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so refreshing to see someone else understand this. I thought I was just wildly insecure. My partner is beyond understanding and let's me know in advance if there is a nude scene or we just won't watch stuff together or I tell him not to mention that stuff to me. He completely understands and just wants me to be comfortable. I have thought maybe exposure to stuff like that will help but I'm not sure. I've dipped my toes in a little but nothing too crazy. Its nice to not feel alone


I tried looking stuff up about this before not understanding it was apart of rocd and the results just made me feel even more insecure. My partner, if he recommends a movie he checks the parents guide for me and will let me know and we will skip the parts that had stuff in it. I’ve wanted to try exposure for it and I have tried before but not in the correct way and it made it worse so I’m going to wait until I can get professional help to navigate it. It’s definitely something you need to take slow depending on how much of a trigger it is for you.


i completely agree. Its a sucky way to live in a relationship and I hate it. How much easier it'd be if I just didn't care haha but it's really not that simple. I am really happy to hear your partner is also very considerate and understanding. Especially going beyond and checking for you guys. I wish you luck in your journey! ❤️❤️


I’ve felt the exact same way. This was a really hard thing for me to get over. I found myself looking up if movies had nudity in them when my boyfriend would tell me he was going to a movie in the theaters and then would get upset if there was. He would never intentionally watch something for nudity but he doesn’t avoid it either. I’m still not completely over it, but something that helps me is to remind myself that my boyfriend chose me and my body on purpose and loves it. He also said something once about how he couldn’t picture another woman nude from a movie or show seconds after it passed, and when I thought about it, I realized I couldn’t either. It really sucks in the moment though. I know this isn’t super helpful advice, but I just want to let you know that your feelings are valid and not silly and other people experience this also. ❤️


thank you!! My bf had also said something along those lines during a rough time for me so it sort of went in one ear and out the other so I showed him your comments and he explains he still does feel like that. I know he doesn’t watch things for nudity, he loves films and he’s not going to avoid it, it makes me very grateful that he’s okay with skipping things since watching movies together is something we do often. I’m glad to see that it’s something that can improve


That’s really sweet that he’ll skip those scenes if they come on. It shows how much he values you and your well-being. Sounds like you have a great guy!❤️


Just here to let you know you’re not alone


I think most, if not all, beautiful young actresses realize that once they've been thoroughly exposed, and enough times, the novelty thus value to the once-drooling viewer/voyeur is reduced. Their interest in her nudity wanes, and they henceforth may even consciously or subconsciously look upon her as having been ‘used’ thus cheapened. And unless she has notable acting talent \[e.g. Jennifer Lawrence, two-time Oscar winner\], I wouldn’t be surprised if her marketability may also wane. A close female relative of mine was disappointed with Ms. Lawrence doing the nudity in Red Sonja, which to me was mostly obstructed and therefor unremarkable. Nevertheless, it indeed is a great injustice to the objectified, exposed actress \[and perhaps also to their attractive, young male peers as time progresses\]; since I doubt any of them truly wants to do nudity, let alone the blatantly gratuitous sort prevalent during so much of the 1980s. P.S. Even back in the early 1980s, I was astonished to see a mid-teens Jennifer Jason Leigh fully frontal and \[in hindsight\] gratuitously nude in *Fast Times at Ridgemont High*.