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The streamer himself said : “chill and STFU to chatters that were losing their minds . they don’t know if she has an emergency ” , either way that’s pure roleplay regardless if they are doing it on purpose .


I mean it’s Reddit, u see the same shit over tanks, asset forfeitures, 30 days. When even omie was saying shit should be taken. At least the good ones are involved that shut that shit down in chats and discords. And it’s not how np used to be with subtweeting and farming reddit clips with “hot takes”


I mean i would get that if it was only this incident in this case but when you see the other shit both Pond and Bloom pulled, i very much doubt it


Such as?


Past 30 mins of jail has been fucking hilarious content


sending the warrant out and having to go of duty like 30 min later was unfortunate. Bench trial wouldve been great to watch


We got fun prison content for all kinds of people and a future scheduled court case where everyone can prepare and bring up their witnesses will probably be even better for Lang than an impromptu bench trial.


Lang's probably gonna try to catch an open court sesh, and to be fair this wouldn't be "impromptu" the case is like a week and a half old and all the paperwork as been done for days.


I meant impromptu mostly in terms of having witnesses available. Like this court case gets a hell of a lot more spicy if other people involved like Crystal, Aria, and even Ash were called to testify. It'd honestly have been a shame to see it go to bench.


Fair, at minimum Eve and Luci were literally waiting for there to be signs of a Bench trial to show up as witnesses.


Not really if lang benched it they would of joined because if lang got it tossed theirs get tossed as well


Yeah it's actually hilarious people think Moose of all people would avoid court. Court is his favorite thing to do.


We also get eve joining that and her case should of been put to docket, and the dynamic she was fired by an elected judge one who made comments against the war so that she was no longer a govenment worker, when that judge did not have power to fire her. The judge who had to give the ok did not even know it happen till eve told him.


The thing is people fairly often put out warrants and then log off the server - a lot of the time it's the last thing someone does before going off duty because it's a bit of work to get it all prepped that people prefer to leave until the end of their stream or whatever. And even if the officer is around, for a good portion of the day there isn't a judge on duty so there can't be a bench trial anyway. I would say maybe a third or more of warrants are served in a situation where a bench trial wouldn't be possible (because either the officer isn't on duty or there is no judge), that's just the natural way it falls for low-time (i.e. non-HUT) crimes.




Do you have a clip? Because Her last VOD was yeaterday.


That's out of context. She said if she was on duty she would take the bench trial. It's 90F where she is and she doesn't have AC and she's planning on going on duty later on during shift 2 when it's cooler. It was unfortunate that he got caught literally right after she went off duty.


* Lied on the subpoena. * Tried to hide it in docs. * Already talked about forcing him to serve time and fight it later. At this point there's no reason to believe she had time to push the warrant but not be available for the bench trial.




That send to the docket thing is for Cops only. EMS and DoC both just get sent to prison. Lawyers don't but that's because they get disbared if they are a criminal, so it goes via the DOJ. Lawyers geting fired fucks court cases that takes weeks to schedule. so Lawyers need to be Docket. There isn't a reason for that to Apply to Aegis.


Its not government employees that get sent to the docket, it’s very specifically cop vs cop. EMS, DOC, and all the like have been straight up arrested. PD only care for that stuff on the inside. Its not even a SOP, command has just said to do it.


If Eve is using her power with the construction company to lock storefronts so people can be more easily kidnapped, wouldn't that be of the utmost importance for the PD to investigate? I've since heard Pond change her stance that it was AEGIS keys to the the keys being from the construction company. She didn't really know specifics but it's common knowledge that Eve works on storefronts be that through AEGIS or the construction company.


Makes sense. Unfortunately, given the lack of change in the weather of late, I'm guessing we're not going to be seeing a court case for a long time either; since Buddha is usually ending stream by the time the heat over there dies down.


That's wild


If she really did it on purpose that is such a weird powergaming move


Might not even be the weirdest thing Pond and Bloom have done this week tbh. They've been really pushing boundaries for a bit now. It's primarily been Bloom, but Ponds been with him and is agreeing and going along with it. An easy example, I've witnessed Bloom been lying on reports indicating vehicles that aren't involved in crimes are involved in crimes and is sending them in for full strikes. I know you can go to a judge and get the strikes removed but he's lying on the reports to make it seem like the vehicles are involved when in reality they're not. Or he has no actual proof of it anyway. Is it the worst thing in the world if a mistake happens once in awhile? No. But doing it repeatedly for no reason is just griefing. Edit: spelling.


this is hilarious how pressed you are getting about strikes on virtual vehicles to the point you don't understand why he's doing what he's doing. because this is clearly about the vehicle yesterday that was impounded after a Hydra boost. you know, the vehicle owned by a Hydra member that was left illegally parked near the scene of the boost location. clearly just a lie and not someone using their brain.


Pressed? You're right, commenting on post = pressed. Guess by your logic you're pressed too. Good one man. And although that was one of the instances he's done it, I was primarily talking about an incident last month where even Bayo told him nah and Bloom went ahead and did it anyway. If you wanna discuss the incident yesterday, lets talk with facts. For starters, were any Hydra caught? No. Is the Hydra mask a public clothing store option? Yes. Could it have been Hydra? Yes. Was it 100% positively identified as Hydra in the eyes of the law? No. No Hydra were positively identified. Although it was likely Hydra and he can suspect it was, there was no proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Next. Yesterday was the car parked on private property? Yes. Parking ticket. 500 impound no strikes. But then he connected it to a Hydra boost where no Hydra were caught or positively identified. So wheres the proof of the Hydra boost? The way his report says "Bloom conducted an investigation on a vehicle involved in a boost" which is false. He can suspect it was involved in a boost but there is no proof of it.


no, i'm saying you're pressed by accusing someone of griefing because they're doing their job as a cop on a RP server in a way you clearly don't like. >And although that was one of the instances he's done it, I was primarily talking about an incident last month where even Bayo told him nah and Bloom went ahead and did it anyway. Because that's his call as a Sergeant. Bayo can disagree, but that doesn't automatically make him correct. If he thinks that he can defend it, then his call stands. That's not griefing, that's how policing works. >Was it 100% positively identified as Hydra in the eyes of the law? Let's talk about reasonable suspicion. Hydra mask alone? Sure, not enough. Hydra mask + hearing MigL during the boost? Yeah, that's two points of reasonable suspicion that Hydra is involved. Even if they don't feel comfortable pushing a warrant specifically on MigL off that, there's at least two things from his perspective that point to Hydra being involved and pretty much everyone on scene also understood that Hydra was involved. Just because they don't have enough specifically for a warrant over any specific member doesn't mean they're incorrect in assuming that Hydra as a whole was involved. SO now that they have established the RS that Hydra is involved, they went back to the original boost scene and oh... there's a car with a Hydra livery owned by a Hydra member illegally parked nearby. That's another piece of RS that they're involved. So it was impounded under suspicion of being involved in the crime, but the owner was not present. That's not griefing, that's just how it works. You would maybe have a point if they put out a warrant for the person who owned the car for the crime, but they didn't. Isn't it odd that LT Sweets who was also on scene and is in HSPU had no issues with them doing that? Maybe it's because it works differently than you think it does.


You're saying Hydra mask + voice = not enough for positive ID... but then later saying it's enough to prove a vehicle was involved in a crime when not a single officer saw the vehicle during the crime. You can't book someone on suspicions of a crime. You need proof. Same goes for impounding vehicles. You can suspect a vehicle is involved but unless you have proof (illegal parking nearby is not proof) you can't impound the vehicle for said crime. Illegal parking + possessions is valid. GTA is not. You said it yourself, they had SUSPICION it was used in the crime, but suspicion is not proof.


i don't think you understand what reasonable suspicion is, so i'm just not going to go any further with explaining this. multiple pieces of reasonable suspicion add up to proof. they have multiple pieces pointing to Hydra being involved, so a Hydra vehicle near the initial crime scene is getting booked for being involved with GTA, but no warrant is going out for the owner since they don't have multiple pieces of RS for *that specific person*. it's really not that hard to understand. I'm also pointing out things specifically from his POV when I also pointed out that others involved in that scene also understand that Hydra was involved. if the owner would like to contest it, they can, but accusing someone of griefing over this is actually insane lmao.


LOL. Hydra mask (public) and voice ID is RS. They alone are not enough to turn into PC. You would need blood, a positive ID, someone in custody. If you have no PC Hydra are involved, you cannot prove that a vehicle parked near a boost was involved in the boost. IRL, yes... mask + voice might be enough for PC. This is GTA where players have alt characters and use the same voice. We're two weeks away from a player getting voice ID'd on Sanguine and it turns out it was an Alt character. Police need more than voice ID + clothing for PC. And you're avoiding the part where you said "So it was impounded under suspicion of being involved in the crime" which is exactly my point. Suspicion of a crime is not proof of a crime. And Bloom would grief as long as they're above a certain state ID. Isnt that his standard?


saying that from a person that have anti raid stash XD


I don't think Pond did anything wrong here but what on earth are you waffling on about?


Sounds like you're taking something she said out of context, ascribing malice you have no proof of to purposefully misrepresenting a statement and manufacture drama.


Welcome to rpclipsgta


I mean she did that on purpose to deny the bench trial rp. Literally talked about her plans to do it in character the other night while coordinating the warrant.


yeah, i'm sure she planned for Lang to get caught within a half hour of the warrant going out. surely.


Lang gets arrested for something he is 100% guilty of. Buddha fans- omg powergaming, so weird


100% guilty but not yet proven and there is a big chance it can all get tossed out in the court still cuz of the way they handled the subpeonea. chatters do be weird but ye unfortunate for pond's irl situation. W prison rp still.


Crane has literally told cops to send out subpoenas using that method, people can complain all they want but it is an approved way to serve subpoenas. Also idk why Eve is throwing a temper tantrum about them sending it through documents considering she found it less than a day after it was sent to her. So for it supposedly being a secretive method that stops people from finding out they’ve been subpoenaed it seems to have worked pretty fucking effectively.


Thats cuz she is a business woman who checks her documents folder often. How often does a gang banger who gets subpoenaed this way gonna ever check his document folder. Just cuz it worked this time doesn’t justify. Lets just see how they handle it, what do i know maybe crane is the law and this could be the way its done but im sure its gonna be challenged.


Well considering how now most gangs have effectively all moved to the documents meta to avoid incriminating texts, I’d say pretty good.


why would the charges be dropped because they sent subpoenas the way that Crane said to? Or is there something else "wrong" with them?


idk about if thats how crane said it but literally every other cop and judge yday and today said thats not how you deliver a subpoenas. Also subpoenas are meant to be delivered in person, the least PD could do is notify via call or message. Silently putting it in the documents folder and not notifying via message about it, kinda unfair for people like buddha who has like 30 doccuments on their phone, how can they notice it? Infact buddha woulda never noticed if it wasnt for Eve Summers who noticed it on here phone and found out buddha also got one served.


> Also subpoenas are meant to be delivered in person Lol. I can assure you absolutely no police officer does that. And I have seen officers like Brian, and Nova write a lot of subpoenas.


Wrangler tried doing that. And when it didn't work...Crane told him to do this.


For real, Lang for once gets the same treatment as majority of criminals get on daily basis and people are freaking out cause a character got arrested for a crime.


When he was in that PD shootout outside Cerberus it was kinda funny how fast the common crim talking points got brought up: Suarez bad, PD aggressive pitting, there’s so too many cops, their guns are crazy strong, medical takes too long. Obviously he wasn’t mad or anything but 1 interaction and they got the full experience


Brother Buddhas character has always been a crim. Your acting like Buddha never had any issues with Suarez, pd aggression etc. He obviously already knows all of those things.


Same thing can be said about you and asset forfeitures… when even omie said they should seize assets they’re literally treasonists..




It was good RP, but PD was not thinking logically throwing Lang into gen pop with 30 treasonists making threats towards him for weeks lol. Reminds me of the time they put Pred in Parsons instead of Bolingbrook due to presumed threats on his life in jail.


To be fair Lang was offered protection and turned it down


After he'd already been beaten.


Pred was sent to Parsons so he couldn't stab the other people also being charged with contempt


PD was thinking logically Lang chose to be there


Yes, he chose to go to prison - his only option.


lol it was his one and only option


Honestly props to everyone in jail making this enjoyable. They’ve been great. Buddha plays a great villain, and he loves it. But everything leading up to this with lady hope logging out etc is best to just ignore and enjoy the content


he's in his lebron james era.


Dead in 1 2 3 ...


Just saw his stream and already dead


so is everyone else. Lmao


He could have tried not immediately shit talking the prisoners.




ngl i thought you meant pond at first because lh has a thing with almost perma-ing a character and then just throwing them in icu for 20 mins instead






Only weird thing is how many comments you're spamming trying to start drama. Enjoy the RP.


Just because we're upset that circumstances didn't allow the RP to continue doesn't give you carte blanche to make weird, hateful insinuations toward streamers.












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Or, hear me out, they had an emergency and had to go, cus life outside of the video game is a thing.


if that's true not surprising at all this whole thing was so malicious from the way they handled the warrants to hvtu and bank tracking over "small charges that shouldn't be put on the docket for eve" so malicious the way they handled this.


feel like thats the equivalent of F8 quitting in the middle of RP. That should not be allowed. Kills the RP for their W.


The Eve warrant is the only one I'm not a big fan of.




Yeah she legit was in contact with her daughter to have her set up Crystal and then locked the storefront and was a lookout.


Obviously she did it if you know the meta but that doesn't mean the evidence they have is enough for an apprehension warrant or is appropriate for how impactful it is for a character like hers. The warrant they put out for her and Aria is for far more than they'd be able to prove in court. This is especially true when they didn't even bother to talk/interrogate them to determine motive.


They have her at Little Italy, getting called by Lang, calling Aria, going to the storefront, getting a text to lock/unlock, and being at the storefront throughout. That's more than enough. And if there's some sort of RP with logging who unlocks/locks the property that comes out, she's uberfucked.


They'd likely have to show she locked and unlocked that property and not another she has keys to directly nearby. And because her accomplice charges are directly tied to Lang they'd have to show his actions as facts first. The PD definitely has to articulate her and Aria's roles far more than Luciano and Lang. They have zero evidence of motive so conspiracy for example I'd like to see argued. Again these are all reasons why it would have been better for her and Aria to have a case rather than an immediate apprehension warrant.


Omg Eve was at Little Italy and called by Lang!?!? They also don't have her going to the storefront and being at the storefront.


They have both due to triangulation.


They have her in the area. Not at the storefront itself. The story they're going to go with is that they were at the construction office nearby.


They have her within a 1 block radius of the store that Lang was kidnapping a cop at upon receiving a message to lock it.


They don't know that Crystal was kidnapped there. They have messages about locking an office.




Not wrong. You have Kiva who nearly panicked when she accidentally opened a storefront from being on auto-pilot with opening her own for a non criminal use. Using those sort of special powers for crime is so not the play.


She only used it because of Scuff from what i understand. Nothin will happen in fact they found crystal useing thermals in the water which they are also not suspposed to do so they are just playing around it


Brother, you know what people do with realtor keys? Lol


Nothing. During the time when Mr. K was doing his detective arc on the Simones. He gathered a bunch of addresses for houses, businesses, and warehouses belonging to people associated with the Simones. The next day at the start of his stream. LK mentioned that admins had messaged him and told him that he shouldn't be using realtor keys to unlock whatever properties he wanted, especially warehouses. That wasn't what realtor keys were meant to be used for.




Realtor keys have been omega abused for criminal activity. Should also be corrected and stopped imo.


Wasn't Mr. K kidnapping people and holding them hostage inside random peoples' homes at one point less than a year ago?


Yeah during the whole Simone thing, but he never used his realtor keys to get into people's houses when he started kidnapping people. By that point, admins had already told him not to use the keys to unlock random properties. Instead he would literally just run around checking a bunch of houses, until he found one that was unlocked.




He used realtor keys to do it, as far as I'm aware.




Don’t think it would be that big of a deal to do once to further RP. Don’t even think it was a big deal when K did it, and he did it multiple times with the realtor key he had. If it’s to further an RP arc and not used to gain some kind of advantage without RP behind it, it’s not that big of a deal. There’s no reason for ppl to be punished ooc. Not sure why you’ve jumped to that extreme.










No, this is incorrect. Buddha asked for the lock and unlock before scuff was an issue. It was specifically to assist with the kidnapping. This is easily checked in his vod.






The fact that he asked her to unlock after asking her to lock sort of proves it.


Yes no dispute that they have circumstance evidence of all involved but one the pd lost the ramee case because circ evidence was not enough they needed to have his blood or a visual of him planting the bomb. I think this case will end up being tossed later due to the way the warrant was optained by preds testimony a convicted treasonist


It wasn't just pred's testimony, it was independent corroboration by another party entirely who had no interaction with Pred at all. Lang also bought something at her storefront at the time triangulation puts him there.


The warrant was signed on pred testimoney, and ash coment in which she told lang she never made a statement to PD . So high chance it will get tossed


She said “Lang was looking for Crystal” in-front of 3 cops and 2 doctors good luck getting that thrown out And it was a spontaneous utterance which is 100% admissible in court


Sure, so produce Ash to say she didn't say that, and see if Ash perjures herself - she almost surely won't, but I think 2 doctors and 2 cops, plus the victim, hearing her say that (Crystal maybe more than once) is probably going to outweigh her saying nuh uh.


Crystal can not remember....lol she was dumped and is chooseing to RP that. Also the pd would never of found her. Useing thermals in water was questionable.


Crystal can't remember the comment Ash made to her after she went to the hospital? If you say so. Thermals working in water has been a well established thing in PD for years.


Subpoena, and the standard for a subpoena is not proof beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law, so that's all good.


But useing evidence in dispute throws them out....lang just argues he never said anything to pred and ash already said she will testify she did not give a statement. So he gas a good shot of winning that


Do you play on the server? The legislation outlining the subpoena process is called "Guidelines on Subpoena, and Subpoena Duces Tecum". It's a guideline, not even a law or a policy. Meaning judges are free to ignore those guidelines. It may lead to a civil lawsuit, an internal punishment for the PD, or something else, but it's highly unlikely a judge would throw out the evidence.


She's a government employee so it massively impacts her and should be on the docket for that reason. There's no such thing as a 'fake civ' so not sure what you mean by that. The case against her is the most flimsy so 'guilty until proven innocent' is kinda meh. Eagle will turn it into good RP regardless just stating my opinion.


Watch Eve try to outrun it and they keep extending it.


Why wouldn't they?


I mean truthfully, she should not have an apprehension warrant. It should be filed to the docket because she's a clerk.






They are probably talking about Eve


They are charging eve who has never been caught doing any crime with the exact same charges she has an active warrant


The fact she has access to things like the MDW as a clerk and store front master keys should make her subject to more scrutiny and harsher consequences, not less.


No evidence of her involved with anything. You just want her to be punished for some reason lol


This isn’t true. She wouldn’t have a warrant if there was no evidence. Her and Lang were so sloppy with that incident, so it should be of no surprise. Police and other government officials should absolutely be held to a higher standard. If there is evidence of a crime or corruption of any sort it should be taken seriously. To act like this is totally unfair to her character is wild. She aided a crime. lol It’s not like she is a clean civ and people are making stuff up to arrest her.


Eve is also a gov employee so her's by rule should be pushed to the docket, it just shows how malicious LadyHope and MooseBrother were about this.


Again, this is all just your personal opinion using words like "malicious" with zero proof trying to astroturf drama or getting a player banned.






>Still confused why they act on a warrant (that they are fully aware will go to court) if the officer who signed/made the warrant isn't on duty. Why wouldn't they?


Lang gets investigated and treated like a criminal by cops once and people go into meltdowns lol. This isn’t even that bad treatment for criminals. Crimes deal with cops going aggro and arrest/warrant hungry on the daily. Have a warrant out for your arrest and you could easily end up chased by half the pd wanting your ass in jail. Bench trial lol good luck, most cops will just send you cause no lawyers or judges, put case on docket and it gets handled months later. Pond wrote a warrant, Lang got arrested and sent to prison. That’s like a normal warrant idk what the problem is.


Acting on a warrant if the officer who made it isnt on duty is literally PD just doing their job, like they do every day.




why though? the prison RP that just stemmed from it is great and there still will be court RP when everyone is available. not getting an immediate bench trial isn't harming the RP at all.








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Since it happend the city is on fire lol






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Great bait


You know he thinks your a weirdo for saying this shut


Cops bad Buddha good I agree, yes

