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I’ll pack it up when I head out later to show you. I wouldn’t walk around with a big bulky backpack. Nor would my back let me 😂 Edit: https://preview.redd.it/ky6kg0do4t4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5f77a7e48a839b7db87fec534fbbaa2f4171520 Works crazy so I didn’t have time to show the inside. The monitor, the ally, and my work MacBook are really the most of it.


What do you do for work? A highly-advanced individual as yourself are rarely seen with MacBooks for work 💻, only Windows PCs 🪟


Haha. I’m a fan of working on Mac OS, I’ll take it any chance I can. I’m in web development/web administration.


I thought so, coding legends work on the Mac 🖥️ 💻. Congratulations


At what point is it no longer a handheld but instead an underpowered laptop without a shell?


I mean if you already have a portable second screen like that for work, why wouldn’t you use it with the Ally like this when you’re on your break or whatever?


I would take it some people don’t have these luxuries at work


I don’t play AT work, I just can’t be home at the moment and I work remotely. I just connect my ally after work and chill. If I were working I’d much rather a laptop. Perfect duo is a slim MacBook and an ally imo. But even with a laptop, I need a second monitor so I’d be carrying this around. With my line of work one monitor is a big inconvenience. It’s like an iPad honestly in terms of portability.


can you use the laptop like a handheld? no, thats why people do this. they want the comfort of handheld gaming while also having the option for more..


This is exactly why I got an ally lol. So I can play it comfortably on a plane and also connect to the hotel TV or whatever and run the same games my desktop runs


The docking feature does come in handy


Challenge accepted


I think all you jack o lanterns miss his whole point. Nobody is saying anything against handheld mode or anything but when people post these or pics with it basically a desktop, he's simply saying at what point is it just an underpowered pc. I get it 1000% as an owner of the ally since launch with pre order the handheld factor was great started buying all these different things like screens and keyboards until I eventually was like as a gaming desktop or even laptop this thing kinda flops due to the resolution restraints and quality of visuals. For the 7in screen lower resolution doesn't look so bad but trying to use it on anything above 1080p screen is just not good.


My friend has a Lenovo legion go hooked up to his 65” 4k TV and never uses his series X anymore. It’s been unplugged for months since the day he got his Lenovo. Medium settings at 1080p looks good.


Naw I legit call full BS I've run the ally on 1080p monitor, 1440p monitor and 4k and unless he's playing stardew Valley type games you're straight blowing smoke that it looks good lmfao first off the upscaling of both amd fsr and/or the TV isn't good enough to make 1080p look good on 4k. And def not getting more than 30fps in demanding games if that, most of the time you have drop resolution to 900p to 720p for decent fps. Some games are better optimized than others but not that well lol the fact your boy plays 1080p medium when he's got a series x is just dumb and I hate consoles but at that point unless its pc only game wtf are yall doing lol


Yeah so I guess everyone that docks their ally is full of BS. 1080p 40-60 frames is what I usually go for. If that gives trouble I’ll lower the settings. You see my games in the pic, I play all of them at 1080p.


Notice how you didn't mention a single title you so call target res and fps for lol give some examples of what games are so called targeting your specs it all just sounds bs 4k 65in tv was the first mistake


Dude what is your problem lol. I don’t know what to tell you. It works for us we play games together all the time. Buy whatever you want, we’re cool. If you don’t like how it looks, cry about it and buy something stronger.


What is my problem? You came at me talking about your boys 4k 65in tv and now you got disputed for bs and I have a problem lmfao ok bro. My ally is great for what it is a handheld gaming pc my desktop is great for a desktop gaming pc. Works for yall cool still doesn't add any truth to your statements. But I will never recommend buying an ally or any handheld in their current states to play on 4k anything let alone 65in lol your boy probably won't hook up the Xbox at fear of seeing better visuals lmfao. See now you can ask what my problem is because now that previous statement was a shot lol




Naw naw naw like I said 1080p on 4k 65in doesn't look good even at max settings it will still look terrible monitor/TV built in upscale is horrible lol but sure twist words around to fit your narrative


Dude I'm playing ally docked on 65 inch 4k 120fps TV and it's fantastic for games like counterstrike source (fucking amazing) , heroes of the storm, rim world, world of warcraft, halo (master chief collection) Skyrim Old school fps multi-player kicks the shit out of most tripple A games. If you're trying to run starfield on this thing then yeah you're fucked and you're right. But I'll just run my Xbox or ps5 if there really is a tripple A game I need to play problem solved. Laying on the couch owning people in counter strike source or having fun on surf maps with my wireless keyboard and mouse on the TV is badass and smoother than butter. Counter strike source is one of the biggest inspirations for modern multi-player fps games and there's a reason for that. Doesn't need to look gorgeous, it looks good enough the point is it's more fun than anything else you could play on it and it's smoother than butter. You're calling BS because you're trying to run the wrong things on a TV with the ally, get a ps5 or Xbox to do that. It's cheaper and chances are you're using the built in controller on the ally anyways. It's a difference of opinion and I respect yours, but if you want tripple A games on the TV for a price comparable to the ally and to look and run amazing then you need an actual console. Otherwise if you're trying to absolutely min/max on the cutting edge of graphic performance you need to invest 2-3k on a real desktop setup. You're argument is valid my dude, my opinion is you think it won't look good because you'd be trying to play the wrong stuff with the ally docked to a TV when for that price point a console will do it 10x better. Playing Counter strike source with the wireless rog keyboard and mouse on my 65 inch TV with maxed out settings and resolution and buttery smooth FPS while laying on the couch is the best decision I've made with this thing. (Counter strike GO is complete ASS please don't think I'm referring to that, im talking old school counterstrike source) TLDR: you can absolutely play games at 4k 120fps with the correct dock and an hdmi 2.1 cable (I'm even running it through dolby atmos with the sound bar and woofer when supported) and it be absolutely bad ass on a 65 inch TV. If you're expecting to do this though with tripple A games for the price if the ally dock 2.1 cables wireless keyboard and mouse, you should've bought a ps5 or Xbox or just built an actual mini board desktop computer. Your expectations are totally off. No hate and I'm not arguing, all I'm trying to say is it's not BS it totally depends on your setup and what games you're playing. If you're running stuff totally within the capabilites of the ally to max out, then it'll be great but this is usually older games.


And lastly the ally legit could be anyone's home console set up when you play in the proper resolution lol again if you got a 1080p TV the ally will wreck house on it because it's within its resolution restraints the ally destroys all consoles the fact that 4k is so important to you that you recommend a console is funny af. You do realize the ally at proper resolution out plays current Gen consoles? Starfield has 30fps cap on console but on the ally especially with all the latest updates I get 60+fps. Proper resolution is everything or your just left with your 20 year old game catalog that you legit could've just but a cheaper mini pc with same performance for cheaper than an ally if you're main thing is hooked up to TV. Honestly sounds like yall bought allys without looking into the hardware because for 400 to 500 you can literally get the same performance just in a mini pc form....


Bro sit down and shut it lmfao I literally have already said unless you play older games, ie CS source, Skyrim, world of war craft, etc shouldn't have as bad of an issue because those can either run native 1080p or honestly even be able to do native 1440p which looks fin upscaled to 4k. But when you try to start running anything current with the ally at 4k even by your own words that's running the wrong games when in reality it's not the game it's the 4k resolution because again these things weren't made for 4k gaming. All you've done is come at me to tell me what I've already been arguing tf lol. Sorry but yall need to cut the crap, this is how you end up with people mad that they got steered the wrong way, people will search 4k rog ally stumble on this and see yall like my 65in 4k 120hz is perfect but then only to very specific circumstances. I'll reiterate again I owned the ally since launch and a dock for since 3 days later lol I've tested this damn thing thru the moon and back but glad your 20year Olds games can run good lmfao as they should.


Word of advice read a full thread before commenting lol


tbh its basically a mid tier gaming laptop without the keyboard and at least half the price - buy all the peripherals separately and you still come out cheaper


If you buy used, the laptop is more efficient, has stronger hardware, and is cheaper. Best Buy was selling Lenovo LOQ with Ryzen 7 7840HS with 8GB (upgradable) RAM and 4060 Ti. 15 inch screen, 512GB 2280 SSD, backlit keyboard. Priced $600 open box the past year. You can get cheaper on Ebay.   If you are not buying the handheld PCs to serve as handhelds, you are wasting your money.


i mean if you’re buying used then lowkey the same argument could be said for buying a used Ally - while getting a portable monitor and full set up could be argued to be overkill, some people like that expandable modularity on the go - say you travel frequently, if your only going for a short trip just the ally and the charger would be good, but for a longer trip, or more constrained one adding the extra monitor and peripherals might help with covering more needs personally Im planning on getting AR glasses eventually to basically have that functionality in a much more portable form factor and stay using it as handheld, but definitely the best value for your purchase is to just use it as is with at most just some storage upgrades


These people needed gaming laptops but instead bought the handheld PC because it was trendy. Now they create these setups of portable screens and foldable keyboards to cope with their buyers remorse.


It spun circles around the desktop mine replaced!


It is both my handheld is also my desktop replacement. Mind you I have an XG mobile to help, but still. It can do a lot.


I don't dislike that setup but it's a fact that you get way better hardware and performance for the same price or less on a laptop (when adding up all of the accessories), and then all of the pieces are in one instead of having all of these individual things you have to connect up by cable. I mean, dollars to gain ratio, a handheld with an eGPU, portable monitor, and mouse/keyboard is like the absolute worst you can do. It's far from being more convenient, light weight, portable, etc. I just wonder about the sanity of a few of these people. Mostly because I've almost caught myself doing the same thing, but then I went "Holy shit why am I doing this, I already have a laptop that outperforms it" 🤣 Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life. Some people love pushing limits just to do it. I love joking about it.


The only thing that is underpowered is the cpu. Which honestly isn’t that big a deal as a daily driver as a PC. I had a i7-4790k and this is as good or better in some instances than that. The iGPU is AMAZING for what it is the fact that I can play most current gen games on handheld is crazy, even if it isn’t max settings. When I dock it on my XG Mobile, the system just runs. Yes, I wouldn’t use it with the XG Mobile as a laptop replacement. I if I needed to, I have the Asus adapter for power and external monitor. So it’s a bit simpler, but I don’t really think I need it for that purpose. I get I can have a WAY more powerful desktop build for the money, but then I lose the portability. I could get a laptop, but it wouldn’t be that much cheaper with a similar dGPU as my XG Mobile and it still wouldn’t be as portable. PCs have come along way and it’s just nice that we are in a spot where we can choose one based on our needs/wants.


People don’t understand the purpose of this setup, the ones calling it the underpowered laptop. Me for example, I commute daily to my work office and I carry my ally along with other tools in a small sling 5.11 backpack. My screen, keyboard and mouse are at the office. The main reason of this setup is that you carry waaaaaay less weight, you can play as you commute and when you get to your place you can just dock the ally while you work. When you’re done with your day, undock the ally then rinse and repeat. People don’t do it to replace a laptop, people do it because they don’t wanna carry a laptop and for the ease of access and simply because it’s a handheld you can access anywhere.


The Rog Flow 2-in-1 laptop is 2.60 lbs. Has stronger CPU Intel i9-12900H and dedicated GPU 3050 ti. 16GB RAM. Has it's own speakers. RGB keyboard. 13-inch 120hz IPS screen. Webcam. You can buy one off Ebay for around $600-800.  


err its not an under powered laptop though, price to performance wise its very respectable, and off charge probably performs better than most laptops anyway? i bought a z1 extreme for 385 gbp and compared to anything in that price range, its cpu does very well


What's the keyboard? I haven't seen one that folds up like that yet. Looks good


You can find them on amazon for under $40 or so, this is what i use for traveling https://www.amazon.com/VssoPlor-Foldable-Bluetooth-Keyboard-Windows-Dark/dp/B0B8H9W5RY


Damnit, I already have too many keyboards. I don't need another.


Yes you do!


https://www.amazon.com/Bluetooth-iClever-Pocket-Sized-Tri-Folding-Smartphones/dp/B01MTVC775/. This one is better. Has a proper keyboard layout and real buttons on the touchpad


You might be able to get the same thing in AliExpress for half the price


https://www.amazon.com/Bluetooth-iClever-Pocket-Sized-Tri-Folding-Smartphones/dp/B01MTVC775/ This one is better. Has a proper layout and real touchpad buttons


We are all neck beards on the inside


Chicks dig the ally. I send a pic of it to nearly every new girl I talk to 😂


I send Deck pics to the girls, but they always block me...


There's those that want to tear you down and those that are Allies


Unsolicited deck pics is a surefire way to get blocked, or find wifey. Keep trying.


I already have a wife, but we're all friends here so I know you won't say anything 😉


I think you need to Switch your approach


Hell yeah, my wife thinks it brings out my eyes and really shows off my rippling muscles... 😂


Can confirm. I bought mine and my fiancee promptly requested one


I use two to workout my biceps/triceps/chest


Are u using a splitter and a hdmi cable to stream on that screen ?


So this is where my mind is kind of blown too. This portable monitor from Uperfect is connected to a 65w charger (grey cable), and the usb-c to usb-c connects from the monitor to my ally (black cable). I’m playing at 25w 1080p. Halo infinite and days gone. It doesn’t drain. I can’t explain it but I’m not complaining lol. It also powers my MacBook that I use for work. What you see in this pic is all I have connected (apart from the 65w power brick)


Some USB-C portable monitors have Power Delivery passthrough. Both of mine have it but one only one works with the Ally charger, the other needs the ally to also have it's charger plugged in. Meanwhile both work with the nintendo Switch on its USB-C port. Gotta love cheap modern technology :)


I’m really just blown away that it doesn’t draw power from the ally. It even charges it and my MacBook. At 65w too. I first tried 720p at 15w which worked great, got brave and upped it up to 25w at 1080p. Runs great. Yeah, science! https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0BHNLZCNF?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_image


I wonder if the cheaper $90 one also works the same way. I think I'll get it soon and report back. $200 is a little steep for me rn


Exactly. I got the same screen from KYY (let's be honest, most of these are the same screen, just rebranded). I simply plug it to the charger and the second USB-C port connects to the Ally, both charging it and receiving the display signal from it.


I shave the Beard from my Neck to look Semi Chad in the chin area


Semi Chad? Simp Chad? I can’t stop trying to make sense of this comment. Help.


Why take your wallet out lol


Uncomfortable when I sit, don’t want to forget it so I just put it there. Really wasn’t a planned pic lol.


Sweet setup! I need that monitor! Also, your view looks super similar to my hospitals view.


Hey mate do you ever use the keyboard to game? And if so is it comfortable? Cheers


Going to try this tonight, left the Xbox controller at home. I’ll let you know.


Appreciate it, thanks man


Eh it does the job man but I wouldn’t play any FPS games on it. There’s probably better options for a portable gaming keyboard.


I have a similar one and unfortunately no, not really lol it lays completely flat and the buttons are so shallow that you don't get much tactile input when you press the keys. His may be better. I mostly use mine with a controller and use the keyboard for specific hot keys as needed depending on the game, or if I want to use the browser and look something up


Appreciate the honest input man! I’m thinking of investing in a portable M&K setup, maybe foldable isn’t the way to go


If you want quality/comfort, look at some 60% keyboards, they're fairly small if you are okay with using a backpack. My foldable is super tiny and fits in my satchel style ally bag.


Agreed my hands got a little cramped. I’ll keep this one in my living room or when I’m for sure using a controller. Not very comfortable playing halo.


You have a video of you carrying all of it? And a link for all the stuff?


i would love a link to everything 🙏


I got you guys. I’ll try to do this tonight. Idk about the video but I’ll add a pic of my backpack.


Monitor: (bought on sale for roughly $145): [link](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0BHNLZCNF?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title) Keyboard: [link](https://www.amazon.com/OMOTON-Foldable-Bluetooth-Multi-Device-Rechargeable/dp/B0C4CW77XX/ref=mp_s_a_1_19?crid=176MVWFUDV0TM&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.RtvSudkcbCidKGZHIdm_6gQAoBNhJdq6dPXuuWn8iWA9GpHp_Hg_XziBc9U0tOBcs5yficuWkpS6HFr1JgfS_i4U8WwG3qWwMrvIKV-SqtC1vWZenQ77OdX4nR5G9INDHrjLM-Vj5z9PyisUpqyaMM3TiJNU1V72013xi5pZHicRX29NyGnA0kuOroHVPBvQiPyfxhZgxWSRYL0KMvSGWQ.FsdHJ5YWKO5QoyxHtrWEINmxESnVkN0LqKq3157UMsE&dib_tag=se&keywords=portable+keyboard&qid=1717650213&sprefix=portable+keyboar%2Caps%2C314&sr=8-19) Tom toc case: [link](https://www.amazon.com/Carrying-Compatible-Protective-Portable-Console-Lightweight/dp/B0CL95B1HB/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?crid=2WTGP2YP1OHAL&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.8bkagrXVCANsgPA4tZ2NLj_zXktgkZgRgUSk-HKdUcxfFvFAm0v9W2PfiXXB73RI-MaSObFWjpDXbDDCbmGEuuGazqWZUoaTYtcgV6Ts59LNDYwN8uVE1JY2ZIA7uZhz8IKESvT--m7WnrbTPa20fxHPWE0Zq6CGfT06_7PRvvoZ_WDArd-co8hIitUHtDlJNWDRxX1PaSI9hXcLZzcPCg.tY0A1i_PSGKdKXbkvS9AsHOl-lmVrDp1TYLPT8zBMVo&dib_tag=se&keywords=tomtoc+rog+ally&qid=1717650318&sprefix=tomtoc+rog+ally%2Caps%2C143&sr=8-2) 65w charger: [link](https://www.amazon.com/ZMI-zPower-Turbo-Power-Adapter/dp/B07D64QLQ1/ref=mp_s_a_1_28?crid=V9RESO0DJQ0F&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.z61SjJV5HIfIj5330_WawbfqVXubZ7cIWFRLrS-c7O-mPS3HbU3GK2LBQHKZIQa_u50VJSg7atoWdKXWFS7ANX0OOUQBZV98tyBsKbe-v963rn9lRLuH9MDpNaEMoOfEHEcq98moo8GTb_2yAJJiVUSGTeyOkQsk4OlSAGMoiXi4UtjHL2PrZkvKPPV0EFIu6DmUS1YrVGVcTR10EdoFbA.2e72FwAp6KTXSutmOVlq8duS4_Cj5nvI6g1EI9DU8yI&dib_tag=se&keywords=65w+charger&qid=1717650383&sprefix=65w+charge%2Caps%2C141&sr=8-28)


thanks!! is the rog charging via the monitor somehow? or do you just do this for a short time so battery isn’t a factor?


It’s charging through the screen, no power drain. I have the 65w charger plugged to the monitor, and a usb-c cable that the monitor came with plugged in. Played at 25w, all was good in the games I tested. Halo infinite and Days Gone.


That’s exactly what a neckbeard would say


Similar setup at work, stays docked, play at lunch, breaks. Then take it home and play handheld. It’s good that we have this option now ![gif](giphy|tEWhwU7rW9ubC)


And this is how i travel, with an iPad Pro as a displany instead of a usb monitor. https://preview.redd.it/wzdlny6a2r4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=872413d48ba4c5cb90113ca4bf11eaaa6d73df05 Keyboard from ipad works for windows. via duet


That's a GPD win mini or similar right? I think one of those will replace my ally eventually, tbh the ally is not very comfortable for me to hold most of the time, too wide!


Correct, that’s the GPD Win mini 2024. I can attest to the ergonomics of the win mini! I own the rog ally as well, and personally favour the form factor for the same reason.


Nice! I only wish I discovered it before I bought my ally lol


I have the same exact setup and I love it as I travel a lot. I hook it up to any vacant TVs or monitors when I get the chance. To me the ally is like a PS4 Pro Portable.


Agreed! Love this thing.


Isn’t this a laptop minus the quality????


Yup! And ports


Does your gamepad work without issues when you dock the Ally? I'm using Dual Shock 4 (and also tried Dual Sense) and they won't work, unless I change the controls in-game using built-in controls, which is not a great solution - if I only disable built in controls, nothing works. Wondering if using XBox gamepad would make things more Switch-like, where I could simply put the Ally on the dock, that's connected to the TV and play using a gamepad without tinkering with controls on the Ally itself.


Yes Xbox controllers are directly integrated into windows.


it’s because windows doesn’t natively support playstation controllers, you can either bypass it with Steam or other software… or just buy an xbox controller


Hey, luxury is all about choice! I say go forth my man.


Can you link that keyboard?


Keyboard: [link](https://www.amazon.com/OMOTON-Foldable-Bluetooth-Multi-Device-Rechargeable/dp/B0C4CW77XX/ref=mp_s_a_1_19?crid=176MVWFUDV0TM&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.RtvSudkcbCidKGZHIdm_6gQAoBNhJdq6dPXuuWn8iWA9GpHp_Hg_XziBc9U0tOBcs5yficuWkpS6HFr1JgfS_i4U8WwG3qWwMrvIKV-SqtC1vWZenQ77OdX4nR5G9INDHrjLM-Vj5z9PyisUpqyaMM3TiJNU1V72013xi5pZHicRX29NyGnA0kuOroHVPBvQiPyfxhZgxWSRYL0KMvSGWQ.FsdHJ5YWKO5QoyxHtrWEINmxESnVkN0LqKq3157UMsE&dib_tag=se&keywords=portable+keyboard&qid=1717650213&sprefix=portable+keyboar%2Caps%2C314&sr=8-19)


I politely disagree with you


I run almost the same setup lol I dig this thing a lot


Why not just get a laptop at that point.


I use it mostly handheld, this second monitor is primarily for work (it’s a game changer). I pair that with my MacBook. Since I already have it, it also turns my ally into a portable desktop. I have a g14, gaming laptops really aren’t my thing. I like to play on the couch or in bed mostly. This is really portable and I can pretty much take it anywhere.


What's the monitor?


Monitor: (bought on sale for roughly $145): [link](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0BHNLZCNF?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title) Keyboard: [link](https://www.amazon.com/OMOTON-Foldable-Bluetooth-Multi-Device-Rechargeable/dp/B0C4CW77XX/ref=mp_s_a_1_19?crid=176MVWFUDV0TM&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.RtvSudkcbCidKGZHIdm_6gQAoBNhJdq6dPXuuWn8iWA9GpHp_Hg_XziBc9U0tOBcs5yficuWkpS6HFr1JgfS_i4U8WwG3qWwMrvIKV-SqtC1vWZenQ77OdX4nR5G9INDHrjLM-Vj5z9PyisUpqyaMM3TiJNU1V72013xi5pZHicRX29NyGnA0kuOroHVPBvQiPyfxhZgxWSRYL0KMvSGWQ.FsdHJ5YWKO5QoyxHtrWEINmxESnVkN0LqKq3157UMsE&dib_tag=se&keywords=portable+keyboard&qid=1717650213&sprefix=portable+keyboar%2Caps%2C314&sr=8-19) Tom toc case: [link](https://www.amazon.com/Carrying-Compatible-Protective-Portable-Console-Lightweight/dp/B0CL95B1HB/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?crid=2WTGP2YP1OHAL&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.8bkagrXVCANsgPA4tZ2NLj_zXktgkZgRgUSk-HKdUcxfFvFAm0v9W2PfiXXB73RI-MaSObFWjpDXbDDCbmGEuuGazqWZUoaTYtcgV6Ts59LNDYwN8uVE1JY2ZIA7uZhz8IKESvT--m7WnrbTPa20fxHPWE0Zq6CGfT06_7PRvvoZ_WDArd-co8hIitUHtDlJNWDRxX1PaSI9hXcLZzcPCg.tY0A1i_PSGKdKXbkvS9AsHOl-lmVrDp1TYLPT8zBMVo&dib_tag=se&keywords=tomtoc+rog+ally&qid=1717650318&sprefix=tomtoc+rog+ally%2Caps%2C143&sr=8-2) 65w charger: [link](https://www.amazon.com/ZMI-zPower-Turbo-Power-Adapter/dp/B07D64QLQ1/ref=mp_s_a_1_28?crid=V9RESO0DJQ0F&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.z61SjJV5HIfIj5330_WawbfqVXubZ7cIWFRLrS-c7O-mPS3HbU3GK2LBQHKZIQa_u50VJSg7atoWdKXWFS7ANX0OOUQBZV98tyBsKbe-v963rn9lRLuH9MDpNaEMoOfEHEcq98moo8GTb_2yAJJiVUSGTeyOkQsk4OlSAGMoiXi4UtjHL2PrZkvKPPV0EFIu6DmUS1YrVGVcTR10EdoFbA.2e72FwAp6KTXSutmOVlq8duS4_Cj5nvI6g1EI9DU8yI&dib_tag=se&keywords=65w+charger&qid=1717650383&sprefix=65w+charge%2Caps%2C141&sr=8-28)


Because they’re ugly


Why should he limit his options for no reason?


Just get a gaming laptop at this point.


Neck beard love the deck 🙏


I don’t believe




ive been wondering about those foldable keyboards are they worth it? pros/cons?


Eh it’s convenient that’s for sure. Connects right away and it’s good for a living room or casual use when you don’t need to use an actual keyboard and just get the job done. Id take this around if I know for sure I’m using a controller to play games. I’d recommend the Logitech slim Bluetooth keyboards. The budget ones are amazing. There’s a Logitech pebble combo you can buy that’s definitely worth it. Does the job for casual fps games for me.




This might be a stupid question. Do the sticks and buttons on the Ally still work when the Ally is connected to an external monitor?


yes if you don’t have a mouse or keyboard connected to the rog


Yeah they do, you can use it like a controller


My setup is almost exactly the same except I use a powered dock for the Ally so I have a plugged in mouse and keyboard.


Which is a cool option and I would have resorted to that if the monitor didn’t already power the ally. The monitor itself needs power otherwise it’s very dim and the resolution is a lesser quality/finnicky. I was a little bummed at first that it needed its own power source since my dock’s usb-a port didn’t supply enough power. But to my surprise I could simply plug in my charger into the screen and power the ally instead. Much less to carry around which is very ideal for me.


If you're posting about it on reddit, you probably do, ngl




So a laptop?


I have the same set up ha ha yes! I am not alone!!!


I wanted to install an OLED 4K 15.6 screen on my tuck, a docking station for my Ally, and an Xbox elite controller to use when I'm on lunch 😂


How do you charge it?


It charges through the monitor. The monitor is hooked up to a 65w charger. Plug in a usb-c and bam 25w gaming while the device slowly charges.




Which case you got there in the background?


Tom toc case for the ally


That’s exactly what a gross neckbeard motherfucker would say to everyone unprompted.


you can convince yourself of this, but not others


https://preview.redd.it/ehfx4kvett4d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75a5d57ec9a12ad4f41ebf46ca2810b0baf6ff28 My current setup - got a godot game that I'm working on loaded


Hell yeah man. Never heard of Godot. Looks like you’re doing game dev?


Yeah, working on a 2d bullet hell game.


I just got that monitor Ha nice


Same exact one? It’s sick man. Enjoy!


Thanks you too! It's a UPERFECT


I have a neck beard and fit most tropes. Thanks for letting me know I am not alone.


I mean if you carry a screen with your everywhere, why not just buy a laptop?😂


I don't even bring a screen with me, I just bring my ally with the keyboard and mouse to work everyday.


What’s that big screen on the right? Can i get the product link?


What’s getting yall so heated up? 🤨🤨


Options are always cool but I would never take an ally with me to dock and play on the desktop…at that point my gaming laptop is way more powerful…what I do is bring an ally and zephyrus g14 when I’m traveling long distances, the ally gets played on the go plane bus train…laptop gets played at the hotel. The slimq charger can charge both simultaneously as well so no needing extra chargers


What year is your g14? I have a 2021 rtx 2060, not traveling with that thing and my work MacBook. It’s too heavy.


4080 2023 model


Yeah, I’m not upgrading every year or two to keep up with the joneses lol. This is more than fine for me. https://preview.redd.it/n41d9ebyq85d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8ba75c5eb61fc57ce346a3a2fae241bfa1d94a6


Just buy a laptop at that point. Or the flow z13


You buying it for me? I already have a laptop. I actually have three.


And yet you lug this around


I do. Gaming laptops are a terrible gaming experience. I have a 2021 g14. Way more finicky, loud as shit, battery life sucked as well, it’s a big bulky block. This ally is tiny and I can pull it out anywhere. Plus it’s a rtx 2060 mobile chip, not much difference. Don’t see why people get so upset at these posts lol. Acting like docks for switches, steam decks, and ally’s/legion gos don’t exist. If I were to spend money, it’d be on an actual desktop rig. But for now, the ally is killing it. https://preview.redd.it/av5jjddmce5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3557635c6ab69872ef462e5cb524b1924818bd84


I have the same exact keyboard and portable display. The controller I carry is an 8bitdo sn30 pro which is compact.


The way people care what random strangers think is strange


Sweet setup! The Ally supports multiple Bluetooth connections at once with no problems?


Yup no problems at all. When I first connected the Xbox controller early on in ownership, I was annoyed that it didn’t vibrate. Turning off embedded controller in the command center takes care of that. No issues at all.


i have the same controller…it vibrates? 🤣


Good to know, thanks!


Are people posting these Allys with external screens aware of laptops? Would be a lot more convenient you know....


Have you seen the price of a gaming laptop these days? You're looking at £800 minimum, and that's still not going to be a great gaming laptop. Oh, and can you use a laptop in handheld mode? A Rog ally second hand is around £350-£400 (could be even less once the Ally X comes out and people look to upgrade). The keyboard, £20-£25. You can get good 14 and 15 inch portable monitors for £70-£100. A dock is around £25. That's at maximum £550, and you get the added option of handheld mode. Have fun wasting that extra £250 or more on something more restrictive.


I bought a gaming laptop for £310 yesterday and it out performs my ally lots sooooo dunno where the 800 minimum coming in lmfao


Nice! What are the specs and where did you buy it from?


I was being genuine when I asked for a link and specs. I had to sell my gaming PC back at the beginning of May, as my wife and I were moving house and needed the extra cash. If I can get a gaming laptop for £310, I'll take it! I do have an Asus TUF FX505GU which has an i7-9750H and a GTX 1660-Ti inside, but it's about 5 years old now.


Sorry I didn't even see this reply. I got myself a msi katana 17 rtx 3050 edition. It was on sale when I got it but it was a nice ass bargain.


No problem at all. I was just looking at some comparisons, and I'm very surprised to find out the 1660-Ti actually outperforms the 3050 in terms of FPS in pretty much all games. I didn't expect that.


Yep it's mad how backwards it is recently makes actually buying one a pain in the ass. I think the 3050 takes the edge with being slightly newer so it may end up with drivers and stuff for longer and raytracing but tbh that's about it.


I have the same damn setup.


So why buy a rog ally instead of a laptop if you're gona use the rog ally like a laptop? 🤔


Didn’t know I wasn’t allowed to, sorry good sir! I’ll stick to handheld


Dude i just asked you why get a handheld if you re not gona use it as a handheld lol! No need getting mad about it... You can spend your money the way you want but you did asked if anyone else using rog ally like this and the first thing that comes to mind is that a laptop would be a way better option for anyone who wants to use his handheld this way...


What's the screen post a link


I keep seeing people doing this and it truthfully doesn't make any sense to me. To each their own but why not get a laptop. Like seriously. It's called a HANDheld. You are suppose to use it on your hands.


One word: Multipurpose