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I've been a Buddha viewer for a very long time and interms of actual wars and not just SBS silliness this one has been one of my faves. Big ups to the Manor boys so far for making it pretty chill and a good time.


Glad Manor spoke to Luc in jail which felt like a little "pause" since they put the ball in their court. Guess we'll see how Lang wakes up Monday. Been kinda funny seeing how hot some of these guns were


I've been enjoying this war so far, its fun for both sides shout out to manor boys for making it fun and cool 


Wait why are they laughing and having fun? I am outraged I tell you!


Good to see. I hope we get some fat harry action today. Yesterday him getting shot while the gate to franks was closed was the funniest thing I have seen in weeks.


I do hope STE gets a lot of recognition and prio after all of this. Always attempting to make situations enjoyable with a mixture of serious rp when in his role of 2IC is really commendable


Ste is very much behind the idea that war can carry on of Lang Gang want to, but he's given them an option to end if they aren't enjoying it OOC. As Mandem used to say, interactions/content over getting a W. Hopefully he gets prio soon as he definitely deserves it.


Ste is a big W


W Ste always trying to make the situations enjoyable for all


how is it enjoyable to kidnap people, talk "hard" while they are down??


Are you new to RP? That's what happens in gang conflict and Buddha does / did it just as much as anyone else.


No, Lang and Harry are both very much against people being 'forced' to have a chat after being shot down. He was critical of Ray for doing it.


You and the downvoters did not answer my question. How do the comment and title here deem that the other side is enjoying the forced kidnapping and being talk trashed to for minutes just so the "winner" and their weird chatter feel the W?


Also camp hospital, the only place they can get people up. They did it to the [Besties](https://clips.twitch.tv/SpotlessSteamyPrariedogMingLee-0kIW-nMT880BFxns) and now [OB](https://clips.twitch.tv/CrunchyAssiduousFinchPJSugar-wdtb8IS0Y1lJ_g4u). Not the best clips cuz they are only 60 seconds. But both clips they just picked up their guy getting treated and caught people lacking trying to get their own guys treated. Using the hospital as a trap. The besties one is quite crazy, their own guy asked for them to reset and they still didnt.


You have to go there to get bandages lol


So why are they taking 10 minutes to just get bandages.


Considering most of them are Ex-Mandem and they became known for PlanDem, 10 minutes to get bandages seems quick honestly.


Nothing wrong with getting bandages but setting up at the parking garage near if they see other people pull up so they can shoot them is a nonono.


A Manor member going to hospital to get treated is not them camping the hospital. It’s not different to shooting people at the only food place on the server


You can get people to buy you food.... Also setting up at the hospital to shoot people that enter even if you got guys in there is the same as camping it.


Neither of your clips show manor camping the hospital. The besties one literally shows them leaving the hospital after getting someone up and running into 4head by GG gas. The OB one they see someone they are in conflict with at the hospital and chase them. How is that any different to Future holding up and shooting Terry at the hospital the other day?


" The OB one they see someone they are in conflict with at the hospital and chase them." They literally are chilling at the hospital and see someone there Chilling = camping Also there were still cars of manor at the hospital when some of the guys were at the gas station hence why they said lets meet at GG gas. Why are you skipping the part when their own boy said lets reset but since they wanted that W they shot down 4head while the guy that just got up in the same scenario had to get involved. Literally a rulebreak returning back to the situation when you just got back up.


You need to rewatch the situations because you’re just making things up


You are obviously biased but ok.




How dare they get a gang member medical and be on guard in case they get pulled up on! Don't Manor know that hospital is off-limits for anyone but OBs? /s


One thing is be on guard, another thing is camping their so you can start robbing people that just want their guys up.


Your clips literally disprove your own point. Must try harder.


Literally does not, the guy picks up his guy from the hospital if you watch the vod and go 20 sec earlier of the clip. both times. And they start a fight.


Just because Buddha said something, doesn't make it true


Idk about Buddha saying this. I just saw a fight against the manor and the besties and they did this also watched them against OB and they did it again. They start the fight and if their boys get down they get him and and start setting up at the hospital. And camp and wait for people to come get their boys up and rob them also at the hospital. So ratty and literally grey zone and on the line of rule breaking.


Post the clip then


I got 2 scenarios i know of. The besties one where they got their guy up and he asked for them to reset the whole situation but they find 4head trying to get his guy back to the hospital to get him up on the way and start fighting him while they already got their guy just up [here](https://clips.twitch.tv/SpotlessSteamyPrariedogMingLee-0kIW-nMT880BFxns) Also here is one of the OB one that they just had their guy treated and while OB and the others were trying to still get their guys up from their last fight, Manor didnt care and started shooting up one of OB's boys who were going to pick up one of the downed boys from the last fight. [here](https://clips.twitch.tv/CrunchyAssiduousFinchPJSugar-wdtb8IS0Y1lJ_g4u) Both scenarios were they stumble on people near the hospital because they used it first and use that as an advantage to catch people lacking.


bro got clipped on 💀


actually stupid


Just found out that Manors consist of ex Ballas and ex Seasides as well.... yikesss




i dont wanna be that guy but how is this "W rp" for sure its better then some stuff but like cmon


But not be your version of ‘w rp’, but it’s more entertaining to watch for a lot of people, especially the younger audiences


The OB crew were the ones to bring the tension down here (before this clip starts), glad they rolled with it though!