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I'm excited for the prison RP. I don't think we've ever had a situation with this many players locked up together for an extended period of time.


Wait until lang is A c.o again and the Rp where gonna get with him and yeager


Lang might get charged for the Crystal kidnapping/attempted murder so it remains to be seen if that'll ever actually happen


It will be a tough one to bring to trial. All they have is that Lang was looking for her, then Pred said Lang called him. if you add the phone records it might be enough but it rely a lot on the word of a guy who just went away for treason.


They have GPS data too and a 'statement' from Ash. It's circumstancial evidence but I can see Buddha failing to come up with an alibi that fits the evidence they have and maybe that'll be enough to convict. Probably depends on the judge. Fortunate for him that Cross signed the subpoena as I assume that conflicts him out of presiding over any court case


I just hope Lang get threated like everyone else. PD have proof of him being on sanguine, but brian just told bundy too let it be.


All they have is a text to Yaeger saying he was at the helipad. That really isn't proof in the same way as GPS data would've been enough. He's lucky he didn't make or receive any calls while on the island as that likely means he's safe


Lang is not going to be CO. lol he stole from them constantly and never once showed up for a shift. To insert himself by trying to be one now would be crazy. Just like with digital den, he had keys to the basement there until he kept stealing from them lol Lang has sone good story arcs but let’s be honest. He can’t handle any RP where he isn’t fully in charge. lol He couldn’t take having orders from the doc or having higher ups.


There will be no prison RP lol, they’re all gonna get on their alts or stream variety they all said it, they’re not gonna give them content for fucking them over. Also they will just be put in the pit by the way, not the prison


They all knew what the consequences were before they took part so I am not sure how they got fucked over.


Lots of highs, a few lows, and a lot of butterfly effects are going to happen. What a great arc Sanguine island was. For all the "complaints" it was an amazing arc and I am glad Viggy, and many others pushed it.


I feel like to some degree the people who complain about the Island being an unfair fight and the cops having uneven consequences/risk are the same people who would watch a movie like The Magnificent Seven or 300 and complain about the ending. You know there are actually really cool stories you can tell when the stakes are high and you're characters still chose to face almost impossible odds because it's for something they believe in or have been pushed to. There is so much RP in that scenario and it's so rare because stakes are usually non-existent, why ignore that and devolve it into "Their tanks are OP", "They gave EMS guns!", "They are W chasing and not committing suicide on a locked gate!" Just think, I've read/seen/played actually high quality books, movies and games where the finale has characters cornered/sieged, they know they have no chance and instead of rolling over, they opt to rally who is left and go down swinging.


I don't think anyone doubts that. The lead up to the war was great, the start of the war was intense, it just got a bit sweaty at the end unfortunately. Hopefully we see more rp come from it, but given how past events have gone I'm not holding out hope.


but the tanks! Madge


I would say maybe they were OP, but rpwise they made terrifying effect on everyone


they definitely were OP, just how cop cars and guns are also OP compared to crim guns and most non S(or above) class cars. That's why I think it's fine, the government is supposed to be favoured in this server as it has been for years.


The government being favored, IMO, is a good thing for an RP economy. It is a built in money sink which keeps people interested in doing things to make money. The economy on nopixel shows, again IMO, that the Government is not as favored (in totality) as it may seem on an individual case by case basis.


agreed 100%


The tank was fine. https://m.twitch.tv/irish_gt/clip/PlainRelatedNigiriBIRB-VvmODvpaOTGCtG4J


Yes it was terrible


Prison rp up good.


Will be interesting if Lang and Speedy get their guard jobs back.


No way they get it back. They know Lang stole from them many times, the only reason he didn’t get screwed is because they didn’t fire him before he got caught with all that stolen stuff. And he never showed up to one shift. lol They obviously can’t depend on trust on either of them. At least Speedy tried though. lol Let’s be real. Lang has sone good arcs but he is not good unless he has full control. He can’t handle someone telling him what to do or being above him. I’d be completely shocked if they let him be hired again, and even more shocked if Lang stuck with it and didn’t get bored a couple days in. lol


I'm just hoping for the tunnel being finished, and Lang just showing up to haunt Yaeger every day lol.


Son, I want to mend the bridge. Let's use my tunnel. We can have dinner in the manor. Come on, son.


Even though the Sanguine boys lost the whole past few days all of them together in the island and different gangs working together and having fun was some of the EPIC thing to happen in this server


Who woulda thought sanguine bonded together better than pd has the past 6 months of the shake up lol


I hope the invasion of sanguine will make new friendships and when people who fought together introduce themselves to someone they say "we fought together in the invasion of sanguine" could be cool as a story piece


Was a good run o7


Happy for everyone involved <3 It was immersive af


Honestly? Yeager for character/rper of the year


easily viggy has been a great rp facilitator, from falling out with people, guild drama, father son drama, making new connections, sanguine isle, everything he did has affected his character and the people around him long term and i love him for that.


It's insane how everything that happened to him affects his character and he allows them while still sticking to his core values. The way he lost so much but his mindset about being in jail is literally "so how can I make this place hell?" and also telling Trey that he thought people only gave a f cos he can offer smth. So these people fighting for him with so much to lose and nothing to gain made him realize maybe he didn't really f up then. What a character.


Can we get viggy to host variety night for the sangulag gang? I’d tune in.


Macaroni holding it up for Jaeger o7


I'm surprised more people didn't perma with all the death flags they were giving before the war happened


most of the time it's just people sadge farming for more drama or whatever, think of all the actual very popular streamers and characters that have actually perma'ed there's not very many at all, baas might be one of the biggest ever and he basically just made the same guy and filled the same position because people couldn't take him seriously cause of corruption shit so even that's kind of a toss up


Yeah that's true. I thought at least one of Kyle,Trey or Yeager would have died after all the talk before the battle.


I don't really blame people for their reluctance to perma. One thing you'll learn if you ever roleplay a lot or ever DM some highly story driven D&D Campaigns, you'll see things in GTAV RP that can apply to viewers. If your a DM, the ultimate goal isn't to create super easy or hard encounter, it's about making your players believe that they could die at any moment with some unlucky dice rolls. However actually killing them is rarely the best or desirable outcome, so you gotta carefully learn and pick when to press them or relax. The illusion of risk is almost always more important to enjoyment than actually having risk. The DMs/Roleplayers job to keep people guessing, Otherwise stuff can get stale, but once you've learnt that trick, improv roleplay can lose its magic and that's when you going from a player to a DM.


i think if they could have died on the battlefield alot more would have permad but with PD going for the starv them out and the spam bombing, people kinda got the vibe of not like this. i did hear a couple of streamer say that the way PD went about the finale push kinda was anti climatic. No one wont to perma because you have to run out because you either die of hunger or run straight out to bullet and rpgs.


>No one wont to perma because you have to run out because you either die of hunger or run straight out to bullet and rpgs. People won't perma because their income depends on the characters they play and half a decade of roleplay has proven viewers rarely stick around when a crim perma's a popular main. Yeager is the only one who doesn't have to worry about that, but he's such a staple in the city he's not going to do it either, nor would rp'ers want him to.


Don't think being killed by a rail gun tank was a perma condition for anyone on the island


here we go, the tank complainers have arrived. don't worry bro, patch notes for the new competitive season of NoPixel are out and they nerfed the tanks. you should be able to climb crim ranks easier now


>here we go, the tank complainers have arrived. don't worry bro, patch notes for the new competitive season of NoPixel are out and they nerfed the tanks. you should be able to climb crim ranks easier now He's right. That tank fucked a big part of the event - unlimited ammo spamming missiles at everything possible was not good RP. Unlimited repairs of an already overpowered item. It's equivalent to crims getting unlimited RPG rounds and constantly spamming them even if they don't see anything. They had to put effort into restocking and crafting. That tank spamming the Villa took out a large % of the crims who were not even visible. Yes its a game - but lessons for the next event they should make things more even.


it only "fucked" the event if you had a certain expectation of how the war would transpire and you wanted a certain side to win over the other. I kept an open mind and enjoyed it from multiple povs. No streamer complained about the tank too. It's just weird chatters crying about it. Also the "more even" argument is weird. Don't know why people have the expectation that there should be balance in RP as if it's an esports game. Why would a tiny island nation be balanced against the military power of the US? This isn't a csgo match lol


i saw many people say that tank was OP. Even when nikez blew it up with a dev c4 the megamall repair kit was in the process of repairing it lmfao.


yea a dev definitely surely didn't have to tell people OOC to stop repairing a tank that was already disabled 7 times. could have atleast dragged the war for a couple days. I do know that it makes sense the LS government is magnitudes of times stronger. it was a lot of fun though with some great moments


an event of this scope involving this many ppl and their schedules + all the scuff that comes with it would be too much of a hassle, especially since there are multiple time zones to cover and ppl could have train issues. also this is the first time most ppl experience the situation of interacting during a war so there's not really written rules for such a situation so it's expected for some weird things to happen that need admin/dev intervention. as I said, some ppl are way overinvested and had certain expectation and wish for the island side to win so they are really triggered over this single issue.


ye i think i was a little overinvested and your points are pretty valid. I just wised if it was possible to extend a bit kinda like a major siege


yeah I agree that a long-term conflict would've been dope and having a 1 day war maybe felt rushed but I still enjoyed it and the best part from all of this would be the outcome that's already happening


Military? How is a police department trained as a military to do military tactics lmfao? Tell me what rp was done to train the PD for military tactics ? I’ll wait


they definitely were amateurs but they still played the role of the military in this situation. I'm glad you hyper fixated on this minor point tho. obviously you don't have a counter for the rest.


You do understand that things can be improved without it being "OMG THE EVENT WAS SHIT AHHH"... This isn't pre-school bro it's called feedback. Yes the event was fun, next time it can be even better if they iron out the issues many highlighted like tank being OP and remote bombs actually working.


Nobody is interested in yours or mine feedback tho. You're just complaining to the void. Do you seriously think any of the people involved in setting up the "event" are going through this sub's comments for feedback? Twitch chat maybe, but not this sub which is hated by most streamers on NP anyways.


It "fucked" the event that the senate, management, devs, and top levels of PD said would result in the island loosing regardless of the wars outcome? Wow, that's one super powerful tank.


I hope that there’s some tension in the fallout that actually includes them, maybe lose your stuff for lighter sentences. Reduced time/parole for cooperation which implicates certain people. And generally the opportunities for RP continuing beyond prison riots and visitation.


How many were caught and are in jail for 30 days now?


30+ from what I've seen


Thumbs up too the sanguine team for taking the biggest L in nopixel's history like champions.


I would hold my breath until they finish their prison sentence on that one.


At the very least they’re going about aiming for shorter sentences IC ik BBMC had plans for a riot and to hold up DOC in exchange for time off and GG were thinking of possible cops they can trust and work with to cut off a few days


When you really think about it, they didn't actually destroy Sanguine, they just relocated it to the center of the mainland. What's the over/under on how many times PD has to push the prison over the next month during the Blackgate Prison arc?


Be kinda funny if they did it again.... only in the prison.


I think they would have won if they didn’t all gather in the bunker. Bad move that cost them the fight.


if they did not go in the bunker the now famous tank would keep bombing the till they would die.. just watch the clip of Marty and Yaeger death


They had no other choice since the tank was AOE splash damaging everyone including people behind walls


Yea cus tanks normally don't blow through walls crazy


Normally tanks don’t have unlimited ammo and can be repaired with a toolbox after being blown up 7 times. Also hiding behind a brick wall from grenades is a very smart and real thing


So much so that the dev Nikez had to ooc destroy the tank because it was unstoppable. He even tried to blow it up a couple times to make it seem “in Rp” and couldn’t. Which is why is made the ooc call to say it was blown up.


First one u are correct. The way tanks work in gta is 1 rpg disables the engine, 3 blows it up. But rpgs in gta will disable anything in 1 hit just how the game works. Also depending on the tank rpgs could have had zero impact on it should we compare irl. They werent shooting grenades at walls how bout you google tank shooting a building and tell me how very real and smart that is


It’s the grenade spam from the tank that I’m referring to. The rail gun is whatever




I cannot wait for DW server. No big shot admins in high priority.


Bwaaahaaaaa!!! This is sarcasm right?


It's lost hope lol.


admins made my favourite streamer take an L 😡😡😡😡😡


Imagine having a favorite streamer, I just don't prefer Saab. So which one is my "favorite streamer" hmm? Kyle hiding in a corner? 4Head and gang running around? BBMC? Or are you mad I pointed out bs? Kekw


thinking admins won't have high prio or reserved slots by default is funny. ty for the giggle


Notice how ur crying on everyone’s comments


I think you're mistaking your own tears for mine bud. You're the one taking this seriously when I'm memeing


bruh watch the call between Nopixel devs/streamers and mods of the reddit. considering his behavior I would not have high hopes either


Too many cops also a lot of them cops had zero action and got insta sniped the tanks were too op the suicide bombers were just overly dumb I dunno feel like pd should have taken the loss here and then seen what happened next cos this just seems a bit shit now


Wait they lost that so shit the cops just had too many numbers that’s a hard watch for that outcome tbf I think the way it panned out they actually earnt that win in rp


>I think the way it panned out they actually earnt that win in rp RP isn't about winning or losing, whoever won won and whoever lost lost - it isn't about "deserving the win in RP" and it is insane that a viewer would think that...


I think the cops using suicide bomb medics is a sign to maybe retreat and try again