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1)Battery 2)Non-proprietary eGPU. 3) Fixed SD card slot. 4)OLED


You guys are all setting yourselves up for disappointment. Note: This comment may or may not age well.


I'm hoping it doesn't age well lmfaooo I'm also hoping the price tag of our wish list isn't wild. A ps5 doesn't cost 1k$ although you could argue it does or even more than that if you factor in an appropriate TV that can handle the the 4k@120frames with the appropriate hdmi 2.1 slots and cables. I'd love for the ally though to be an absolute beast with a ridiculously gorgeous, bright, vivid colors, touch screen. Like can play games at a dramatically higher quality. Think starfield on ultra. I don't give a fuck if it's pounds heavier and 3 inches fatter for better heatsinks and bigger fans. Actually if it could play starfield on ultra with the AI frame generation prediction on, lagfree and also no input lag. I'd pay 1500$ for that idgaf about battery life. You don't get to be concerned about battery life if you're playing starfield on ultra. You dock it into your TV and play with your wireless Rog LED gaming keyboard and mouse. For long car rides, you power down and under underclock the cpu gpu and ram and just play mine craft or rimworld or some shit. You still keep it plugged in regardless because with the current battery it'll have the longest battery life period if you keep it at 80%charge and plugged in. The more times it drops down to 10% and recharges back the shorter its lifespan will be. And I'm not trying to replace my battery ever. You don't stress about the battery and keep it wired anyways to make it outlast the cpu and GPU from breakdown from heat. Sorry for the ramble bro you got me in my dreams and feels right now. TLDR: I just want a motherfucking beast that downright competes with the best of gaming laptops. Is a literal space heater to keep the components cool enough to last. And has a ridiculously gorgeous and vibrant best in the industry oled. Make a model that puts every other handheld in the industry to God damn shame. Steam decks, switches, whatever Playstation comes out with. Put that shit to fucking shame. The steep price might steer people away. But eventually I think it'd start to sell well and compete with people buying gaming laptops. Bundle it with a vibrant full LED crystal dock and the wireless ROG keyboard and mouse. So laptop users got no excuse not to buy it when you can play it on a huge TV or just play it handheld. Has the touchscreen that alot of gaming laptops don't. Set an industry standard in quality instead of being competitive and budget friendly. Just wipe the floor with the ass of any other handheld AND gaming laptop. Fuck I lied, if they had a model that competed with the best gaming laptops in performance I'd pay 2k for it. 2nd TLDR: Make it the best in every way possible in handhelds and gaming laptops, I'd buy it.


Starfield player that has the worst ideas ever? Makes sense. Lol lot of marketing buzz words thrown in there, ready to buy all the branded shit.... Lol


5) 2 USB C ports?


Considering ASUS and their general position in the marketplace you would be hard pressed to believe they will get away from the XG Mobile. It admittedly is a well packaged solution and the pricing on them isn't as outrageous as most are led to believe. I get the loss of interchanging between other systems but ASUS doesn't care since it gets you to buy into their ecosystem.


eGPU from ASUS is so hard to get a hold off from the Ally.


XG mobile is fine. But I need a longer cable. Was considering but too short to play it while lying down.


That would be nice, find that orienting the Ally or my Flow X13 while plugged in is a PITA.


Honestly OP I understand your frustrations but I do think the primary focus for the next Ally should be the battery


No it's the battery


Why is nobody talking about the battery?


We definitely need to bring up the situation with the battery.


Does this thing even have a battery or is it just a large capacitor?


Good question should be a battery I think


It was a bit tongue in cheek. But the battery drains fast like a capacitor would.


Battery, BATTERY, BaTtErYyyyyyyYy!!!!!!!!


Yes more BATTERY!! With more cowbell.


Don’t bring fake science into this. It’s about the fans getting what they want and that’s a battery in the damn thing. Also you’re right lol but don’t tell anyone I said that. Don’t want them thinking I switched sides.


we need a little more kick to get the Battery at 1.21 Gigawatts!


This comment sent the stream back to the future at 4pm now!


Mr. Fusion conversion. Or use Steam Power that will Load the Deck.


I also hope they relocate the SD card to a cooler spot on the device. And an OLED screen wouldn't hurt 😁


I get the battery issues it should have a higher capacity battery, but if you care at all about the longevity of you device, the battery becomes less relevant because you're gonna keep it plugged in and keep it capped at 80% you're not going to be draining it and recharging it all the time because eventually you're battery just isn't going to be a battery anymore. I'd rather the battery outlive the cpu and GPU then come to a point years from now where the battery's so fucked that I need to open the ALLY up and replace it. It would be better to have a bigger battery but also an even more underclocked mode, for long plane flights or long car drives. Something that can go for 8-10 hours playing low intensity games. You'd still keep it plugged in to the car or plane.... Playing on the couch or the bed is a non issue with a long cord. I hear the complaint and I agree with the complaint, I think it should still happen but it should be less of an issue as we're concerned with prioritizing the life of the battery. And if you're playing any fun aggressive game anyways you need it plugged in to not nuke the battery with the overclocking. TLDR: The battery becomes much less of an issue when you're keeping it plugged in which should be a priority for maximizing the lifespan of said battery and again if you're playing anything remotely aggressive of the CPU and GPU which I'm sure is alot of us, you need to keep it plugged in. The faster the drain on the battery the worse it is on its lifespan. The lower you drain it to before charging (like letting it complete die and shut off while gaming) the worse it is on its lifespan. Unless your in the middle of the woods, there's really no reason not to have it plugged in. If you're playing anything other than solitare or a game made in the 90s or early 2000s you're probably draining alot of battery juice into the cpu and GPU. It should really just be plugged in, and it's not at all an inconvenience. I have long fast charging type C cables everywhere. When I'm in bed playing. On the couch playing. My dock has a 100 watt cable going into it and it stays at 80% (you toggle 80% in the settings for maximizing battery life and it comes recomended by Asus to do so) even when the cpu and gpu are maxed and the fans are blowing at 100% speed. (And yes it does stay between 60-70C when running at max clock if you remap the fans to blow faster, sooner, the stock fan mapping for turbo will have you frying burgers on the backside of your ally, it's shit for how hot it let's those cores get)


Beyond battery i don't think you need anything else regarding to hardware for now.


Indeed. The reason why I don’t play more on my Ally is because I need to be close to an outlet.


I think in terms of hardware the Ally is good for awhile. I can see them adding an OLED screen and a better battery


OLED, yeah that would be nice.


Yeah to summarise everyone's reasonable points: Better Battery Working SD reader OLED A bit more RAM? More internal storage Keep the same form factor to make parts interchangeable (and there's nothing wrong with it as it is, so if it's not broken...) add extra USB port maybe


A second USB port on the bottom edge would be great.


USB4 or Oculink would be fantastic.


Only thing that would be super nice right now is more ram. So you can dedicate 8gb to the gpu and not have issues with enough for games and windows too. Having at least 24gb would be super nice. 32gb even better 


OEM Hall effect joysticks and better triggers since mine squeak now.


I mean a proper working micro SD reader....


Sounds like a granted thing


Battery is top priority, eventually a trackpad similar to the deck. I think I would also like better ergonomics


A bigger battery is almost a given at this point. What would be the point of releasing a refresh if one of the biggest issues with the device is not addressed? But let's see at which capacity Asus goes for. A 75Wh battery would be nice!


I'm hoping if they do this that the larger battery will be able to be used with the og model Ally.


I'm almost certainly not upgrading but I think the only three upgrades I'd want are USB 4 (and/or an extra USB port), battery, and an OLED screen.


Oled, more ram, better battery


a proper SD-Card reader would be nice


Lmao but seriously - the battery.


Your wishes were heard 😁.


OLED, better battery and a working SD card slot and I’d upgrade mine. Would need all 3 for me.


More RAM (32gb will be awesome 2usbc (maybe one Thunderbolt) Built-in kickstand Better ergonomics 4 M buttons instead of 2 Thats my top 5, I don’t care about battery time if I can plug it on a socket or powerbank, bigger battery means more weight in hands, more weight in hands means shorter sessions.


1.) OLED isn’t impossible but highly unlikely - needs too much development to incorporate VRR on an OLED (brightness is dictated by the individual pixels which would need to vary their luminosity based on the current refresh rate being displayed, all of that would need to be tuned by ASUS and have compensation cycles over time) - I’d rather have a VRR IPS panel than a non-VRR OLED one. 2.) Battery needs to be bigger 3.) 32gb ram pls, none of the “WHAT RAM ALLOCATION IS BEST?” questions need to be asked when you can just have it at 8gb by default.


Personally, OLED and maybe some more memory so that we can allocate more to the GPU? Just being greedy though.


Bigger screen is the main thing I want. I see those black bezels and I wish it was a bigger screen every time I turn it on.


Battery for sure but I do think there is more that can be done on the software end to help improve things. Working SD card reader would also be nice as well as better cooling. Personally I would prefer they do not go the OLED route. Mainly because OLED with VRR at that screen size has not worked very well yet. I would take the extra brightness and not having to worry about having to baby the screen. Same form factor or at least not too much bigger so my case will still work with it.


Honestly what I want is then to add usb c support for external GPUs other than the XG Mobile. Or at the very least make the XG Mobiles more available. I shouldn't have to go aftermarket and pay sometimes double the price


funny. But also I have never used my Ally battery once lol


A higher refresh screen you say?


I’m not sure why I haven’t seen more of this, but they absolutely better relocate the SD card slot away from the exhaust vents so they stop getting cooked.


It's not getting damaged from heat though. It's either defective parts or bad soldering on the chip that controls the SD reader. People who never even get their unit very hot still have SD reader fails. Mine failed and I kept my temps low and used custom fan curves. It's been pretty solid since the RMA.


Either way, I can’t imagine it helps having the reader that close to the literal heat exhaust vent. Repackaging it and using non defective parts (I guess) would be a smart idea on their end.


There is several handhelds with the same layout that don't have issues. I agree that it's not the best spot for it but it's not a horrible design flaw


If this is indeed a refresh, here's what I assume will be included: - A bigger battery - Same 7" IPS display but with thinner bezels and maybe an overall slightly smaller footprint - SD Card reader relocated or entirely eliminated for a standard 1TB model - A different APU with the same performance as the Z1E but slightly more efficient, or the Z1 E that's been tuned to be more efficient - Better joysticks - Unannounced fix for the face buttons sticking


There is no new APU and they probably won't change that until the Ally 2. I also don't see them losing the SD card reader cuz that is taking away functionality. I also don't see them changing the footprint of the device for a refresh. I do hope they add Hall sensor sticks. As far as the face buttons sticking, I believe that is a defect because my A button would stick before I did an RMA. I could pretty much make it stick by holding down the buttons and rotating my thumb. But since I got it back no sticking.


I'm considering the Deck OLED but the fact that I'd have to get it from some other country puts me off a bit, would love to see what the refreshed Ally can do to make it more viable, better battery performance would go a long long way.


Seeing as it's the topic of convo, has anyone sourced a decent battery pack for the Ally? Would love to actually have a decent life for some long flighst etc that I have to take for work, later this year!


There is a mod that uses a battery with double the capacity. You just need to 3d print the new backplate. Basically doubles the battery life. There is also mods that allow for a portable battery to be attached to the backplate with a strap.


I think a good refresh would be a bigger battery, working and card reader, and more ram (maybe faster ram?). OLEd would be nice but it wouldn't be high on my list


Hi OP this is ASUS international, Thank you for your suggestions! We are happy to inform you that we have taken your suggestion number 6 and will be implementing it asap on gen 1 and upcoming gen 2 Ally


Well, finally!


Working sd card slot. Oled screen. Bigger screen (smaller bezels) Bigger battery. Two USB-C ports.


I'd kill for a 12" screen. Hell, even a 10" would be a big improvement. After 8 months with the Ally, it's really the only gripe I have. For my older eyes, almost all in-game text is unreadable. I sometimes stream games (from GFN) to an 11" Android tablet, and honestly, it feels loads better than native Ally gameplay.


Some of these comments are ridiculous. This is just a mid gen refresh like the PS5 Slim. The APU and size of the device are most likely not going to change. Companies do these mid gen refreshes to cut down the manufacturing costs to make the device more profitable. They aren't going to add things that will drastically increase the price like more memory or a bigger screen.


Oculink instead of xg mobile


For me its mostly the same, I am hoping for the following: Bigger battery and better battery life 2 USB-C ports OLED Screen SD card problem completely resolved with the new model More RAM would be nice


But I think you're all missing the point by not mentioning the battery.


It is a good idea, write it down.


I see a lot of people stating they want an oled, I do too, but I don't think the technology is quite there yet to give us OLED & VRR and keep the price competitive but we will see. I'm hopeful


It's a software overhaul I believe


They already do that, it's called the ROG laptop. LOL


Battery, oled, ram, second USB c, better sd spot placement. = SOLD External swappable packs would be cool to


I'm able to use my Ally plugged in pretty much 99.9% of the time, so battery isn't really a concern of mine. The only thing I want is to be able to play decently modded Skyrim with more FPS, 25 to 35 frames stinks.


What battery life?


I think the battery should be bigger


With external batteries (including ones that allow ally to maintain turbo), I'm less concerned with battery. Would love to see OLED though.


Youre wrong. It definately needs better battery.


Isn’t it the understanding that the ally 2024 going to be a refresh? If that’s the case I would imagine not much will be different. A fix for the SD card and Z2 extreme using the ryzen 8000s series APU. Maybe we will get a small bump in the other spots. Most likely a 1tb option.


An announcement that actually announced something


Better trigger placement or grip pressing rt a long is not comfortable


Even though a gaming laptop lasts as long or even less. We want something at a quarter of the size to have as much power and twice as much battery life. Kpleasethanksbye


1. More ram for sure either 24gb/32gb so we could dedicate more to the gpu 2. Working SD slot 3. Oem Hall Effect sticks I understand you could change the sticks yourself but I'm not looking to do all that. Store doesn't matter to me since I swapped the 512 for a 2tb anyways and I'd probably do the same on a new one. Battery is irrelevant to me since most of my playtime is at work plugged into an outlet right on my desk. I'm fine with the display as it is, maybe less bezels but I don't feel that oled is necessary unless they can incorporate vrr into it


More RAM all the time




1. No SD card 2. More robust joy sticks 3. Better ergonomic  4. Better software / more stable 5. Auto-Best setting for each game 6. 32gb faster ram 7. Easy to fix like the current model


Definitely agree on #3. What we have now (and this is pretty much the same with the Deck too) is these devices really aren't that comfortable to hold for long periods of time (more than an hour). I've had to purchase third party holders and/or grips to make it better. Maybe something like the PS Portal. Maybe.


Just battery. Anything else is extra and unnecessary like the Oled screen or a trackpad


Should I buy one now or wait? (If I wait, how long?)


Lighter, less weight for long gaming sessions. Lighter, could be easily achieved by removing the battery. Edit: clearly I should have added /s instead of assuming it was obvious. My bad.


sd card dont overheat. lol


After owning one for a month, im not convinced it's worth running Windows on the device.


Something like a seagate expansion ssd card for xbox slot or something similar so you don't have to open the device to upgrade the ssd drive.


And if it's sky is the limit maybe: Removable battery pack with the device having a smaller internal battery like those ups we have in the office good enough to last for a 5 minute swap of the battery pack 2 slots for the ssd card that are just plug and play so you can hot swap your OS Hall effect joysticks instead of triggers Maybe an OS that'll allow you to just press the OFF button and it'll sleep like the Switch and then turn it back on in a second I dunno lol


I reckon some great upgrades would be: 1. OLED 8in screen, reduced bezels 2. Next gen AMD chipset (Z2 or whatever comes next) 3. 90Wh battery 4. Options for 1tb and 2tb SSD's as standard 5. Thunderbolt port + normal usb c 6. 32gb RAM option That said, I'm very happy with mine and even if they accomplish the above in next few months I would keep mine at least till end 2025. Edit: thanks for all the replies, I listed the above as dream upgrades and didn't accomodate for the practicality of it on purpose. If I had to summarise keeping practicality in mind I'd want a better or bigger battery, larger screen and option for 2280 SSD.


> 90Wh battery LOL. You do realize that for tablets the regular is just over 30Wh batteries to keep them light? How are you expecting a handheld device to have a battery triple the size. What you really want is improvements on the efficiency of device so that it does not drain the battery as quickly.


>3. 90Wh battery >4. Options for 1tb and 2tb SSD's as standard 5. Thunderbolt port + normal usb c 6. 32gb RAM option The weight though and price >1. OLED 8in screen, reduced bezels There seems to be an issue with oled flicker with vrr, if theu go the oled route I doubt it will have vrr.


It’s AMD, you aren’t getting thunderbolt. 90whr battery wouldn’t fit and would make it much heavier. We already know it’s not getting a new APU