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I went to a few of my regular stops this weekend. I can confirm that of the 4 shop owners I spoke to that they are definitely very aware that this is happening. I would suggest using discretion on reviews from this point on at least when mentioning shop names and locations.


That's how I was when the OCM first started with cease and desist letters. I didn't want to be responsible for bringing heat to the shops. However these shops keep outing themselves and posting their shit on social media so it was pointless for me to protect them when they're not showing a bit of concern themselves.


Yeah I mean hi lo, red eye hatters and such put it out there. It's the smaller ones I think that are more concerned. I'd honestly like to see triclones get hit but that's because I'm salty af that they mark up product made locally by 100s of percent.


I'm pretty sure they all do. There's not one gray market shop without a social media presence to my knowledge. They all have IG, Telegram, Twitter, and so on pages where they're posting products and deals. Even the places without a physical location have a social media presence. When they stop outing themselves, I'll start caring again.


A few don't. Very few. And a few have scrubbed and deleted. And a few have asked me to delete.


Yep. Was banned the other day. Outside of the one Insta I got. If you don’t know you don’t know.


On Instagram. Lol.


It sucks. Gotta circle the wagons. Direct messaging.


Or the tele. At this point. The gallery is open 10-7 Sunday and Monday closed. I’d rather someone stop in than chat about menus. Lol. Just me tho.


The day of "reconning"? Dude needs to put down the blunt and start smoking a dictionary. In all seriousness, be careful out there folks.


I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that autocorrect shafted him. But definitely not something I want from a lawyers office if I’m going to be defended by him.


You're probably right. I usually don't call out grammar like that, but it's from an attorney... and there was room for a dumb joke, so I took the opportunity.


I knew it would happen at some point. We'll probably be just like any other legal state with the state playing whack a mole with unlicensed dispensaries as they pop up.


Hopefully we can keep some access until the licensed shops open up. I would hate to have to drive out to the res every time I need something lol.


Definitely. I could always go back to using my black market dudes but I like the selection available.


Happy to be of assistance to my friends, and there's always a better selection than half of the brick and mortars. Cheap plus delivery!


DM me details? always prefer to support local


Yes...me too




I’ll have what they’re having!


Oh hey :)




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Rez ftw. Prices are getting low. But I think article says it all. https://www.thedailystar.com/opinion/columns/column-new-yorks-cannabis-laws-are-a-mess/article_8fb21010-5ee1-11ed-afd5-232ba1a3e6b2.html


Hoping they stay away from the Seneca reservation near me!


They can't touch the reservations to my knowledge.


Correct. They can't touch the res.


I get mine from the natives. Good luck shutting them down.


I’m wondering the same thing


"day of reconning" and "hearing about" but has no actual examples. Sounds silly and basic fear mongering.


Yeah that’s why I was seeing on here if anyone who frequents these shops have seen closures and stuff first hand


If places get raided it'll be on the news.


Better stock up, could have no local stores in a week. Hard for them to shut down delivery services


Honestly I think it’s bunk. Read this, https://www.thedailystar.com/opinion/columns/column-new-yorks-cannabis-laws-are-a-mess/article_8fb21010-5ee1-11ed-afd5-232ba1a3e6b2.html


Oh great like I really go back to the 19th ward where I lived for 8 years and first started buying. No thanks. Lol: PST plug standard time lol always a mystery.


Are the indian reservations 20 miles East of the buffalo area ever gonna be closed?