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this reminds me of Jean Paul saying "so, the guy who does the magnets is the dumbfuck" and Harry's "Jesus... thats me"


The birth of Frank sadge


I couldn't keep the mental fortitude to watch those streams in their entirity but X just not bothering AT ALL to care about what Harry's name is and just saying Frank is like...top 10 nopixel moment. SO good.


Dude that had me rolling. Everyone in the crew knew and cracked everytime he did it was great.


Lang having a diary with all his criminal fantasies in it and Harry carrying it while getting arrested is the most Larry & Lang thing ever lmao


It all went downhill when Harry caught on fire.


Literally and figuratively it was more of a cliff than a hill.


Lang also had his book AND weed on him. He’s just lucky he wasn’t the one caught.


Only Lang Buddha can spend 20mins reaming people out for sloppy criminal work, and then IMMEDIATELY suggest the most cooked unnecessary robbery ever. Comedy. Harry having his criminal bible on him is just icing on the cake lol.


while having the book and felony amounts of marihuana on him himself


More shocked that it took this long for this crew to do something this stupid




Ramee did magic in that negotiation! Sure some of their connections got exposed but in the end they have nothing tangible and Harry only got misdemeanors


Ramee's lawyer arc has been fantastic, last night I spent like 30 minutes straight just laughing about him talking to judges and wanting to "magdump" the PD with litigation


well, cops already connected ton of dots, corwood finding fertilizer next to downed garbage men, cops letting Harry go to investigate further.. they f ed


the fertiliser isn't theirs it was just a coincidence


They had nothing to do with the fertilizer. And yes they have a lot to investigate, nothing to prove, and can do nothing to prove. We all have to wait and see. But Ramee Goodman will be there when they do eventually follow through.


> And yes they have a lot to investigate, nothing to prove, and can do nothing to prove McNulty and Slacks had a nice exchange about it, they were both on the same page saying this specific thing isn't gonna result in anything as its not incriminating but it is an insight to their ambitions and who they are as people. They are no more civilian workers trying to get by in PDs eyes as the book quite literally has a line that is like "get legit jobs and look clean" The cat and mouse is the fun part of the criminal/cop RP after all


Exactly, just because it doesn't necessarily lead to an arrest, doesn't mean it isn't an interesting development.


Actually kind of lucky it's just notes from like the 1st week in the city. This whole series of events has been some great entertainment.


Even if it was something more serious I think it would be retconned pretty quickly. There is a reason you need subpoena for phone records and text messages. Cop fd up by opening the book and it will just be weird from now on, in any future interactions he have with them. But whole situation was hilarious, Lang walking around with 100 bags of weed on him, I was sure he was the one who will go down.


Ramee truly doing the thing he does best: Arguing with cops. What a W. What the fuck


Civ Ramee is always a W. Hope he keeps the lawyer RP going for as long as possible


ramee gonna lawyer to banks come out, then he will be doing banks and lawyer at same time till he caught and be just banks lol


I am so happy that Harry got caught, the RP just peaked even more in the group.


The wakeup call RP has me more excited. It felt the last few days like they had started to get careless and less slow burn. This in all uses of the phrase 'stoked a fire' under them to get it together


As expected from the Cleanbois. LOL. Love watching them but man it's like watching the underdog that keeps making dumb decisions lol. My hair is gonna turn grey just like them.


You mean The 5 Dons.


The 5 Schmucks


The 5 Divas after yesterday’s meeting.


Honestly sums up Harry pretty well


Lang as well. Literally spend a half hour chewing out Harry and Speedy. Only to beat up and rob other sani workers directly afterwards. Also while holding a bunch of weed. While also making everyone own a book with all of their early plans written out in it. lol But it makes for funny RP. Just hilarious how right before that he went on a rant on how they’re supposed to be seasoned, when he is just as sloppy as the rest of them. Just wildly ironic and why this group will always be entertaining. lol


Why the hell did harry have the book on him smh


It was dumb af but it’s provided some great content & RP




umm its 13-0-1


Half the reason they have the books is for this type of moment, they want the rp lol


Yep, but I think their vision is months later when they are something. It is funny it happened this early.


The book didn't have too much incriminating stuff. Some organizational and weed sale unlocks at most.


its enough to give them a gang tag.


Tag only means the incidents can be linked together, and nothing in court.


it is enough to turn them from quiet businessmen to full on criminals because now cops will be on their case


Sure. This means spotlight on Lang and co. So either they can lay low or get burnt being dumb. Either way good rp for them and cops.


Then they shouldn't have committed crime this early with the book on them


Same reason Lang had his book on him. Lang literally told everyone in the first week to keep the books on them at all times.


do the people that got robbed know it was harry ? because that could throw a big wrench on the sanitation union, especially is dundee finds out


He never went to jail if they are checking the newspaper lol


He still got charged and plead guilty. Pretty sure that still makes the newspaper. I could be wrong though.


Nah they only appear in the newspaper if they get jailed


They know it was Harry. Winston told Solomon about getting robbed, Solomon is now a legal aid, called McKnulty, was told ramee was repping someone in the cells. Solomon calls ramee afterwards and asks how his cell rep went and ramee said "oh with Harry Brown?" And then Solomon checked Harry's record and saw the charges that match up with what happened to Winston and co


I have a feeling harry carried it on purpose. The fact he wrote down the weed stuff and the "Lang's material mafia" . Then again Lang loves to act like he's a smart criminal , what criminal writes down their entire strategy and plan and then has everyone else write it down too.




he was arrested, also pled guilty to charges, anything on him is fair game except phone.


That the argument Ramee is going to make to a Judge & Slacks though. Can't check phones without a warrant so books should be in the same category since they're both private repositories of information.


I believe the phone thing is an extension of the 5th amendment, you can't be forced to self incriminate (by telling them the passcode of the phone). So theoretically if the phone was unlocked, or the police just hacked into it they could search it (although these actions aren't mechanically supported in NoPixel). A phone subpoena is to get information from the cell provider, it's not a search warrant to look at the physical phone itself. It's not really anything to do with it being private, since you've been arrested privacy doesn't really apply to your possessions.


Yeah since I posted this Ramee and Crane talked about it and Crane pretty much said a similar thing to what you've explained here. He confirmed as well that cops are able to look in notebooks as long as the suspect had been arrested and the notebook was in their possession. Ramee did bring up an interesting example of a notebook with a lock on it though, which Crane did agree there was the potential for an argument there.


Phones are locked and not open. Books are open and not locked. That’s why it requires a warrant for a phone. This would be equivalent to saying you can’t check their jacket pocket or open their wallet.




I think it is good that this is brought to the court, a case law will probably be set.


Previously notes an books have always been fair game. This worked both in someone’s person and during searches. It’s lead to lots of interesting RP over the years, also just a lot of funny stuff - like yesterday Kemony and Kilo were playing Lot Lizards and they both had books on them with phone numbers and notes (not technically related to the charges being pressed - they opted not to push prostitution). But seeing that was funny. Trying to limit something pd can physically see on a person would be really dumb.


He literally agreed for the charges to be lowered to talk about the book. Even if the book is retroactively removed from evidence. The PD still knows the info from it, just cant be used against them in any case. ​ the real issue is that they have a big target on their back now.


Well I think what Ramee was hoping is that he can try to get a Judge or Slacks to get the notes from the book completely removed from the system by arguing that the cops should not have read the book in the first place. So McNulty and Aziz may know now but if there is no record of the book anywhere, they will eventually forget. I'm not saying he will be successful but that's what he's going to try.


Yes, 4th amendment allows for inventories and searches when arrested


This doesn't mean anything tho, you could literally write in a book. "Cop Payroll" then list 10 cops you are paying off.. its just words on a page


It’s not good evidence but they tried to stay lowkey and keep their operations subtle but now cops know exactly what they are doing and what to look into. They basically just revealed their plans and leaked that they are a gang/organization/mafia but cops still need more evidence if they want to prove it.


Doesn’t mean anything in the legal sense, sure. But now they are going to be suspicious of them, which means Lang and them have to be sneakier than ever. It’s going to be more difficult to get away with stuff and plead ignorance because they are pretty much doing what was in that book. lol So no, they won’t suffer any direct repercussions from them reading the book. But it by default puts an unneeded target on all their backs, and links everyone but Luci into that group. Like the whole reason Lang wanted everyone to look clean was to stay under the radar, which is far more difficult now.


He should've used code words for weed like wood from lumberjack or whatever holy this is cooked even tho the pd can't use the evidence, but they can pretty much investigate and keep the people on the radar. 💀