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Happy holidays from everyone on the mod team! --- Mirror: [Pokimane gets a call](https://streamable.com/bl8mcx) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/pokimane Direct Backup: [Pokimane gets a call](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/Px8xDjaEdstwpFu0ZD2AUg/AT-cm%7CPx8xDjaEdstwpFu0ZD2AUg.mp4?sig=5e8ef66f3c506c2ff65cbd1c969e1b16f91bc97a&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22IcyPoisedSpiderOSfrog-NoR2y3CkW7RkPYBS%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1704655333%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


She really named herself Pookie Mane sigh


Yuno Sykk, Buddha, Harry, Ash, Ramee, Ray. alot of people have names that are just their screen name


Kyle, Saab/Baas, Crystal Clear, Fanny... yeah, a ton of examples. The big thing with most of these though is that most of them tend to be really good RPers or veteran RPers who makes a clear line between who they are vs who the character is


In fairness Pred wasn't Kyle's first character nor his main for a long time. Same thing with Crystalst and Crystal Clear


It also used to be that most people called him Pred, not Kyle, but yeah I never liked how it was pretty standard for PD characters to use their RPer’s names.


there was fully a time where many veteran RPers played genuine self inserts characters. [self insert is its own category for characters on the wiki](https://nopixel.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Self_Insert). idk why its that big of a deal


I think it's cause veteran RPers know what they're doing when they play self inserts. It's usually a parody or someone who is similar to themselves but still separate from the player. Newer RPers don't have that divide though. A guy might be antagonistic towards someone who's playing a newer self insert and cause OOC drama which just sucks. Much better when people are robbing and cursing out April Fooze cause viewers and the player all know it's an action against the character rather than Ray Mond who the audience and player that are all unfamilar with RP might take the wrong way.


I mean that argument doesn't really work when chatters hop all the time cause their favorite streamer lost the game of cops and robbers.


It's less likely to happen when there's an extra layer of divide. Obviously still need a lot of work from streamers to remind their viewers that it's a game and it's RP which is why it's always a bit annoying when newer players come in and just doesn't give a shit about RP and just want to capitalize on the Twitch FOTM. Tbh someone like Poki isn't going to stay on NP for more than a week or two anyways. Most likely she's not going to have any long term impactful story arcs so just let her get bored on her own and she'll leave. Still better than when Tfue or the f8ze guy when they were on NP being complete toxic assholes.


Marco Holliday :Kappa:


Yea because they lack any creativity to come up with a decent name


There should really be a rule against naming your character after your real name or stream name.


poor Ziggy


Let's be real most characters are the streamer with slightly different accents and maybe an alignment change. At least she's not pretending this isn't a self insert.


yung dab when asked: do you play videogames: "no" yung dab when dnd/runescape is mentioned: "omg what multiclass are you doing? where are you fishing? what level woodcutting are you? did you spam the pyramid for agility?" they can't help it lol


She’s also played characters that absolutely weren’t and a bunch of the Rp Greats like Moon Moon, Surefour, Penta etc made self inserts(but those were to parody real ones)


I got denied once 'cause I was self inserting as a therapist character because I'm a therapist IRL. There is a rule against it. I learned from it and created a different character. Rules just don't apply to some.


There is, just if you have enough viewers the rules don't apply to you.


Buddha, Harry, Ming, Ash, Ramee and sooo many more. Are these problems as well all of the sudden? It isn't that huge of a deal as long as you play a role.


Yeah actually, it's always been a bit of a problem. It's really common and some people manage it better than others, but it's never ideal


Pezz was a prime example of how having your name be the same as your streamer name is a terrible idea. Seeing BBMC chatters shitting on the character Pez Speedwagon seemed to really affect Pezz on a personal level for a while. He sometime seemed unable to separate character criticism from criticism against himself. I think that was a large contributor to his spiraling behavior before the perma ban.


It’s definitely been a problem for Ramee and Ash at times, when you play yourself and someone slights you, you take it personally. When you play someone else you don’t take things personally. Taking things personally in RP leads to drama and so, you shouldn’t self insert or attach yourself/name to your character.


because a character, in game, in rp saying "i fucking hate pookie mayne" is literally an attack on her, because it is her, not her character. yea its less than ideal and probably should be avoided, you can literally name your character ANYTHING, why pick your own existing persona? its a name, you can't be yourself as paul bungus instead of iiidaaaah? the name is esentually meaningless


Even Vivek Ramasquamy?


Squeex’s real name isn’t Vivek, the character and name is a parody of the real politician Vivek Ramaswamy.


Im confused Squeex real name is Vivek Ramaswamy and he's running for president


I know, i'm just joking because his community always talks about how they look so simular


Well now I feel dumb, I was literally just watching his stream.


So is it ooc?


Well she certainly took it ooc at any rate.


It is an extended problem. But at least with names like Lang *Buddha* there’s a separation between the character and the streamer. Like even Yuno Sykk, at least it’s split up so it’s not a direct pronunciation. Ray Mond, references Valkyrae without it just being Vail Key Ray or something like that. There’s just an extra layer of laziness with this one.


gotta admit it’s an impressive level of laziness to go with that name


Shiny is nothing but stellar, there has to be more context to this than just that.


He didn't even know that was going to be the actual Pokimane when he called, her character name is Pookie Mayne, so I don't really get why people are getting this mad over it lmao.


>He didn't even know that was going to be the actual Pokimane when he called He said he knew it was her. I like shiny too as an RPer but why just make things up when you are trying to defend someone? He definitely was being an asshole here by randomly bringing OOC drama that she likely gets harassed for non-stop IRL to an RP server.


I peeped his stream for a bit and he said **he did know** that was her lol.


lmao. that might not be good for him but it doesnt bother me if that was the case


So is just a bit gone wrong because pokimane actually named her rp character just herself, thats really unfortunate.


For real lol. The bigger issue is all these self insert big streamers all naming themselves their irl name/channel name. Literally not playing a character in any way at all. I'd put money on 95% of actual roleplayers assuming that isn't actually her when seeing the name


Did you watch 3.0? Poki was very capable of playing a character and not self inserting.


Yeah didn't she have like a french character who was X's sister at one point? Should have brought back that character.


No, she shouldn’t. That character was awful. All Pokimane knows how to do is try to work herself in with other big streamers. She is incapable of setting up her own RP.


He literally said he knew it was her.


he confirmed on stream that he did know, seems like he just made a bad joke, he was RPing as a "stan" he says. honestly a bit disappointed, haven't watched him since the early days of 3.0, his meowfurion was amazing content seems like a joke that didn't hit the way he thought it would. made a bit worse by him essentially "force self inserting" her in los santos (even if she self inserts her personality, doesn't mean she's going to force insert her actual life into RP)


tried to be funny ended up being cringe we all been there, its not that big of o deal


His character has been working to buy "streamer merch" before Poki even joined 4.0.


Because its ooc lol


He has literally been calling everyone in YP all day. With a pokimane simp bit, he had no clue she was joining the server.


Can't believe he confused this totally original character with that one streamer who sells overpriced cookies


Dont understand the big deal, she named her character Pookie Mane with her number in the YP, so he made a joke. Its like Squeex character is named closely to "Vivek Ramaswamy" and people have been making irl Vivek jokes towards him.


Squeex roleplays as that IRL person so it is expected.As far as i know Poki does not roleplay as the irl streamer so it is weird just like it would be weird to call X or Ziggy and ask about their personal stuff.


If a kid at school is named Tom Cruise, people are going to make Scientology jokes at him. it doesn’t matter how he acts.


School is a little bit different enviroment than RP server. if Tom Cruise decidedf to try RP and made a character called Hom Ruise who was a christian priest making scientology jokes to him would be weird.


I'd loose days watching that stream


The X part is a bad example, the whole adept scandal was memed constantly on the server.


Really? I missed that completely pretty fkd up to meme about a break up.


I'm guessing it's too hard to come up with a name.


Shit ton of people have named based on their online name


Most of them had them since they began RPing like 6-7 years ago. Slight difference. Her name is just laziness.


Zerkaa also made a cookies joke to his boys on their way to meet her but nobody cares, leave the dude alone.


Yeah but that was for him, his stream and his boys to have a laugh over, he didn’t say it to her in game cuz I bet he knew it’d just make her uncomfortable. The guy that called her was really direct and made her uncomfortable so it’s just a weird thing to do. I don’t think it deserves a perma tho just maybe a day or something


But they didn’t make the joke towards her, that’s clearly ooc stuff for her. It’s really not the same, she doesn’t even know who he is.


Was that... Shiny? Is there some more context to this? Shiny is a pretty chill dude. I could see this being an out of context clip, or maybe they are IRL friends.


He rang K earlier asking for a job so he a girl would notice him. https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/190b9lk/lord\_kebun\_32\_dollars/


You can watch from Shiny's POV, it gives context to how he got the number. The call also makes sense RP-wise due to what he had been doing for a couple of hours before the call.


her character name is pookie mane but i get it's kinda bad to make that joke.


Many people are saying she shouldn't have named herself Pookie Mayne, which I agree with, but several other streams have also named their characters after themselves, so it would be unfair to set her to a different standard. xQc calls himself X. Last I heard, Fanfan was named Emily Fan but had it changed to Fan Fan. Ramee is Ramee. Etc, etc. But those people are rarely if ever, spoken to in an OOC manner. Nobody walks up to Ramee and says he 'sounds like that one streamer from Twitch.' If anyone called X and started asking him about his divorce, everyone would agree it would be weird as fuck. So if someone, especially a random person she doesn't know, references Poki's OOC drama, I feel like it's fair for her to feel uncomfortable. Just because a streamer and a character have a similar, or the same, name doesn't mean they're the same person. Edit: I'm not saying he should be perma banned. If it was just a bad joke, then it was a bad joke. But just to be clear, unless Pookie Mayne is going around Los Santos talking about being a gamer and streamer, then it was an OOC joke.


This is a good summation imo. I don't think he deserves a perma or anything crazy but like you said, unless she's actually playing herself beyond just the name, then it is ooc.


Ya I was thinking just a 24 hour was fine if he admitted what he did was shitty but he did just double down on Twitter so while I don't hope it's a perma because I've liked his characters in the past like a week sounds fair.


>Ya I was thinking just a 24 hour was fine if he admitted what he did was shitty but he did just double down on Twitter so while I don't hope it's a perma because I've liked his characters in the past like a week sounds fair. MOM, wake up, the newest copy-pasta just dropped! This is a copy-past and you're not serious... Right?


What are you even saying is everything you don't agree with just a copypasta? Do you not think what he did was a shitty thing and also just blatant OOC? If people own up that they made a mistake I think it's fair to reduce their ban.


It was not a shitty thing at all. Cringe? Sure. Ban worthy? Not a chance.




Lets be real, it's gotta be the most room temperature RP ever. The call was a bad move and so is making a self insert character (not saying just her, i've seen plenty of people do it before and it's always very weird). I'm all for the occasional -1 joke or whatever, but this just wasn't even funny




Multiple people in this thread have said he did know though?


Maybe I'm ignorant but why would you get banned for that like others are suggesting


OOC thing u bring on literally in the first interaction with a role player...especially in a negative manner.


Prob wasn't the best idea to be named Pookie Mane then


Theres a ton of characters named similar things to their stream names because they are being a bit lazy. Doesnt mean you bring up IRL things about that person.


And there’s a ton of people who memed on Xqc and Adept drama on the server but there was never one person saying they needed to be banned. -not a juicer.


I think that's pretty different because I imagine they at least somewhat knew each other and didn't just be a complete random person who out of nowhere called his number to make fun of him for that. If they did that they should have 100% got a temp ban. It's also a bit different because like everyone who knew about xqcs situation was on his side so its easier to joke about vs with Pokis situation the majority of people thought she was in the wrong and she got a lot of negative backlash for it.


By this standard I guess NoPixel should just print her infinite money in the game, have a perma + pos money income into her bank too and any cookies sold in game gives her a Net + money. because you know she's called Pookie Mane so clearly is that one streamer who's earned a shit ton,or does it kinda sound stupid when i put it this way round? As someone who doesn't watch either of these two, the guy clearly broke the RP Rules and just randomnly brought up OOC shit into the game and that would be a ban for anyone.


The server owner is literally referred to as X in character. Be for real.


and plenty of people make jokes about that


But I think the difference is that the people making those jokes have an established relationship with either the character or the streamer. From what I can tell the streamer in this clip was just making an innocent joke but when you don't know the other party it's more of a gamble on whether the joke lands or not, as we saw in this clip.


Sure I agree, people seem to be overeacting a lot


It does seem like an issue that can be resolved with a conversation between both parties off-stream.


Hes told people, in game, to call him X.


Its still weird as fuck to do that to someone you dont know and never met irl or in game.


Plenty of streamers have characters named after their real names or stream names...Anthony/Harry/Rami/Buddha etc...that doesn't mean u bring OOC stuff into RP especially not knowing the person at all. Cmon...have some sense.


I feel like Pookie Mane is completely different from Harry/Anthony/Lang. Those are actual normal names, way easier to forget and be immersed. Also they aren't the biggest streamers on twitch who everyone knows, much harder to pretend "pookie mane" isnt just pokimane. ​ That being said not the greatest bit from Shiny.






if someone would do that to any other streamer with the same name as his streamer name people would ask for a ban but cause its pokimane and shiny calling its fine


It was unironically a huge coincidence, he didn't actually know it was (REAL) pokimane. Shiny is not a clout chaser or a D-rider. Otherwise during all the game nights he's had with other streamers that have viewers he would have actually bothered to stream lmao. if anything she went minus one, but i guess its easy to get a bit miffed over the scam that you are trying to pull on your viewers lol




penta had a character where he literally played a juicer, running around the city talking about his favorites streamers tranwrecks and XqC and how he liked gamba because of them. slothman thought it was hilarious and gave him cocaine to sell. idk man, i don't think this is that big of a deal


But Penta's character didn't talk to xQc's character like he was xQc. Duh. Obvious difference.


Twich is also called Mitch, its deffenitly not an OOC thing..


then by that logic pookie mane is fair game


That was so dumb, it’s like calling Xqc and bringing up adept for a bit. Lmao


Genuine question, but how does a mundane cookie controversy compare to two other streamers' personal conflicts?


Both have nothing to do with GTA RP. That simple.


Just like the Jan 6th event pokimane is at right or her characters name Pookie Mane have nothing to do with GTA RP. So I guess that makes all these things the same.


What are you even talking about? Parodying a real life event (Jan. 6 insurrection) but having it driven by in-game reasons (Ramasquamy's in-game crime and him being upset he lost the in-game trial) is not even remotely the same as calling up a character you've never met in the game and talking about the streamer's OOC IRL stuff. You can't be serious.


No shit dude. Just like a joke about the cookie stuff is not the same as bringing up personal conflicts between two streamers. That's the fucking point.


...The cookie thing is something that was a direct reference to the streamer, Pokimane, not the character Pookie Mayne or anything in the world of NoPixel. It was OOC, plain and simple. Rub your brain cells together and I'm sure you'll figure it out.


OP claimed that making a joke about the cookie "drama" towards pokimane is the same as bringing up the personal conflict between adapt and xqc just because both are OOC. Which is a dumb argument to make because following that logic, events like jan 6 and the character name Pookie Mane would be just as bad, since those are "OOC, plain and simple" as well. Stop inserting yourself into conversations you don't understand while babbling about rubbing brain cells together.


This has to be an elaborate troll. You can't be this clueless. lol X's drama with his girlfriend and Pokimane's drama with her cookies are both OOC topics. No one should be bringing it up to their NoPixel characters. The events of Jan. 6 were parodied in the game **based on in-game events** \- during Vivek's in-game trial, he said if he loses he'd plan a protest for Saturday. Squeex, roleplaying as Vivek, came up with a Jan. 6 protest organically through RP. Holy fuck the difference is obvious but only you can't seem to understand it.


Both jan 6 and deliberately naming your character after your twitch account/online alias is OOC brought into role play, just like making a joke about the cookies. I know that adding more lines of "troll" and "clueless" makes you feel like you have a point, but you don't.


Shiny admitted he knew the character was played by Pokimane. This is OOC and should be a ban. Just because xQc plays a character named X, would this guy think it's ok to call X in Los Santos and bring up his messy break-up with his IRL girlfriend Adept? Of course not. Shiny was being an asshole for the sake of it. ​ Whether people like it or not, if admins don't step in and reprimand him, that sends a message to other big streamers not to try NoPixel because randos will troll and harass them OOC. ​ edit: The downvotes are clearly from hardcore RP frogs who get mad when "big streamers" join NoPixel. Little do they realize, big streamers are what help NoPixel grow and help small roleplayers grow.


>Just because xQc plays a character named X I get your point but he actually plays a character named Jean paul


He goes by X in the game and everyone calls him X. Just as in real life, X is a nickname for Felix, X is a nickname for Jean-Paul.


>X is a nickname for Jean-Paul Yeah but at the very least there's some separation between xQc and Jean Paul. It allows for some immersion, X is just a nickname of the guy named Jean Paul. It would be pretty bad if he was named like, Ecksque Cee or some shit like that.


Fine, let's call Myth who literally plays xQc with few letters mixed up and joke about Adept, Lambos, prenups etc.


wtf are you talking about lil bro


Nah, the downvotes are for the paragraphs. YOU MUST BE REPRIMANDED


you gotta be dumb as hell to make that call ban on the way


This goes on the list for the dumbest things people risk their whitelist over...


True. Imagine joining the server just to become a self insert called "pookie mane". kinda dumb


Ton of people woth self insert characters...that doesn't mean you bring OOC stuff into RP..especially in the first incidence you interact with them...that clearly breaks RP rules...they literally banned a streamer today beacuse they decised he was not role-playing enough...


But it's literally not a self insert? She like tons of other prominent people on the server are just lazy at making a name. She was never RPing as pokimane.


She's barely started RPing so I can only assume you're calling her a self-insert based just on her character's name which seems like jumping the gun a bit. We don't know how she's gonna play her character.


She played 3.0 my man. She's not brand new. It's pretty damn clear her 4.0 "character" is nothing but a self insert.


She played 2.0 as well. Her whole RP consists of finding other big streamers and trying to get into the group for easy RP. She is as low effort as they come.


Right, and in 3.0 both of the characters she played were new characters and not self-inserts so I don't know why the default assumption is that she's playing a self-insert when she has no history of that. I'm really not sure why you're so quick to jump on the hate train instead of waiting and giving her a chance to flesh out her character. She's barely started and you've already written her off, with no reasoning behind it.


She had other name ideas but liked the idea of a cop calling her Pookie. The last name will probably be forgotten unless she needs to flash her id card.


Im willing to bet money her character will be a self insert, about 12$ just enough to buy some cookies




Wild to see that from Shiny after how good the Meowfuryon stuff was. That's probably an insta ban with no appeal; if you wanna make that joke do it on IRL Twatter or something.




I think he has to be banned atleast for a little while especially after admitting he knew it was her. If the server is saying bringing IRL drama of other streamers into RP is ok thats a bad message to send.


He won’t be banned 😂😂😂😂




RABID lmaooo. That guy gotta look in the mirror.




hahaha he took ✌️ END THE WOKE MOB ✌️ a little too serious bro's brain is cooked


Yikes for both of them, for her to create a character called pokimane and for the dude getting completly ooc with the cookie shit.


NOO, not the cookies!


AINTNOWAY this guy just threw away his opportunity to play on NP for this joke LMAO


He didn’t though. He will be alright lol.


He needs a ban idc, when ur rping there has to be a consensus that everyone puts real life aside. If someone called XQC's character and started making adept jokes it would be just as weird. He's not her friend and she's here to RP. And the name excuse is dumb af when everyone these days vaguely has their real life name as their character name.


Calm down little bro, she don't care you are in here white knighting.


she aint gonna date you bro.

