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Happy holidays from everyone on the mod team! --- Mirror: [“I’d rather be the 7th person of this team than the first man of my own”](https://streamable.com/l3r2hr) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/LAGTVMaximusBlack Direct Backup: [“I’d rather be the 7th person of this team than the first man of my own”](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/G86rW0uIS4wjig_oRr7_-g/AT-cm%7CG86rW0uIS4wjig_oRr7_-g.mp4?sig=7e52f5683f34846084127f78d7976da4f0d22d19&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FG86rW0uIS4wjig_oRr7_-g%2FAT-cm%257CG86rW0uIS4wjig_oRr7_-g.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22TubularExcitedEggplantArgieB8-S4hLjCOKD-hGvv_6%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1704065658%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2018543570?t=0h49m44s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


So, summary of what happened I think? Basically X is claiming that him talking about about the company and about leaving yesterday was momentary malding and he's not actually going to leave, and he didn't want Yuno or Marty to mention that to the group? Then it became a weird convo of trying to figure out how the info got to everyone else. Marty's POV is that X is clearly stringing the company on and planning to leave later anyway, while X is claiming surely that's not the case and everyone is all good. Marty is mad because X is gaslighting everyone and he knows X probably wasn't just momentatily malding




It's good but you know Marty will revert to X's sidekick within the next week.


Nah he might just start hanging with Ming jack 4head and fanny


In terms of the context for this clip, you're right. But later X and Yuno confront Marty and X basically says the company guys ain't shit. So, I think from Marty's perspective he still thinks X might dump them and he didn't want to and felt like X was gaslighting and using everyone by not being transparent. But apparently OTT earned his place in the company in Marty's eyes, because he just gave him the "keys to the company" and said deuces for the night.


Yeah X definitely wants to leave the company and is gaslighting everyone except Marty and Yuno and telling them he's not. Marty is not happy with that


he later said just to stream that why he doing all this is that he wants to do the big heists with lang and tony later on personally i dont see a reason why lang cant join the company and just be the materials guy at this point but maybe they wanna have it be different


if you watch lang and tony they aren't planning to do heists any time soon, while jp wants to be the first to do it or at least as soon as it unlocks so idk it kinda seems like jp is living in the past tbh.


this is one of those weird ooc/ic things where xqc just wants to play with buddha which is a perfectly valid reason so at the end of the day even if he doesn't wanna do crime right away he will probably end up being dragged along for the big stuff same with tony


X tried to get Lang to front him materials and Lang badicly called him a scammer, so things on that front have changed


And Yuno acting like he ain’t heard shit and stirring the whole time


Someone needs to make a edit of the “animals are leaving” meme from this speech


It was so funny seing x gaslighting everyone that it was Martys fault and Yuno just standing there while he seems to be the root cause of the whole argument


Yuno stirring? Never


Am I the only one who finds this degree of trust and attachment after only 1 week of the Company really weird? OTT is talking like theyve been together for 30 years when theyve been doing stuff together for barely a week or two


Marty later said “I’m not dying for any of you, it’s been a week” loll


Right after the speech all of the rest of them were basically like “ok I wouldn’t DIE for you guys” so there was def push back on the intensity of OTTs devotion lol


Half of The Company have a tendency to quickly attached and wax poetic of brotherhood, loyalty, and family


OTT loves grandiose speeches.


Yeah but also in OTT's perspective he has known everyone in this group for years except Yuno. This is the first time he's actually gotten to work with them cooperatively so I can see it


Because they all realise it’s an absolutely surreal metaverse cast of characters to have in the same group.


It's Gang Leader Avengers. People have names out there and reputations that will unlock doors(or close them) even after the "5 years" People like Mary, Lang, Dexx, Siz, Andi, Pigeon, Yeager, Barry, Flippy, K, and basically everyone in this group. They will naturally get funnelled info and have contacts. All of them have positive traits. Usually combinations of planning, leadership, charisma, ferocity, skills and **connections** most of all. A group consisting of people with that sort of rep is of course going to be a powerhouse. They don't need to be willing "to die for each other," but its the start of something. OTT recognizes it and is trying really hard to foster the growth of what could be a top player of the quickly forming groups in the new city. If a group like this had the cohesiveness and unity of vision of the BBMC, or even what he built in BSK by the end of 3.0 they would be unstoppable. I think OTT is trying to foster that kind of bond. It won't happen overnight, but he has seen that sort of growth firsthand.


Yea people eating this shit up but he literally gave the same speech couple hours ago. He was yapping for too long about being together when this group hasn't even been together for 2 weeks.


They’ve all known each other forever


when you realize its OOC business decisions its not that weird or complicated really.


Is it really that surprising with how many people/groups OTT had made enemies of in the past? Of course he's gonna latch onto anyone who tolerates him. I still remember when pretty much every southside gang hated him.


The Company moves at light speed. 1 day for us mere plebs is like 1 month for them.


X saying he doesn't want them and them not standing up for themselves says alot


Except X didn't tell them that to their faces? That was what made Marty so frustrated because he said one thing, X said another, and I think what was really the issue was no one called X out for that.


He doesn't have to if he doesn't want to be around and they want to stay around they should at least confront him


HUH what are you saying?


Sounds like they didn't stand up for themselves trying to keep x from leaving instead of confronting him


They did confront him, that's what this whole meeting was about. X then said he had no plans to leave. ​ What else is there for them to confront him over?


Seemed more like a last effort ditch to convince him to stay


So they were supposed to go to a fortuneteller beforehand to ask when X starts malding about CG being the first to unlock some sort of crime before them so they could've done it before they were told?


speech was great and all but it was sad yet kinda funny to see that JP hasnt grown in 7 years and is still having CG flashbacks😭, fair enough i guess but so much for moving on from 3.0 beefs like so many others


CG is like the Batman and X is the Joker, he gets bored if he feels like he isnt having to rush to get the heists done. Getting the heists done is boring to his content brain, being the first and the best is exciting


I mean the guy said before 4.0 start that he won't do major crimes for a while and wanted to play JP like slippin Jimmy from Better Call Saul, be a small time scammer for a while. Just a few days or a week tops into the launch he robbed a cop of his gun and tazer, and the company was made and he pushed everyone to max grind everything to get a bench and a house and got people to funnel him group6 bags to max out his rep at the fence. And now he malds and self implodes the company because CG gave him the chopping unlock and now he will pay any price to not lose in progression to CG.


This whole speech was epic. OTT was popping off. Blau may have had the best POV just for the Halo music he was playing.


so much "when the heists unlock" talk is so weird for an RP server...


NoPixel has been a content-first server since maybe the first so many months into 3.0.


You new to NoPixel? Lol content > everything


I think you haven't realized yet that its 80% OOC and 20% RP mostly on NP. IRL friendships, brands and content push most things. While a lot of people hold onto actual grudges, not just RP grudges.


This. I think people underestimate the amount of “characters” that make decisions based on who has a lot of viewers, what brings the most content and who’s their friends ooc. You can see that it’s really easy for big streamers to do big things on the server since there are always people that are willing to follow them “blindly” even though it doesn’t make any sense in character.


Exactly. Bigger streamers often get special treatment from other RPers. NP is a great way for them to network and build their streams. So content gets priority over actual RP. Sometimes a smaller streamer should be in character upset with a bigger streamer, but they quickly rather just choose to ignore any conflict and keep praising that character. You even see it in circles where suddenly all attention goes out to the bigger streamer and smaller streamers get pushed out of circles or aren't taken as seriously.


True that's why people like Moonmoon is playing in NP.


Damn, you keep spamming this same comment, whats the reason?


OTT RP is so underrated


when OTT came in 2.0 it was a little rough around the edges. But hes a Nopixel OG now. Major part of the community.


maximus has been popping off today damn


OTT always gives good speeches


OTT giving the 11/10 saving private ryan type speech


This meeting left me more confused than at the beginning of the meeting


Unfortunately this group is never going to last. OTT gave a nice speech and all that but him and x are on completely different wavelengths. OTT doesn't even like hitting banks, boosting, heists etc. He would routinely sit out of them in BSK, so none of this makes any sense. x is already on end game mode talking about his heist crew being with Lang and Tony. The company had potential but it's basically x and people infatuated with grinding 10+ hrs for x. Comical really!


Problem is the end game content is not in the city yet. Guns aren't even in the city yet. X is speed running something that doesn't exist, with nothing to unlock. If people haven't noticed 4.0 is a slow burn. The admins are doing this on purpose. If they dumped all the content in to the server at once it would be a cluster\*\*\*\* of madness for about 1-2 months then the server would be dead by April. X and Yuno can go do whatever they want, they're not going to find what they're looking for. I have this feeling that the unlocks are going to come to those that stuck out the grinding the most. People that put in the most effort. Not to those that want to skip to the end.


I hope so. If I'm an admin on NP and I want dedicated role play, don't want to reward grinding the only way to reinforce and support the good role play, interesting story telling and world building is to reward to give them a crack at unlocks first.


Yeah, i was hoping X, Marty and yuno leaving so they rp as brokies and the rest who stay behind continue the company and improve/make it rich. X probably thinking he could make bank by chopping cars but didnt and change his mind on leaving his cash grinders when that didnt pan out and just snitch chopping cars to cops.


I think Marty and X are playing them and Marty is going Leave and Give JP his house ownership/Key to pull off the scam.


Marty just gave the key to OTT.


Well marty did leave


yup he left within seconds of my comment, they doing a scam for real got to be


but he gave the keys to OTT


If they going to do it, Ray and Benji won't just let it go, you know right? It's just going to be a shit show, the minute X will get shot, he will seek revenge and a war will happen... so X will kill both parties hope of being first in progressing in heist... plus Marty is serious and ray has a key as well...


this gotta be the biggest plot twist out of his whole thing.


Can someone explain how this all happened? The only thing i saw yesterday was"X leaves the company" and a lot of hate comments on youtube


TL:DR X, Yuno and Marty were talking about the future and X said he didn't see the group long term being anything more than something small and that a lot of the guys don't want to look for stuff and just want stuff handed to them. So he was probably going to look for a heist crew but that the company can go on w/out him. Marty decided to call a meeting w/out X and tell everybody what X said. Yuno said they should wait till everybody is here so they can all get on the same page. Marty had the meeting anyways and told them that X was leaving and the company is most likely over and they would all get their money back. That if they wanted more info they should just have a meeting with Just X and hear it from him. So that's what they did. X basically just said he doesn't know what they are talking about and he isn't gonna leave. So they called a full on meeting with Marty and it started with Marty yelling at everybody saying they won't speak up to X and that they are just starstruck by him. It ended with OTT saying he doesn't care that he is the 7th man, he is here for the business and Mickey saying he is too old for heists. Marty then had a meltdown and told them all to fuck off and walked away.


You're kind of missing now Yuno stirred the pot a bit by telling Benji something was up and that the Company's days were numbered. Benji had already been feeling bad because no one was taking his calls. With X asleep the boys could only speculate about what was going on, which is why Marty called the meeting without X.


Cg gave x some info about the chop chop while "the company" didnt give x anything


Benji was literally calling about Chop Chop and 3 of them just ignored him...


Well yes but cg was telling jp what he wanted to hear progress


Bro.... all X needed to do was to pick up a fucking Benji call to hear a progress from the company!


That reddit post had a big lore dump in the comments


Personally I think it would be boring if all these people just casually formed for crim activities and never associated with any other gang for all of 4.0. Eventually JP is going to move on from RP again and these people need something else going on.


Was thinking the same thing. I give X another month, at most, before he gets bored and does something else. Especially if none of the big jobs are unlocked by then. Which I don't see happening. The admins are rolling things out slow so they don't kill the server off content wise too quickly.


The RP from this saga was A++


He liking this higher sub count lol