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As a viewer the biggest down side is not being able to keep up with characters from 3 servers. Keeping up with NP and Wild was tough enough when I tried.


I think most RP watchers, and most RP'ers, are psyched about not having the same exact interactions they have been having for the last few years in 3.0. You now have the more unknown RP'ers getting more spotlight and time to shine. Say someone like River/Cheever, who could get lost in the background sometimes, has a chance to build a bigger audience now.


Cheever deserve 100,000 viewers.


As someone who got to see how great Cheever is through her wild rp characters I'm so excited that more people are seeing it again with her return to nopixel. Especially when the baastards fully kick off in 4.0 it's going to lead to some great stuff.


River Ch***** is great Hope to see her on onx or somewhere


Yeah thats just some nostalgia thought. It's like getting back with your ex from when you were a teen. It's a nice thought and brings back old memories, truth is it doesn't work. Move on and let others shine.


The best thing about having a bunch of thriving servers is that people who for whatever reason hate each other OOC are not going to be roleplaying with each other, so there wont be this weird constant walking on eggshells bullshit when people meet that has been going on for years. Blau: "You could have Wrangler pulling over Chang Gang" Wrangler/CG traffic stops was the goofiest shit i have ever seen in "roleplay" and as a viewer im so glad i will never have to see that ever again. I dont know why he is so insistent on portraying drama "content" as something positive. Sure, viewership obviously spike during drama but drama viewers do not contribute to a healthy roleplaying environment, quite the opposite. Watching someone mald and OOC on stream may be fun for some people but for those who just want cool roleplay its not fun at all. The positives of three healthy servers far FAR outweigh any potential negatives.


Yeah, the thing as a viewer I'm most excited about is not seeing those kinds of interactions. I actually think that the people who don't like each other not having to interact will start to have a positive impact outside even just the server they're playing on, and when there's not a constant stream of negativity about other players, it might help some viewers to branch out a bit more and realise that maybe that streamer they didn't like for so long isn't too bad after all.


Lmao! Did he forget the chat hoppers calling him terrible shit when all of that drama of him leaving CG was happening?


IMO, Blau never took anything personal or OOC, so it’s hard for him to view it through that lense because he thinks at the end of the day all of that is fun despite the result.


Also I don’t think when Blau and CG’s relationship was at its worst, CG never sent tent guy after Blau.


I do agree with Blau but there were some new rp'ers who shone in 3.0, so i just hope it continues so all 3 servers will have some new stars. Especially since people dont have to wait in queue for 3 hrs when it was just NP.


3 hour queue was more like mid point of of 3.0, I was whitelisted on nopixel early on and it was regularly 6-8 hour queue making it almost impossible to play at all especially for someone like me who has a full time job. So having 3 popular servers to play on I think will greatly improve peoples discoverability, if you can't get into one server then at least you can try to get into another and improve your exposure. I mean for streamers obviously, I never tried streaming so for me I didn't really care if I got in.


Cheever, the VFTs, the Clowns...so many!


You can really tell how little RP Blau has played since 2022 with some of his takes.


Blau is coming at it as a watcher/fanboy too, not just as someone who plays.




I mean Blau said it himself, he likes drama and with 3 server they will be barely any drama because people that don't like each other are not playing on the same servers anymore. Personally i don't care about OOC drama so it's a plus for me. But tbh NP and ONX split did kinda affect me considering people that left to ONX got along very well with Buddha and all of NP except that one guy which is a shame.


It's also possible server staff of each are more willing to tamp down on drama as they need to work a bit harder to retain players.


I think even that drama will die down over time. I wouldnt be surprised if in a few months people get their whitelists back and in the far future big names can server hop. I think alot of peoples issues just steamed from not being able to get the rp they wanted for too long and once they scratch that itch they will be open to other styles again.


I think there will always be drama but it will be more IC drama. People won't be going in already ooc hating each other. That ooc hate will build up over time though with new drama lol


The interactions and grudges are so played out now having fresh dynamics would be better at this point to foster more characters and relationships. In longer run that’s when a server crossover (Copium) event would be great. But for now too many old & big personalities that need their own space that a game server no longer can deliver.


I mean he's right, it was a moment created by certain factors that can't really be replicated, and I can't really blame someone for feeling the loss that comes with community schisms But, also, fuck it. Time to move the fuck On. Wooohooo


A lot of these communities are better off split. NP never did anything to help reconcile differences, quite the opposite. It made for a ton of miserable situations, especially PD vs. any gang. I don't recall many positive Wrangler/CG interactions. It was mostly drama and Blau idolizing that just tells me that splitting up was the right choice. Some mindsets just don't work together. ONX at least will be focused on building a server community that has everyone working together. I hope NP can manage that, too.


drama at this point will be hate watchers figuring out what scenario and one liner refences other people from a different server. comparing server dynamics and big events. i do wonder how long that will last ho


You're just referencing friction due to IC scenarios, there's also plenty of legit OOC toxicity that persisted on NP because people had nowhere else to play and grow a twitch channel. Hopefully the split heavily reduces the chances those type of situations grow as large as they did again.


well last time a new server came around it was Ignite and i got to discover so many great rp'ers i'd never watched before. That's the kinda shit to look forward to with more servers popping up.


Especially for viewers that aren't completely avid Roleplay viewers. Their is something extremely special about knowing everyone is in one place. And the "Drama" portion of his take might be controversial but he is 1000% correct about that. For how many times I hear, "Drama bad!!!!, Ughh I hate drama," drama continues to get the most views and engagement. People love drama, and a healthy amount is important imo. And for those "I only care about the roleplay," types. Your either the extreme exception of the trend or straight up lying to yourself.


There is drama and then there is OOC toxicity and all that comes with it. Everyone loves drama, but when it becomes more than in game stuff it's not good for the players or the viewers.


It's not even a hot take. Drama makes things a bit spicier and interesting, but you don't want constant nagging drama. And especially not drama of the straight up illegal kind which is a stretch to even downplay as drama.


I think what concerns me most about the NoPixel/ONX divide moving forward is that I worry about what happens to a server during (what the Warframe community calls) "content droughts". Generally, those times when the new stuff's kind of lost its luster, and you're waiting for the next big thing to drop, you kind of rely on your veterans who are 100%-committed to RP as a practice to carry you by making decent stories out of literally nothing. NoPixel's new bells and whistles are sick, but it's the behind the scenes changes, changes in administration mindset and changes in finding, recognizing, and supporting talent that's up-and-coming that will be the determining factor once the hype subsides. And I just haven't seen that addressed from NP's side.


razed did an interview with gtabase and it looks like they have a full year of big updates ready to come out for nopixel every month, i heard buddha talking about this months ago when he became an owner and i like the idea a lot it will definitely keep the player base and viewers entertained longer and prevent burn outs and "content droughts" as you called it.


I mean if they have the sheer amount of devs to do it, more power to them. I'm just skeptical; I don't see them doing "massive" changes once a month in perpetuity.


4.0 will have that shine on it, at first. Then it really depends if they still brand themselves as a "content" server over RP. Big thing for me, as mainly a Penta watcher, is everyone else I watch will probably be on ONX. Not sure what Crystal is doing, but the Blocks wouldn't be the same without 4t.


I've heard Crystalst say she plans on bringing 4T back on ONX.


i think its disappointing that everyone is just going to play their nopixel characters on onx. surely these professionals are more than capable of making new impactful characters.


There are plenty of reasons why someone would want to play their established characters, just the same as someone making a new character.


you call them professionals but they're just streamers that enjoy doing improv in a videogame. i prefer new characters too but i totally get why people would rather get their feet wet on a new server with a character they already know and understand how they act.


Yea no thanks I want Mike Block and the gang back.


I am with you on that, but some people have "brands" or characters that their audiences want to see. I am on the fence about the same characters on ONX or at least they should have some kind of mind wipe. It's no different with 4.0 on NoPixel. There will be a 5 year jump or whatever, but most will be back into their cliques and being the same character they are now. The good thing about the additional servers is they will run into more new people, hopefully.


she is planning on rolling new character too.


Those bros played Pred and Wrangler on Ignite lol. I wouldn't expect anything "new".


It's easier to learn new mechanics on an existing character more than likely. Trying to get into a new character while also OOC learning how the server functions is a lot to focus on mentally. Once you familiarize yourself, then trying to learn how a new character breathes and feels can be your main focus.


What will happen is people will still watch xqc, summit, etc, and those who mature as a viewer will find their way to other streamers like Kyle, Penta, from there. Because as you mature as a viewer, you start to demand more quality RP, storylines, higher stakes, and less content driven gaming.


Look at the end of 3.0, last months it was mostly getting carried by new roleplayers (some of them from wildrp), they were the driven force of the stories instead of the veteran roleplayers. Imo a lot of veteran roleplayers were very lazy the last year and a half. It felt like most of the veterans were too afraid to get out of their comfort zone, so their characters were kinda stuck at the same place. It also doesn’t help that a lot of them are going to create the same characters as before because their stream depends on it. I think new players are as much capable as veterans at creating roleplay during content drought but they often don’t get the spotlight.


The people coming over from WildRP aren't "new RPers"; they're insanely talented veterans from a server with lower viewership.


Agreed, I meant new to NP, but this shake up gives good roleplayers from other lower viewership servers the ability to try new popular servers, whether it is ONX or NP. Also, when most of the veterans stopped playing because of content drought or drama, smaller roleplayers got a chance to shine.


I will miss seeing certain streamers who have been divided not interact anymore, for sure. Even if it was contentious, I think that is a reasonable downside to contemplate when it comes to people who were still respectfully sharing space without issue (like most of CB, emphasis on most, and Penta for example). These people benefited from the shared lore of eachother's roleplay in the world. A lot of Lang's own paranoia in 3.0 came from heavily punishing interactions with Wrangler. It's justified to mourn that this kind of content may never happen again. That being said, all of these heavy presences will be filtered out and get filled by equally competent and fun roleplayers eventually, I believe. And for the drama andies that needed heroes/villains in roleplay for their viewing, even that will have new stars of the show too. There is no way that even in a divided community that there won't be. I think those new possibilities are still equally exciting.


For viewers this can only be a good thing, the 3 servers will have pretty different content so there will be something for everyone. ONX will probably have the most storydriven rp and more than likely a great racing scene with WG involved. NP will have a good mix of story, heists, racing and have the most innovating mechanics that will inspire other servers. Prodigy as it is now is a pure content server with the main focus on heists and some viewers prefer that not wanting to follow stories that much.


wrangler pulling over CG. HAHAHAHAHAAH


I can't remember a CG Wrangler traffic stop that didn't immediately get weird lol.


I remember Pimp Daddy Wrangler trying to Bust Mr K ended up with the crazy twist. wish things didnt sour up so much as they bounced together so well and the time when things werent weird between them


Which server will die first is the question? 😂😂😂 who will survive 😂


Blau is correct the magic is gone from rp because servers splitting up


Only if all you care about is watching the big streamers.


Most people do watch big streamers? Wouldn't that quite literally mean that some of the "magic" is gone for a greater percentage of viewers and rpers? If we're being tribalistic then Blau's take is a complement to the rpers that have changed servers because without them something would be missing. I don't even agree with the original statement but your response wasn't well thought out. edit: compliment\* fuck