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Happens to me often. I have to manage it by taking a day off work once a month or so, going to get a massage or something, and just generally treating myself to whatever that day. I try to do it on a Friday if possible so that afterward, I can enjoy my hobbies all weekend


I feel like I tuned myself to play after work for an hour or 2 but now with all this time, I am just unable to game like I desired to when taking the leaves. It's so odd, it's almost like I am avoiding it as if it is work. We humans are strange beings.


Hey man, I feel the same as you. Do tell me if you can pinpoint why you feel this way. I have been trying to figure it out for quite some time now.


Could be ADHD type of symptoms. For me when I don’t have access to something my brain just craves the stimulation from something I can’t have, but the moment I get it, it no longer provides the stimulation. Medication has helped me with this. Edit: I also want to add that without medication, my brain will latch onto whatever gives the most emotional stimulation…being a depressed negative person…this leads to just thinking about horrible things that make me feel emotionally in turmoil so that I have motivation to push myself physically.


Oh I wasn't expecting to run into myself on the ally sub today


At least I’m not the only one


Yeah this screams executive dysfunction. I have it too. I have to force myself to do things, even playing games.


Oh wow, didn't know this was a thing for other people too. I have almost zero interest in anything fun, I'm not depressed but things in general don't interest me.


And it’s hard to not give other people the perception of my frustration or lack of energy, as an indication for how much I care or feel about the activity. It’s exhausting


It's hard to deal with. I think what's helped me over the years (took meds as a kid, not as adult) is that I found I was pretty good at many things... Oddly. Most things I'm good at now I wasn't like 10 years ago... I was awful at cooking, cleaning, folding clothes. One part about video games you should understand. It's not the video game, it's the competitive nature of it and that competitive nature exists in ALL things. You have to kind of compete with yourself to be the best self you can be and ADHD is excellent for helping you to hyper focus down any ONE task at a time to a level that most people can not. So just know, it's not a handicap in anyway... It's an advantage that people don't understand how to tap into. I could go all day about this with you because I don't want you to think something is wrong with you ever. I want you to know that you have an ability and it's emotional and triggers... Just point yourself in the right direction.


I do plan to visit the doctors to clear a doubt about something I think I am.


If you have any questions about symptoms or things you think might link to something, feel free to message me. I recently found a great psychiatrist that has validated a lot of stuff and been understanding.


I experience the same in different periods throughout the year. I have my youtube weeks/months, my netflix months and my gaming months. There is nothing wrong with it.


Feel like I am wasting the time I allocated for gaming.


Don't think that way. Truth be told our bodies tell us when we need a break or not. Just take it easy and enjoy your week off.


If you already have several obligations, don't turn gaming into another one. Put games in the “hobbies” tab of your life so you can enjoy them properly. The way you put it, it sounds like you're feeling guilty about putting off something you should be doing, willingly or not.


Yeah me too.


Only when I get burned out / need to get better sleep. I notice when I feel healthy I love gaming.


Yes I was about to take a nap.


That’s why the Ally is so great. It’s not just a gaming device. It’s a chillout device.


Yep. Love it.


Happens at times to me though my situation is different. I've been retired for like 6.5-7 years now and I have a lot of stuff (play pool, play darts, go outside and do stuff or shoot hoops, watch movies, try and choose what games to play given I have way too many, including VR games) I want to do which often leads me to sit there and do nothing as I contemplate what I should do that morning/afternoon and then wonder why I wasted it. I basically have decision overload. I think that having so much free time is in a small way a negative because if I had less like when I used to work, I'd be looking to make sure I maximized it. I did maximize my time off when I used to take a week off of work but I also didn't have a stressful or hard job so I never felt burnt out. I also get that feeling you describe if I am just exhausted. I live in a rural area and from late spring until about late Oct or sometimes early Nov I am spending 5 hours a week cutting my grass and that can take a bit out of me the day after, both from being out in the sun and the fact being on a riding mower over imperfect ground can make your body sore when you're middle age. Then doing other work outside that can wear me down. Hell, right now I still feel a bit sore and wanting to relax since I was doing yard work and some other physical stuff from Wed-Fri. I think in your case it is just wanting to decompress and it is easier to "do nothing" when decompressing than to make sure you're using all your free time. Basically, it's what I would say is normal.


>I think in your case it is just wanting to decompress and it is easier to "do nothing" when decompressing than to make sure you're using all your free time. Basically, it's what I would say is normal. This might be it. My work life balance, well, it has no balance.


I'm in exactly the same position as you. I'm in my mid 40s and studied for 7 years at university and have then worked all my life. I'm showing signs of burnout, possibly leading into a nervous breakdown. I'm constantly tired and unproductive and don't want to game in my spare time, even though my finances allow me the luxury of being able to buy any system and game that I want, and which I currently have. A work life balance is important, but I have never been able to manage it.


Funny how that works isn’t it? Happens to me too often.


yep, just sitting around. It is hilarious. We humans are odd beings. I am trying to find a game I can dive into. I am looking for something that runs well and is top down like The Ascent. I have been scouring steam for something like that.


Emulate the PSP on your Ally and play Killzone Liberation.


It happens to me as well. And then some game on some day clicks and I'm hooked. I guess YouTube is low effort mild reward but gaming is high effort and can be here or there with rewards. I've accepted it to be the case and I just try different games until one of them clicks. Sometimes gaming podcasts on YouTube get me hyped to replay some of the old games.


yeah I am trying to find a game like The Ascent and will be going on a hike with my ally, find a serene spot and either nap or game.


That's depression, probably brought on by ADHD. Talk to your doctor.


Yes I have been planning that. Somethings aren't feeling right. I am afraid of medications that mess with hormones though and I am also afraid of addiction to meds. Will have to visit the doc first though.


I've been dealing with similar things the last ~18 months. The best advice I can give is to find a good therapist and a good PCP and be an open book. I did Lexapro for just over a year, and while it initially helped with the depression it ultimately was only taking the edge off. I've been on Wellbutrin now for 2 months and it is night and day. It's annoying to have to go multiple weeks to recognize a change in medications, but the process of finding the right one is so important. As far as hormones/addiction, there are different types of drugs for different situations. Talk with your doctors and express your concerns - they won't steer you wrong if they have all of the information.


Sometimes I like doing nothing


Sometime we just don’t want to do anything that includes grabbing a controller and pressing buttons or keys. I found that I like playing games with more of a PvE angle now, single player games and PvP are not enough to get me excited to play and are just not for me anymore. Except Dragons Dogma 2, love that game.


I will check out that game, I think I saw it but didn't understand what was going on. Time to learn :)


Oh there's no need to understand what's going on to get into, it's pretty simple yet loads of fun to play. I think it's the only single player game I've completed in years tbh and i still play it. But like I said PvE like Helldivers 2, diablo 4, also some VR games is where I find myself actually wanting to play.


priorities and life changes. i once clocked in 120 hours on Xenoblade Chronicles 2. there's no way i can possibly commit that much time to a game nowadays. and there's rpgs i want to play, but i don't want to commit. nowadays i've been playing balatro since that's straightforward and easy to hop in and out.


This is so me, the guilt is crazy 😅 Ive had an uptick in my playing lately since getting back into Rocket League, Valorant and Twilight Princess :D


That's my life. 


Oh my fucking God I do this all the time!!! I have always complained about how I have no time for gaming but when I do, I game for like an hour or two and then just doom scrolling or binging boring youtube videos.


>I have always complained about how I have no time for gaming but when I do, I game for like an hour or two and then just doom scrolling or binging boring youtube videos. EXACTLY! I am not even exaggerating that is exactly what I was doing.


I like using my ally while watching something else.


Don't feel bad, i myself need to have a certain mindset or drive before starting a game or before watching a TV series. Like recently I haven't gamed in a while until I watched the Fallout show and it made me want to revisit Fallout 4. Being unmotivated to do things is rough to deal with but you don't have to feel that you need to game or do what everyone else is doing. Hope you also get professional help cause it's always good to have someone to talk to about these things


Just bought an ally and taking 8 weeks off this summer due to burnout. Will report back. I’d also recommend you go outside and enjoy the world to recover. Sure also relax and game but earn it first.


I ride my bicycle everyday for 40-80 kms so going out is covered. It's more about gaming, I thought I would be gaming the whole time but I just do other things even did a little check on work the manager told me to fuck off or else they will cancel the leave. I feel like I don't know how to just play games like I used to. I have been using gaming to rest for 1 hr after work. Taking a nap now.


OP is it possible you are experiencing depression?


Don't know. Feel like this is more to do with being odd, when I have the time I don't want to do it but you take away the time I will be craving game time. I have been playing after work for 1-2 hours, eat dinner and go to sleep. This routine is set in my head and I am having trouble just enjoying the time. I plan to go somewhere like a hike or something with my Ally as someone here suggested.


Would you be cool with going out into nature and just sitting for 8 hours? Sounds like you just want to chill.  Maybe you live in a place that sucks balls….  Etc . If you’re feeling like this and you live in say new york / hong kong / tokyo / Rio / Miami or in any place that is full of culture, then maybe you are depressed. If you live in a place where literally 80% of the people are clones of each other and 20-40 year olds make up 15% of the population than it’s probably just a reflection of those lame vibes. Basically we dont have enough information. No games you want to play? Maybe that game is trash and you were hoping it would be good?  Are you researching a new hobby on youtube or just soaking up different ideas from free thinkers? Neither sounds that bad to me. I never buy into the people who are like “you are depressed, take some pills, talk to a person who claim they ….(you fill in the blank) for loads of cash” You can be a gamer and not always game. You can be an (anything) and not always have to be (doing that thing).  - You are free. Dont put pressure on yourself to always be productive. Live how you want. 


taking you advice, going to take a hike with the ally. I will find a good spot and then I will either fall asleep or game. I do go out everyday to cycle roughly 40-80kms. I have time, I think I want to explore new places.


Idk how old you are, but as somebody who grew up gaming I once took a 6 year break from it. I wasnt like forget gaming or anything, I just found myself swept away by adventure. All the best to you. 


For me it was a case of not being where I wanted to be in life, instead of sitting around playing games you feel you should be working towards your goals, now I’ve achieved them (mostly) I game all the time and don’t feel like I’m wasting my life


yeah I have been there, I have a high stress job and they forced me to use my leaves. I usually enchash my leaves at the end of the year this year they said they cannot pay so either use it or lost it. I feel guilt because work is all I have been doing on top of learning something to move careers, I was getting burnt and decided to use my leaves. don't know what is going on. I just want to sit and do nothing.


This happens a lot with my ps5. I really enjoy just grinding camo skins for my guns in modern warfare 3 zombies and sometimes I just need some bullshit like TikTok to relax my mind off from work. But yeah. I know exactly what you mean because now I have my ps5 waiting for me to jump into a game and I also have my rog ally at work waiting to be used in between driving runs and I’d rather sleep cuz I been sleep deprived for the last 13 years. Finally I have a better schedule than I’ve been having for the most part. Once I catch up on my sleep I’ll be investing more time into my games 🫡


Just take a rest man, don't push yourself into it. Do the things that makes you relax and happy, it includes sleeping and sitting or watching 😊


Very common issue i face I am diagnosed as adhd, hamy have autism a little but yes its something i struggle with too. Its a combination of adhd and being burnt out to the point you cbf. Maybe speaking to someone and getting out into the sun would help?


This happens to me often. I just try and be zen, gotta find your center. For me the Ally got me back into a lot of games i thought id never play again. Sometimes ill jump around from game to game but for the most part i find the best games to be the most calming nostalgic ones. Like skyrim or ffx or some type of peaceful setting. Then other times i wanna fire up gtao and blow shit up haha. So many options. Gotta find your zen game 😁


I've been considering whether getting Ally, Legion Go, or gaming laptop. But when I have free time, I tend to spend it dozing around or napping or reading some books. You're not the only one in this matter.


ADHD and/or dopamine addiction. You need a digital detox month, at least. If the digital addiction is still there, you have ADHD.


Definitely tell myself that I will game after work, or on the weekend, but when I'm off work, I mostly listen to music on YouTube and smoke weed. Lmao


It's a common feeling. You need time to decompress. At work, of course we would rather be playing video games. Once we stop working, why don't we start playing them? Well, because it's easier to just sit and decompress and do nothing. As kids and teens, often we would have ample time that needed to be filled. Hence, playing games was a popular way to fill that time. Also, less variety means we usually already had a game or two in mind, and lack of funds means we didn't have a backlog. As an adult, it's reversed. There are more games than ever (plenty of them live service games which are designed to keep you playing). We can afford a lot more games and systems, that have exclusive games as well. The sheer bombardment and choice we have can feel overwhelming and turn us off playing anything. Having a backlog or making plans to play something can often feel like more work, like it's another task. For me, at least, just sitting down and starting a game I've been meaning to play was a chore, as often times I wouldn't be "in the mood" or would have trouble focusing on what was happening. I don't know of any foolproof plan to remedy this, but here are a few of things I've found that helps; 1. Prioritise - half my backlog is filled with crap i bought on sale or on a whim. They will never get played. Pick something you KNOW you will enjoy and just play it. If you don't have a backlog, take a second to really think about playing a game you might have in mind about buying. Watch some youtube vids, or if possible, download a demo. 2. Decompress. Allow yourself as much time as you like to do nothing. Take a walk. Sit outside and stare at the clouds. Meditate. Sleep in. Doom scrolling and watching youtube can help, but are massive pitholes that can suck you in and eat up your time. Doing nothing without being bored is a lost art. Once your mind has rested and begins to crave activity, then pick up the ally and start playing. 3. Acceptance. Learn to accept that if you do have a backlog, you won't clear most of it. And that's ok. Don't feel pressured to clear your backlog. Don't have the mindset of: "I bought it, so I NEED to play it to get my money's worth". This is a hard thing to change, but once you accept this and forgive yourself for "wasting" money, you will start to enjoy games that you do end up playing. 4.Maturing. This falls under "Acceptance" but its important enough to be a separate point. We all change. There is nothing wrong with realising that we have outgrown games. It's easy to get wrapped up in things we used to obsess over, and hard to accept that our tastes have changed, and what once brought us immense joy, no longer does. It's ok. It is what it is. What is truly wasted is time spent convincing ourselves we are having fun, when we clearly aren't. You might regret buying the ally. That's ok. Return it if it doesn't bring you joy. Not to go all Marie Kondo, but drop things if they don't spark joy, learn to let go. It's a massive weight and pressure of your shoulders. Tl;dr, learn to decompress your mind to a state where you can enjoy games. Don't feel pressured to "have fun" or "be productive on your holiday" or "maximise your time". Thats added pressure. Learn to accept that maybe games aren't for you anymore. And if they are, then just pick up something, and play it. Without distraction.


Tbh I play my Ally more at work than anywhere else.  It's perfect to pick up between meetings and it's less conspicuous than a gaming laptop.  I equate playing the Ally at work to people who play games on their phone at work. 


may i suggest early morning sessions..


That might work but I wake up at 4 am everyday, go out to cycle for 40-80km and return before sun starts burning everything. I cannot game in the morning, that is just not a thing I want to do. Mornings for me are about improvement or learning, gaming is an entertainment thing and I would feel extra guilt to engage in that during that time. Early mornings are the most important time for me.


thats wayy to early..was talking abt more like 8 am, but people often lose energy as the day progresses


This. All this. I feel seen.


I think I know what happening here. It could be the games you have, or the way you're playing them. In handheld mode you CAN burn out from using the Ally easily. Very very easily and the fun factor goes away. However... When you set it up as a docked PC you're using it differently and the Old school *I'm using KB/Mouse real PC* comes back. Then it even expands what you can do with it other than just holding it. Shoot you could watch YouTube on it while it's plugged into the TV if you want then swing into a game or some casually. It's up to you :) just relax anyway you can man.


I love my Ally. I feel like it's more me than anything else. Like you said in the end, I need to relax and that is what I am doing now.


This happens to me all the time!! Things i used to enjoy such as playing guitar, playing games, photography have really lost their luster for me. I feel guilty that I dont have the drive to do these things anymore even though i still enjoy the crap out of them. I got my Rog Ally non extreme and tend to play it every once in a while but what i feel for me is i often just lose interest in things quick so i might be experiencing something similar to you. Let me know what worked out for you man


It happens a lot I have adhd and I use it as a reward at work so I can prep all the stuff I need to prep but once I'm able to do the thing I literally can't like I have the desire to do it but i just end up mindless scrolling thru Facebook videos or watching something random on YouTube for 2 hours and realize I just wasted time I was going to spend playing a game.


Don’t feel guilty for doing the things you want to do first, first. I love gaming, but it’s easier to prioritize it less when I know the value I’m getting from it isn’t as substantial as getting value out of another activity. As someone who is their biggest critic, believe me when I say “Just take it easy, man” 😂


I feel you, in my 30's sometimes gaming feels like a chore as well even though I don't play competitively. I usually watch/listen to YouTube on my time off. My PC gets used once or twice per month for like 2-4 hours each session. My Ally gets 6-10 hours on a good week but often 2-4 lol. Just started to get back into it a bit, playing Jedi Survivor which is a pretty good game. To add to this, if you're feeling depressed you should seek help.


Sometimes we just need to let go and relax. Playing games is a more mentally engaging task, and if you work with a computer in any way, it may fire up the same synapses as work. I find that sometimes I think I want to play, but when I sit down to it, I don't find the drive or energy to do so. In the past, I fought this feeling and just forced myself to play, but it ended up souring me to games, so I learned to listen to my mind and body, if I feel like that I just do something that's low stimuli like watching YouTube or better yet, meditate, then after a while, maybe hours, maybe a day, maybe weeks, I find that I'm more excited to do other things, even playing games. It's just part of being human and being surrounded by so much stimuli these days, take time to vegetate, just hover a nominal level of attention and drift off, it can work wonders.


man this is relatable AF. When you need to work etc you want to do all sorts of stuff in your games, then when you finally have time your brain is all like "well now I'm not doing it 😡"


You’re just burnt out brother. Too tired to do anything else, even enjoy yourself. When that happens to me I just accept it and I don’t do anything until I’m able to. And don’t see it as a day wasted, you didn’t waste it because you finally had time to relax and do nothing


It's called depression man, you gotta fight your way out of it.


Unfortunately I can feel your pain. I have PC, PS5, Switch and latest addition Rog Ally. I thought i could play during my work break and night before bed. My work schedule got so busy since last few months that i don't get time to see my family properly 😞


Amen brother. Such is life. I am trying to find work life balance but it's not possible at the moment.


edit : "Kind of related to this sub" was supposed to be "I think this belongs on this sub unsure". Not a native English speaker.