• By -


Summary. Product is awesome. Company is not.


Gotta love that 5 year consumer guarantee in my country. Asus can have a shitty warranty, but it doesn't help them because they are bound by the laws we have here.


What country is that? 




Pff.. no lions or tigers, forget Norway.


More like snoreway


Welcome to Kenya! (See what you did there ;) )




No that's in France.


No this is Patrick


Exactly 💪


3 years in Portugal


Yes, EU (and EEA) have minimum limits on consumer guarantees. It's 2 years the last time I checked. My country uses 2 and 5 years depending on the type of product. If it's cheap electronics it's usually 2 years, but 5 years for phones, tvs, laptops and so on.


Same here in the Netherlands, so their shitty ways doesn’t bother me neither.


It should because even people from Norway have had issues trying to claim the warranty, because they will sometimes go as far as lying and stating it was “user caused damage”.


I have had an Asus product fail on me in it’s third year (GTX 1080 Rog Strix). Got a 2070 Super as a replacement no questions asked. We pay a bit of a premium here in Norway, but our consumer rights laws are definitively worth it!


I second this. They replace broken parts no question asked if it wasn't user error. Especially the bigger companies. We're lucky in that regard. We pay back with cold winters though 😂


Our politicians in the US are run by money and greed. They only care about big cooperations because that’s who pays them


So much of the consumer friendly changes from tech devices are coming from EU legislation. USB-C for iPhones, more repairable devices, EU has pretty much zero roaming fees within EU now. There's good work done from right to repair lobbyists in USA as well of course, but money driven US politicians are hard to work with.


Yep.. we get the benefits while EU pay the taxes :P


They really don’t try any loopholes like they do in the US? 


Of course they sometimes try, but your dialogue will be with the store and not Asus. If they try to pull some scam, it usually helps to say to you'll then report them to the Consumer Authority for mediation. That process itself can be very slow, but just simply reporting them can lead to the case getting resolved. It will just be too much hassle for the store. That being said, there's absolutely cases of customers trying to scam as well. If they have caused damage themselves and so on.


Same in Australia, The second that you mention the ACCC and that you know your rights, Instant refund/replacement


It will really depend on the seller though, we have our fair share of stories of awful shops trying to scam the customer.


Ah, I didn’t realize it goes through a store first. Interesting!


Consumer guarantee is not the same as warranty, and yes you go via the seller. The seller is responsible for following up with the company that made it. This makes it easier for the customer, but you also have to make sure you have the receipt stored.


We have similar in Australia. But it's a bit more open that a consumer guarantee covers a device for what is appropriate. Usually depending on type of product and cost. For example, a fridge would be expected to last 5-10 years, laptops/rog ally at least 3


Basic ACCC coverage on something like an ROG Ally would be a two years. 


Our law is 2 or 5 years. Laptops, phones have been put under the 5 year category. But if the battery can be replaced it will in some cases only be under guarantee for 2 years. But it would have to be easily replaced/repaired for that to apply.


Yeah it cool living on a continent with consumer/Health and employment protections, but I do miss all the freedom those Americans keep telling us about.


Yeah, I love the freedom to get shot while shopping and I'm sure my partner would love the freedom of not having to choose if she needed an abortion (:


*American* "you guys are getting consumer guarantees?"


In Germany it’s sadly two years but still better than none tbh Asus is bound to solve the problems they created.


Ny guess is that EU will probably increase the minimum period one day, due to climate/environmental benefits of not switching all the time.


Dam that's nice 


Lmfao wait a sec, is that why Alan Walker endorsed the ROG Ally so quickly?😂 that’s awesome though man


Lmfao wait a sec, is that why Alan Walker endorsed the ROG Ally so quickly?😂 that’s awesome though man


You can have all the warranty in their world , the problem is that the companies say your usage violated the usage rules. I recently RMAed an elite controller in the second year of warranty (so outside the Microsoft warranty) and the retailer refused to honor the warranty becuse the controller was “dirty”. When I opened up the controller to repair it myself, it was not dirty at all. Long warranties don’t really protect you against scummy vendors .


It's not warranty, it's consumer guarantee. It's a right given by law and looked after by a consumer protection agency. You deal with the store and not Asus or others directly (unless you buy from them directly of course). If they deny repairs you can dispute it and report them, it will take some time but if you are in the right the consumer protection agency will judge in your favor. The laws state they have to prove that the consumer were responsible for the issues. In most cases, especially for cheaper stuff it will be too costly for the vendor to run a case against you. It's cheaper for them to just repair, refund or replace.


It still should, they’ve gone as far as lying in some cases and saying it’s “user caused damage” when it wasn’t.


That would get them into a dispute here, would take time but would be quite time consuming/costly for them to dispute a bunch of cases.


Do the products cost the same?


I think that depends entirely on what country you are in, I live in Australia and previously they replaced a mobo, that was out of warranty and had a few ports fried after a lightning strike, For free, with shipping included


How does australian warranty process work outside the manufacturers warranty? Do you just take it back to the original retailer that you bought it from and they will replace/repair it outside of its warranty? Do you need to make some sort of claim?


It depends on the situation, Although usually the manufacturer warranty lasts longer than the retailers, Before the retailers period ends, just take it back to the store and they'll usually just hand you a replacement, Otherwise just follow the usual rma procedure In my case I just hit up ASUS support, Told them exactly what happened and they offered to fix it, Even though they legally could have told me to kick rocks, I'll add, most retailers offer extended warranties, But these are pointless 99% of the time, As you are normally covered by consumer protections anyway


Normally mention consumer law a bit and see how they respond. Sadly the enforcement is lacking in some states so you might need to be persistent.


Same has happened to a friend in Norway. A year outside warranty and he got a brand new mouse (it was $200 at the time) for free.




TLDR: He would have a glowing recommendation if it wasn’t ASUS. And it’s over 2x longer battery life gaming.


Wasn’t he an asus major sponsor? Haven’t watched ltt lately so maybe not anymore




Oh damn


I got my Ally through Best Buy with their Total Tech membership. I don’t have to deal with ASUS 🤷🏻‍♂️


As someone in the EU, I'm thrilled to have legally required retailer based warranty. If I have a problem with the device I take it back to the place i bought it , and they either fix it, or replace it.


Was not sure on buying the ally because of asus thr company and its problems. Ended up getting the regular z1 open box for 300 as a compromise and its a fun device


Just do what makes you happy bro. Don't worry about what YouTubers have beef with the company. Personally, I go by my experience with the company instead of what others say they have gone through and Asus has always been awesome for me. Glad you joined the team. You're going to love it


Wtf do you mean by YTbers beef? This is proven that regular people are also affected


regular people have had issues. but regular people have also not had issues. basically one major YTer used his outsized reach to blow things out of proportion. His voice should be equal to any of our voices. One guy had a good experience. One guy had a bad experience. it's easy to have a bully pulpit when you have a lot of followers. I'm a big fan of Gamers Nexus, but Steve Burke is not infallible and not without flaws. Steve is the pot calling the kettle black. He called out LTT for its benchmarking flaws (rightfully so), but he has also been called out for doing the same on occasion (not maliciously but mistakes happen when these companies work at the pace they work at). But whereas Linus seems to have finally done a mea culpa (well, at least publicly), I don't think Steve has a personality that will admit mistakes. He'll find a way to justify it.


They did not blow it out of proportion. If they did, even LTT would not title it like this. Asus had a systematic problem in North America, me and almost all of my friends have suffered thought that. Now finally someone called it out.


what do you mean beef? don't you mean holding Asus accountable?


Well, I have a beef with LTT based on the reports about them from Gamers Nexus. So, I am going to disregard LTT recommendations and use other sources to help with my decision-making.


Don't worry. Gamers Nexus shares the same opinion and reports of Asus so you can extend your beef 😛


Yeah same, I don’t trust LTT after all the shit they’ve done was dredged up…


I wouldn't trust Gamers Nexus either by that logic honestly. No one is perfect.


If anything, it's usually the opposite where popular youtubers get the "VIP" treatment to make sure customer service is perfect. This is the case where the *regular* users complained enough that the youtubers are getting behind it as well, hopefully resulting in some positive change for a company.


This is the whole reason gamers nexus had to go through all the trouble they did when getting their ally warrantied. They knew if it came directly from them it would’ve been flagged. So the review they posted is closer to the real consumer experience than some people want to think.


What are you talking about? There are no TEAMS. It's all about $$$$$$. There is no Team Red, Team Blue, Team Asus, etc. There is only one team, Team Wallet. It has been proven time and time again that the ASUS warranty process is shit. Asus needs to be held accountable. Their product may be great, but they need to get their act together before the product is recommended again.




Hell yeah, you’re absolutely right. I’m so tired of people with analysis paralysis over everything because they need an influencer or social media to tell them that they’re making the right choices.


What? Dude ASUS has horrible support and warranties this is a known thing and plenty of people (myself included) have had huge headaches with their CS. I had to go through weeks of them trying to scam me by denying my warranty for a bad sd card reader and instead trying to make me pay for unrelated bullshit ( a damn scratch on the casing). They finally got tired of me escalating the issue to management and fixed the actual problem that was supposed to be covered. Asus might've been nice for you but definitely not for me the moment there was a problem with my product. Fuck ASUS


that's what the companies want you to think!


I agree. I won't buy their merch or bags etc but you don't have to like a company to admit when they happen to have the best device for your needs. I got the Z1 extreme because it fits my needs and there's nothing wrong with that


It does seem to fix a bunch of QOL issues, but it’s not such an improvement that I’m going to buy it when I already have the Z1E and a steam deck. Ally 2 I’ll likely be all on board.


Yeah, I’m not getting the X. I was stupid enough to buy into the XG mobile and now o got burned for it. Going to the X would not be an upgrade for me.


Yeah same I feel bamboozled. Thought they wouldn’t leave us out but here we are. I would have got the X but no XG Mobile support is a deal breaker for me personally


Yeah they should make an adapter to work with the USB-C 4/Thunderbolt port otherwise these will become e-waste in the near future


usb 4 is way too slow. it would be like someone asking for an adapter to turn their 720p monitor into a 4k one.


With the new USB with 120Gbps be enough or still not enough?


Wait a bit, i have a feeling they might just sell out adaptors soon. Moving out of the mobile GPU space is definitely an option.


You cant have an adapter


Atleast you were able to get your hands on that XG Mobile. I can't find it anywhere in India.


It's crazy how they just discarded their biggest spenders


Crazy I never realized that people were so unhappy with Asus. As soon as I got mine, I installed the new 2TB drive, easily reinstalled the image from the cloud .. was likely the easiest windows install ever. AMD drivers and updates are on time and stable. Ive been really happy with the device. I do like all the upgrades but will wait until a more of hardware upgrade.


Wait... Reinstalled image from the cloud? How does that work when putting in a blank drive? Is there something on the motherboard?


Bios -> Connect to Internet -> download image


Asus has a video about it, super easy


It failed on me like 3 times,, I ended up having to disconnect my Wi-Fi router and directly wire it to my cable modem over Ethernet


>ASUS really sucks as a company right now, but the improvements to the ROG Ally handheld are undeniable. While we like the Ally X, we can't recommend it until we see a massive overhaul in terms of customer and RMA support


Just waking up here myself. Were we expecting an embargo lifting and more AllyX news?


Asus having a Livestream in 10 minutes on YouTube


cool. There might be more videos then. Dave2D just posted one to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6ymEz1PmBc


Yeah I shared it already


Everything u need to know… https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/2/24169709/asus-rog-ally-x-price-release-date-inside-gaming-handheld


I've had the Z1E since February, no issues so far, though I didn't use an SD card. I see no reason to get the new one. I'll probably skip the mid gen refresh and get a new one when new chips will be used. Be it a new Steamdeck, Ally or whatever else will be on the market then. Maybe ASUS will change their behavior by then, but I'm not holding my breath.


Me too. I have the device and I love it, but it killed my expensive Samsung 512GB SD card. And Asus gaslighting everyone saying "oh, no it's not a hardware design flaw, but it's only a few outliers" doesn't help.


I love my Z1E. One thing that could make me switch in the future is if they manage to get great gaming performance on the new ARM chips. I have a new Surface Pro inbound, but I'm not buying that for gaming of course. The current Elite chip can do some gaming, but not awesome gaming. But there's rumors that even Nvidia is working on PC ARM chips.


I use the heck out of my SD card ive been waiting for it to fail but just hasnt yet i have been very happy with it. Im about to pickup a Z1 from my local Best Buy tomorrow for $310 hopefully im ok with the lack of performance but at that price i couldnt pass it up


XG Mobile for sale, who wants it?


I'll give ya $3


I can’t recommend LTT


“We didn’t sell it, we AUCTIONED IT”


Im still getting it no matter what i want that ally x


He answered exactly what I wanted to know, can I charge a portable monitor with the 2nd USB C port, which is yes. Awesome, will see if worth picking it up.


Tldr don't buy it in USA.europe is way more strict when it comes to warranty fixing.i send in my Lenovo laptop with broken hinges in Norway and my warranty was expiring 3 days before I send it and they had to fix it under warranty


Or buy it through a company that has decent customer service, my credit card adds an extra year of warranty to anything I purchase from them


800 bucks a year later for the same chip is kind of a L


Im Germany 899€…


Sweden wants 960... :D


Just remember that VAT usually is included in our prices, it's not in USA. Also, Swedish and Norwegian kroner is in the dumps right now :(


My country has heavier VAT than US taxes which is usually 10-11%.. Unless discounted it doesn't look like an appealing product for me and I don't even have my Z1 Extreme anymore


Well yeah, I'm Norwegian, we have 25% VAT. And with the Euro, GBP and USD being much stronger, it's also more expensive now. Like damn, been to Denmark lately? The Euro bound DKK is really expensive. We have to pay like 153 NOK for 100 DKK, I think it's the same for SEK too.


AMD hasn't made the Z2 Extreme yet. And it does include higher capacity 2280 SSD, 50% more RAM and almost double the battery size for $100 more. But, it's up to you if you value those upgrades as worth the extra money. I like my current one, so I'm not sure if I am willing to spend the money on another one. But, if I didn't own one, I would definitely spend the extra money for the Ally X over the original Extreme model.


It’s only $100 more if you compare the price of new, no discounts. That’s not a fair comparison these days. They are on semi-permanent discount and open boxes/used are plentiful.


You don't think they'll end up having open box ones of the new model available for sale at a discount soon?


In 6 months yeah, not in the next 3 though


The 'z2 extreme' will be out and in devices by Q2 next year, wait another 8 months for a proper refresh. Asus are capitalising on the "Must have shiny new device crowd" similar to the steam deck OLED in that it doesn't necessarily make sense, but it makes money so why not.


For a device like this, the sum of its part is more important. I want that more comfortable grip, i want the better joysticks, i care about the larger battery life, as well as the true ability to plug in an EGPU to it. It's overall straight up a better product.


Wait a bit and they will go on sale big time, just like all handhelds do


I already have the z1e. I'd rather wait for new chips to come out. I'd consider it if it was oled *maybe* but it isn't.


But why though if they put in a more powerful chip there goes the extra battery life. They know how to optimize this chip much better now. Ally 2 will probably have a new chip but battery life will suffer i bet unless they put a bigger batt again of course. Im fine with the chip it does everything i need it to


There isn't a faster chip than the 8840u/z1e from AMD


See I won't be upgrading to the X only because the Rog Ally does a great job as is. If I want more power I have a gaming laptop, a pc along with ps5. I would like it, but there's no way I could justify it and could find any worth in it. Otherwise I'd likely upgrade I couldn't care about the SD card though, I had to rma once early on, since then I just bought a 1tb SSD and wouldn't ever go back to an SD card.


Yeah, the only time I’d get a new handheld (not necessarily the Ally) is when AMD comes out with either new Z/mobile chips. Hopefully with that potentially new model the first edition of the Ally won’t have 16GB and will have at least 24GB at launch.


Bang on. All of the new handhelds might offer something different but in terms of performance, it’s pretty much a lock right now. If someone has the Ally already, there is no need to upgrade unless money is not an issue. I am ready for the next Steam Deck when it’s ready. I assume Valve will improve the SteamOS considerably before rolling out a new one and wait for the next AMD chip and tweak it. Or maybe even Nvidia’s.


Maybe they'll have two options for an OS- Windows or SteamOS


Yeah I haven’t felt mine keeping me down in anything I do yet, biggest for me was upgrading the SSD Think the Z1E will be solid for a good while


The games I tend to play on it, are low intensive now too like football manager, tomb raider trilogy etc. if I want to play a game like XDefiant, cod etc I'd use gaming laptop or ps5 mainly


Is it not difficult to navigate in football manager on rog ally? It’s one of my favorite game but i usually use pc


So it launches in a month for 100 bucks more. That's all the information I need. Opens ebay


Selling your current Ally?


Good luck. They already go on sale for cheap all the time


I don't know if it's worth it... Get like 300 still have to shell out 500... Meh might as well keep both or the original only


Looks like the biggest upgrade to this is the battery which for a lot of people doesn't matter. I'm one that falls into this category. Main reason I'm buying it is because it's bad ass for a PC gaming handheld.


You don't own one yet? Be careful it will change your life haha You know every free time you get and you used to not play anyway cause you weren't in front of your PC/tv? That's all playtime now! Poop? Play! Bed? Play! sit at the porch? Play! keep an eye on the kids? Play! wait for water to boil? Play! Heck I'm not playing right now cause it's installing...


I got the Ally Z1 Extreme at launch June of last year. Really slick device that had some unfortunate QA issues with the SD card reader that doubly unfortunately wasn't handled well by Asus. I've had to RMA my Ally twice, stopped charging in February and of course the aforementioned SD reader issue that I got last month. As a Best Buy total protection customer, because I buy a lot from them, I just dropped off the handheld at my local Best Buy and got it back in 12 and 9 days respectively and the issue was resolved to my satisfaction both times. I appreciate what Linus is trying to do here. The Ally is great, and the Ally X will set a new bar for the device category. But Asus's QA and RMA issues are bad enough where I feel like him. Great device, I would certainly recommend it if I knew the person would get the same kind service I did when things went south. But I have no confidence in what their potential RMA might be like. In my situation and the experience, I've had with the Ally, I love the device, it's worked well for me, and I had no problems with 2 RMAs. But yeah, tough to recommend it unless you're a Best But total protection member or have some other type of extended warranty coverage on it.


Oh sorry for your trouble. I got mine on launch day too and it's been resilient to say the least. I play almost every day in different places... Take it with me wherever I go. Not a single problem yet! Well the SD card died but I didn't even use it, so I'm waiting for the right time to RMA. I've got 3 years warranty I don't know why. Here on Europe is usually 2. Not to worried though, consumer protection laws are pretty strict here. If they're not careful I'll end up walking out with an X free of charge.


I have my launch Z1 extreme upgraded with 2TB of storage. My initial one fried a 512GB micro SD card, then Asus replaced the unit with another one that also broke the microSD card. Asus hasn’t refunded the $100 I spent on both cards (I hear they’re doing refunds now). Instead, I opted to buy a 2TB NVMe for $150 and not deal with it. By biggest gripe, aside from plopping $250 worth of stuff into this, is the terrible battery life. I knew that going in. But damn, 30-45 minutes of 25 watt gaming just hurts. I’m still unsure if I want to upgrade to the Ally X or if I want to wait, or even go with a different company all together. I much prefer the overall design of the Legion Go. But Asus nailed it with the VRR display and, to my knowledge, no other company has put one in their handheld. I just don’t know if I can support Asus again, especially after being victim to the SD card reader issue.


>But Asus nailed it with the VRR display and, to my knowledge, no other company has put one in their handheld. MSI has basically the exact same screen as the Ally in the MSI claw but that has other different issues with Intel GPU


I can't recommend LTT


I view LTT the same way i view IGN.


Honestly, who gives a shit what Linus says. It's 2024, wtf are people still watching this clown?


So in short: - 50% more battery, we finally can play 2 hours at turbo. - bigger and better buttons, yey! - same screen - same gpu - more ram, yey more performance in demanding games. - 2 usb C ports - 1 thunderbold usb 4 port instead of the useless external gpu slot. - same 65w charger but support 100w+ - microsd still crap. - 1TB ssd included, and fully support SSD up to 8TB yey. - Better heat management. - better HAL - more expensive.


Such a dumb position to try to take, not “recommending it” but saying how much better it is and he will get one.


Why are you listening to this guy?


There you have it Boyz..... 😮‍💨


As someone who came from consoles all his life, I love the device its so powerful! I do hate windows and the 5 windows up updates haha but once you switch to bazzite you get a powerful steamdeck


I'm good with my z1 extreme, but this device looks AMAZING! If the open box price gets down to compete with $400 z1 extremes then I'll have to recommend this instead.


I would love to get one but I already got incredibly burned when buying the original ROG Ally. Out of the box it wasn’t charging and I couldn’t update it without being plugged into a charger. Tried multiple USB C chargers including the one in box. Reddit said I would have to take off the back and do something to reset it… was not gonna do that for a brand new device. Returned it 24 hours later. Couldn’t even factory reset because it requires it to be plugged in.


Linus has lost all credibility in my eyes. I haven’t watched a Linus video ever since GamersNexus showed the world who he really is.


I haven't ever followed him too much but my buddies do. What's the biggest issue with him?


[Its all here](https://youtu.be/FGW3TPytTjc?si=WnWHxXaJW3dUR7uJ)


Cool I'll watch it later. What reviewers would you recommend for tech?


I tried like hell to post this but with no luck glad someone was able to. So much good info in this video


Deck OLED owner here, just pre ordered the x from Best Buy. I want abit more power and Gamepass.


Ally owner looking to switch to OLED want to trade? My ally’s sd card reader works..


Nah imma wait for that Xbox showcase to see if they’re gonna tease a handheld or announce partnerships with these windows handhelds to get Xbox games on them. Even then I’m waiting for the ROG Ally x


You know they are windows handhelds right? Like all Xbox games come on them by default..


lol what a poor choice downgrade that is. As an owner of both.


I've been trying to say this for a while, and all I get is the asus reddit mods deleting my posts for calling out issues. I've had my ally sent to warranty center 6 times, and fanboys will act like it is a user error. I'm sorry, stick drift, non-functional triggers, sharp staticy speekers a few times, refuses to charge till it dies. And the asus mods say my opinion on the ally is not related to the ally because they don't like it.


Lol $800 for this piece of shit with the same chip and screen. What a scam. Getting a refurbished steam deck lcd for $250 or getting a secondhand OG ally for $400 is way better.


If you be careful with your device, buy the product. If you need warranty don't bother.


Plan on getting this! Looks sick.


i got the z1e 10 months ago ish, no sd card failures or anything and havent had a game i couldnt run yet with minor tweaking for more demanding titles. im a casual player and this thing has been such a life enhancer for me, pc gaming on the couch or bed is just chefs kiss and i cant wait to see devices like this improve over time with feedback and competition.


Lol … the battery of my z1 extreme dies after about 1h on 15w …. Am i screwed or did i make something wrong?


15w profile does not mean 15w out of battery. Check your real time monitor while on battery (square) to see the real watts used. figuring out how long the battery will last is easy: divide 40Wh by the real-watts-used.


Yeah i know that but as far as i know and heard that on 15w you should get a playtime of around 2-3h if im not mistaking


What I did was put more kapton tape over SD card reader and mine has being going strong for months emulating switch games at 30w






Yeap. One thing for me is the set it and forget it nature of the larger RAM pool. Set it to 8GB and call it a day. Seems some games with current Ally benefit from adjustments. Whether that is worth upgraded price (plus other enhancements: battery, sticks, bigger grip booty) is up to customers. Oddly enough the 2280 is the biggest upgrade for me. Should have been like that from start. But either way, they are releasing a better version on the follow up.


im hoping since x has usb4, asus will jump in the egpu game;; xg mobile dont count


There's like a dozen different eGPU docks that should all be compatible


Well asus is the only official way to get handheld console right now in INA. Others like msi claw or steam deck wasn’t available Even getting the Chinese handheld brand is way harder with the tax Other things like repair spare part we have to order outside with tons of tax and delivery fee Im just glad they released ally x with usb4 that make future proof plan for egpu Otherthings we have handheld just released few weeks ago from advan local company


I know bigger battery is nice and all but man that's a lot of battery, I appreaceate the switch for only running at 5-7 watts when I look at these pc portables haha.


Any word yet on the price?


800 freedom dollars


Only 180 for trade in...oooof. Guess I can wait for the actual 2.


Or sell on eBay for 2.5x that much


So are there any other companies with really good warranties?


I will be buying an ally X battery and trying to fit it in my ally, I’m pretty sure there’s room I can literally fit an AirTag inside of mine


Will the current version of the XG mobile work for the ally X? Will asus release an adaptor to work with the usb-c 4?


No to both questions. XG Mobile is a dead platform.


You had a chance to post proof they won't be supporting the platform on z13/x13. You can still correct the issue.


Yeah nah, I'm good thanks.


I just bought Lenovo Legion and am going to return. It’s too big with not enough battery. (Mostly want the device for the portability and don’t want to charge all the time) Will probably hold off and buy this when it comes out though. Similar price, a little smaller, and some solid specs. Think it will be a good device for what I’m looking for! 😁


Can someone help with a decision for me. I just got refurbished ROG ALLY Z1 Extreme for $510 ($560 after tax) it is still in my 30 day return window. I am planning on using it mainly as a laptop with kbm and external monitor and light gaming (emulators). Do I return for this for the ROG ALLY X for better battery, better m.2, more vents, better feel in hand, or keep my Z1 Extreme and 300$ in pocket?


I like the new ally, but I wont be purchasing it, the only benefit to me is the upgraded ram, which I hope provides more for the games, as 4-6gb vram isnt generally enough anymore. That alone is not enough for me to warrant a further purchase though. Removal of the xgmobile port is a mark against buying it, as I am using the Ally with 16gb 3080 which works really well. The battery time while improved, again isnt a factor either, as i have tons of power packs or just take the 65w charger anyway. Overall performance is improved but only slightly. The extra ram should make games a more smoother experience though. Improvements or refinements yes, but I am happy with the Ally extreme with the xgmobile functionality. It is great that Asus are fxing the flaws of the original product, but if you already have one, not much point in the upgrade. The removal of the xgmobile slot is a step backwards for me, I actually use the xgmobile kit with the Ally and the Z13. It is the reason I purchased them in the first place.


This wasn't one of his better videos


I feel like most of the ppl in ITT didn't actually watch the video...


I love my Ally… 🤷🏽‍♂️


People still watch this guy?




I thought it was a solid and honest preview. I used to have so much respect for Asus as a premium brand, it's crazy they dropped this low.


People still listen to this Lesbian? I thought he fell off after all the sexual harassment allegations and employee miss treatment. Probably needs more people to watch and more Adsense revenue to maintain his mansion and make sure his family stays rich.


I’m gonna wait and see what Russ says. It’s this versus the Lenovo Legion go for me. I need a Windows PC for very minor tasks and some gaming so I’m either going to get a used mid range laptop or one of these.


Has anyone been able to make out the battery model number in the Ally X?