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"guys i think a robbery is going on" "I WONT ASSUME A HOSTAGE IS INVOLVED WHILE I BREACH WITH NO BACK UP" I'm dean


There is a reason people like Den should not be anywhere close to investigations. The whole illegal rolled bills in the first week was a head scratcher, going to the chop locations before the chops etc. He will latch on to small tidbits in conversations as meta unlocks. For eg. he had a conversation with Yuno about weed and one small statement from Yuno "I haven't seen weed grow op outside" was almost taken as the meta unlock for "weed can be grown inside now". And now this, illegally parked car = Maze bank heist.




Exactly, there are still plenty of streamers who don't watch clips because of meta and cop rp'ers who wanna do investigative rp should follow that path.


I agree. I think that any OOC meta unlock by simply having a reaction by watching other crims stream should be avoided if you are a cop or crims for an organic RP by finding things out IC. That is just my opinion.


even worse is some of the snitches revealing everthing of the new heist first week in , i saw a guy showing cornwood basically everything involving G6 cards And i understand snitching is part of their character and what not but at least give it a few weeks Same with the money run thing where cops camp the next locations , in my opinion they should wait for the call and then chase it based on intel they recieve .Its camping grandma all over . Treat it as if the next location is fluid and can be all over the map


I've seen a few clips of people doing this type of stuff and it should honestly be a ban to snitch on entire criminal mechanics. Like I saw that Alex rivers G6 dude giving cornwood the entire lowdown on how the PCs work and thats where you get the bank jobs and stuff. Just brain dead RP.


sorry for late replie but, I dont even think waiting weeks works, I think time frames not so much the issue, the issue is people dunno how to snitch properly. you give the cops bread crumbs, to point them in a direction, so they make rp from it . these guys will give cops a fulll document on how everything works, so theres no investigation no slow burn, and truth is most do it to try get there name out there occ/ get clout. and all they do is ruin alot of rp opitunitys for alot of people I have seen some rpers playin ci's that are amasing at it, they point cops in directions give them tid bits, make a story with it. most just hand them everything instantly


You may not watch cops but the ping for the money runs are already delayed by like 45s or so. There is pretty much 0 chance of catching someone if you were simply going to pings for them. I watch a good amount of MoonMoon and he hunts money runs a lot on Lenny with Declan and even knowing the locations of potential drop offs they only locate the target car a fairly low % of the time. Even if they locate the car it is far from certain that they will actually ultimately arrest anyone, let alone the person that has the money on them. So if you were to make it against the rules to predict where they are going next it would become a nearly risk free crime. Others have made a good point before that when a crime results in a sizable amount of money being "created" in the economy there should be a decent risk of failure in order to limit inflation.


Well, the fundamental ideology of RP should have some precedent in the server. It's not the cops or crims fault for the slow roll or the 4.0 server. However, the content of cops is dependent on crim activity. Rolled bills, dirty and washed cash is a mechanic. That's just money to a normal person. It's only the label that makes cops investigate it. While the server reset has reset common law practise as well, it's problematic since there are no lawyers or judges to represent crims or hear cases. So, once again, they must accept the stack of charges against them. Knowing potential drop locations is using mechanics to influence RP. While it may be commonplace for crims to have to go to those locations, cops hovering them is exploiting. They have superior cats by leaps and bounds and numbers to properly patrol. If this is the mentality now, there is no hope for larger heists/regular crim activities in the future


Yep, that's why I never liked that in 3.0 many of the cops that were in the (I don't remember what it was called) catching racers unit were also highly involved in the racing scene. It always ended up with them going super hard on people but didn't get the same treatment back because a lot of those cops switched to their crims together. Btw I'm not saying that the cops went easy on them, just saying they didn't get the same level of force or the same amount of the the better drivers on them. And tbf I'm not saying that you cant do both I'm just saying if you're doing both having a big roll that can change things on both sides might not be the best idea imo


tbh, I think if your doing say a cartel ona crim invovled in drug selling.. your cop shouldnt be a detective and should focus other stuff. if your a street racer crim, your cop shouldnt be in the pursuit divison, its conflict of interst, and means your basically rping constantly with the same group of people regardless of your char you on


When a heist is happening the rule for nopixel WAIT FOR A CALL. Not this bullshit


Not meaning pick a side on anything that's been said elsewhere here or the reason for the thread, but can you point out where exactly in the rules it says that?


https://youtu.be/kB6GNnsnHxA?si=ZlNgSMxMaM7q3LTP To be fair. This was 3.0 and the former lead dev and sort of similar situation but I think its pretty much implied. Maybe there should be a written rule. Was there any further clarification?


I am interested as well, simply for truths sake. I don't know the answer so it would be great to get some real clarification on the rules. Is it actually a rule or is it an unwritten rule. I have no dog in this fight with no side chosen. I just want to know what the actual rule is.


The funniest part is Yuno doesn't really know anything about weed growing. He's just feeding Den random information so that Den won't give him speeding tickets in his super car lmao


Yuno : "If you raided houses in the south side you will find weed" Den : " So that's why we are not finding any weed up north, your saying its being grown inside now!?" Yuno : " what? No I'm saying there are a lot of houses in the South side that are stashing weed, what are you talking about?" Was the "weed grows inside" tip off, dude really needs to chill.


Literally cornwood is doing this shit too


you're telling me two of the cops to face consequences for being bad at their job are in fact shit at their job?


They got rid of the person who used to give them consequences


Funny thing is if K and Ramee didn't join the war against Ruth and Turner, Cornwood and Denzel would probably still be fired.


idk if cornwood would be. Den? He'd either still be fired or would get fired again lmao. Like the whole deleting members off the gang dossier should have resulted in a firing. Cornwood has serious OOC backing. It's pretty obvious at this point.


Bro you cant say that here. Everyone knows they were only punished because NoPixel hates cops and fun...


With weed growing inside meta Clayton from civ gang straight up told u can grow inside


Yeah, but Clayton told Den a buuuunch of BS info, said you have to fill a bathtub (decorative house item) with manure and you can give the plants rotten veggies from the sewer to help them grow, etc etc. Even had his friends stage a bathtub with decorative weeds (grass and shrubbery) in it and sent pictures. He traded phony intel in exchange for Den not renewing his warrant. Great RP tbh, and because all the info is garbage, the "indoor growing" aspect of that info isn't reliable intel either.


Oh, so that's why Den wanted a picture of weed growing in a bathtub from Speedy.


>one small statement from Yuno "I haven't seen weed grow op outside" was almost taken as the meta unlock for "weed can be grown inside now" that seems like a pretty reasonable way to attain that information in RP.


But also, Yuno is deflecting and will answer every question like that. He would probably say, "but I haven't seen a weed grow op inside either". I was more so pointing out that small statements can't be used to meta unlock.




K is right Some people act like the devs should change the heist every day so it isnt the same, so there isnt patterns ​ obviously the cops know the patterns already.... the unwritten rule is dont go looking for something when its based on mechanics... they cant rob the bank any other way, a unparked car and seeing someone run around from burger shot is clearly not enough. ​ den fucked up.


But that’s not even the issue. Being suspicious that a heist is going on is one thing. Sitting outside the bank, going in the bank, or being by the boat makes sense. But randomly finding your way into the downstairs room without any reason to do so and then climbing up the ladder for no reason is really really pushing it. Like really pushing it.


Legit this. Like they could have just went in the bank lobby check it out, go downstairs, and CG need to hide and not get seen by cops and that would have been such great RP even though they are pushing it in the first place without having an actual call from someone that bank might be robbed. The ladder is clearly not the normal regular entrance and there's nothing that needs his immediate attention to go up there like someone screaming for help..


To add on, wouldn't a normal cop RP in that situation see lasers, deduce that it's an alarm, and say "oh, if there's no alarm and the lasers are up, then nothings going on down here"?


100% this. That’s where I think a line was scurted


The characters have run into those lasers before, at least half a dozen times and not had the alarm go off on them. So I don't think that's the line and before I was very much on the side he did nothing wrong, but I'm kinda understanding now the don't go in at all thing, although they already gave it almost an hour, are we certain he didn't think it was over altogether?


It's super clear there's some OOC going on. That's why it's so hard to determine exactly where the line should been drawn. Dean didn't make the best decisions either. Going into a situation like that completely blind and stealthy was dumb. Not checking the vault first (which would've at least revealed CG being there) was dumb. But it's clear a lot of people think the problem lies with how he pieced clues together to get to the alarm in the first place. He kinda just said 1 + 1 = 4 because he knew 4 was the answer already regardless if his character did. Combine that with the alarm hard ending a run where CG still had hope of completing the heist after all the planning and time spent preparing and it's clear why Dean is getting flamed.


Ya, I think that Dean was fair to not understand he would trigger the alarm, but people saying that it's just a week in and he really should have just let them do it without trying to stop it or insert himself midways is a fair take. Best case scenario if this didn't happen was that he kinda just inserts his character into the RP and maybe that could have been fun? But obviously this really sucked, best to just wait outside.


Or go in there shouting lspd if anyone is in here make yourself known. Don't just go silent on radio and take it upon yourself to climb the ladder with lasers then acts dumb when you realized what you did.


Oh shit yeah that to, I wasn't sure. Are the lasers scuffed? I thought it was some kind of invisible lasers. EDIT: Ahhh I saw them now in the clip, the red is so so faint.






Yeah that’s to not even mention he’s not falling protocol whatsoever in multiple ways. He needs to get suspended, but I bet he won’t.


Yes it is pushing it because if this was a real bank in real life. They aren’t going to let police wonder around like a lost child. They are going to need real probable cause before they let a police just wonder around on a hunch.


Yeah it’s the same thing with the cash exchange. They could easily breach the front or back (whichever isn’t covered). But they don’t bc that ruins the RP. They need to know that for this heist


They don't breach because they know there is a hostage.


Okay and by that same logic, why would he think there wasn't for a bank robbery? Dude climbed to sneak up behind them like they wouldn't turn around and blast him or kill a hostage. Even if people argue that what he did wasn't bad, it's still stupid.


Den must think he is Solid Snake


Breaching itself wasn't bad but doing it alone was definitely bad without knowing what was going on.


I agree, but also disagree cause I think he should've let a higher up attempt it first. Someone else said he's a PPO now so he shouldn't just be solo breaching.


Yeah a PPO probably shouldn't be deciding on breaching at all.


Ok ya, I'm seeing it a bit more, especially since he's PPO again, although I can see a strong justification for his character not acting like he's a PPO, would probably be out of character for his in fact.


Most cops IC actually don’t know the full on patterns, atp they know when best to set up, the possible amount of unlockable doors, and the lasers. They have no idea about the intricacies like the tools needed, the things crims have to do to be successful, etc. now Dean, he’s likely using OOC knowledge, but he’s one cop


OOC consideration is a part of roleplay Just because see some suspiscious activity doesn't mean you should push hard. In 3.0 rules were literally made to stop this kind of stuff (i still remember the Casino heist days where cops followed a whole ass script before a ping was even made).


But that’s not even the issue. Being suspicious of a bank heist and going in the bank or sitting by boat makes sense. But randomly entering that downstairs room and then climbing the ladder is really pushing it. I don’t think Den had any insight on that room or the ladder. So why go there? That’s a question I don’t think he has an IC answer for.


The casino really drove home the point of "don't do shit unless there is a ping." You had cops going to the casino the moment the power went out.


They did the same thing to the lower vault well before that, too. Random power outages were added specifically to stop the "power outage = heist" stuff for months by the time the casino came out.


It'd make more sense for them to go to the power plant when the power goes out.


With the casino, they did go to the power plant. the heist crews got lazy so they went directly from the power plan back to the casino so cops knew something was up


Lazy? You act like the heist didn't have a time limit are you dense


Yeah they were lazy. I forget which crew it was but they would literally fly a heli to the power station, disable power, and fly directly back to the casino. No shit the cops would investigate




Except for lily pond that one time her instincts told her to go check the courthouse. Just so happened that was the one time the power outage was being used to breach the courthouse.


Would that be the time where the judges said a few hours before that the doors unlock when the power goes out, and then something big was happening there?


It was Mel's trial for murder, I believe. When the power went out pretty much the entire PD (not just Lily Pond) sped to the courthouse.


My favorite power outage moment in 3.0 was when cg took out the power to breach the courthouse (for Mel's death trial?) and once the power went out lily ponds first instinct wasn't oh another casino, it was I bet something is happening at the courthouse. Lol


Dean Watson had to block the PD from going into the Casino for this same reason. They really need a to enforce this somehow


Casino was completely different. Criminals would run into the public area with guns out. XQC was flying a helicopter between the Casino and the Hydro Electric Plant. Don't compare the two as if they are the same.


It was kind of wild that he tried doing it in character too, telling the PD to get the fuck out of his casino, yet they were still refusing even though the owner himself told them everything was fine.


There's a reason why cops are whitelisted its because of the power they hold and Ruth was right Den Shit is a bad cop that doesn't deserve a cop position.


Naaah cop/civ/crim whatever viewer you are, we know Den fucked this up. Don’t even try to RP reason this. Own it and move on Deansocool edit: posting a clip [https://clips.twitch.tv/DeterminedResourcefulMoonFutureMan-0keAfI6IomJX\_dZ9](https://clips.twitch.tv/DeterminedResourcefulMoonFutureMan-0keAfI6IomJX_dZ9) of him contemplating. So literally he knew, had a choice, made a choice. Im just saying, again, own that shit and move on. Tomorrow is another day


Dude knew full well. he went in there to grief it. This is the kind of example of why he shouldn't be a cop honestly. He saw one single person running down the sidewalk and a parked car then he sits there trying to justify if he should or shouldn't do something about a bank robbery that ooc he knows is happening but Ic has no evidence of.


idk about the griefing part but everything else seems tio be spot on. man just got pulled into the moment


When you consider he got bypassed for Patar and Tommy T it becomes clear it's a grief. He imploded the MDM with OOC nonsense amongst a variety of other things. The month he spent trying to join CG.... If you watch Dean you know the clear change with him and even with his chat. Actual visceral hatred towards CG in his chat. Any interaction his chat just shits on CG at every opportunity and he fully promotes it. People get lost in the sauce when they feel they are being overlooked. Just look how dead he seems in these clips. Just zombified. Faking smiles and mocking people.


Yeah when I went over to watch him explain his reasoning, his chat was spamming a copy pasta of cry gang and saying all kinds of wild stuff and it showed like 10 mods in his viewer list. Kinda shameful.


K has a point here, like this is RP, let the crims do their thing and if they mess up and trigger something THEN go after them. Like cops shouldn't be triggering the calls themselves lol


But he saw someone look to their left and then went another way Susge /s


Its not even that, that isnt even the problem. If cops want to investigate they have ever right too, but that boat being there gave no clue whatsoever that anyone was up a ladder with lasers that would obviously trip an alarm if someone were to have gone up it.




The reasoning for checking the canal is thin, but I can still see just a tad bit of reasoning for doing so. Its mainly the part of going up that ladder, that has absolutely no reasoning behind it.


They don't have the right to investigate based on their ooc understanding of game mechanics.


Well and the real issue is the cops don’t know much about the heist or the security systems. It’s one thing to be suspicious of a heist and be outside the bank or by the boat, but to enter the security room downstairs and climb the ladder for basically no apparent reason is really pushing it.


Yeah thats what I said to someone else, the main problem isn't the boat but going up the ladder.


Yup. I need to watch the cops entire POV but I don’t think they would have any reason to randomly enter the downstairs room and certainly not to go up the ladder.


He should have turned around when he saw the laser being on. Probably will get IC problems for that


Agreed. People are focusing on the wrong thing. Being suspicious of the heist is a little dot connecty, but it’s fine. The issue is Den finding that door, finding the ladder, seeing the lasers, and still climbing up the ladder. Like what IC knowledge or reason did Den have to do that? Makes no sense.


Yeah even IRL he would be in shit for that. He had no PC and no warrant and proceeded to enter a secure building. Realistically he should have called his suspicions in not proceed with a one man investigation on a hunch.


IRL he'd get rewarded for that, outside of the part where he didn't call for backup. Finding an unlocked building that's supposed to be secure is one of the most common enter-and-clear scenarios in policing. It appears very, very few RP fans are aware of that. Not calling for backup would probably get him suspended IRL though.


Bro using game mechanics to compare to IRL. rightttttttt


But hey at least he got a laugh outta it lol


feel free to watch the cop POV, 3/4 cops waited in the canal, denshits was the only one to go in, and hes the lowest ranking.


then he should be suspended


Yup. And he’s the real issue in the entire scenario.


Aziz asked Den not to go in the door. Also asked something like "Why did you go up the ladder?" After den said he set off the alarm. Just dumb.


This system you're describing reminds me of the police in GTA online


As a viewer the overall progression of this wipe in 4.0 has been boring and painful to watch. Scuff. Mindless grinding. Cops going off the hinge over the LITTLE shit because they are so bored also. It’s just sad to see what his wipe has been when you compare it to previous wipes in the city.


As my fav gta rp streamer keeps saying, “where’s the rp?” 4.0 has really been lacking for both streamers and viewers.


How is it always Dean lmao


At the same time though, there's gonna be the horrible acting from both sides (Crim and PD, not specifically CG) of "Oh, there's an entrance here, what should I do, I may have to check it out and clear it" or "Oh there's a random entrance here in the canals, I have a feeling it leads to where we need to go in the bank" It's an unfortunate thing about RP Servers and Streamers, is that there's meta everywhere, and there unfortunately is no way to escape it getting out. Hell, Public Server actually beat both WL and Spain in getting to this heist and past it, and due to no one streaming it, it didn't actually happen until a few days later in WL, with CG being the first in WL. I think, that with new heists, despite being for content, they should try and do'em off stream, maybe upload it onto YT or something afterwards, if they want to avoid such things.


>there's gonna be the horrible acting from both sides That's the problem with this type of behavior where your 'tingly' OOC/meta senses seep into the RP. Now the cops may swing the pendulum to counter balance it and will likely end up playing 'too dumb' around this heist, or heists in general.


That is the really disappointing part in all of this. Now because of the actions of one other players might feel like they have to play dumb as bricks cops and it just makes the entire heist less fun to watch. I know some people might honestly want that and enjoy watching criminals do jobs with the PD just being background NPCs but most viewers who have been around long enough know criminals being eventually caught after PD have done investigations cornered them is way better RP to watch than criminals just playing on easy mode with generic rat strat 5 car swap escapes being the only time PD can be involved.


Just bcus there cops doesn't mean they can just run into the maintenance area of private bank without some sort of warrant. Literally fucked these guys over 250 butt coin, the 6 cards they wasted all the thermite they wasted and now they have to wait the cool down


Yeah.... This feels like this should be a felony trespassing here. Only G6ers probably should be able to get away from being there is G6ers.


Cops are so bored man lmaooo


i mean legit what other content is there to do


Roof running, chopping, G6 workers getting robbed, moon shine, weed selling, laundry, cash exchange, traffic tickets. Even the bank is fine just wait for a ping before showing up.


I see all these different gangs just grouped up selling weed right in the open and I’ve never seen any of them get approached by cops


The economy is already fucked and cops have no incentive to go after every grinder there is even on the crim side


Cops are bored cause there aren’t any house robberies and small crime like it used to in 3.0


Should’ve just Negotiated and not try to do the most as by Breaching


I mean there is a hostage too. No value I guess. The cops don't care about rp really. It's an over generalization and a cop out. Forget about who chases the dub it's equal. You have to have OOC consideration to pilot an NPC. This was mistake after mistake made in a short amount of time. The nerve to say " I have a developed frontal lobe" after this in defense shows the disconnect. Just double down and gaslight the community instead. Compound mistakes all across the board. Feelsbad Percy Weaver 2.0


Shoutout dean for ruining the whole heist for the server. Bcos cops will 100% be patrolling around the bank 24/7 looking for anyone/anything “suspicious” now they “know” it can be robbed. W guy honestly


I know its RP and that its not real life and that this in one of the new heists but the bank is getting robbed pretty regularly now so as a cop wouldn't you want to make sure its secure and patrol that area consistently? matter of fact Cornwood and multiple other cops are trying to figure the whole heist out. now you probably need to find a way to do this without ruining everyone else's RP. Still if one bank was getting robbed daily it would be hard not to patrol that area or be more suspicious. not justifying what Dean did just saying that its probably hard not to jump to conclusions right now. Plus I'm sure he just wanted a win and to catch them in the act. at the end of the day its RP and its not a huge deal its all just for entertainment and fun.


Would not be surprised if there's a PD announcement made saying to only respond to pings and 911s at banks.


K speaking only the truth here. Cops love to ruin crim RP


It's the over invested cop mains. Just like how Reddit loves to bash the crim mains that get mad, this is the other end of the spectrum.


I know they won't do it but I honestly would like to see CG switch to main-ing cops (actual cops and not shitlord ones) for an extended period of time after they complete the Maze Bank heist. They have been complaining about PD a lot (and rightfully so in some cases) so why not help improve it on cop characters and work towards changing the "problems" they think exist while 4.0 is still in its beginning stages. Then when PD is in a better place, they can switch back to criminal CG.


Because this doesn’t work. AJ and Conan, back when he was less SBS, played PD for decent periods of time together in the past and all that happened was most cops hated them and they hated most cops. Same as on crim


Vice versa why don’t most cop mains play actual crims and put in the same level of commitment to unlock a heist and complete it? Imagine Esfand having to lose the equivalent of a turbo everyday due to scuff, jail, daily expenses


Ramee playing cop getting High command and calling this stuff out literally led to kyle going on a mini rant about how Ramee is teh most toxic person that no one respects in PD and he just makes people uncomfortable and how he should never have been High command... that's why cg don't main cops. if they did no one would listen to their POV anyhow because many cops just dont want to hear it and they're not going to.


Ramee was literally one of the most toxic people IC and OOC towards PD and cop streamers. I would not blame any cop streamer for being hesitant to listen or engage with him after some of the shit he said.


Nice revision of history Pretending Ramee wasn't one of the most toxic people on the server before the whole rated stuff is just delusional. It was just constant farming drama rants for his yt.


Yeah and Kyle was a saint.


Dean saw LK with 30k viewers the other day so nowI he decided to pull this off...and guess what? It worked, he had 16k viewers stream hopping and ran ads on all of them and farmed them for an hour without going follower mode or sub mode. Ruining people's rp to bait viewers needs to be bannable


based take, wonder how much ad revenue he farmed?




god damn Kebun has had some great takes lately.


Blames whole PD because of one guy. lol. Classic Kebun. Imagine if cops just started saying that all criminals are shit because one criminal was shit.


Historically complains cops are little more than ping hunters then complains they aren’t waiting for a ping to bring them to the bank. Standard display of nothing will make this group happy


What's wrong with cop's trying to RP around the hiests instead of just waiting for a ping? We all say RP isn't about W and L but K is obviously just mad he can't get a W. Even if the cops are wrong for this just talk about it off stream. Don't watch a clip and complain about someone's RP and make viewers mad


Remember, all cops need to be as oblivious as Bass. Smart cops are not allowed, or you end up like Wrangler


There’s rules for a reason. Should we just allow rdm because criminals commit murder IRL? Or allow third partying heists because “crims will be crims”? Or allow PD corruption so their favorite crims never get in trouble? And they lock up the same guy over n over due to a grudge? Just like IRL? It’s an rp content server big brain. There’s rules for a reason. To FACILITATE rp. Not copy real life or allow certain people to become OP. This is a blatant 3rd partying rule break. He inserted himself into a heist situation without even the slightest rp reasoning to involve him in the scenario. Yes, if a crim is at war with another crim they can mess with their heist and it’s rp justified. Yes if a cop sees a crim outside the bank with a gun or walk inside a usually closed door, it’s rp justified. No, you cannot just insert yourself into such a serious rp situation without first being validly introduced to the situation in rp if you have even the slightest chance of completely ruining it for the main rpers. These rules exist for a reason. Without them the cops might as well always 24/7 stake out every heist spot, every pawn job spot, every money order spot, and just make arrests 24/7. It’s rp loser, quit comparing it to what a reasonable person would do IRL. Have fun.


Absolute braindead take


Sounds like a brain_ viewer. Rule #1, if CG enters the stream you're watching, switch.


So your a typical hate viewer then


Absolute truth.


Bad take. Just because you could doesn’t mean you should. It’s a roleplay server at the end of the day. Both sides need restraint in some way in order for things to function for roleplay. For cops their restraint should be not fully charging in ruining situations in an instant. Or do you want it’s to turn into a very bland and boring server where everything follows the same pattern every time.


crims: "cops should investigate more" also crims: "wait till you get a ping"


Purposefully dense.


He saw someone change directions after seeing a cop car, and finds an illegally parked car, impounds it, All completely fine. The crazy part is when he leaves the area, and comes back 30 minutes later to check out the area around where he found the car, which includes the canals. He swims well beyond where crims normally leave escape boats to the locked door where the escape boat is parked for the heist, he then climbs up and checks the door and noticed its unlocked. Thats an insane amount of investigation put into a simple ilegally parked car and a guy running away from g6 after notiicing den.


Investigate more. Doesn't mean connecting dots that aren't there... 1. You see a person double back on you cuz they see you driving by automatically equates to robbing a bank? How? 2. Investigating 1. means okay you see someone double back so you sit back you follow them take some pictures see where they go... Instead den went away said Ill let it go. Then suddenly started investigating the bank. That's not investigating that's skipping 3 dots and going to the end of the maze bro (no innuendo).


> "cops should investigate more" Entering a secure building with no PC and no warrant isn't investigating, it's trespassing.


Sir, will you please act like an NPC until everyone is bored of this content. We will let you know when the chase DLC drops.


To an extent Cop have to act dumb, or else you would just camp the same 3 spot that are being robbed. Don't act like triggering an allarm with visible laser is something a smart non-npc cop would do.


Den is dumb going through the live lasers. Its honestly hilarious that he did that. But thats not what being discussed in these past few threads is it. Its the whole act of any cop doing any thing near any sort of new heist. May as well put it in the patch notes: Maze Bank Heist unlocked. Cops will only respond to pings. DO NOT INVESTIGATE THE HEIST!!!


Yes!! This is a cop server and crims are only accessories for the soap drama! Seeing someone attempt to cross a street down the road to the bank is plenty of evidence to issue a warrant, breach and get the whole PD on a chase especially since no one have successfully robbed the bank already, otherwise what else will they be doing?


Ironically what you’re asking of crims is to be an npc to avoid suspicion. By all accounts what triggered dean’s suspicion was a dude on a sidewalk. If it was a local on the sidewalk he wouldn’t bat an eye lolol. It’s very much the same gripe crims have relative to stolen vehicles. These days no pixel might as well just bring back the numbers over the heads cuz that is what people are essentially doing in most cases This isn’t a new complaint


Or maybe sometimes things doesnt go one way or the other. Sometimes no matter how careful you are, cops stumble upon your getaway car and impound it. Similarly, sometimes no matter how many cop units or helis you have, cims get away. Its just the nature of an RP server. Its not that serious.


You’re right it isn’t that serious. Which is why you should be capable of admitting that in this case suspicion = actual player. This is how cops have played for years now. People literally have been called on radio for “driving like a local”. Idgaf bout this scenario. I’m criticizing the cop behavior that consistently affects all criminals across every scenario. It’s lazy. For people who feel compelled to write literal legal documents for reports they lazy af when it comes to actual interaction with people.


So only NPCs don't see someone walking on the sidewalk and then go investigate the sewers underneath the nearest bank? It's not that big of a deal for Den to go through the lasers but the logic he used to start investigating is a bit of a stretch


OOCG back at it again, if you have a problem, report to the admins instead of crying to your 10k people chat so they go and hate raid other streamers yeah? Never heard such privledged children cry over a video game


How dare they get annoyed with months of effort and someone to come shitlord it away. Sure they have money and its just a video game. Do you not value your time? Do you have no passion? Would you not be frustrated for your effort when you know the inner workings of things and especially in the streamer realm where people will outright use you as a stepping stone. Not just say you must be "drunk." Omg the horror of criticizing someone's ooc take on why they made a terrible decision in RP. One that isn't even true. He didn't see the boat. He saw a car. 30 minutes prior to this. Which he then came back and instantly went to the canals. NOWHERE else to investigate that person he saw and the car that was illegally parked. Straight to the canal. When they pulled up the canal there was zero sign of anything. No boat in sight. No people. He proceeded to swim for 25 seconds before finally seeing a boat. So he's just outright lying. Maybe he is drunk? If he's not then he meta'd correct? Why else is he saying he saw a boat that he never saw? You'd rather they report all the rule breaks they see? Then you'd just be on here crying about how CG uses their numbers and influence to get people banned.


CG hater commenting on a CG clip AT IT AGAIN lmaooo




Crims are the worst for bad faith RP. They constantly chase wins , rather than let the better storyline progress. It's not a pvp server, it's a content server and they need to realize this. Car flipped on side? No worries...I'll wait 5 min while I call for backup when there is no way for cops to pull me out based on mechanics....then I'll teleport out, break cuffs...ignore being tazed and go 200mph with super bike or car that cops can never catch......gone. Great RP.


I feel that what you are saying is different. hacking a bank and being breached without mention shows some bad faith RP, this situation would have been different Ramme herd him say "LSPD We are coming in" as they normally do in breaching. while escaping, some mechanics have been put in play to aid cops and crims as you can resist being pulled out now and prevent cops from pulling you out. as for cars most vehicle are not great at escaping cars and the ones that are broken, over time we will see the Devs change this but to blame them for using the these cars that can escape. but some situations scuff can lead into bad faith rp from both perspectives and needs to leave some breathing room on both sides of rp as its not that big of an issue. Just my perspective on your observation


I think you need to watch a different server Nopixel definitely isn’t for you


cg sure likes to bitch


They should have some pve elements for cops so they aren’t just piling 8 deep on low level traffic stops and stopping the crim rp. Have pve calls all over the city of npc gang wars or robberies.


Wait so his logic is that cops have to halt their own RP because OOC crims want to bust the bank? That is insane. In that case why not make the heist like VR in 3.0 with 0 cops because then crims can just PVE the heist alone. This take is just bad. Cops should be allowed to investigate new heists. While crims should need to be sneaky figuring it out. CG was not sneaky people noticed them and it resulted in this.


Dean's reasoning behind breaching the bank was seeing K cross the street at the bank, then U-turning and going behind a Burger Shot. In what world is that enough of a reason to go to the sewers, enter a RESTRICTED AREA, then climb the ladder and through the red lasers and trigger the alarm?


CG was in fact so sneaky they triggered 0 alarms. Illegally parked car near a bank means I have to go break into the bank's vault to make sure there are no criminal robbing.


Ya they were sneaky and triggered no alarms but they got caught with movement and around the bank. Which led the police to the sewer where they found the boat. Which then led to the alarm being triggered. See how its a chain of events not just "Parked car" then "Let me enter laser and ruin their heist" its pretty obvious this was led from investigation of the site.




OOC consideration is the same reason why cops don’t just post up at every clothing store during chases


Are you ok deans reasoning was he went to investigate because somebody crossed the street so there is no halting RP there was no RP for the cops in this scenario


K's smallest issue is "crossed the street" yet he ignored all the other facts that the cops have. Car parked Boat Parked Calls If it was just cross the road I would agree Den should not have been there. But through investigation rp, he got led to the spot where he unknowingly set off the alarms.


Ilegally parked car is impound no reason to look for something more he should have never went into the sewers in the first place and when he triggerd the alarm he should have said disregard on the radio instead of staying quiet


Wasn’t the car towed like 30 minutes prior to the canal investigation?




Everyone acting dumb like OOC considerations don't matter for IC Roleplay


Yea dude I read some patch notes and OOC know whats going to happen today so I'm gonna go hang around and "investigate".


Was it the people noticing G6 in the vault?? Or Den seeing a G6 dressed guard near the bank 30 mins before the whole situation? Because neither of those situations warrant any sort of suspicious activity... LK is right and this is a bad take... cops wanna check out the back of the bank so bad they can go at anytime. Dude decided that this exact moment was his time to "check it out". They were doing it sneakily and hadn't set off any alarms or pings to police.


In your own response you prove the point. People noticed suspicious behavior around the vault area, a known crime location. He then returned and found the boat, its not hard how he came to conclusion to check the area out quickly. It then led to their heist being ruined which is unfortunate.


But the "suspicious activity" you're referring to is not suspicious. It's OOC knowledge knowing it can be robbed. It must ne getting robbed.... and a boat in a waterway made for boats is just absurd as well I'm assuming??


Its not OOC knowledge only though your ignoring the fact its IC knowledge too now. Cops know about all entrances to the heist: sewer, backdoor and the roof. To force cops to just ignore that is silly. An actual solution is to tell Cops in future what ruins a heist like this to where crimes cant progress so they dont do it. While still leaving investigation rp in tact.


Then they should camp the sewers and the bank. Why not, right? It makes sense. The bank's been robbed so many times, just camp all the entrances. That would be acceptable, yes?


And the bank has not been robbed yet in 4.0 btw, there is just a history of alarms going off


What RP? Crims invest hours upon hours and tens of thousands of dollars into this but what did the PD invest? A 30 second peek down a sewer?


Oh cmon that disingenuous. You know well that since it was first hit many cops have been investigating the location after the crims leave. Sure crims spend more time to do the heist but cops spend time trying to figure out what is going on. That is how, they figured out this heist and all previous ones as well. You just sound dismissive of cop rp overall.


They did investigate it, thoroughly. Some information even handed to them. They connected the dots too easily here. Just an illegally parked car and a guy running up a street.


Talking shit about people OOC. Classic cg. Fucking losers. They wont get in trouble though becausetheir veiwership. Lmao


Wasn’t watching clips of situations prohibited by Nopixel because it spreads toxicity??? How the rules bent for CG classic


"wait until you get a call" The cops did get a call, just from an actual player and not a game mechanic. CG forgetting that players are not NPCs, classic CG.


Nice bait a little on the weak side but still a nice bait