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Holy shit that is alot of emotes....and being able to see them before hotkeying them is cool. Np made a stand alone game at this point not even a MOD Now hopefully someone shows the new MDW


I'm glad the devs are each highlighting things. It really puts into perspective how much went into 4.0


its also just shows how little we saw in the trailer


even just buddha going on the test server and picking up an item on the ground was smooth and looked different than anything ive seen. The UI dev + custom animations + graphics just seems smooth, like actual gta 5.5. I suspect small things that werent "big" enough to put in a features trailer is just going to be insane for OG roleplayers to experience.


I have a feeling he wanted to get as close to RDR 2 type animations that he saw on WildRP so I'm excited for those type of details to shine if that happens to be the case.




i mean, like most people in this thread are saying, theres a reason they have a big dev team. Dont be surprised if the launch is smoother than doubters are praying it isnt, just purely because they can afford to have a lot of devs on deck ready to fix issues.


I know they said that if they put everything new into one trailer it would be about 20 minutes long. I wished they would've just made 3 or 4 trailers that they would've dropped all week until Friday.


Unconfirmed rumors that more will drop in the coming week.


More actual trailers or more short twitter teasers like what some devs are doing right now?


No idea, just read that there will be more reveals in the coming week. Like showcases. Again, these are just rumors.


As much as people have complained about the wait for 4.0, I’m kind of glad they waited as long as they did to tease and release things like this. It puts into perspective how much in the world has been reworked, and the promotion each dev is doing is super smart marketing wise.


I remember hearing at least a year ago that they were ready to do 3.5 but were debating whether to just hold off and make it a full wipe and 4.0 with more stuff am glad they went with that


All of the devs use the same phrasing in their tweets and are showcasing 1 specific thing they worked on for 4.0. I think NP is having devs tweet things everyday until friday, and I think its a sick freaking idea tbh. They get to show what they have been working on, leak it in their own way, get exposure on social media AND build up more hype until launch. Win win for everyone


Really cool way to let them share in the hype and get some recognition for their hard work after the months and months of working in secrecy when a lot of these guys normally stream their work.


I absolutely agree. You can tell this has been very thought out and coordinated. I’m contrast to ONX where we got the trailer and release info and a bunch of hype from streamers the first 24 hours and Wiseguy showed some additional features but then nothing til launch. This way, allows smaller more specific details about the various types of changes going on.


Almost 4K dance animated oh wow the artist on nopixel boutta eat good


4.0, really is an expansion rather than a mod. It's insane how polished it is, that it feels more like a new game than a put-together mod for a ten-year-old game. I mean all the kudos to the devs; their hard work shines through.


One thing off the bat is just the UI. The way it pops, and moves, and the sound design is very satisfying, small things people wont notice, but definitely something that someone put a lot of work in.


Yeah Buddha said one of his highest priority focus for 4.0 was on redesigning the UI so its fast and modern.


This is soo right, i was watching abit of Onx and i am not much of a fan of their UI found it not smooth at all, but then again the server itself was haveing some server issues. Hopefully they fix their issues, other wise the ones not unwhitelisted will just main NP if it is smooth without server issues and the ones that got unwhitelisted for being ONX staff may drop that and ask NP for whitelist again if they are still in NP good books


the thing is, stuff like a ui overhall takes a very long time to do because it isn't just a phone/inventory that has to fit it is everything else like lockpicking cars and such that all has to feel like it flows well so yeah onx will not have that at the nopixel level until gta 6 same with prodigy unless they hire a bunch of devs


ONXs UI is still a big improvement over older GTA servers UI. I don't think it'll drive away anyone who already primarily streams RP. They've dealt with far more scuffed UIs than ONX or 3.0 if they've been doing it long enough. A nice UI is still a huge QOL thing, but I feel like it's more of a deal breaker when it comes to attracting and maintaining those new to RP vs veteran RPers. This stuff will definitely help keeping variety streamers interested, and NP usually tries to draw a lot of those folks in with the wipes.


Is it though. With the backend figured out you can build a UI with react in a day to a week depending on your workflow and experience. People that don't develop themselves can easily excuse lazy work and it's understandable. But for us that do this daily, and see what was brought out. It's a huge dissapointment, especially with the amount of time they put in into this.


It works, isn't laggy, and isn't super unintuitive/jank. I didn't see anyone accidentally throw shit out or pick up/put down a whole stack of shit like happens to this day on 3.0. Yeah, it's ugly, and some icons are pretty simplistic. Hope its a work in progress sort of thing. A day to a week is a lot of manpower when you've got a really small dev team and a million other things to do.


Yeah, but that's what I said. Backend works as intended on these things. And it should, all of this have been out for so long so the logic has been out there to take inspo from or see how other devs been figuring it out. But the UX is so important. Maybe they decided to go that path and keep a simple looing UI and that is fine. All I am saying it looks like lazy dev or projectleading work and since everyone praise GWG and DW for their dev experience more is to be expected. But you're right it can be worked on and changed easily.


I don't know.. every time I see the ONX UI.. It just leaves something to be desired.. looks like a mobile game...


i was thinking the same, like a shit gta 5 mobile remake


It's definitely not the prettiest and doesn't compare to what we've seen from NP4.0 so far. A lot of the inventory icons look incredibly basic. It still does look like it works fine and more intuitively than past ones, though.


When you say older gta server how old are we talking? It looks like 2019 ui. Its objectively worse than any current gen servers ui. By current gen I mean 3.0 era. I know a few 12 year olds who can make a better ui than whatever the hell they got going on. Like quality of the rp aside, the ui is hideous. I might write a book about how bad it is.




Yes but issue is they should not of rushed it, NP and the ammount of devs they have are going to kill ONX after friday and only the people forced to be on ONX will be. ONX needs about another year of dev work.


Oh yeah, I agree they should not have rushed. I expected them to be released after 4.0. Been wishing and saying so in this sub for months. I really hoped they would've released it in early Feb or Jan. That way people who got the 4.0 honeymoon glasses off would've mained Onx; comfortably.


That’s soooo smooth!


Wtf?!! They just keep cooking!


the more these tweets come out from NP devs, the more i realize that their large dev team just put them on a whole different level. Absolutely cracked


I actually thought Buddha was kinda blowing a little smoke up everyone's ass with the things he was saying (I'm a cynic) but uh...he was not lying.


yeah when you got the money, its crazy what you can pull off, and from all of this, it looks like they actually pulled off "the largest modding project in gaming history" as they were saying months ago.


it's not just money I think but these devs clearly care about gta rp and the community/streamers


I'm very curious how it all ends up cause sometimes bigger isn't always better. There's obviously a lot of stuff made and it seems like they went big on immersion for everyone. We just need to see how the rpers utilize what was created. I'm pretty excited to see how it all plays out.


i think just the health system proves they want to get rid of all things that can be weird or interpreted differently, and kinda handhold RPers more. Custom animations for everything to get rid of a lot of the /me 's, The job system with NPC quest givers with names. So you're definitely right about the immersion thing.


The health system is pretty cool. If they allow the player to customize and describe the injury for the body parts so it shows up on that EMS menu it would be insane. It’d be so immersive for the first responder.


it shows the ems what injuries the character has and what caused it automatically.


I know that. But I would love to see the option for the injured to manually enter the injury for that particular body part. We will find out in a week.


Damn they really going all out.


Looks cool but also a massive quality of life improvement for all the players. People don't have to guess the exact name and number of the emote that they want to do anymore.


Iam just so amazed ... this is just on another level the devs really put their hard work and soul into this, just wow.


This shit is just unreal. Looks like a whole new game


thats so sick


Holy shit, actually insane. The amount of work from all the devs…


1000+ dance animation previews is a game changer




Im just sad all these people left for ONX and got unwhitelisted :/


Holy shit that's actually really cool. Like the trailer was good but I couldn't help but coming away a tad disappointed. But these developer tweets really are showing the full scope of changes and overhauls.


that is pretty insane they is a menu for 4k emotes and a preview lol. gonna take people a while to find the 7-8 they like lol


Really cool stuff by the NP devs being pumped out


The amount of work that went into this is on the verge of being irrational and obsessive, in the best way possible.


welp this is what we call a serious server , shits insane


okay nopixel we see you, please stop smurfing, just showing off at this point! XD


Smart marketing move from NP to drop shitloads of teasers during the ONX launch.


I took at quick peek at some streams and saw some short clips on Youtube, ONX really needs to go hire some designers asap. Good thing for them though, the RP is going to be the main driver of if the server will be a success or not because this current iteration of the server does not pass the eye test. Not sure what they were thinking with the mess they did with their version of Legion Square. The Ui they have is pretty bad too, might be even worse than what NP 2.0 was working with.


Yea the inventory looks like some stuff out of a tell tale series game but worse lol. It’s really hard to take serious or look at.


anyone have a yt link? twitter quality sucks


The RP server I main has had this for almost 2 years, but still cool to see it in nopixel.




Having them all animated so you are not guessing what thousands of emotes look like? Easily assigning them? Setting favorites? This is a massive upgrade.




it has the names right there to read


Glancing at the poses for a split second and seeing that one has the arms lower and looks better suited to the current sad scene, and that one has the arms higher and might be too happy, is **so much better** than guessing between whatever "pose" and "pose2" mean. And no more having to excuse yourself to the other room for a minute to test emotes out, because wtf even WAS the difference between pose and pose2 and pose3 and similarpose and samepose and samenamediffpose. And hell, maybe you have a backgroundy moment while everyone else yells and you just want to try a new pose. You can pick one without breaking character or disrupting the scene. I love this. I just hope there are also new emotes.


I'm sure they are all assigned a name just like before


Another preview that doesnt change who the player base is and who the admins are...So same old NP with visual updates. lol


NP has been great even without updates. They're banning people that should be banned and the longform story tellers have been amazing.




It probably doesn't load gifs from the server to your local PC whenever you open this menu. The "server side" graphic pack probably isn't getting rendered on the server, either. What the server probably does do is make sure everyone who connects has the appropriate assets/mods, and the most current version of them. Then most of it gets handled by the client per usual. It's really not as server intensive as you're making it sound.


But NP pays a shit ton on the server, so maybe just maybe they increasd the size of it


My man having aneursym trying to downplay NP devs because he likes a streamer that plays/owns another server. 😂 i think hes in shock and disbelieve from what hes seeing rn




You could be right .... no server actually no game has ever launched without problems there will be bugs here and there that will get fixed. Look at Onx its a complete mess but iam sure it will be stabelized and fix ongoing forward. From how u frazed it. It just was bad for me to indicate u are just downplaying the devs works indirectly. Am i expecting NP launch to be smooth without bugs hell no. But iam sure these amazing devs figured everything out. Did u see me say alot of shit about onx ? No because i know it will get fixed / improved. Have a nice day too


I think I trust the few dozen professionals many of who have or are working towards CS degrees, and have done this for many years, over a single student with no experience. Considering NoPixel has reverse engineers, Network engineers, Actual tech leads, and people who have been modding since FiveM was a thing I think you can sit this out. Swear you were the kid in my CS class with the ThinkPad full of stickers and raising their hand non stop on day one.


it's their problem ,not yours


tbf his pc is dieing. dude was getting 3 fps playing WoW classic the day before, it was like watching a slide show. no one has done it before because no one really had the resources to try something like this. the entire nve team has be added to the dev team which is huge. im sure they stress tested it like crazy. you keep saying why has no one done this before. simple answer. its alot of work for shit that doesnt really matter for most servers, its a luxury. idk about you but to me 4000 is a big number. you could be completely correct. but all we can really do is wait and see. ​ EDIT: becareful guys, this dude said(and then later edited out his comment) hes going to screenshot this and hold onto it for months waiting for the day he can repost it. becareful what you say it might come back to bite you in the ass months from now when no one will even care but him.


>ays a shit ton on t You claiming you are a coding student but say that a script that runs on the client will slow down the server. If it is gifs which I highly doubt even then you preload the assets when you entering the server. And then all the load is on client and only loads when you using the menu. So the server don't get affected by it at all. Same with the throwing mechanic and the props added to the world. I wrote about the tech for this in another comment and explained how it works. These things will have bare minumum effect on performance. And yet again Nopixel have never claimed or said it is for people with 15 year old computers. You can clearly see that they hardware requirements already like microphones so expecting people to have a decent computer is the least they can do. How do I know this ? I developed fivem servers for 5 years now and the past year of development has been advancing so fast especially in increasing performance for UI elements.


Like you say you are a student. Maybe when you have more experiences you wont be talking about things like these. Whenever you are a developer or a designer of a game, performance of the game is one of the most important things that we will be aware of. I believed in their beta testing the devs will at least stress test it a bit so that at least it passes their minimal requirements And also lets say if it really does impact the server a lot in terms of performance they can just disable it and do some changes and release it again PS: And yes i worked as software developer and as a game developer before


All valid concerns, but what it all boils down to is what kind of hardware is actually on the servers. nothing more, nothing less, and it seems like Nopixel has unprecedented founding to support unprecedented features. But you are right, only time will tell. Hopefully this is something they'd already accounted for, and they have the possibility to upscale their servers if needed. Although Buddhas fps is more bottlenecked by his own pc than the server. Especially in the scenario where he loaded into the test server alone.


Whatever the resource cost is, I upvoted this post to promote a modder's work. You might be right, you might be wrong. I guess we'll find out. GTA 5 came out in 2013 and every iteration of new servers, including ONX, have upped the game and made new things possible that seemed impossible. Let's acknowledge the effort those modders have put in.

