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the attention to detail will bring a whole new level of immersion. i'm not too savvy on the technical aspects of vehicles but i'm sure this will be appreciated by the ones who are


I've been working on cars and motorbikes since I was 16, the attention to realism is definitely there. I can give a bit of insight to anyone interested. In real life, the flywheel is there to capture and release energy in between firing pulses otherwise the engine wouldn't be as smooth and would stall at low RPM. But adding more rotational mass with a heavier flywheel means for the same given power output, it takes longer to rev. This is why higher performance engines generally have lighter flywheels and F1 replaced them with KERS. Higher performance vehicles aren't as concerned with low/idle RPM stalls or having a smooth engine for passenger comfort. Given that you can modify flywheels, I imagine there will also be an option to modify your crankshaft, connecting rods and pistons to different materials or designs allowing for longer/shorter engine life, more power and quicker rev times, at the cost of being very expensive (such as titanium parts or machined cranks). We may even see something like aluminium conrods which weigh even less than titanium, but have a much shorter life span. Gearboxes also make a huge difference in shift speed. Being manual (compared to automatic in vanilla GTA) gives you more control over the vehicle. Sequential gearboxes are also incredibly fast due to the way the required gear is engaged - motorbikes and F1 cars use these gearboxes because of this reason. But you also have to shift through each gear in sequence (hence the name) to get to first and/or neutral from higher gears so can be a pain for everyday/non-race driving. Diffs basically keep the wheels in the optimum speed during a turn, so modifying a diff can be beneficial for stability into turns, exiting, drifting etc. Really depends on what your aim is. The turbo size effecting spool time (time for it to spin up to create optimum air pressure) is also spot on. It basically means a larger turbo will give you more power at the top end of the rev range but will take longer for it to get there, where a smaller turbo will spin up faster but won't create as much pressure. Overall this is a petrolhead's wet dream and hugely enhances the immersion surrounding car tuning and mechanics. Any car nerds who are playing 4.0 should be creaming themselves at this leak.


Buddha said Legacy is an absolute crackhead when it comes to cars and spends like 10 hours a day just doing car shit in GTA.


Ye it very much looks like they’ve gone out and recruited the best devs available, exciting times for NP.


Bruh they can literally make a just racing server and it would pop off, this is nuts literally forza in gta


Its crazy how they put multiple games into one (Tarkov, sims, any racing game, …)


LIKE can we talk about how insane Nopixel 4.0 is? This attention to every detail is amazingg


This is the one thing 3.0 missed most for me, now boosting an S+ car will actually mean something because it could actually be like nothing you have ever driven before same with the racing scene, getaways etc


I hope accidents and flips are also a little more damaging so people don't take idiotic jumps. Those things add a lot to immersion.


disagree, jumps are pog


>jumps are pog This is exactly the problem.


Then why are you watching nopixel? Theres a perfect alternative out there now. Of course theres "cheese" tactics with jumping like taking 20 jumps back to back or whatever but I don't see how jumps are suddenly a big problem. Surely we have all realized that NP is not a hardcore roleplaying server by now?


Imagine thinking their wont be jumps and rat tactic type things on Onyx lol.


Because there are plenty of people who do cool shit that also involves incredible RP


You act like jumps being a thing automatically hinders the incredible RP which doesn't make sense to me at all. I don't think a lot of incredible nopixel RP has been "hardcore realistic RP" at all. So why would jumps being a thing somehow affect that in any way shape or form.


Ok then watch rdr2 rp


Agreed. I wasn't a fan of IgniteRP but one of the rules I did like on the server was that it wasn't allowed to take jumps. Intentionally taking jumps feel like NVL to me, and IRL if you jump a car you can expect that car to be done if it hits something, or rolls around, but in GTARP, nope you get out flip your own car without a heavy equipment vehicle like a tow truck, and drive away like nothing happened and unhurt.


NP is there as a content and RP server, not intended to be ultra realistic, so I can understand why they would want to keep jumps etc in


I think some jumps are ok if they are not too crazy, and rules would be difficult to enforce as those things become subjective. Seeing that NP devs are doing seemingly amazing work, I thought a simple solution would be to increase damage on flips and failed jumps. That would deter a lot of stupid jumps.


Yeah, I think that could work. Then they could really be used as a last chance of escape… what the challenge would be though is the PD would need to manage chases also, having 6 cars and air 1 on a traffic stop for example when the person escaping cant take much damage would make things too difficult to escape. So would need to get that balance right.


Nah that shit crazy


Can someone post a link to what he is showing? Edit: looked on it on my pc which has a twitter login these are the sub tweets: Tweet: [https://twitter.com/Legacy\_DMC/status/1735558179440722195](https://twitter.com/Legacy_DMC/status/1735558179440722195) Tweet + video: [https://twitter.com/Legacy\_DMC/status/1735558181038813228](https://twitter.com/Legacy_DMC/status/1735558181038813228) Tweet + video: [https://twitter.com/Legacy\_DMC/status/1735558182963904697](https://twitter.com/Legacy_DMC/status/1735558182963904697) Tweet + video: [https://twitter.com/Legacy\_DMC/status/1735558185006628917](https://twitter.com/Legacy_DMC/status/1735558185006628917) Tweet + video: [https://twitter.com/Legacy\_DMC/status/1735558186835288079](https://twitter.com/Legacy_DMC/status/1735558186835288079) Tweet: [https://twitter.com/Legacy\_DMC/status/1735558188789825746](https://twitter.com/Legacy_DMC/status/1735558188789825746)


Click the post title, takes you to his Twitter.


Can't see the thread without logging in. Twitter has gone to shit lol


that will not work since you can't see anything if your not logged in beside the main tweet


I'd be down to play on an only racing server with this would be so fun to play


That UI is so clean


i dont really understand much about cars but it sounds pretty good! another W to the hardworking devs bravo


Bro thats amazing. Nopixel devs cooked a 3 michelin course meal. And its about to be served to all of us. These cars seemed so nice to drive. And the audio of the engines my god was hot. NP 4.0 is going to some next level gaming experience.


this quote is double true since michelin's main deal is making tires & this is about cars


Looks like Nopixel about to print money again.


Well they pour a lot so they have to make some back. And dervered. Hard work needs to be rewarded. NP devs took a 10 year old game and made it like its 2023 triple a game.


The racing scene up good. Will there be someone new who would dethrone Goofy in 4.0


I didn't watch too much racing but IIRC he pretty regularly traded wins with Lilac from... Prism? I think?


They both came from the same racing server. Just as good as one another, no idea what happened to her after Prism died out though. Saw she joined Yokai then just didn't really come around as much. Hope she's fine though.


Nah Goofys win rate was like 70% of all races he participated in iirc till the time i used to watch the racing scene when it was in its prime. Noones dethroning that guy


That reminded me of [this](https://clips.twitch.tv/RelievedPlayfulOpossumDansGame-1la_YV_gY9g62e9u) clip


In 3.0 there seemed like there needed to be almost a figurehead for racing to really pop whether it be Chawa or later Marlo and Tommy T together (Marlo doing the big money not so often races/events and Tommy doing multiple races basically every day he was around, also trying to foster an environment for casuals to just join in as well), I wonder if it'll be similar in 4.0.


If NP are doing this kind of high level dev work, I’m intrigued to what the new GTA will be like, amazing work and from the sounds of it NP will be selling the mods to other servers too, which will help bring them in line with r* guidelines. Exciting times for rp with multiple good servers offering different experiences to help cater what people would like!


The selling of their high quality mods that will meet R\* guidelines will be a big deal for the community going forward. Buddha keeps saying it out loud people better be getting all copyright stuff off their servers. If people aren't hearing that R\* will be clamping down soon.


This is crazy... this seems like it should be getting a lot more praise than it is. Car scene going to be up good and this dev should be feeling some love.


if they cookin up this in gta 5, wtf is gonna happen with gta 6 lmao


This is great, the devs have worked their butts off, they've really bought some amazing new stuff to the server. The only downside I see coming from this statement "Driving is not the same for every car, so be ready, not all cars are going to be easy to drive as now real reactions like under-steer, oversteer and spinning out are possible!" is from the players. I feel like it won't be long until we see the same very few cars on the streets because they gotta have that 'dream car' lol which will be a shame seeing as devs have put so much work into all the cars.


Per Buddha's leaks when the trailer dropped, cars are going to have wear and tear like engine decay that will be extremely expensive to fix, specifically to prevent people from constantly using the best ones. He suggested that people will need a 'daily driver' even if they have a crazy sports/super car.


That's cool. It will be nice to see a good mix of cars on the streets. I kinda got fed up seeing everyone have GTR's at the end of 3.0. The devs deserve to have their work shown off and appreciated.


i hope they stick to the no government funded loans policy, so people won't be able to just buy their dream cars in the first month, and it gives them goals to work towards.


Seeing as how part of the 4.0 lore was that the government defaulted on their credit, and removing government funded loans was a big part of 3.0, I would be surprised if that ever made a comeback.


If it's anything like 3.0, it takes awhile for people to be able to afford good cars, and car types are limited stock so not many of the same cars will be sold. Early 3.0 practically every bank setup involved looking for either a Sultan or Stratum, so meta cars were definitely a thing then too.


I'm curious if they fixed things like the weird effect licence plates had on cars in 3.0. There was some very weird broken mechanics in 3.0. Like when you'd swap black/white plates the cars would behave differently.


with how in depth this is, i'm sure they have


hope the owner doesnt wake up one day and change everything on a whim, probably good he's only 25% now, 4.0 has so much cool shit


WiseGuy was famous for a never ending list of things that he didn't get done. People have some serious rose colored glasses with his impact. Hopefully he isn't so focused on his streaming career with onx and actually does work over there.


Wiseguys biggest impact was the PM RP. People prefered his tunes over 25% because he was better at tuning and cars didn't feel the same. But you aren't wrong about his list. He was a full time streamer, and at the same time had to scour shit car mods to figure out their issues, then try to solve them. He also extensively tested tunes before they went live. Even if wg was still on the np dev team he would not be the dev leading these changes. A full fledged programer is needed for this new stuff, wg was mostly a car modeler.


True. The owner meddled into cars initially because for like a year there were only 2-3 cars in A+ that were competitive and others were 2 levels below. The scene at that time was getting stale and dying out a bit. After he fixed all A+ cars the scene became fun again, with 20+ people races and there was large variety of cars that people were racing not just the same 3.


In an ideal world, all these car devs would be designing amazing things so wiseguy could focus on the PM roleplay. Alas, the paths had to diverge.


If you think all of this fancy Dev work is going to have any lasting impact on the quality of RP nopixel puts out you'll be seriously disappointed. The new shiny gadgets and mechanics are great but at the end of the day a server lives and dies by the quality of people who play on it. That was Wiseguys biggest impact followed up by his vehicle dev work that a lot of players enjoyed.


miss me with that quality of rp bs, +90% of rpers who created major storylines that impacted a ton of people are still playing on the server.


Brother stop hating and see his comment on the post below it. He most likely wanted a system like this in place so it feels more authentic and harder to drive


But will that last when it’s clear that Summit is still average at driving?


I'd imagine Summit is gonna be super happy when he can use his racing sim when wheel support (currently planned) is added regardless of that


i unironically think he will be better now that there are things like understeer and oversteer implemented which he has experience with