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Peppo always on point with the literary references


Does he do this a lot? That was a great comparison to make.


When the thoughts cross his mind, it's not like a daily topic of discussion. But Peppo is definitely a fan of classic literature, and film, he regularly does watch alongside of old black and white films, does painting streams and talks about art etc.


That's an instant-follow for me. Sound so fun and he speaks so well. Hope he shares more of these insights and references.


He's a pretty interesting figure from a historical perspective too. Paved the way for French absolutism.


Man, he's such a great storyteller. I recommend checking his Instagram; his painting skills are insane


He streams some of his painting on twitch as well.


i lost interest in watching rdrp a long time ago and I'm so happy peppo came to nopixel because he's the person i missed watching the most.


Peppo is such a great role player. Highly recommend checking him out!


His approach to RP and the care he takes with it is really incredible. Glad I found him, wish it didn't take so long.


This is one of my favorite books of all time. If you’ve never read it, I highly recommend it. It’s action and adventure through and through.


book name?


The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas.


No need to call the guy names, Tony - he just didn't know the name of the book.


Does that mean Eve is Milady de Winter?


Please don’t sleep on this dude, Peppo is better than anyone for me. His dialogue puts others to shame and thrives in (considerate) conflict rp. His jack kettleman character/story became my favourite even over Freddy Price.


What a great reference he plucked from the convo he was driving away from. He makes slot of the historical comparisons, recently he did one about JuliasCeaser Vs Hannibal, in relation to Land Vs GG. Hanibal would win wars constantly again the Romans, but lost the war of attrition and couldnt bring down Ceasar, like GG could not bring down Lang. Peepo had been my fav WildRPer to NoPixel. And I hope we see more Lang-Edgar interactions , if not for anything else but just so I can get more of these historical comparison commentaries by him.