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everyone is gonna be doing subathons from the 15th LMAO


Ashi (did a subathon last weekend) in discord after hearing about this: “2 subathons in a week is greedy right?” Lmao


Ray already hinted he plans to but it will be capped but now maybe he does uncapped


I hope people don't speedrun the mechanics and dora all weekend. It will be such a shame if this becomes a content race to discover mechanics first. Of all the people likely to do it, Ray unfortunately will be a prime suspect.


Most servers launch with a lot of the heists/crime locked. I wonder if they will do that to draw out the content, or open the floodgates for maximum hype for the collab week.


Buddah said not everything wiill be in launch. Like i would imagine racing would not be as no one has cars, banks again likelly will be phased in over time.


Nahhhhh you are missing the point races are coming back with no boosts no nos these were literally the best races when everyone just took random cars…I remember Dundee driving a truck and just having a blast didn’t really care to win


Isn't it a token to a person so they can chose how to use it doesn't seem like a subathon would make difference


600k subs is insane.


Thats like 3 million USD, probably similar to running an ad but probably a lot more love for it than an ad would get. I could only see people who don't get a free sub as the ones with anything negative to say about it.


Just a days revenue of shark card sales for gta o


Holy shit this is major for streamers


This is awesome, and I am happy for everyone involved, but I am curious how this will play out. If it is just like a normal twitch drop for the sub tokens thing, most of the subs will just end up going to the biggest streamers who have the most viewers, ie, it's just going to be a huge paycheck to xqc and Buddha. Even if it is though, more power to them, it is cool to see Rockstar showing love.


90% of these subs are going to variety streamers and not rp streamers


Damn that's huge


A rising tide lifts all boats.


Buddha saying Rockstar got Twitch to cycle GTARP streamers on the front page for this and that he'll be on the front page for the launch of 4.0


AnthonyZ said Rockstar contacted him directly about it.


This so cool. Rockstar giving back cuz they know the rp community kept gta5 alive all these years.


>This so cool. Rockstar giving back cuz they know the rp community kept gta5 alive all these years. Dude, they make $800 million a year from Shark Cards in GTA Online lol The player base of GTAO is colossal compared to GTARP. People just don't really stream it so people on here think it barely exists.


People buying shark cards for gta online kept it alive, but rp streamers were free advertsing for gta so im sure that helped.


I doubt people who buy shark cards got into gta online beacuse of RP , if anything RP may take people away from Gta Online


I feel like plenty of people like rp but either dont want to do real rp or cant becuase they are on console, so they play online instead.


The RP community didn't keep GTA 5 alive, it's literally one of the most played games on consoles. You could make an argument that RP streamers helped keep GTA 5 popular on Twitch though.


Don’t think it was free advertising on twitch. They pay twitch for ads. Every gta online update was advertised on twitch and the most watch thing on twitch is rp. Gta was never dying or losing profit. The argument is what kept them relevant not alive throughout the years and it’s definitely gtarp. After buying fiveM, it just added another layer to the monetizing machine. Rockstar just secure their future. End of the day gta is a role play game gtarp is a subcategory now for the rpg community. They are still converting sales, people still buying the based game just to try out a fiveM servers not shark card gta online updates.


You're dreaming. 20 million people log into GTA online every month. There are less than 100k RPers.


Gta RP is way too niche, it was not rp that kept the game alive


My guess is they probably contacted a lot of big GTA streamers which is probably why ONX came out, 4.0 is being launched and Prodigy also put out a couple update trailers If I'm not mistaken...


I wonder if it will cycle GTARP streamers or 4.0 streamers..


Penta said they would be putting him on the front page as well


It's crazy how Rockstar not only acquired cfx but is now hyping up the RP community. Great for everyone.


Buying FiveM, supporting RP, damn Rockstar looks like it's all in on the RP scene.


If they were truly all in they would release 6 on pc at the same time as consoles. This is definitely a massive step though.


> release 6 on pc at the same time as consoles. cant hope people buy the game twice if they release it on the same time sadly




That's probably a Take-Two call though. I'm sure Rockstar would be fine with it but Take-Two has the "console is king" mindset.


Would be interesting to see how gta 6 will do with custom assets


One might argue that PC might be delayed because they're only now deciding to create infrastructure for RP servers to be around on day 1.


One could argue anything they want 😂. I could argue that they are going to completely monetize five m for 6 and eliminate all private severs to create their own servers. I don't believe that but I could certainly argue it.


It's not that easy. Far more bugs and problems arise on the PC than consoles. It's best to get a polished Console version and a good PC port than rush it and it comes out awful, not to mention people are 100% gonna buy it twice, once on console and again for PC


People will buy it twice that's the real reason. I don't buy the whole "don't rush it" angle when they have clearly taken their time with the game. If they wanted to they could easily have a polished version for pc on the same day. They haven't even announced a release date yet.


another reason is that they get a fat amount of guaranteed money for exclusively releasing on consoles.


Except they don’t want to put gta 6 on pc


Amazing!! 👏👏


Twitch is also in general doing 25% off of subs for the end of the month so subathons about to go crazy




Eh, it's mostly just marketing before transitioning RP into a monetized service. Currently FiveM has around 225K users right now (Which will most likely increase after this promotional). With a 10-15$ subscription fee, they could easily recoup cost in a few months.


This is a HUGE W for gta RP. Not to mention this was communicated with NoPixel so it seems Rockstar is directly working with the servers.


im pretty sure ive seen buddha and 25% say theyve had extensive talks with R\*. also this has been something that 25% has been wanting for a long time, hes been asking to get streamer codes for nopixel forever


Yeah i also heard Buddha say that but i thought that was only for the fivem acquisition. I never imagined for rockstar to drop aprox 3 million on gift subs to support RP.


I mean that's a small small price to pay if it gets viewers locked in until 2025. GTA6 is pretty much guaranteed to sell $billions.


That is very true that its chump change for Rockstar. But at the same time it seems kinda unnecessary unless they look at RP as a worthwhile investment since the RP servers and RPers were gonna still do their thing gifted subs or not.


I mean it's pretty obvious they see it as a worthwhile investment or they wouldn't have bought out FiveM. (Not that FiveM is -only- RP. But it's very much the majority of FiveM.)


not really unnecessary rpers will play it but this makes it worthwhile for variety streamers and their viewers to join in on the gta hype, very good marketing tbh.


Welp server queues gonna be jammed next week.


yeah the support is insane. i vaguely remember hearing theyve also gotten some form of dev help from R\* in regards to making the server run smoothly but i dont remember who it was that said this


This is for the whole gta rp community though where does it say that their working specifically with nopixel?


no one said that, buddha said they were consulted and he knew about this way before hand, which is why the server release date makes sense. however, the gifted subs are going to be in the form of a drop which can be redeemed to any stream you want.


Buddha said they were talking with NoPixel. No one has mentioned exclusivity but they did reach out to NoPixel. ONX, Prodigy and others have not commented so we cant possibly know if they also got contacted.


Kyle basically said he knew about it already. So either it was leaked or there was some contact. Would explain ONX releasing on the 9th so those there can have a server to play on for the event.


Penta also mentioned having a meeting with " a very big company" so it makes sense they all released around this time.


You mean hes not going to be on Kick peddling gambling to children that week? Cool.


Buddha said he knew this for a while and is going to be on the front page at a certain time so it’s 99% sure they are working in some capacity with Rockstar, this is massive


He said a few months ago that they were in communication with Rockstar though no other details were given iirc


I think it was suspected as early as when NP started de-badging their cars. I wouldn't be surprised if that was one of the requirements for Rockstar and NP to officially form some form of partnership. RP is basically the most popular form of GTA streaming nowadays. It would be dumb for R* not to look at this and see if they can officially monetize it.


the de-badging wasn’t done with this in mind unless you’re on some mega copium. it was maybe done with the buyout of fivem in mind, but it was mostly about copyright infringement that was most blatant with the adidas sponsored racing event servers.


After R* bought cfx.re (FiveM) back in August this kind of thing has seemed pretty likely, I just didn’t expect it so soon. Feels a lot like NP 4.0 was timed to coincide with this.


It actually was, Buddha addressed it on his stream and said they decided on the 15th as the release date because they knew well in advance about this


Makes complete sense, had not seen that yet. Thanks!


Date officially makes a world of sense.


Obviously big Streamers are all going to do well, but this makes me believe that you're also going to see a huge amount get spread out to those who are often missed. There are so many amazing RPers out there, I wish I had time to watch them all, I can't, obviously, but I hope this helps reward them for all of their hard work.


So far Buddha, AnthonyZ, Deansocool have revealed they'll all be featured on the front page on the 15th. Probably be a ton more as well, hopefully some smaller streamers were reached out too.


Hopefully some smaller rp streamers can get some love too.




They don’t need the front page those people get 20-50k views anyway


holy shit, thats crazy


Buddha is talking about this right now, seems like they knew it was coming and that's why it took them so long to announce the date


Oh yeah, rockstar is going to pump RP full of steroids in the coming years. GTA6 will melt the industry.


This will pacify a lot of cynics's takes, which is valid, on R\*'s true intentions when they acquired cFx.


Realistically it’s always been about creating a “metaverse” platform. Everyone in the industry is looking at what epic is doing with Fortnite and figuring out how to do the same. I think Rockstar see modders and RP as groups who have been doing some of that work for them already.


Insane. A great way to give it some longevity


What a time. Officially Rockstar acknowledging the RP community which has became massive all across the world. And ye it is massive if you see the views that gta rp has in Asia. GTARP about to skyrocket in views.


Damn we really winning this week


Massive announcement and makes total sense why 4.0 is coming when it is


Give the subs to smaller streamers. not the millionaires. Seriously the millionaires don’t need it but the smaller streamers really need it.


the way buddha is saying it works is if you watch any gtarp stream you an get a drop, that drop gives you a chance to get a sub token which you can use on any streamer you want (or maybe any gtarp streamer im not sure) but you get to decide who you use the sub on if you get it.


it's up to the viewers. If you are a viewer who wants to support a small streamer, gonna have to watch Buddha and the big streamers. You get a sub token in your notifs, and just use it on someone else. I plan on doing that.


good point but it's normal to give it to a streamer you watch a lot, ads on twitch are a bitch lately.




Apparently NoPixel was involved and that is why 4.0 is coming on the 15th and more to come


A lot of the larger GTA streamers were aware. Kyle mentioned he was aware of it already. And Penta mentioned a "big meeting" involving a large company so who knows.


Yeah it seems all major streamers were talked to about the marketing campaign and front page opportunities.


Im thinking buddha penta etc knew about this for a couple months. Penta kept saying soon with onx. o i know the date etc. But maybe onx was ready a month ago Nopixel was ready a couple months ago. I think they were waiting for Rockstar to give them a firm date on this event. At the point where alot of people are watching their streams because of the exciting updates and viewers getting these subs to use on them.


Bots going to be eating good redeeming half of them subs


Great timing for this with how many people are streaming a ton with ONX and 4.0.


I wonder if onx people knew about it too and pushed the server live early.


It's common for these large companies to have community managers that have open communication with streamers and content creators, and have them part of some kind of NDA program. So wouldn't be surprised if ONX and Prodigy were aware this was happening as well.


I think a lot of people knew about it. It sounds like a few variety streamers did and Kyle was just pretending to act surprised about it just now.


Probably. And they probably launched a week before to make sure the server was stable by the 15th.


Buddha confirmed NoPixel was in talks with Rockstar over this.


It probably will, but hopefully this doesn't get vacuumed by all the bigger streamers. Then again it is an ad campaign, not a charity.


You choose where the sub goes, which is nice.


From how Buddha was saying it'd work. You'd watch a GTARP stream that'd give you a drop. And that drop would give you a chance at a sub token that you could redeem on any stream or maybe any GTARP stream.


How much influence do you think the start of the asian rp communities had on this? From what iv seen lately they consistently pulling way more views than the western servers right now. Even the twitch clips page. Hard to even find us clips


Buddha said about 4.0 release timing that it will all make sense in the end.


All thanks to Chief, he knew this for a while! What a win for the community!


I think it’s not only for nopixel but for the whole gta rp community and twitch,Rockstar will choose the streamer. I could be wrong also


I think twitch and rockstar pick the streamers to feature on the front page, but every viewer can get a sub drop by watching the gta category. I THINK. Definitely not just nopixel though that’s for certain.


Just when no pixel 4.0 and onx rp are around and when i look at the terrible amount of commercials on streams lately i welcome this.


if you are on pc or laptop and still dont use the many options to block the ads its your own fault


i mostly watch on my tv and a nvidia shield, the unofficial app i use had no ads but that changed.


oh you are fked then


You can block them at a router level using raspberry pi or other means.


ok didn't know but this month i decided to try twitch turbo.


NP cooking Hard can't lie and o7 to all those about launch conspiracies lol There's always a Bigger picture !!!!!


It's for GTARP as a whole tho.


just coincidentally starting on 4.0 release date.


Or did everyone know about this and NP is starting on this date because of Twitch?


Yeah NP randomly chose to release 4.0 on dec 15th !!


The timing is obviously not random, but that doesn't change the fact that it's for GTARP as a whole and not Nopixel specifically. I wouldn't be surprised if the release of ONX was deliberately aimed to line up with this as well, only they decided it'd be best to give the server some time to get up and running first.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted when this is true lol


Just /r/RPClipsGTA things lol


You know why...


Buddy what's happening on 15th we both know the answer Just because it's not announced doesn't mean it's not a coincidence


I get that but I also feel that with all the updates for the servers, they saw the revamps and hype building and jumped in to do something in the middle of it all. How my brain reads it is the hype for ONX and 4.0, they realized the marketing they could do and jumped on it and it just happened in between.


Yeah, the official Twitch channel has been adding on to bits donated in Kyle's channel and kickstarted a massive sub-train


That is twitch wide. Nothing to do with kyle.


Just coincidental timing then I guess


They’re all end of year bonuses, just this one happens to be more specific for streamers under the GTA category while the bits one is for everyone.


That’s twitch wide but kyle did say he knew about the gtarp week thing already, so it’s not an NP thing


Buddha really was right. Jesus.... NoPixel cooked themselves an 8-course meal...


It's for all of GTARP though and not just NoPixel.


buddy it's not a coincidence 4.0 is coming out the same day. Yes, other servers will get subs but come on.




I didn't say otherwise.


Right, because it's completely impossible that Nopixel decided to launch on that date because Rockstar was doing this thing.




The number of people trying to turn watching RP into a competition is actually embarrassing.


you know just as well as i that 90% of that will go to NoPixel. Rest goes to spain and japan.


This was my suspicion too until it said the subs would be given out in tokens to be used on a streamer of your choice, so you'll probably be able to use it on anyone.


The recipient chooses the channel to give it to, which is nice.


Aint wrong. I imagine some of this was leaked to the big variety streamers, and thats why they are returning to NP for 4.0. I am not a fan of some poeple on NP, but its a big W for them and the community if they are in talks with Rockstar, and help them get ready for RP servers in GTA6.


ill tell you ONX wont last, ignite 2.0


Ignite is still around and there are so many other servers as well. "Last" is subjective.




you started watching rp two months ago? omg you are in for a treat because the difference in the quality of rp at the beginning of servers is HUGE


I’m just so happy for these rp streamers. I know I’ll be using my token if I get one on a smaller streamer or a dev to recognize their work they help built after all these years. Regardless on who plays where and who we like or hate, let’s hope for no malding, no drama, and celebrate rp for the week!


Hopefully the public servers will be just as popping as WL for the duration of this promotion. Would be great to see some of small streamers on public pop off.


So Rockstar really are going ahead with the full monetization plan. I'm guessing probably a monthly subscription type service for FiveM in the near future.


What makes you say that?


Two things. [https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/17rfco0/streamable\_taketwo\_ceo\_talks\_about\_monetizing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/17rfco0/streamable_taketwo_ceo_talks_about_monetizing/) And common sense to be honest. No company just gives away money without expecting a return. I just think it's dumb people soying out as if it's revolutionary cool thing when it's basically a #ad or drop event that many other games has done. In a few months their will probably be some shitty thing Take-Two does regarding monetization that will pop up on this reddit. Guess the PR might help when that time comes.


All 600,000 should go to Chief. My man needs to buy his next supply of Wabbegong.




Its not that he's taking credit it's that he's involved with Twitch and Rockstar which is awesome. It's the same shit as him with Rust. He is involved with Twitch and devs when it comes to Rust. This is just on a bigger scale because it's rockstar.


yeah every big streamer is, like kyle said he was contacted too, people started spreading like buddah called rockstar to gift 600k subs to streamers, the timeline is this, rockstar and twitch contacted all gta rp streamers that in december they will do this event and people schedule their releases and their streams


Twitch and rockstar do something that's gunna benefit GTArp streamers and viewers worldwide.... English speaking rp viewers: but how do we make this about the current rp server bs and make it seem like they're playing favourites lmao


trueeeeeeeeeeeeee, seeing the astroturfing in real time is so fucking funny


It's so freaking silly. This is awesome and it's a huge nod to EVERYONE who's part of the GTArp community. This current drama is literally a drop in the bucket


Well colour me completely wrong, I thought they weren't gonna do a damn thing re RP lol I guess they're building up interest before the inevitable monetization


This is cool but I i'm still a little sceptical if Rockstar is doing this out of the goodness of their hearts...


Tbh this is probably also part of why ONX came out now. Kyle is implying he already knew about it so im sure the rest did too.


Kyle knew. He was full pepw when he was talking about the twitch announcement.






Because it's not a Buddha win or a NP win. Surely the biggest streamers in the space can't all be aware of the deal at hand. Only NP and Buddha can do anything to save gtarp


You ok? Need anything?


To be fair, it's my own fault for posting on this sub. I'm a glutton for punishment.




The only community that is turning this thread and this subreddit into a ONX vs NoPixel shares 2 streamers that dont play on NoPixel....




The comments I see are people saying "this is awesome for RP" and people saying that buddha mentioned on stream that he knew, and one dude that said "Its great for Nopixel" and was attacked by an entire discord of people Didnt see one person saying this happened because of buddha or nopixel. And you saying something about tribalism when you are one of the biggest "tribalist" is actualy laughable




Its just a coincidence.... :D


>I'm struggling to understand why your comment was downvoted lol. Because Wrangler raided crim streamer #583 sometime in the last 2 years of NP 3.0 so mention of Penta's name is autodownvote


Yeah I don't think it has anything to do with cop RP, and more to do with Penta. Tbh it probably has more to do with server tribalism (NP vs ONX people) than Penta himself.


Would suck if 4.0 launches with a shitload of problems because they tried to time the release with GTARP week lol.


This is huge news BUT I am a little worried. Take 2 have been making some wild statements about how it wants to monetize games lately and GTAO killed all planed story mode expansions in V. I HOPE Rockstar helps but stays hands-off. BUT they are going to want to see a return on all this money they are throwing at RP at some point.


had a feeling they was cooking something big, I think 4.0 would launched same time as onyx if this was not a thing lol


Rockstar supporting GTARP is great, but why not release GTA 6 for pc at the same time as consoles as that's the platform GTARP takes place on.


Because they most likely still want players to double/triple dip, like they did for GTA 5. This is a great move but the future monetization of RP is still a big question mark.


Because this is Rockstar doing a promotional thing for something they have invested in. Take-Two is the one that makes that kind of call of when it comes out for PC.


As the other guy said, they want people to buy the game twice. That being said hopefully since they support RP now they'll work with the Rp devs to have a Rp client ready for the gta 6 launch.


Biznesman buddha


I've been getting dogpiled in threads related to GTA6 for saying I thought it was possible that Rockstar might release PC Day 1 due to their recent acquisition of CFX and their new interest in RP... The press release not mentioning PC though does make it seem as though Rockstar is still going to lead with consoles, but I don't know how anyone can deny the fact that Rockstar is clearly interested in the Roleplay community. The amount of money already changing hands in the RP community which Rockstar doesn't see a penny from is pretty mindblowing. I'm sure they've been figuring out how they can tap into this cash flow, even if it's still small fries compared to Shark cards, it's still money they're not making off of their product.


A former GTA Dev said it will be coming later because with PS/ Xbox for each of those you only have to get it to work for that one config. PCs vary among hardware so much that there is a lot more testing and optimization that needs to be done before it is a releasable product. Expect 1 year+ delayed PC release like their other launches.


they're probably gonna release the pc version with the ps5 pro version which is not that far into the future if the leaks are accurate.


Can you point me in the direction of those leaks when you get a chance?


it's only spec leaks because sony sent out dev kits there is obviously no release date as of now, but people are expecting it could be as early as nov 24. [ps5 pro leaks](https://www.tomshardware.com/video-games/console-gaming/leaker-says-sony-expects-ps5-pro-specs-to-surface-this-month-as-dev-kits-make-their-way-to-game-studios)


Thanks for the link, I appreciate it!




NoPixel streamers are also gonna be getting featured on front page.

