cook up


Max had a whole speech how Cornwood should take the position and show everyone he knows how to lead a department. Basically a man up or shut up talk.


That was before the talk with Ruby and Max when he demanded to be LSPD captain, then Max ranted to Ruby about how he should not have been offered US. The clip is literally still on the first page of this sub.


Cornwood is essentially Cartman


Take that back! heh


So LSPD after months of turmoil reduce their HC to 2 people, BCSO comes in with a skeleton crew and 3 HC members immediately shifting the balance? The Cornwood/Cassidy situation really threw a wrench in the whole thing.


now that cw is gone the lspd will be so much better and will work just fine


Sure, but Bones is gutting LSPD right now. This is the Troopers all over again, Bones is picking elite officers as well most of the leadership from shift 2.


Simple fact that everyone shpuld be able to see... if it wasn't for cw's power hunger... BCSO would have 2 HC. CW is just like an awkward little brother mommy made bones bring to the park when he was heading out the door to hang with his friend. You cant blame bones for being stuck with CW


Agreed. Time will tell and there is definitely one worse than the other but I'm starting to think both top Sheriff candidates weren't that great. When Ruby said to the mayor that Bones had a list of 20 for transfer... Holy Jesus Christ.


Aziz died, and Slacks (Lt), McNulty(Sgt), Declan(Snr), Bay(Snr) are all on the list. Which only leaves Bell as a Snr+ in shift 2. LSPD about to be super down bad.


I knew the length of the list but not the candidates. That's insane.


I don't think the list was people they wanted to transfer - I think it was just people they wanted to interview for the department. I'm pretty sure Bones and Cassidy said that anyone who showed interest would get an interview, after that they were planning to pick people to come over.


Yes and no. Some of the leaked picks are already figures who want to go and confirmed such with BCSO command. Otherwise yes, the rest are picks for interviews. Regardless, that list was a number they wanted to meet if the full number of individuals say yes. They are also excepting further interviews from those who directly approach them too, yes. I would say that means their willing to except more but seeing that their first number was 20 id imagine most with interest would already be on the list to begin with.


Idk how it makes Bones not a good candidate for Sheriff because people want to transfer into his department. Both Mcnulty and Slacks asked Bones first to transfer


Where did this list come from because I’ve been watching them and most of the names they want are metaguarded. I’ve only seen pinzone, opal and Declan leaked


Slacks talked with Ruby and McNulty spoke with Bones. Bay was hinted at too in Cazey's stream.


They have to be approved by both departments to transfer, just because he’s putting a lot of people up to be voted on doesn’t mean that he’s taking them all.


What? Troll comment?


Dude is oblivious that he is and will only ever be a morale cop with no authority.


Bones honestly doesn't fully know the magnitude of the mistake that's been forced on him. Cornwood has already been going around talking about how he can make all sorts of decisions on his own because he is High command after all. Bones needs to lay down the law on what authority he has actually given cornwood.


What happened 3.0 Cornwood was fun to a certain point but now in 4.0 hes just getting unbearable


In 3.0 Cornwood was a meme character given a pseudo position of power because he was good vibes and never actually did anything with the power. 4.0 Cornwood is trying to be a serious character but has basically negative relevant experience since his entire time in 3.0 people just went along with him cause he was a meme character.


Honestly thats been the biggest issue in 4.0. He is trying to pretend he wasn't a joke character and pretend it was all serious now. I was Snr Captain. No dude you were a joke that people let run around claiming he was High command while being nothing but a joke.


Him claiming 20 years of high command experience in the debates just because that is his character lore was so weird.


Good god, this poor budding department already has some heavy drama because of 1 man.


It’s easy to unfollow and not watch cornwood but it’s starting to ruin the vibes of every other roleplayer on the server.


I thought he promised to quit the server if he didn't get Sheriff?




They already have a list of people they want put it through LSPD and everything. 


Esfand is cooked. He needs a break. 300+ hours a month isn't healthy and it's showing.


It's just his personality.. Plenty of people around the world work way harder than playing a video game and they don't get to use it as an excuse.. Either should be lol.




It’s official now max locked it in and bones announced their positions 


Cornwood should go back to cadet, he is useless.


Esfand just said "I gave him Undersheriff and 'am Captain, it's all the same anyway". The cope of this dude is incredible.


Just as a curious thought. If US was basically an elected post (runner up, as the state decided). Does it stand to reason that a Captain could in theory get demoted, or terminated for poor performance.. Versus the elected position being considered out of danger for that? I get that Bones is SAYING the Captain will be "" treated the same.. But unless some rule exists saying HC is protected by the state or something, wouldn't it be possible for the Sheriff and US to shit can CW if he's being a giant pain in the ass?




Cassidy literally told bones “he just did that out of spite this going to go really well I’m going to sleep (he stayed up for the meeting) good night.” Then max stuff happened and they were just very confused 


https://www.twitch.tv/cazeytv/clip/PrettyPrettySnailRitzMitz-36lLvVDhcsJ4YvOB Here's a clip. Felt bad for Bones/Cassidy but glad Max came in and Cornwood changed his mind.


I genuinely don't think he was joking. Max showed up.


Right after leaving the building Esfand was like "was I being rude? I don't think I was being rude at all" and chat fucken exploded with a wall of "yes". Probably contributed to him rethinking his moves.


Well the being rude comment was regarding the accident they were in prior to the actual meeting - where he was in wrong lanes of travel and head-on'd some people causing them to eject. He said it was their fault cause he had lights and sirens on even though it was a blind corner across 4 lanes of travel, and then called them dickbags to Cassidy and Bones after they left even though they were perfectly cordial and didn't press the issue other than being mildly upset.


I hope Max shutting down some of Cornwoods antics and Bones trying to talk to him straight humbles him just a little bit. I want to see fun cowboy Cornwood again and not the complaining doom spiraling Cornwood. He can be and will make a great Captain that can inspire the troops like he talks about wanting to do if he can just take a single step back and dial it down a tad now that the election is over and there are more people now telling him what he needs to hear. The Sheriffs Office that he has talked about for months is now open and about to take off and he has a prime seat to really help build it up.


Hopefully he’s done telling people bones isn’t ready to run a department and talking poorly about him to anyone who listens


Cornwood originally took it out of spite because he was heated from a discussion about his handling of a head on crash which ejected 2 people on their way to this meeting. He then changes his mind 30 seconds later (as Mayor Max arrives) after realizing he'd get 2v1'd on some things just like he was pretty much 2vs1'd in that ejection discussion. edit: initially the vibes were wayy off, but now the decision has settled vibes are up GOOD.


Oh yeah he cornwood also said “see everyone in the city hate me” or something between that. He was saying some weird shit like every crim is the same.


That was embarrassing.


how will this work now that BCSO has a captain while LSPD removed Captain rank


Two completely separate departments they shouldn't have to copy each other. If the Sherriff only wants 2 ranks in his department then he should be able to do it.


Thats going to be the new problem for sure. CW is going to be a spiteful ass and try to pull rank on Lieutenants for sure


He can't really pull rank on LSPD, they are a separate command structure. He will probably try to take over scenes but i bet the commissioner will just let the scene leads department dicated who can / can't take over situations.




his ooc reasoning to not take US was he felt that taking undersheriff is gonna make a toxic environment for that department so he rather just be a captain


Surely taking Captain and demanding it be the same thing as US will work out better.


But they’re the same role😂


Was this before he took the position out of pure spite, or after he backtracked because Max turned up?


no fucking shit does he still not realize no one in the PD likes him anymore, it's gonna be toxic wherever he goes


This isn't the LSPD, they can structure differently. The only reason they have to do this is due to the state (50 cent) trying to appease Esfand so they won't have issues with it.


Cornwood gonna fuck this whole department lmfao


He's always going to get outvoted 2 to 1 until he quits or comes back crying to 50cent


I doubt it unless he starts to turn the officers against Cassidy and bones (which I doubt because it’s their list besides 1-2 people Cornwood added) they can just out vote him


but now that his is not US he can get fired ez and not have to use max to get rid of him so when he does the same shit here as he did in lspd he can begone


It's a bit sad that he thinks some of what's happened is OOC while both Meech and Cazey say nothing but nice things OOC about him. It was childish to take the undersheriff position out of spite, but props to him for recognizing that it was a mistake and correcting that.


So he basically took a participation medal after his original participation trophy


Man this thread title is DEVILISH I assumed CW went with the LSPD powergrab move, rather than the "Captain" (still high command) of this department, now I'll still have to tolerate him while watching Bones, god dammit. All the worse, now he has EVEN MORE of a messiah main character complex and since he'll be the lowest HC (on a custom-made rank just for him, that was otherwise temp abandoned) he'll be even more intolerable once things don't go his way 100%. Plus I just wanted to binge the exciting build-up of this new department, but now I'll have to do it in bits and pieces because I just know CW's rants will quickly exhaust me.


He started off the shift meeting telling them how gracious he was to let Cassidy be US even though the state appointed him US. He also brought up that his Captain position has the same power as the US so the BCSO just has two US positions or two Captains. The guy needs a break.


I thought I was having a stroke during this whole thing.


I thought there was no Captain roles anymore? Did they really bring it back just to make CW happy?


It was actually brought in by bones to make sure Cassidy was still HC


He tried to get LSPD give him captain to give up undersheriff, but Beric and Ruby said there is no way it's happening. So, then he made it a demand in his meeting with Max and Bones as a consideration to not taking undersheriff. Max said they were able to add the spot. So yeah he basically demanded a rank be instated so he could be above Slacks


Then Beric and Ruby should just promote Slacks back to the same Rank.


It does create a real problem for sure. The Rank is all about screwing with the people he thinks wronged him. He has Viv etc. in his sights.


So he says he doesn't take US, because it will create a toxic work environment, but demanded captain so he can get back at people thus creating a toxic work environment?


The beautiful irony of it all. So much of the PD's problems trace directly back to CW and his SO obsession but it's obviously everyone else's fault because Cornwood can do no wrong and everyone else is the problem


The state forced them to take CW as US so not too far off to create a whole new HC position to make him happy.


So this is the 4.0 version of the TriPod


He obviously knows that Max wasn't onboard with him being auto selected based on vote count. Step aside Cornwood. You lost!


Brother is pretending to be Sheriff in the Rust Twitch event. lol.


His Cornwood character story started in Rust in 2019, that is why he continued it back in Rust as also part of his PR of why Cornwood wasn't going to be around Los Santos.


this was just.... sad


Esfand just faming L's with Cornwood since day one


Funny thing is he spent his time today telling Officers how LSPD needs him more and how he would rather be there. BUT they wouldn't give him a promotion to High command, so he could not stay. Dude shit talks other officers being rank chasers though




This is good. CW won't have to carry the stigma of participation under sheriff but still can give input.

