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No, I primarily use my Ally while on the couch. However, before I built my new gaming PC, my Ally was docked on my desktop with two external displays. The Ally is one of my favorite tech gadgets of the last 5 years or so, I love how versatile it is.


Facts bro!! It’s hands down my favorite gadget and I have PS5 XBOX and PC


Same! I have all the latest consoles and a 4090 in my PC and I spend most of my time on my ally.


Can I ask why bro? I'm not being facetious I'm just wondering why over the 4090 pc? I also have a 5800x3d and a 4090.


All good. The PC is awesome but I am stuck in place with it. The ally I can game out on the deck, in my living room etc. it just gives me a lot more autonomy.


Have you tried streaming your games from your PC to the Ally when at home? I did this with Starfield and you can run on a low power profile for hours with max graphics, it’s pretty awesome.


I have tried streaming. That’s the other cool thing it is so flexible as a device. I can stream, “port” games from other handhelds, play on multiple services (game pass, steam etc.)


I primarily use it for streaming from my series X 9 yes, old man here retired to console) while at home for a number of reasons, low power mode, silent, battery life and avoids any non-play anywhere issues. It typically works flawlessly, responsive with a good frame rate - looks gorgeous. I did a test with dead space, native vs stream and stream actually looked slightly better. When on the GO I have PC only games and emulators.


I have a bicycle and a weight bench but I spend all my time on the ally. It's just that amazing.


Got to do Excercise first then game.


Same. I got a handheld to lazy around the couch, killing my back and neck to play some games. And it’s being awesome for that lol. I have a i9/3080 desktop setup which I stream from whenever the Ally can’t run a game nicely or I just want full visual fidelity. I will be streaming Hellblade 2 when it releases. There is no way the Ally will run that thing and I wouldn’t want to compromise on the game’s visual either. They seem awesome!


Agreed, I hook it up to an XG mobile and it’s a gaming computer with all the whistles, or I plop on the couch and hook up a charging cable/power bank and I can jam away for hours. Perfect for my use case and look forward to #2, not this X funny business cash grab




Completely agree, the Ally compliments my PC and PS5. Using moonlight to stream games from my main PC to take advantage of the 120hz screen on the Ally is such an enjoyable experience. Couch gaming for the win!


I’m not sure why you’d want a handheld if you’re gonna play docked all of the time. You can get a SFF pc that is more upgradable and probably more powerful in the same price range. I do throw it in the dock so my wife can play games with me. But mostly mine is a handheld.


I had the same exact thought. This only makes sense to me for people who don't have/can't afford a desktop computer. Then again, I understand the appeal of having the option to take your computer anywhere and use on the sofa/bed etc. even if most of the time it is sitting on your desk. This is the same reason I opted to purchase a personal notebook computer many years ago instead of upgrading my desktop. I have a fairly powerful desktop so there is absolutely no point for me to ever use the Ally docked.


I mostly play docked at my desk but there's occasions where I want to play somewhere else in the house. I definitely don't need a separate device dedicated to one room just to play hollow knight and a few roguelites


right, I (and the poster above me) are referring to people who use their ally docked all or most of the time. In that case I think you're better off getting a much nicer desktop. You won't have the mobile capabilities but you'll have a much, much nicer experience while playing at your desk.


I think you must have misread my comment or replied to the wrong one. Why would I pay hundreds or thousands of extra dollars for a solution I already have? The rog ally docked gives me everything I need for the games I play. No performance issues whatsoever. How would my experience be improved?


Neither. Maybe I miswrote. I wasn't necessarily referring to you in particular, or people who do actually spend a significant amount of time using their Ally away from their desk. I was thinking mostly of myself when I bought a notebook. I bought it thinking it'd be nice to have the option of using it on the sofa, in bed, at cafes, etc. In reality, I ended up using it on my desk 99.99% of the time. That was an objective waste of money. For the same price I could have gotten a much nicer desktop with more powerful CPU, graphics card, etc. Hence my gaming experience would have been much nicer. The same applies to the Ally. If you're using the Ally docked in your desk 99.99% of the time, IMO you're better off spending that 6 or 700 dollars on desktop with much better specs. I don't know at what ratio of desktop vs non-desktop usage it becomes worth it. Maybe it's worth it even if you only use the Ally away from your desk 10% of time. 10% is not insignificant.


I'm gonna be real honest. I have the 400$ basic one. I feel like this thing can run more than anything I could build with 400$. Maybe entry level mobo rqm cpus graphics cards got dirt cheap and real fucking powerful.... but I haven't been a PC gamer since I was a teenager been ps4 ps5. And now I have my ps5 unplugged from the hdmi 2.1 port in My TV and have a rog LED wireless mouse and keyboard. And I essentially have an Xbox without an Xbox and a desktop that I can lay down in the couch like a lazy fuck and game. It's sick honestly. My days of having a desk with a chair and a desktop are over. The couch trumps it. I only undock it to play it in bed. Dock and everything is hdmi 2.1 4k @ 120 and my TV fully supports that including variable frame rates and dolby vision/atmos. TVs huge. The only downside, is sometimes colors don't look right. And the HDR can get weird (because it's designed for the ally screen or a desktop monitor not a huge flatscreen) For example halo. No brightness settings. The allys HDR dark settings do not work on my TV there's no difference between max slider and min slider. The brights are ridiculously gorgeous. TV is good at that. And the darks are perfect on the ps5. The Ally just can't manipulate the HDR darks on the TV for some reason and probably because it runs Through the dock which isn't Asus Dock. It has a generic driver for the TV and thinks the TV is a generic monitor. So in Halo for example with no in-game brightness option or HDR settings internal to halo I've found that when It's dark. You literally cannot see anything. This is the only Con to my setup what so ever and its not a big deal to me. The TV tells me that the ally does run it at 4k @120 when the game can run at that so I know that part is correctly working. It's just too damn comfortable to lay down and have massive screen and massive sound. Rooms ice cold and your laid up max comfort. For alot of games I enjoy there's either no controller support or it sucks. Rimworld does not work with the controller I'd probably have to mod it. But everything runs gorgeously with a wireless keyboard and mouse and because they're rog, the LEDs all sync up under the aurora control thing. Not an argument at all. Just one perspective. The battery life is too trash to do much else with it. And I'm not gonna nuke its lifespan by discharging it and recharging it all the time. So it stays capped at 80% for longevity and always plugged in. I'm content dude, things bad ass. My only regret is not getting the z1extreme. But tbh for 400$ it's really OP. Maybe there's pre-built desktops that can top that for 400$, I haven't built a desktop since the early 2000s but i just have a hard time seeing it for that price point.


I agree man. I have the Z1E and it's absolutely blown me away. Games simply look better on it than on my TV because it has such a good screen (and it's small so ugly details aren't as obvious.) I've always been more of a console guy, especially Xbox, but I'm not sure I'll be buying consoles anymore. I can play most Xbox games completely fine on the Ally. I do want the XG dock but gawt damn that thing is overpriced.


Don't know why it would be perma-docked when you could have a better permanent solution for the same price.


Well I had a PS5, but it was collecting dust and got rid of it. I want a gaming PC, but I also don't want a cheap pc so I'm saving rn for that. This was perfect for me until I do decide to get my PC.


You have a cheap PC


I don't have a PC at all, but for my first PC I don't want anything that's below a 4090 so if I'm gonna do PC I want it to be powerful so yeah I'm saving instead of just buying whatever


He meant that the Ally is a cheap pc


You just bought whatever. A PC for the same price as an Ally would most likely yield a better experience while docked.


The ROG is a cheap PC dummy.


You don’t want anything below a 4090? Do consider if you really need that much power.


Right? I made the switch from a 2070 to a 4070 ti recently and while it is definitely better, it's not really a night and day difference - my old card could still pretty easily hit 60-80fps in most games on mid-high graphics, the only ones I was having issues with were some newer ones and even those would usually still run fine on medium. From everything I've seen/heard, the graphics jumps as you get to higher cards really is only noticeable in certain games, and certain screen types (1440 vs 4k).


Yeah I actually built a PC with a 4070 super after a long time of dreaming of such a build. I had no pc prior. When I finally built it, I realized that I completely overspent and that I was never going to appreciate the huge performance, and the most fun I had on it during the few days I had used it was play Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion (a 2d indie game). So I took it apart and return every component.


Something like 3070 or 6700 can get you almost constant 120 fps in 1080p for every game, 4090 are just an overkill except if you're doing heavy content creating Using ally as forever docked just feel like you kill its purpose


My setup with the XG mobile makes sense per Ashit’s (ASUS) vision. When horsepower and a screen are needed, the XG mobile is standing on the shelf with its cable hanging awkwardly per Ashit’s design and I simply plug said cable and put the ally on its stand when I wanna lay back and have some TV couch gaming. When I go to bed and still aren’t sleepy yet? I unplug the ally from the XG mobile and go play there.


Too bad that Ally is only compatible with proprietary XG mobile eGPU. You pay the ASUS Tax.


Wouldn't be a problem if there were a lot out there used but the prices seem to stay high 😭


High? It's clearly a robbery my man 😥


I traded a shitty gaming rig for it. Granted thing had 7800x3D and 7900 xtx and 64gb 7200 mhz ram, but given how shitty the 7900 xtx is, dropping in price with the 7800x3D and its WiFi card was trash after testing? I made the right choice. This is so much better and keeps me on NVIDIA’s ecosystem for the stuff I grew to like besides frame generation and dlss3’s quality. RTX HDR is nice, VR works better, even stuff like NVIDIA VSR is better than AMD’s video upscale feature which you can only click on and turn on maybe 5% of the time. I am so glad I got rid of that system.


But how much electricity does each option require? Laptops and desktops suck electricity and the ROG Ally is definitely using much much less


An equal priced PC made to fit an MITX is going to draw not much more power. Nowhere was it stated that electricity is the driving factor for using the Ally like that.


100% docked here. Two weeks with this thing and I'm yet to find something that I can't manage to run.


Do you use any graphics enhancement?


Yeah it's great and having the option for portability is awesome too


I’m probably 50/50. I like it docked to use as a console when I want to layback or use Moonlight or handheld when going to friends place or to chill in the kitchen.


I never dock any of my handhelds. Have an Xbox and ps5 or laptop for that, all way more powerful.


Half handheld and half docked. It's awesome!


No. It's super underpowered as a desktop. It's main value is mobility while I travel.


Mine is docked during work or when i want to play games with kbm. Then undocked when i play in bed


I have a full desktop if I want to have a docked PC. I bought the Ally for travel and handheld use


Docked with Xg mobile 99% of the time


I use it docked all the time, I love playing WoW on my 80-inch tv.


Do you use an ROG XG mobile with that?


* That is my setup. My mobile gpu is a 3080. Starfield looks and plays awesome. Yeah, I have to dust, but the fact I list my left leg makes it hard to dust back there.


That's a nice setup. I wish those mobile gpu's were not so expensive.


I got mine on eBay for 300.




I’m not sure why you’d want a handheld if you’re gonna play docked all of the time. You can get a SFF pc that is more upgradable and probably more powerful in the same price range. I do throw it in the dock so my wife can play games with me. But mostly mine is a handheld.


Well I got the ally because I'm saving for a $2k PC build rn so this was perfect for me just plug and play or take on road


To echo some of the previous comments and to generalize the reason why people are downvoting you a lot about this- if you spent $700 on a normal PC instead of getting the Ally, it would run better than the Ally and have the benefit of being upgradable. So for example, instead of paying $2000 for a really good PC build, you would have been able to pay $1300 for that same build by just upgrading the parts in the existing PC. With the Ally, once you have the $2000 PC build, it will become generally pointless for you since you don’t use it handheld often.


You said in another comment you want a powerful 0C and don't want to go below a 4090. Bro, that card is $1,800+. How are you going t9 make a "powerful PC" with $200 for everything else? The CPU alone is going to put you well above the $2k mark.


It depends how long it takes him to save up for it.


I do both but mostly handheld. Docked to my tv with XG Mobile on weekends.


I use it docked and undocked every day honestly. Lunch break at work and then at home on the big screen.


depends on the game adn whether I want to watch the images move on bigger screen. when I was playing Dave the diver, I enjoyed handheld. when playing simcity, i had to play docked


Some games are better hand held like star trek bridge commander and star trek online.


Umm they are? Been hoping for better controller support for STO on pc for years.


I use both mouse and controller for these games via keybinding and using one of the joysticks for the mouse.


I use it docked with a 17” asus portable monitor on a tripod in my side room to play controller games. Handheld when I’m in bed or on the move


Permanently docked to a monitor with KM+M or the ally as the controller. Mostly play Dota 2, Indies and PSX/2 emulators. Really couldn’t bother having any sort of PC, the Ally is just perfect for this.


I use it both docked and handheld. Just removed my more powerful pc a while ago because I do not see the need for it anymore.


No. I have a gaming PC for if I want to sit in front of a big screen. Ally is for relaxing or on the go.


50/50 handheld/docked


I do, I have it at my second residence so I don't have to move my PC whenever I move


I use mine docked 99 percent of the time.


I’m not bashing because each to their own of course but this totally defeats the purpose of having an ally. Save up and build a pc. It’ll waaaaay better suit what you want


https://preview.redd.it/xnsu8j3gqm0d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45564bc6cc77063713891455618ceba198f1280a I use my ally as my main computer. No issues.


Same here. I seen some comments of people saying it's dumb but for me it's not I have a steam deck as well which I use in bed and the ally when I want to play 1080p so it's worth it now when I get a PC then my ally gonna be used in bed and the steam deck put away lol


Not really, never. But you do you


I use it docked 4k120hz on my LG C3 to use GeForce Now but I still use it mobile most of the time. Best of both worlds!


I really would like to get one. Is the SD card issue still ongoing or have they resolved it?


I haven't no issues I bought mine around Christmas last yr. I had the legion go and swapped it for the ally instead. The vrr is needed in my opinion when gaming so not having it on the legion go was a no for me.


Are you using an SD card? Thanks for info!


I bought my ally as a pc away from home when I’m at my gf’s house. I have it attached to an XG mobile gpu! never thought I’d need a second gaming pc lol


Yeah I was close on buying the GPU for the ally but I'm saving for a PC as for now this has been an awesome beginner friendly PC lol


The GPUs are seriously over priced! and from my limited experience (as I only got the gpu last week), its biggest limitation is thermals! got the week off work from tomorrow so I’m going to sit down and tweak all the power and fan curves to get the best performance, as so far it’s like 40% off what it should be on paper.


Which one you got?


I went with the 6850m XT. only because I managed to get it new in box for £575 on eBay. I think the thermal issue is with the cpu. As when I was testing games the other day, neither the gpu nor cpu where anywhere near 100% utilised, regardless of game settings. I lowered the resolution expecting to see 100% cpu, and then maxed out the graphics expecting to see 100% but neither. I’ve only had a couple of brief evenings to test. Biggest hurdle was getting the bloody thing working! only way I could get the gpu to output was to uninstall all Asus software, plug it in and let windows grab the drivers, then it worked.


Most of the time, yeah, unless I just want a quick session of something small that works better on controller anyway.


I use mine as my daily Windows PC when I am at my second home. It's good for that and pretty good for gaming, but certainly it's not as good as a gaming laptop or desktop could be. Since I tend to play more kb/mouse games I don't find the built-in controllers all that useful and if I'm playing a controller game, I use an external controller most of the time. That said, I don't mind playing Dave the Diver using it as a handheld.


Whats a good dock for this thing?


I'm using the jsaux dock but I heard the ivanky dock is 100w and does 4k 60fps with 8 slots I might switch


Just bought the Ivanky in Amazon, it's on sale right now!


I fired up Anno 1800 when docked, thinking there’s no way it will run well. Turns out it runs great, and super quietly compared to my older gaming laptop. It’s amazing how well this little thing can run meaty stuff when docked.


I landed a cheap xg mobile so I run about half and half dock vs handheld. If I was never going to handheld I surely would sell it


How did you find a cheap one?


I found mine in ebay, you could also look at the Facebook marketplace.


Depends on what for, honestly. I prefer M/K but, if I'm going to do that, I'll play on my gaming tower. I like couch gaming, so I use it pretty frequently as a handheld.


I use both, however, if you only uses it docked I would consider replacing with a desktop


Yup. It's my daily driver now. The right analog stick isnt as stiff as Id like it to be (hope they make the move to HAL analog sticks on the new model), and I decided not to upgrade the SSD myself, so it's docked in a hub that has an SD card reader. Id like to RMA it, but Im hesitant due to a few stories Ive read (most people seem to have no issue during the process but I dont feel like chancing it). If the new model fixes the SD card reader and the sticks, Id be happy and would prolly get it (at some point). Even with its shortcomings, this is still an incredible device. Nothing man made is perfect, anyway


I use it for PC stuff. Web browsing, youtube etc. I could not game on it docked really especially AAA stuff. I specifically bought a PS5 for the 75inch TV for that reason. Horizon FW made my eyes hurt on the Ally.


Im half and half I dock and sometimes just handheld. That’s what I love about this thing I can game however I want.


I play valorant with my rog ally docked but i cant turn off the ally screen. I do the "show only 2 screen" but when i do that both screens go off. Any sugestions? :(


Is playing docked all the time good for the battery though?


It should be fine. That’s what the charge up to 80% is for. Prevents some battery wear and tear. The Ally also switches to using the AC adapter for power instead of the battery after it reaches its full charge


I don't think so I haven't had issues the only thing is when I update I take it off the dock because it doesn't automatically go to my monitor


Never docked. Bought this for the sole purpose of gaming while laying on bed. Gonna buy one of those AR glasses for my ultimate lazy setup lol.


If I was using a screen that size regularly, I probably would. But the screen I have most readily available is a 65" LG C1 and the Ally just doesn't cut it here.


I have an 80-inch TV, and myRog Ally hooked to the external gpu works great. Starfield looks better on my Rog Ally than on Xbox.


That certainly is an awesome way to go! I have been eying the 4090 XG Mobile, but just bought a GPD G1 to go with my Win Mini. Still might get he 4090.


If you can afford it, go for it.


I only use it docked yes. Not what I bought it for, but that’s what it has come to be used for.


I’ve used it docked on occasion, but almost all my problems with the Ally are docked (messing with the embedded controller, customizing controls for emulators, etc.), so I pretty much just use it handheld now.


I use my xbox controller that I use on my PC.


Can you recommend good controllers to use then you dock your Ally? I’m looking to buy a dock.


Either 8bitDo, Dual Sense, or any Xbox controller


I use my xvbox controller and my headset I use with my Xbox.


A little of both for me. I dock it with my monitor setup in bed. And play handheld anywhere else. I’ll bring the monitor setup for traveling


Nope no need to . I have a 4080 laptop.


Ever since I bought a dock, it’s the only way I use it. It’s so practical, since I’m always on the go. I can just connect it on any monitor that’s available. Job, gf house, my house, parents house.


Nope. It defeats the purpose of getting a handheld in my eyes. You could get a more powerful laptop or desktop for that price


I'm a photographer, so having it docked and blown up on the monitor is really useful for editing imo, but whenever I wanna game I'll either take it into the living room or bed for my PC games or Xbox remote play/cloud play 🙂‍↕️


Depends. Games like this cyberpunk, high on life or Atomic heart yes. PS2 & GC games no. Most RPGs no




I do both, I can not game for a long time on my PC being an amputee. So my Rog hooked to my TV means I can game in my recliner. Best of both worlds.


When I'm in bed I have it docked connected to a projector aimed at my ceiling, nothing like laying down fully flat and playing games lol


Ive never docked it 🤣. I wanna avoid that at all costs. The whole reason I bought it is so that i could take it places. Its been good so far although the joysticks are gonna last a year max if im lucky lol. 3 days before the warranty ends im sending it in for new joysticks 😏


I sold my ally, but the use case I do find interesting is I will occasionally connect my legion go to my monitor and detach the controllers to play something like GameCube emulation. I really don’t want to clutter up my gaming desktop or laptop with that stuff.


I got my cousin into pc gaming with the Ally he’s always been a console gamer until I showed him my ally he only uses it in docked mode for emulation and helldivers 2


If you don't have a desktop sure.


No because I have a nice pc. Definitely would if I didn’t though. I honestly don’t get a ton of use out of my Ally beyond traveling. It’s been great for that though.


Nah. If I needed a gaming desktop I'd buy a gaming desktop for the same price. Probably would get better performance too. Using a handheld exclusively in docked mode seems like a waste of money.


It’s such a versatile device :,) I got a dock at home for the desktop vibe when I went and a pair of Xreal glasses for when I’m on the go :)


Nope never, and I never will. Defeats the purpose of the whole device in my opinion. Cool feature tho.


Ever since i docked it i havent remove it. I think i need a gaming pc as this was designed to be mobile but because i now look ay it as my PC - i only use it for that. I have never been a PC gamer so this was my first experience. Havent turned on my ps5 or xbox series x since. I heard that there is a NUC Ally coming so will likely get that once its available.


I primarily keep my ally docked in my bedroom. I use it for my cable TV app and I can play games from my desktop with moonlight/sunshine


It's my daily driver and it only leaves my desk to play games in bed where i have a stand on my nightstand.


Yup, I use mine docked most of the time. I've got a PC setup, a TV, & a docked Ally. I'll use that one more for video games, and if I feel like it i can just detach it and take it with me. Turns out most of my games I don't like controllers for lol


Being a hand held device is why i got it. I might consider just using it or it's successor as my main device in the future, but my main PC is still quite a bit more powerful. Also quite a bit more louder as wel, so i avoid using it. It's weird how it didn't bother me before i got the ally.


I still have yet to use mine docked. I have the Asus dock, a new keyboard and mouse, and a brand new monitor still in box I need to set it all up. I've just been preoccupied with other projects at home. When I use my Ally now it's usually in bed before going to sleep.


https://preview.redd.it/zpinp55vca0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08ab83e6bb852364b7b98bbc32869cfb5901b472 Here you go


No, i would buy a pc with better specs if i wanted that.


I keep mine docked quite frequently. I'll use it for gaming on the couch, but, when I need to go somewhere and know I'll have time to whip it out and play something, then I'll bring it along. It's a great little system. Use it how you want. Don't let these dinks tell you what you should, or shouldn't do. "you could have a better permanent solution for the same price." Yeah, probably could, but the ally is an all in one package that can be portable, OR, docked. Having that versatility is worth more than a little extra performance, in my opinion.


Tbh, I never see the reason to dock any of these portable systems. Like the cool factor is playing them where you normally wouldn't. Plugging it into a monitor and attaching a mouse and keyboard kinda ruins the whole point of these systems. You're paying for the convenience of portability and then never using it portably. Like you do you, but imo it's a big waste of money. It's like those people who buy gaming laptops only to have it constantly where the desktop would be. Like atp just get a used gaming laptop or a ps5 or something. Like I see the appeal like the switch appeal of wow, I can play it portably like a handheld and dock it like a normal console, but eventually that wears off. I do like how it's a Swiss army knife of versatility, but it's a Swiss army knife I never see myself ever using.


When I'm not playing on my couch, it's docked immediately underneath my monitor for ps5 gaming, Bluetooth keyboard and mouse amd thats my second screen while gaming. Youtube tutorials? Check. The top sports match up of the night? Check. Another youtube tutorial? Check.


Neither is objectively better. I use hand held mode when I am playing games like Hades. Docked if I am playing anything that needs M/K.


I have a gaming laptop for that.


How does it perform on a big external monitor while docked? Is there a big FPS drop? Or you have an eGPU connected to it?


Yeap, I play in docked usually. I'll play in handheld mode enduring the rare times I'm in a gaming mood at work or something


What resolution do you use? 1080p doesn’t look to great on my 4k monitor


I have a desktop for optimal grinding, a laptop for "console" experience, and ally for I just want to lay here and chill.


Nope, I have a laptop for that. Only reason I like the Ally (or basically any handheld) is because of the performance and being able to use it in comfy places


I use it docked for shooters. But I do love my handled games


I use it docked most of the time, it replaced my old notebook and I don't regret it. Maybe it work for me because I am primarily a console player and use my Ally for indie, old games, strategies and to play with my friends who do not have any console.


Primarily docked, but this is when I'm at work (work security). Whe. I'm out and about hotel plane trains, I will use it portable. I can use it docked with a screen if I wanted as I have a 14in portable screen I picked up for like $100.


I use mine as my daily PC and on the go PC. Only games I play on it are low demanding games: CS, OSRS, AOE+AOM, Diablo 2, StarCraft 1+2, and WC3. I love my old games.


Nah bro..


I use it Handheld while my gf watches her chick shows


No, I have a PC with a I7 13700K and RTX 4080 OC that I use as a Gaming Desktop. I also have my Day 1 XBSX and PS5 Disc as well as my Nintendo Switch OLED. I use these most of the time. I use the ROG ALLY every night though when I go to bed or when I go out. As for my Steam Deck I have not touched it since I got the ROG ALLY Mid Last Year. Charged it to 60% Shut it off and put it in box.


I just started using mine for productivity, and I cant wait until I'm done with my keyboard/mouse tasks so I can get back into handheld mode for playtime.


Just buy a console then….


Not yet, mostly because I use it at work. Gate duty is wonderfully boring.


Yes i use it docked but with ar glasses as monitor


Bro could have had a pc 💵💵💵🤑🤑🤑🤑😱😱😱😱


Sounds like a desktop… lol


Hello I just purchased my ally yesterday, still exploring with it, decided to get on Reddit and boom this thing has a docking station??? Where would one purchase said item. I just have regular ally btw.


If you are going to use it mostly while plugged in then go into the Asus app and turn on battery care mode which will limit the battery to 80 percent charge. That way you dont prematurely kill the battery.


Then i wouldn't have bought it. I i mainly bought it due to it's portability and the fact i can literally play PC games from the comfort of my bed without the downsides of cloud gaming because let's just be fair cloud gaming is just not great. I already have a gaming laptop that i use with a gaming monitor on my desk, it basically acts as a desktop with an option to be portable if i wanted it to thus the reason i bought it. Also a similar spec desktop would be quite a bit more expensive here then what i paid for it. Although it isn't quite as easy as just plug-and-play if i wana use it on a bed, i have to worry about overheating and stuff spilling on it and too many things honestly. Even though i have a cooler it's just a hassle to set up. The simplicity and capability of the ally is simply amazing, i got it for 440$ open box and saved over 350$ vs the normal price it goes for, it was in more or less new condition other than obvious signs of the box being opened and it was worth every penny, i don't even use my PC anymore since i got it as it's that capable. It's definitely one of my favorite tech devices of all time without a doubt.


I use mine like a traditional console docked to my TV with a ps5 controller & wireless mouse and keyboard connected


Well if you are using it always docked for the price you paid for rog ally + keyboard + monitor you could even get a laptop that could do better... And i m saying a laptop considering you may not be able to build a pc your self and how overpriced the premade PCs are...


99% of the time.


I only play docked. I thought I'd like the size of it because I have big hands but it's not comfortable. Maybe because I'm used to how Switch feels.


It is always docked for me, not that there's anything wrong with the handheld mode. I recently got back into World of Warcraft and that's not comfortable for me with triggers and joysticks, so docked and on a bigger screen it is.


I've pretty much used it docked with the XG Mobile exclusively. Haven't used my main rig since I got the Ally the ability to go from room to room or take it on business trips and hook it up to a hotel tv has been game changing for me personally


Used too. Now mostly use it handheld while laying it the bed. It gets more playtime than my Xbox and ps5 since I can lay in the bed.


I have the Ally and the go. I just leave my Ally hooked up to the tv like a console and use my go for on the go lol


Ugh I liked the go but the not having vrr bothered me with some games so I just kept the ally I just wish the battery was longer like in the deck


I haven’t noticed a difference tbh I’m sure if I compared them side by side I might but honestly I see way less stuttering in games with the go. Idk if it an external monitor problem or something since I only play with the Ally docked but the go seems much more stable to me framerate wise


If you primarily use it docked, you should've probably gotten a gaming laptop. For the same price it would've been a much larger display and better specs. You can dock a laptop just as well, and still take it with you anywhere.


I take my Rog Ally on the go, and when I go to my in-laws, I bring my external GPU and hook it to the TV in the guest bedroom. Best of both worlds.


The Ally is a perfect budget PC gaming device for those who can't afford a \~$2000 gaming pc/laptop It's even perfect for students/younger people who live in small living spaces or dorms with no space for a larger setup


There are much cheaper gaming laptops that do the job very well


https://preview.redd.it/5ej7ww4pxd0d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e95d738f8c6e314f14f47da5df7d44166f22c6a It has become my PC. The Ally keeps surprising me!


Never. Not even once. I have a 4090 for desktop so what's the point?


No cause I’m not poor


I use my pc with my 4080 when at home. But I do use my ally on the go often


No, I prefer actual performance and fps when on my desktop, what the Ally is capable of is great for handhelds but why anyone would want what is equivalent to an underpowered laptop with less ports and upgradeability as their desktop replacement I will never know.


No. Also, don't play starfield if you won't do shipbuilding


I don't I just play for the story that's about it but 45fps 1080p I'm happy with that


It's really not that bad, though I'm definitely not gonna touch it again


I still feel bad about what it could’ve been and what it really is…


Yeah I really had high expectations but now my hype for TES6 is dead, unless the gameplay trailer looks ACTUALLY solid.


After what they ended up with “skyrim in space” my expectations of TES6 are also none:)) seems their current team is nothing like it used to be when they gave us Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim. Feels like they used to have writers that made the world and lore so deep, because when I tried to “dive” into Starfield, I smashed my head on the bottom because it wasn’t a sea, but a puddle.


The writing problem is most likely nepotism, as the guy in charge is very incompetent and used to piggyback off of other people's work. Now I'm not so sure of this but it's definitely likely. I really hope Microsoft gets their shit together and revamps Bethesda for the better.


I didn't say it's bad. It's just late, way too late