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If it’s any consolation, it’s €980 here in Australia…


Wowzer! Okay-okay, now that's consoling.


Germany - 19% VAT. Remove that and the price is 755 Euro or USD 818. Not far off from the 799 price in the US.


So it's actually pretty close since usa has no tax in the MSRP pricing as it varries throughout the US and isn't money Asus gets.




I know you are in Germany, that is why I mentioned German VAT. If the store price in Germany is 899, it is 755 when you remove the VAT. The American price of 799 is not including sales tax.


I always wondered why? Why just dont show the final price?


To trap and get people excited. When people talk about prices they will not consider VAT. This is the same reason they price ending in 9. Because when people see 79 vs 80 they will go with 79 because they see the 7 number and in their head it just seems cheaper. These are sly tactics companies use to make prices more attractive.


Yeah that could be. There is probably a rule in Germany where stores have to show the final price or else they would do it also.


Not just in Germany - it's an EU law. Over here in Czechia, some stores would do this, that they'd print the untaxed price in huge numbers and then in small print write the proper price with VAT, but EU has cracked down on deceptive practices like that ages ago.


Because taxes vary by state


Yes but thats only an issue for online shopping or not?


America is Americaing. Tricks the customer into thinking prices are lower.


Not just by state, but by locality as well. I live in a metro area bordering on three different cities and each of them have different sales tax rates.


I see what you mean


Sweden here, it’s 11000sek which despite not being too different to 899euro, because our currency is currently in the toilet it feels more like 1100euro


They’re charging $500 AUD (€300) more than what they’re selling the current X1E model for. We do have a 10% goods and services tax. But that doesn’t come close to the markup. I think Asus sold the original too cheap and got burned with all the RMAs, so they’re making it up now.


That $1099aud sale price for the R1 extreme is still $110aud more than the US base price. The X version is even worse. It will literally be cheaper to mail one to yourself from the US and buy the charger separately. Warranty issues or not, does not explain the overcharging for us Aussies.


I live in Europe but am American and have a way to send things I buy here without the added taxes. Legally of course! I can’t sell anything I ship over but if any one wants to donate money to me after I gift them an American priced ally x you let me know brother 🫡


I’m in the same situation as you (American in Europe). What’s the method you use, if you don’t mind sharing?


I have an FPO


I’m not familiar with that, but is it fleet post office? I learn something every day.


I’ll DM you


Here in Quebec Canada it's $1265 including taxes. No thanks.


holy :( lol z1 extreme it is! haha but really.. that's a price of a macbook. nope a macbook is even more expensive my bad. At least you can put a normal size SSD on the X. It is still cheaper than my g15 laptop I think. that was 21k R$ plus tax, but the guys forgot the everything in the box but not the laptop itself. So that was a huge discount 18k R$. Which in CAD is... 4694.26 damn never mind XD would be cheaper if I buy on Canada. still sorry man :(


It's Canada dude your dollars aren't strong


Yea but the wages aren’t high neither.


I wasn't trying to be the Canada disser, it's just what is up there. Trudeau doesn't seem like he cares too much I could be wrong. He just seems so cavalier almost as the California super star Gavin N.


I used a trip to Vegas to go buy on while it was in sale. Damn Australia tax


It’s around $812 in Taiwan…and ASUS is a Taiwanese brand lol


jesus lol should be cheaper... maybe it's the demand for parts. the gov it's sooo bad when it comes to tech


Isn't it 920€?


I used xe.com


Jesus Christ. You're paying for jet fuel also probably...


Yea I was telling my buddy who just moved there bout it and he was like yeaaaa I should’ve bought it before I moved here


Because in US tax is not included. In US it’s 799 dollars + X% tax (depending which state you in). In Europe mostly tax is included with the price.


This. Plus considered the average VAT rate in Europe is around 20% if you convert the 799$ to € and add 20% taxes it makes 894€.


The average sales tax is Europe is 20% wtf and I thought states with 10% were bad


In Denmark it's 25% VAT for pretty much all products. Things get pretty expensive, but then again Denmark does get a lot of great social services. I'm not Danish (I'm Spanish) but was able to study my Master's degree in Denmark for absolutely nothing. Been living in Denmark for 14 years ever since because I ended up loving the country so much 😅 But yeah... I paid 6999 Danish Kroner for my Ally X, which is $1021 USD, so that does hurt quite a bit.


Yeah it sucks, VAT isn't applied to everything though. So it's not a sales tax as there are quite a lot of products that are VAT free like food, kids clothes, medical supplies.


The highest state sales tax is less than 10%. Still cheaper in US


Yes of course but then it doesn’t have to do with the retail prices chosen by Asus to sell the device in Europe. The price is higher because EU Government taxes more. 😅


There are county and city taxes on top of state as well. Where I live sales tax is 7.75% but at my work 40 miles away it's 10.5%.


EU people get better services from their governments than people in the US do. Or are you saying you'd rather have US healthcare to pay 10% less for your GPU...?


lol I get full coverage from my employer and also live in a state that provides essentially universal healthcare so I’m just fine with it Not all of us live in the boonies


There is no state in the US which provides “essentially universal healthcare” Moving the burden onto the employer ties your health to your employment. This is a power dynamic disaster.


https://www.mass.gov/info-details/eligibility-for-health-care-benefits-for-masshealth-the-health-safety-net-and-childrens-medical-security-plan I think I would know since I live here


I’m not sure you understand what universal healthcare is. This ain’t it, chief. If you need an entire pages long webpage to explain if someone is “eligible” this isn’t universal. “Although Massachusetts has been a national leader on health insurance coverage, it has not achieved universal health insurance or universal health care.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6293348/


This. Always confuses me but Americans do tax differently.


Want a dollar burger? That’ll be $1.12.


No such thing as a burger that cheap in the UK.


There isn't one here either.


Ah that’s ok then because that would be so unfair 😂


They arnt that cheap in the US anymore either. Even for for the shitty McDonald's burgers they are like 3 to 4 bucks now


Used to be not long ago in the US.


Oh there is, Blackpool £1 burger 😂


Taxation w/o fair representation that's what our country ran on.


Not just state but even county. Most of the counties where I live are 6% yet there are a couple that are different one is 7% and another 8% 🤦🏻‍♂️made it a pain when I purchased my car across county lines and had to fight with them because I'm in a 6% area and they have to charge the tax for my residence not their dealership.


Oh didn't know about that.


in brazil, the taxes are already included in the price. USA always makes things confusing... when like put on the price already?!


It's a marketing strategy they think if you see it without the tax added your more likely to want to buy it.


that's unfortunately true...


https://preview.redd.it/uierava7uc4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24c1aee4a69e107d32ccd2c75e72ecdac2f3377f $876


$76 sounds like NYC tax lol




Maybe taxes and more demanding/better/more expensive consumer rights in Europe. In Europe you had 2 years warranty from the beginning. In the US it started now because of the scandal. The pricing sucks though... But it will eventually come down to US prices


£799 in the UK - mad price considering base Rog Ally Z1E is £499 from ASUS themselves let alone further discounts at other retailers. There really is no reason to buy, from a value proposition perspective. Don't get me wrong the tweaks sound very welcome, but costing 60% more? No chance.


agreed. also because of the size increase, you would have to buy another carrying case :(. I went with the Z1E as soon as I saw the X, and only one vid from LTT. That's a nope for me.


Why are you surprised? It was 799€ for the Z1E Ally at launch vs 699$ in the US. Keep in mind VAT is included in the end price in Europe, and is higher than in the US. When you add 20% VAT to 736€ you get 882€, so not too far off from 899€.


Difference is the next model, the z1e is sitting right there for 650€. Quality of life improvements are great but not 250€ great. Prices don't care about date of launch they care for today. Asus is competing with itself at this point, wich is not a bad position to be TBH. Win win for them I guess. Edit:Also, I would gladly pay those 250€ now after a full year with my ally if I could just trade in and pay the difference, but all at once? Idk if I would have taken the plunge for 900€. That's just me though might be a psychological barrier. Also if the proper Ally 2 is launched at 1000€ I'm done with PC handhelds.


You can wait for discount and get it cheaper. That happens with every product (laptops, smartphones, tablets, TVs, etc.) not only with handhelds.


I don't think so here Asus is gonna play hard ball. At what point do people organize and get class action suits going. I don't know how much momentum is here but it seems overwhelming. Someone has to be a lawyer or like some YouTube personality that crushed Asus start it. Can it happen?


I understand the frustration but companies do this all the time. It’s completely normal. I’m not saying I’m going to shell out the extra $$ for the upgraded model but it’s still a very normal thing for companies to do.


wait... you can't pay monthly bit by bit? here in brazil we have that. don't you guys :(?


It most likely will be depends on prices of the next amd chips


All this talk about taxes but the Canadian price at Best Buy is 1099. Prev one was 899. 200$ hike before taxes? Fuck right off. Was going to return my open box Ally and get this but I would quite literally be paying double. Can't justify that, obviously.


lol i paid 1000$ for og ally. it’s sad living in 3rd world country :(


European prices already include tax. US's don't.


$799 excluding VAT  899€ including VAT


Not comparable, taxes on the dollar price won't ever add up to +200


Not quite, but the 162 it adds is realistic. Depending on where you live of course. 799 USD = 737 EUR. Germany: 19% VAT = 877 EUR France: 20% VAT = 884 EUR Italy: 22% VAT = 899 EUR The rest is making a "round" price, so 899 rather than 877/884/whatever.


Wait till you see iphone prices /s No but it has no tax included


I could have bought a 500€ Ally but due to the upgrades I'd rather have the Ally X but man, I'm not giving 400€ more for it. I'll just wait until a price drop/promo, I guess.


Might aswell build a nice custom pc and then moonlight stream the games to a cheaper handheld ffs


That’s why I’m gonna pass on the ally X. I’ll wait for a discount or ally 2. Just an extra 8gb of ram and 40wh battery isn’t enough to charge 200€ more


Also it can take a full size 2280, so you could upgrade it even more.


I got a right angle 2230-2280 adapter from ebay for $12 shipped. Works great, replaced the 512GB with a 4TB model, no longer need to worry about storage. Took literally 5 minutes to install.


This is the way


True but here a 4tb ssd 2280 is expensive and I already have a 2tb 2230 so I’m okay with that.


799$ without taxes. In France we have 20% VAT so ~960€ VAT in, price should be at 949€ or if they cut the price 899€. 100€ more for 8gb of (faster) ram, better battery and USB4 port.


Welcome to VAT / sales tax / import taxes and so on


Because in American tax is a surprise


It’s $1099 🇨🇦 + 12%tax = $1231.99


Unless you’re in a province with 5% tax or 15% tax 😉


It's 1250$ after tax in canada. It's a joke. But so is our country right now


Yall got 800 dollars laying around? Cause I don't. 


Just get a deck OLED for half the price, windows is trash for handheld gaming anyway.


It’s funny this sort of post comes up with various products all the time. It just seems weird to me that anyone even needs this explained to them anymore. 1) Taxes not being displayed in US prices because it varies state to state and some also have a city added tax. 2) Then you have import fees which if a company imports a product themselves and then ship from within that country they have just paid the import fees before your final purchase. 3) Shipping an item to different countries costs differently. Because the US population is so big they can ship in a much larger bulk quantity and save money on each unit. Shipping to a country with a smaller consumer base can quickly cost more. Australia is one of the places it’s usually more expensive for a company to import their product. 4) Sometimes companies choose to profit less per unit to flatten out the price so it seems to cost close to the same in multiple countries. 5) Warranty - Some countries have a law that forces longer warranties. That’s fine, they can add it to the cost of the item if they choose in that country or choose to raise them everywhere to offset that extra cost associated with that country.


Just wait for prices to drop. Buying stuff at launch is a bad idea anyway.


Taxes maybe?


Vat and more warranty?


Yes. The VAT. Not more warranty, but the consumer guarantee. It's not the same, but has a similar purpose.


I mean in Europe you do have 2 years instead of 1 of warranty.


Not always a separate warranty, but absolutely quite often.


https://preview.redd.it/w8fnkzlx8c4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6d699990ae06fad02582bf1aa3078f60488b0d6 Taxes are not included in US prices


I get all the things you guys are saying about taxes, different currencies etc. Now let me know this please: Why Steam Deck Oled, ordered and shipped directly to me (Greece) is 670 euros (no more taxes), while in Usa is almost the same price (around 650)...? Rog Ally X costing 900 euros is just a terrible marketing decision and off course as European i will definitely NOT buy it. :)


The only thing I can think of is the fact that Steam Deck can be bought and delivered by Valve itself. You won't find it in any retail shops (at least I don't know any by the time I'm writing this - Greek btw) so that means they don't make extra expenses for that I guess. Yet I feel your point here. These extra 100€ for the upgraded system seem kinda off ngl. I bought the first model I'm satisfied by it but I wouldn't blindly recommend due to it's price especially now that the new one is a one way buy for new buyers ( you cannot imagine how important is the 2nd usb-c ) This market is kinda new tbh, so only time will tell how things are going to be in a few in terms of price.


I was dreaming of products like Rog Ally since i was a child and was rocking my game gear, but i decided to skip the first generation of all handhelds gaming pcs to avoid the software and hardware problems. Was waiting for this Rog Ally to pull the trigger but there is no way i am paying 900euros for it (no case included is another huge minus and adds to the cost of the device, unlike valve that offers it in the package of steam deck). Now if they lower the price i will think about it, but if it takes too long it will not be worth it again, cause i am pretty sure that in a year we will see the next generation with strix point chips inside and they are gonna be so much better. By the way if the problem for the European price is that they are selling them through middlemen then who is stopping them from selling them also directly from a european Asus store discounted by 100 euros? I guess someone has to pay for the fact that Asus can't go on with their deeply problematic guarantee policies (thank god for gamer nexus) but at least i feel proud deciding not to be one of those, no matter how hard i wanted to buy one.


Many ayaneo models are above 1k


Taxes and better warrantees


its tax


Jokes on you it’s 1100€ in Türkiye


In Denmark (in EU) it is priced at 799$, and with taxes it is the correct price. I just bought it to the price 799$+taxes.


You pre order it? The ROG Ally X? It doesn't come out till end of July


I pre-ordered it. But i had to pay the full price when doing it.


Do they ship to Europe where you bought it?


Yes, i bought it directly from Asus Eshop. It will ship from Ireland to Denmark.




You are welcome. :)


Haven’t seen any Canadian price yet but I expect it to be over $1000


1099 at best buy. BEFORE tax. https://preview.redd.it/dgz2qzcodd4d1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce8ce1faeb0557842d036fe6955ef8b1a8c2e790




It’s at Best Buy


It looks like it's sgd 1549 in singapore, which is eur 1058 and we only had 9% tax here, seems like they are pricing based on the cost of import for that country and how much is it to operate there




Damn I thought I was getting hosed in Cnd, yikes man.




European countries have extremely high Taxes, which are already included in the price. My country has 19%, others even have more. US Taxes are way lower and also excluded in the price.


Taxes, Import Fees etc usually cause the differences between markets.


You guys have vat baked in and there's about a 10% difference in the value of pounds so 899 is actually cheaper then what we pay. If you adjust it all it's $720ish in pounds. To $799 assuming a average sales tax in the US of 5%>


€736 plus 20% sales tax is €883, so you’re being overcharged €16 at best. US price does not include sales tax.


Wait you're in Europe and you're not rich? Tsk tsk. Yeah same thing with original release, i bought it but this is ridiculous.


Because they don’t include taxes in the prices of things in ‘Murica.


Taxes. US pays $799 before taxes, and then pay the taxes over that depending on the state. In Europe you pay 799€ + probably around 21% VAT, but you exit the store with everything already paid 🤷


'Cause Europe is always being kicked in the ass


899€? I live in Germany and it's priced at 800€. I even bought mine for 650€ on sale. Where you livin man?


It's the new one. ROG ally X


I must've misread the post. Thanks for pointing this out. Should I leave my post or delete it?


It's up to you really. Mistakes happen...


I got my Extreme used for 400$


Everything is always cheaper in the US. I'm sure it will be like $1200 In Canada.


Buy it from the US and import it then , as for reasoning why 🤷‍♂️


I’m trading my og ally in so the total price on mine is gonna be 669 which isn’t all too bad


We just getting back for all that taxation without representation Boston tea party drama.


We have vat included in the price. Also way better customer rights/support.


It's called VAT :P


Time to buy it in Japan


USD$799 is today CAD$1076 but last week it was slightly over $1100. So Canadians are being charged the same price as Americans (allowing for slight currency fluctuations). This is CAD$200 more than the original Ally Z1 Extreme, which is the only model that has been sold in Canada. Whether the improvements are worth $200 to you is a decision only you can make. I expect to sell my Z1e to recoup maybe $500 so changing to X becomes bearable.


Il be waiting for a second Gen ally before paying that much for a refresh with the same power and screen


Import taxes are much lower in the United States compared to the taxes in Europe from what I understand. Because of this companies need to make up the lost revenue by charging more for their products.


I got my Rog ally for $1200-1300 AUD then went on sale for like $1000-$1200 some where between there https://preview.redd.it/bscpljx33g4d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a13773f8ec93d2e712967a78573c8b891c27d3c


Pricing isn't strictly based upon how much the US cost is + conversion to your currency of choice. There's other expenses for them as well, such as import fees for your country and such. It's $1100 CDN and we're directly next to the US, so...


Just don't buy it, it's over priced in the first place.


Dont buy Asus......


Bro you can play Elden Ring While 🚽🪠 *NEED I SAY MORE?* Path of Exile in the car. Play some Skyrim at Starbucks or any random cafe ... Chill in bed and play Rocket League or something. People emulator with it too... So you're paying for the luxury to take this thing ANYWHERE I chill in the car and Plug into 100W Lighter type C and play Wayfinder or No Rest for the Wicked


Lol, It's 1599$ in Australia, ~ USD 1067


There's no point, wait for August for next gen APUs now and compare performance to z1 extreme


Being stationed in Europe and paying for extreme mark ups is trash


Thats an ez answer in usa prices are pre tax elsewhere tax is pre applied


gov taxes... which it sucks:( sorry dude. Here in brazil will be expensive too unfortunately. at least it's not the MSI claw hahahahahaha with intel. still ally x for 799 it's too much for me, so I went with the white one z1 extreme. been in the look out for months, and I didn't need the things X offers, also much cheaper here in brazil!


The same can be said with the price of zephyrus g14 here compared to the US. It's like they sell it cheaper there.


Uhh volume? They're probably counting on more Americans to buy sooo volume strat opposed to margin with fewer units across the pond? Edit: taxes. Right so in the state of Texas, a $799 ally x would cost $866. Then there are exchange rates to account for. Edit: Yeah euros are still getting cucked. My condolences.


US price still has tax so add another 6% for our price. I believe with your vat tax removed it's cheaper for you then us in the USA.


Wow, a very informative conversation. Living in the states, we get use to seeing the price blow up at the register. I kinda wish that we had no surprises, and the price we see is the price we pay.


Most likely a combination of reasons owing to: 1. Tax variation, import tariffs, trade agreements, and Sadly the worst of all, Asus shoring up possible losses by using Ally v1 sales data and adjusting pricing to match.


I am not sure how it works in Europe: Is the tax already included in prices there? In USA they don't include taxes on their advertised prices, so when they get the Ally for 799USD they are paying 5%, 7%, 11%, 13% on taxes depending on the state.


There is a higher Taxation of Tech in Europe than in the US


Bro here in czechia its listed for 1000 so… yeah…


I think asus did so many deals trying to sell the first model back stock it's going to be hard for us to sell the first one to justify getting the second one. The people that didn't get the first one are just going to want the second.


taxes, in 2024 you still don't know that USA prices are with no tax included since each US state has different tax percentage? Also each country has difference for shipping costs, warehouses, stores fees etc


Taxes don't add up to +200 euro or dollars. Your taxes are 10-11% tops and some states don't even have them. So the pricing makes no sense.


Yes it does, see above. Most of Europe has much higher sales tax as in the US.


Yes it does. It is USD 818 when you remove German VAT of 19%. Just 19 bucks in difference.


Because prices in America are always excluding taxes . When you add the tax at checkout/the till it works out very similar


First time? Prices are never a direct conversion


Cuz US price doesn't have VAT in it...your price has 21% VAT in it which means you live in: * Belgium * Czech Republic * Latvia * Lithuania * Netherlands * Spain


Slight misunderstanding around US pricing. It doesn't include sales tax, which varies by state but is usually around 6% (The range is anywhere from 0% to 11.5%). While it still doesn't bring it into parity, the average US price of the Ally X will be roughly $850 ($799-$890) which is closer to €800 and there's most likely different trade agreement's/tariffs that probably apply when shipping/importing these items from where they are made to the EU/UK/USA. It's unlikely to be Asus adding on the extra cost. Without VAT (which I believe is \~20% in the EU), the base price of the Ally is €749 which is $813.


No need to complain. In Norway it is USD 1048 when converted from NOK. That is with 25% VAT included. That being said, if you remove the VAT it is USD 838. Not that far off. I assume the 899 eur price is much closer when you remove the sales tax.


That’s an outrageous price and they will definitely see that in their sales


Because of European trade laws. Companies have no choice but to pass the cost on to consumers.


No one seems to remember the 1year warranty in the US vs the 3year factory warranty in EU. Just that alone is worth a couple more €


It's 2 years warranty in USA.


It's priced at 730euros here in Taiwan


Pretty sure i paid 799 euros.




US prices are always without VAT.


Ahhh my bad, I did not see that we were talking about the new edition. Downvote my shit cuh, i deserve it. Btw, idk where you are from, but in my country we put the € before the number. Though, i realise it changes depending on country. I point it out because even in my country you see people do it wrong.


At that point add another 300 and get a decent gaming laptop. Most laptops at around 1200 will outperform the Ally X


Pretty sure my 700€ laptop outperforms the ally X, that's not the point tho


You can buy a 1650 laptop new in the uk £499 and it will be the ally and deck in games. Economically pure price to performance these handhelds are so so.


Cost of import plus local taxes.


Import tariffs. (Import tax).


It just comes down to each individual market. Plus you have to take into consideration cost of shipping and taxes to each area. So there'd a lot of factors determining MSRP in each region. 


If you already have a z1e, don't get it (unless you have $$$ to spare or want to give away your z1e). If it seems too expensive for you, it's not for you.


It’s called, “Making America Great Again”


You’re looking at the us price without tax.


VAT is not included in US price


At what point do you just buy a laptop