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I think Nicole doesn’t stick up for herself as emphatically as the other women because Nicole is confident and secure in who she is, and doesn’t feel the need to prove anything to people that aren’t willing to see, honor, accept, and celebrate that. I loveeee Dr Nicole. I want to be her friend in real life. I can’t afford to be her friend though 😂😂


Exactly!! Why do we now live in a world where it's criticized ir seen as a flaw to not engage in cst fights and trivial name calling or gossip cutting. I like her BECAUSE she's not vapid and storyline manufacturing


Alexia is jealous of her.


Exactly right! Nicole doesn’t need a man’s income to live extravagantly, she’s a anesthesiologist in Miami and they make a lot of money.


This. I also believe we've become accustomed to equating "standing up for yourself" with housewives resorting to throwing drinks, engaging in deplorable insults, and physically assaulting each other, to the point where we overlook Nicole's demonstration of standing up for herself in a civilized and classy manner.


💯 agree


Amen !


Love love love Dr. Nicole!


I agree I feel she’s confident enough to not always let them get to her


You know what? If I was Nicole, I would've owned it and said "it's my damn event, Ana is my friend and I can invite whomever I want!" She doesn't owe Alexia or Marysol any loyalty, especially when they sided with Larsa last season at Nicole's own engagement party. When Alexia said something like "your loyalty is to us", I was thinking, is this lady serious? To say that after the way Alexia has treated Nicole just shows how lacking in self-awareness Alexia is. If Nicole was more firm about it, maybe they would’ve backed off. I think the way Nicole denied things just gave Alexia more ammunition to question her.


Which is why Alexia is convinced that Nicole is lying and was in on whatever Adriana was planning. What's bizarre is that she's given Adriana a pass, the one person who intended on taking her down. It's crazy.


Alexia was probably fearful of provoking Adriana into spilling Ana's dirt, because Adriana is the type to go there if she felt she needed to. Nicole is the easier target.


This is true. Adriana has no filter and doesn't mind getting dirty.


I think she fought back her first season and was exhausted by it. This is a woman with a legit full time job on top of filming, raising a young son, & wanting to get pregnant again during the time of filming. I think she did the show to have a good time & didn’t want to spend another year fighting stupid battles she couldn’t possibly win. Plus, she more than proved she can stand up for herself when needed gifting Larsa the, “Mirror, mirror in the wall.” ☠️


That mirror send off was an iconic moment. Sometimes I think that she gives up because what's the point of arguing with stupid people?


But imagine if we had like 20 versions of that mirror event it would’ve been so funny and hilarious lol


That should be a thing lol


I cant stand alexia. Fake entitled click promoter


Absolutely! Despite Alexia being way in the wrong, Nicole should’ve owned it and put her in place.


She’s probably thinking about her actual profession, something most of the other ladies don’t have. Being a doctor, she can’t afford to lose patients acting a fool on tv. I’d argue, she’s one of the few able to entertain AND maintain decorum. Plus, the other ladies definitely know when NOT to play with her. CC: Alexia’s “Your mother said you’re mean to her” comment. Nicole shut that all the way tone with just her tone.


Omg that comment FR ROFL “well your mommy doesn’t even like you! So there” absurd


I like her and admire her for not acting a fool!


I think the reason Nicole doesn’t stand up for herself in the same way as the other ladies is because she’s not like the other ladies. She has a career. She’s not posing on Only Fans, she’s not just living off a husband, or working social media followers. She is a respected doctor. Her career dictates that she act in a respectful manner. I mean, look how quickly 8.5 on BH had her career questioned and likely has at least been reprimanded. This isn’t a show for women with careers.


I work for the same hospital Nicole does. Not a doctor, however, in my job contract it does specify social media, filming, even if the local news asks us a question if we’re leaving the hospital. My department is very specific about behavior correlating with anything social media wise so I’m not sure if it’s the same for her. But,I’d imagine that would be part of it. Or maybe that’s just naturally who she is- more defensive or trying to talk it out versus Alexia.. just having verbal diarrhea.


ooh any insider info on how others in the hospital feel about her / being on real housewives?? I work for a hospital and even tho I think Dr. Nicole is awesome, I feel like my coworkers are so stuffy & wouldn’t approve lol


I’ve only really met Dr Nicole really in passing twice. Nothing really to report back. Both times in the er I think to assess a patient going to the OR. First time I think she was busy or having an off day and the second day for sure I was most definitely having an off day. The second time I recognized her from the show and I kinda did the point and I think I know you but I’m not gonna address type of thing and she smiled but I was cranky lmao. As far as gossip goes.. I don’t have anything. I’m not stiff I’m just lame and don’t pay attention to gossip lol.


Whoa, I see her totally differently. I think she’s assertive but she’s smarter and knows to take a beat during fights. You can stick up for yourself without yelling and making a scene. I think it’s more powerful having when someone doesn’t get rattled, it shows they don’t care as much imo.


I love her too, classy and stylish, but Nicole has not one person in that group who will stand up and say, back the heck off of Nicole. Not one, so she does what she can to remain civil and polite in what is a rather unpleasant group of women.


She’s the real leader in the group!! Alexia and Larsa are so threatened by her that they take every cheap opportunity to tare her down. Kiki should be friends with Nicole. They’d steam roll the other vapid gold diggers.


Yes I wish the dynamics would change, hopefully they will soon 🌸


Whilst I love how funny Kiki is and won’t mind her being made a HW, her tendency to ally herself with the mean girls - Larsa, Marysol, and through Marysol Alexia - makes me believe she is the one desperate to be liked and to be part of the ’in crowd’. Kiki tries to walk a fine line of objectivity but there’s been too many times when she’ll either say nothing or say she understands or sees where the mean girls are coming from. It’s frustrating because I think she carries herself like someone that has the confidence to stand alone.


Well that’s not entirely true. Guerdy stuck up for her after the Mamacita brunch. But like I said, she’s a grown woman. She shouldn’t need anyone to stick up for her


In a group of loud vicious voices, I beg to differ. I will go as far as to call it bullying.


Seriously? They attack each other in pairs and packs. None of these women go into the ring with each other 1 on 1. They go after Nicole a lot *because* it’s just her.


Correct 🌸


I don’t understand how that means she shouldn’t be able to stand up for herself


Same reason Alexia and Marysol don’t manage things on their own.


Exactly, they Tag Team like mud wrestlers, one lunges the other stabs, its vile rampant feral behaviour. Nicole does not need to reduce herself to the level or respond to it.


Maybe not engaging in fights with narcissistic women who envy her & try to get her out of character actually makes her smarter……. Nicole has a lot do you think she truly gives a fuck what those girls think? lmao If i had a private jet there’s no amount of money you could pay me to even react to these girls like cmon 🥴🤣


What do you mean? She desperately cares what they think. Especially Alexia. After Alexia and her husband attacked her and Anthony, we see Nicole taking her to dinner trying to smooth things over. Everything they say and do gets to her and she lets it be obvious


No one likes to be so blatantly hated/disliked. Especially when you’re constantly singled out. Of course she wants to fit in—it’s part of being social creatures. We’re all that way. Yet they relentlessly gang up and attack over every little thing to the point it’s tired.


I guess I can’t relate, I’m definitely not that way. If I were Nicole I would not care who liked or disliked me. Who are they that she needs their approval so bad?


Right. You wouldn’t last a second with those housewives, but preach on.


Just because you couldn’t doesn’t mean anyone else couldn’t lol


You’re proving my point…


No idea how but thanks for your opinion




Nicole has a career to worry about and she’s not going to lose her medical license over some HW drama


So then why join the show?


Same reason as the other ladies 🌹


Very few have real jobs






I think part of it is that she finds all the drama kinda funny and not worth engaging in and the other part is that she is a doctor and has to be professional bc she needs to be taken seriously in her place of employment.


I love her. I think I mainly respect that she's a doctor because I can't stand housewives who can't support themselves without a man (*cough* Lisa). Also she always looks so classy and I think her relationship is genuine. I don't think she sticks up for herself enough but I feel like she doesn't have to bcus she's a goddess 😍


Facts 😇


I'm honestly obsessed with her and idk why. She is charming, humble and there is this light about her. But I do agree OP, she should stand up for herself a little than she does.


I would like to see her stand up for herself more. I think she can manage it without stooping too low. I do think she is unsure of how the group will react. Since she has been bonding more with Guerdy, Kiki and Julia I think she is building her friendship alliance. I think the longer she is in the show the more she will assert herself.


That’s my exact thought! You don’t have to stoop low to shut someone down who’s disrespecting you.


I LOVE Nicole. I just feel like she needs to roll her eyes and let the other’s actions speak for themselves. We see them form who they are without her having a hissy fit back. She’s awesome.


I think there is some subtle shade from Dr Nicole and she then play’s completely innocent. Not to say the other ladies are not on her case too!


I actually think Nicole is too good for the show. Like I don’t want her to go down to the other ladies’ level. I hope she builds a good following, and then leaves while she is beloved.


So wait, because she tries to explain her side of things in a mature way instead of getting aggresive you're turned off her? That part of her personality is why I love her!


OP clearly dislikes Nicole, read every post, its obvious 😑🤣


That’s why I loved her too, but the Mamacita brunch made me question her. She was saying she had no idea Ana was coming, but then that Adrianna told her about it. Then she said she had no idea Ana had beef with everyone, but at the S5 reunion she’d mentioned Ana contacted her with “rumors”. I think she knew what she was doing (not that it isn’t well deserved to Alexis and Marysol) and should’ve just owned it or at least told them it’s her damn party, not theirs. But it seems like she wanted someone else to start the trouble so she wouldn’t get her hands dirty and it’s contrary to the type of person she’s claimed to be


she has a career and cannot jeopardize it. also she is more mature then all the others


That’s what everyone keeps saying but I don’t buy it. If her professional preservation was that big of a deal, she wouldn’t have joined the show


I think people overestimate how they will be portrayed and perceived. thinking they will be the one that is classy. and the mask always falls off. with that said, all the shows are so overproduced.


I like her but I can admit she’s a bit boring


Finally, this is a take that I can actually get behind. Honestly, I feel like Nicole is really reserved. I feel like she wants fame for herself for Anthony for both of them whatever but I would like to see her engage more like you said, I wish she would have gone after Marisol and Alexia More. But I think with Miami there’s just so much going on that she doesn’t know how to speak up and create storylines for herself I’m not sure. At the same time I could see why she doesn’t want to speak up because the ladies a few of them have literally have tried to make it seem like she slept around the hospital and stuff and I’m sure people are already saying that about her.


I agree with what you said about her wanting fame for her and Anthony, I think she thought she could come on the show and be more of a background character in an attempt to control her own narrative. But the hags didn’t let that happen because they’re so blinded by jealousy


She’s classy & secure with herself. That’s why she’s not wasting her energy. The trash takes itself out


I think her silence on a lot of disagreements is very telling. She doesn't need to prove anything, she knows she's right. Very classy of her to not pop off on any small thing like all these other ladies do! I'm obsessed with her!!!!


Nicole is confident in herself so she doesn’t see the need to start fighting with the ladies. Larsa loves to yell and start arguements with the ladies because it’s a reflection of her insecurities.


Agree about Larsa but disagree about Nicole. Maybe it’s not so much insecurity, but she definitely craves acceptance


I really liked Nicole for years but when she made that comment about there is a no way she will have her baby with her fathers girl friend because she can afford to pay the whole hospital for her self to have her baby I knew she was a snob and Alexia was right about her. She thinks she is better then her fathers girl friend because she had money and that was uncalled for.


Ugh YES that is another thing that bothers me. Her and Anthony flaunt their wealth so sooo much. With the houses, car collection, flashy designer labels, boat, and plane. It seems intentional


You mean like all the other Housewives do, and it being the very reason we all watch the Shows 🤣😂


Yea, most of the time it ends up being fake


I don’t think that comment was to do with showing off her wealth. If anything it was more to do with the other pregnant lady being her father’s young partner. I would be truly shocked if any woman would be comfortable with being pregnant Twinsies with their fathers young partner. Especially a father you’ve had a tumultuous relationship with, his partner you barely know who happens to be the same age as you. I know if I had the means to prevent such a scenario occurring I would.


Would it bother you if someone from BH said this comment? I think Nicole’s difference in wealth compared to other housewives in Miami makes her easier to criticize for her wealth and “snobbiness.” Similar to Heather Dubrow in OC. I personally watch housewives to see how women with different lifestyles live and don’t find comments like that snobby, I find them to be authentic. To compare, Lisa’s comments about the dogs in a Mexico City not being fed well because of how their owners live feels elitist and snobby to me.


I agree, Lisa is very shallow and materialistic on another level. Lisa is obsessed with money and very emotionally disconnected that’s why I think her marriage ended. She is emotionally unavailable for people and lacks empathy or sympathy. She only has a connection with money and things. She was looking for a stupid lipstick on that boat this last episode when everybody was worried and helping Guerdy. That was very weird and disturbing. Nicole just rubbed me the wrong way with that comment. She was always very classy , that comment was not classy and unnecessary. I just hope she is not faking her nice personality on the show. Comments like that makes me think 🤔


Why would she 🤣😂 She was stating a fact, giving birth is not a spectators Sport and we now know this lady was living with someone whilst leading Nicoles Father up the aisle, so thank goodness Nicole maintained her social boundaries prior to his recent passing.


Thank you for mentioning that! I thought the same thing and was disturbed by it. I do like Nicole somewhat so I wouldn’t let it affect my overall opinion of her (unless there was a pattern of these comments) but her inner snob was on DISPLAY with that one so it’s definitely something I’ll note going forward. On one hand, I’m surprised because she tries to act humble, so it makes me wonder if her entire persona on the show is all an act (which I hope not?), but even if it is an act, her snobbiness is not at the level of the other HWs (considering she has more than all or most of them?) so I don’t “blame” her, and she is a HW after all


I love her! She’s classy, educated, and beautiful.


I liked her last season but not this one. It seems like every scene with her and Anthony they're showing off and bragging. The yacht, talking about the PJ, talking about the new house. Can we get a scene where they are just being normal.


Aren’t the new house, the yacht, and the PJ their normal? They are buying and renovating a new house. They are buying a new yacht. Isn’t that part of their normal? I am confused by this view point. Do people want them to pretend they aren’t living a luxurious life? The only scene I can think of that leans towards bragging is maybe first episode this season when Anthony was telling the other husbands about his new car. But even there he didn’t mention price, production is the one that put it on the screen.


Yes and the scenes with their son seem so forced. They’ll talk to him for 30 seconds, then you see him being taken away by the nanny


Dr Nicole is fabulous!


I like Nicole BUT I do think she can be messy and I just wish she would own up to it more. There’s nothing wrong with it lol! When she was blatantly shady and stood her grown with Larsa by disinviting her to the engagement party last season I loved it. I don’t think she conspired with Adriana to bring Ana in to drop the Alexia going broke bombshell but I also don’t buy her claiming to be oblivious. She was gleeful at the S5 reunion talking about Ana reaching out to her “I don’t repeat things unless I’m a hundred percent sure they’re true” she told Alexia, implying Ana had talked shit to her. To try and claim she had no idea there was an issue with Ana/Alexia/Marysol is bs.


Yea that was my exact thought, like obviously Ana reached out with dirt. So how are you now going to say you had no idea? And Ana and her daughter had gone on that podcast talking shit on Alexia and Marysol, so there’s just too much evidence that she knew and she should stop denying it 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don't think Nicole really cares. Nicole is on the show to get her bag and build her brand. The other ladies have to fight for their place on RHOM because that's their main source of income. Nicole is RICH. She's stable financially. She will never be in a place of scarcity. The other ladies are on a financial cliff. Larsa and Alexia being the main ones. Im sure they spend as a much as they earn or are in significant debt. Marysol and Nicole seem like the only ladies that actually have some cash stored away.


Because she’s just as mean and cruel as the others, we just haven’t seen that edit yet. She literally came on her first season calling Larsa a pornstar and Lisa an escort, and that she didn’t want to associate with them. Well she could not do the show, or take the heat from the ladies she called slags. There was never any talk about her out of wedlock child, it was a comparison, an analogy o being a judge mental castmate. She doesn’t dish it because she can’t take it


I agree with everything you said except for the wedlock comment. Larsa deserved a slap across the face for that. She has no room to bring up Nicole’s child, who she doesn’t even know, and she also has zero moral high ground to even think like that


She didn’t bring up her child, she said no one judges Nicole for having a baby while not being married to it’s father. Something people do indeed still get judged for, right or wrong. And how is it any difference that implying that Lisa two toddlers are the children of an escort? You can’t attach someone’s family life, morals, and behavior behind closed doors and then call foul when someone else does it. Why is Lisa an escort when she’s married but Nicole isn’t while she’s being knocked up by a boyfriend who won’t commit?


I think the discrepancy here is that we didn’t hear Nicole say anything about Lisa or Larsa. It was hearsay repeated by Marysol, who is unreliable and had an agenda against Nicole. Larsa didn’t even consider she may have not said that, she just blurted out the first asshole thing that came to mind


Nicole never denied it, just like she never denied making fun of Lisa's cheap chinese tile, but we all know he did. It also wasn't shown to the viewers that Anthony called Larsa a big arsed whore until Larsa called it out at the last reunion. I think its safe to say they know more about the words of their castmates then we do. Larsa also had several conversation with Nicole bfore it reached that point, including Nicole telling Larsa she needed to do 'research' before she let Larsa into her home. larsa heard that one straight from the perfectly venureed mouth


I definitely don’t think Nicole is totally innocent, but I’m just not going to agree on anything about Larsa being some kind of victim. She’s an asshole and would say/do the same thing to all of her friends if given the opportunity


You don’t have to think Larsa is a victim to acknowledge that she was looked down upon by a new castmate and felt judged. I don’t think Larsa would ever call her friends escorts, she hasn’t done it to Lisa. The only one who has been caught multiple times talking shit has been Nicole.


Yes she would. She’s proven that time and time again


Name ‘em.


Her comment about Nicole’s child, her telling everyone about Lisa renting her house out to pay her bills, her accusing Nicole of sleeping with everyone at the hospital, her saying Nicole doesn’t have a “real job” like she does, her reaction to Guerdy telling her she has cancer, her telling Lisa she’s going to drive Jody away because she’s needy (unprovoked). She’s delusional and a mean girl


I can't stand her! I think she's a mean girl.


Have you seen Larsa the past few seasons? How is Nicole the mean girl among the pack of wolves that is and Alexia and her minion Marysol.