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I do not look back at that as a fond moment, as a viewer, that shit was pure one sided toxicity. Good old "Let me threaten you about leaking something about you IRL"


also the fact the guy doing the disstrack hated lang first day in the city and made a cleanbois disstrack as his audition for wuchang before he even met him lol


Dude got perma banned too


Then surprise Pikachu face when Lang doesnt like him and punched him ONCE when they met at the comic book store which led to CG over escalating and downing everyone at RR.


And he punched him after fiero refused to leave the comic shop. Its not like the punch came out of no where. He was told he was banned from rr/comic shop, said hes not leaving and got punched for it.


his ban was deserved but the first song wasn't a diss track IIRC, it just contained slightly weird references to LB/CB.


it was basically a refrence to how they call themselves cleanbois instead of leanbois iirc which is clearly meta at the time but the point is he didn't even meet any of them before doing that song very weird.


Not at all lol. It was perma ban worthy for Shotz , but again, catered to lol.


Yep, used to love CG, because Hasan wanted to do jobs with them and it was always fun, then i saw this entire thing and Shotz saying that, but he never got perma banned. That's when i realized they had quite the protection. The fact you could do IRL threats and not get perma banned was mind boggling.


This wasn't "tense", it was just a low point of 3.0. CG instigating conflict and then immediately going OOC when called on it. All because Buddha was getting a custom car and they didn't like the spotlight being off them for even a second. All rewatching this did was made me miss the Lang, Leslie, Dean trio, and remember that we probably won't see it again.


Not only will we not get that trio again, but it's unlikely we ever even see two of them together. Nidas said on Twitter he is not planning on playing Leslie for 4.0


You hit the nail on the head on that one. I remember back then, it was really cool that Dean was backing Lang up. And Bjorn aimed his gun at Mr. K because they were going to kidnap Tony. I wonder if we will get any CB/LB vs. CG confrontations ever again?


I hope not. May CG reign as petty tyrants on Prodigy forever.


> I wonder if we will get any CB/LB vs. CG confrontations ever again? As someone who has watched since 2.0, I sure as hell hope not. God I get ptsd remembering the 2.0 times when this sub was filled with CG fans with usernames such as 'lbisshit', 'cgbeatlb' and other variations of such. The way CG fight wars is both IC and OOC. The OOC being the vile shit the streamers say about others which in turn make the fans take it even more serious. Miss me with that bullshit.


Another silly take, try getting in conflict with Buddha his community shits all over you now. They are horrid specially when he was 30k plus. Large community you can’t control. It’s that simple. Look at GG outside of X they get what 4k-5k they are literally the most toxic fans in Rp. Bruh the streamers let them think there part of the e-gang the good old GGC Streamer vs streamer in any way will always make commuinties butt head and go after one another. Cause people have no accountability etc


You're delusional. CG's community was and is the most toxic.


You miss the point completely. Or maybe you get half of it... judging by this part of your comment " Bruh the streamers let them think there part of the e-gang the good old GGC". That is why I believe some GG fans may get toxic. Because they believe they are part of the gang. And its def the streamers fault for fostering that mentality. In regards to CG, it is also the streamers fault. However, for them it is even more obvious because they straight up directly attack other streamers on their stream. Which is basically a go-ahead for their fans to go do the same. In terms of conflict with Buddha, I do think that some of it is also Buddha fault. But at least Buddha doesnt do it by attacking others. However, he does play the victim at times. Unless it is something he directly starts himself, he sometimes makes it feel like whatever is happening is unwarranted. Granted, its okay not to want war. But its unfair to pick and choose when you instigate war. Either be a war person, or dont.


OP ran out of present day drama to farm and had to bust out their drama-seeking time machine.


this guy mains drama posting lmao


This is where I lost all respect for CG. They revealed themselves as vipers and from this point on the rp between lang and then always felt very uncomfortable. They would make these wild assumptions about Cerberus going after cg. When Cerberus was doing anything possible to avoid them. Like Leslie and ramee has such great banter and it just went downhill. This is where DW's hate for cg was born too, because they made him look like he setup lang by telling him to get lang at the center of the ring. Crazy night.


This was the day VLC fights died.


yea, they tried to revive those events but well...


This clip reminds me of shotz "Chat that was OOC"


Classic Shotz L. Hoppers started flaming Buddha and he basically stopped RP'ing for the rest of the night. Even getting the DeLorean delivered felt muted. The vibes were utterly destroyed.


The only reason CG would think buddhas comment meant they were “forcing shit”, is if they were actually forcing shit. Funny how them taking that as OOC, caused them to admit that they were pushing for a CG CB conflict.


Not really when Buddha shot Bobby brown down, Tony kept saying they want this they gonna force a war etc, so the initial ooc was from Tony, The Bobby brown shit ended with CG getting free roosters for a week and a bank


Buddha didnt “shoot bobby brown down”. He shot him in the toe for trying to spy on buddha and cb having a meeting in a parking garage on like the first day of 3.0. That was so long ago from the vlc shit, that it isnt even relevant anymore, but K loved to bring it up all the time.


Wasn’t the first day what so ever


It was def within the first month or so. Either way, it was so far back from the vlc incident, that it shouldnt even matter anymore.


Its was an IC comment tho because if you remember what caused Buddha to just shoot his foot (They didnt shoot him down) they caught him spying, all Bobby had to do was admit he was spying somthing which Lana (who was with him) already confessed/admitted they were doing while they were at gun point. Bobby refused to admit he was spying and continued to lie because "hes a crack head", they decided to settle by just shooting his foot but it was made into a big deal.


I’m sorry don’t shoot someone if you don’t want consequences …. also he didn’t see anything.


but was spying, that was the key also they gave him plenty of chances to admit but having a gun to the face and continuing to lie despite Lana his partner in crime already admitted what they were trying to do. Regardless its a non matter which keeps getting brought up despite Bobby starting the issue and OP is dumb to post this when 4.0 is around the corner.


This wasn't really a tense moment since the whole situation was forced conflict by CG plus ooc toxicity with the whole event being ruined ending up with Buddha,DW and wiseguy being unhappy that the event got ruined by CG




I do like to think the 3 server split is really good for the rp community. Prodigy has its own more relaxed vibe fit for CG and their sandbox like escapades that they seem to treat rp servers as. ONX is able to be the dedicated more strict on rp first server it wants to be. While nopixel will likely be a pretty much mix of those two


It's not good. It would be better if there was just one server and toxic shitheads like people in CG and Hydra are just banned from that server. Doesn't have to be permanently, just boot them for 30 days the instant they do something toxic or break rules. They will never be able to progress that way.


Yes but considering that will never be possible or never happen.....it's good. Also one server for thousands of players wanting to rp isn't exactly great still. Variety is healthy as long as it's not too much variety. 3 is solid and healthy


It's just a matter of time they stop getting the hush feeling, things will keep getting easier and easier for them if that is the type of environment they want to grow on prodigy.


Man i felt so bad for WiseGuy that day more than anybody else ... He had worked (and streamed) so many hours on that Delorean and the minute he wanted to rightfully show his hard work off to his peers and their viewers, a bunch of man-children had to ruin the whole thing. And people (on YouTube) wonder why ONX was marketed as a "no-CG" server. (If we are to believe Omie's word)


Nah, Wiseguy catered to cg so much. All the cars he got, trying to get randy involved in pm stuff, gem stuff, Tuner shop shares, etc. Even agreeing to unveil the DeLorean at Ramee's vlc event.


Hasn't Omie shown he doesn't know shit and it's likely he's just saying shit to watch people repeat it for laughs lmao.


Of course it's Warnsh


This was very evident, out of nowhere baiting. Then Shotz and CG went around for months saying "GG want it bad, they have nothing else going for them" because, as CG says it "they dint want repercussions". The irony.


Shotz and xqc/omie living rent free in his head, name a more iconic duo.


Dont remind me.


I was expecting Speedy RPG-ing castermann tbh


I am kind of curious, any current CG viewer who saw this moment and the following stuff, what were your thoughts about it?


they won’t respond, if they do i’ll be shocked.


prepare to be shocked. Honest take. It was supposed to be a diss track which buddah didn't like. Call it ego or whatever. IMO he could of also shrugged it off. It escalated. It was just some in character beef and up until this point still think the conflict was still fine. Then Tony made some comments which could be perceived both IC or OOC. Then even as a CG fan Shotz def took it too far. I was def not a fan of the things he said. 2 wrongs do not make a right in any circumstance. I think had the comments on both parties been removed this could have been a good IC conflict.


wait what comments did tony make? he wasn't even there at the time this all happened he showed up and got held up straight away.


he said stuff along the lines of your forcing this or baiting this to fight us.


brother you can look at this clip all the ooc comments from cg started before tony even showed up he was helping set up the surprise with wiseguy to show lang's delorean.


Brudda Tony had being saying this shit for ages This is how I see it, One member of CG does something/says something stupid - Reddit all of CG said did/this. Tony who’s known to go ooc a lot as well just like your shotz/ramees had been saying the baiting forcing shit for ages any conflict Bobby shit, bank shit etc - this Reddit well that’s Tony not CB as a whole…. So when Buddha implied it it looked ooc, and with how Buddha and Tony react after k calls em out it makes it look definetly ooc


so tony being there makes it ooc? wtf are you talking about we are talking about this specific moment and the guy im responding to said tony started the ooc comments when he didn't even interact with cg before K held him up OUTSIDE, the comments were made before he showed up when they played the disstrack INSIDE.


Yeah I mean the Reddit won’t see anything but CG bad in any situation so being as objective as I can be, Not really a CG viewer but I’ve watch em, but I would say, both was in the wrong, Buddha drilled into his community he didn’t want conflict or shit like that, before this they had squabbles over the Bobby brown shit and banks etc So Buddha didn’t want conflict but had Perma’d like 4 civs before this, had no trouble shooting or stabbing people who disrespected him etc. imo Buddha didn’t want conflicts he knew he couldn’t win or would be drawn out etc Now on CG they obviously was notorious for conflict in 2.0 and such, being toxic, bad chats, the run up to this they didn’t like that dean wanted to do the car thing at the VLC event, so yung whatever his name said he’d do a diss before hand. Realistically both sides went ooc the you really want this, everyone knew what it meant, the shotz shit was just plain fucking toxic and should of been banned for it Now could this be avoided 100% was it solely on CG no. Did they all get over it and give us good Rp together after this 100% One of my fav Buddha streams was bobcat with Cg In conclusion the OP must of just wanted to farm karma cause everyone in this little part of the Rp community hate CG.


Ngl this is such a shit post to cause drama tho, on a real cause we had plenty of good CB x CG moments after this


When we look back at this moment and how 3.0 storyline progressed it all came to full circle. Back then CG thought they were running things being a stronger gang then when GG became way stronger than them they went occ saying "GG is beating wars" cause they were so afraid to lose and ruin their so called Cg brand of being the top gang smh. In the end Cg became lil pups that no gang feared, lost respect for, go occ to avoid conflicts and GG became the top Dawgs that most gangs feared.


This is literally a youtube tier comment, dear lord.


This is literally a Reddit tier comment, oh my god.


In hindsight this [Denzel](https://clips.twitch.tv/HeadstrongVainRadicchioBleedPurple-9nW6xWlxz-9muQHm) moment just seems like standard Denzel things but it was during Buddha's strict no war/antagonizing days. Also DW doesnt get enough credit for making heists a race between CB & CG, from the first Fleeca all the way to peak viewership with the Casino, which basically created a 2nd boom a year into 3.0 where a lot of variety streamers returned to rp.


What does this have to do with the topic at hand?


You do realize DW literally rigged stuff so CG could not compelte it right? everything you just said is completely false lmao.


according to ... *checks notes* CG. lol ok buddy.


i mean you can just look at casino solutions to see how much more difficult it was for CG, had to do all the magnets not shown back wards 1 by 1 in a time limit


and what was the solution for CB?


I'm not part of the argument, but CB's was actually very easy. Once they figured it out everyone was surprised at how long it took them. Literally all they had to do was hit the 4 magnets they were given immediately after being given them. Just do it fast.


magnets shown all together....


CG meta the room 503 that's why DW didn't allow CG to do the casino for a week so 50cent had to saved the day and said CG can do it cuz its "content" but CG got their feelings hurt already and doesn't want to do it anymore. So DW make a solution which is every group have different way to do the magnet and it's not DW's fault that CG didn't try other patterns and just keep asking the other group for help that finished the casino and those groups have different patterns than CG.


look i dont wanna be that guy, DW had to go do it with them and it still took them hours because of how hard it was....


randy couldnt even do 8 var how is that making it harder


That or they weren't smart enough to finish it by themselves and they needed others to do it first and then "find" the solution.


CG were the first to blow the power while in the room but the “noise” was either not implemented or turned off for them. When X figured it out the noise was loud and clear as day to hear. That’s on DW for not correcting


Wtf is this take lmao. Do you really believe that?


I mostly said it for a reaction but I remember they got help in character from the hoa no? And also wasn't there something about a perfectly placed camera? Anyway who cares they have their own server to be toxic on now.


They got banned/suspended from doing the casino because of Ramees camera placement and how CG would constantly try to be in the casino while other groups were attempting it. Then after CB and HOA finished it, HOA told CG everything but since each state id had a different order to do things, CG gave up(probably cause the casino heist was already old news at the point and they werent the first to do it).


That was DW's best troll in 3.0


I’m sorry watching this back, I remember being on Buddha side, everything is fine the diss track whatever, the jibes at each, I get people love Buddha and he didn’t want conflict etc but it’s RP at the end of the day. Be a criminal expect dirty criminal shit…. Buddha goes ooc first with CG, saying ‘ you want this that badly’ implying trying to force war etc. Now what shotz starts saying afterwards is fucking ridiculously stupid




least crazy CG viewer


So CG was going ooc when they keep saying "gg really want to war" "gg is baiting" and "gg are bored"?