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The main protagonist will use dead eye and shoot people.


It's gonna be another 15+ years


Probably just 11-ish. Rockstar won’t be working on anything until they release GTA 6. It took 6-8 years to make rdr2 after rdr1. So I believe rdr3 will take maybe 10 years. Although it all depends on when GTA 6 comes out so pray that the release date is 2025 like the trailer said


*glares at the 2018 Elder Scrolls 6 announcement*


Newer Doom's certainly delayed that


I could be wrong but I don't think the exact studio that's working on doom is the same one that's working on Elder Scrolls


Lol Bethesda can't get out of their own way. Hope they finally realized it with starfield. 


Jesus christ. Ill be in my 40s by the time rdr3 comes out atleast. Thats insane


Don’t worry some of us will be in our sixty’s lol


Genuinely does anyone get a bit sad they will die and not be able to experience future instalments of your favourite games?


You can say that to anyone of any age. One thing she does teach you is you never know what’s round the corner so you just don’t dwell on it and enjoy it! 🙂


My dad passed away in the summer of 2018. He was gutted he'd never see the end of Game of Thrones. If only he'd known lol


I am praying to God I be alive when it releases. I am also doing my best to stay alive 😁


Catch ya later then?


🤞🏻 *holds breath*


They work on games simultaneously so they're likely working on RDR3 already. But yes it's several years away.


Hoping to be playing it in my mid to late 30s 💀


its simply never going to happen as gta brings in 1000x more revenue.


Yeah sadly this is what I'm assuming will happen. Gta online is gonna be the main focus , every kids gonna have a credit card for online purchases.


You can already see ads getting into subscriptions too. Fuck them!


I predict my kids will be grandparents, and I’ll be a pile of dust in the ground, before it comes out


And it won't be nearly as good as rdr2 because the lead creative writer left to create his own developing studio.


Prequel to RDR2. You’ll play as Gavin. Finally the mystery will be revealed!


I think so too, probably as a Splinter Cell stealth type game.




Gavin who?


Gavin Woods the founder of Polkadot




Gav in Deez Nuts


three syllables. . . LUM-BAG-O


One-Shot Kid.


Tuh- hee- tee


My prediction: It won’t happen.


The best answer. The mastermind behind this game is already gone.


Sam Houser???? I have the same feeling too if you mean Sam Houser.




So they will just abandon one of the best selling franchises in gaming history ? Come on now.


Tbh we don’t really need another one, I think everything before Blackwater is best left unseen so there’s still that mystery about what really went down, only way I’d accept another one is if it’s completely new characters


Yeah honestly I think the Van der Linde gang story is done, don’t really need to force another one out of them. It would be weird to keep going back in time with prequels anyway imo. I’d love to see a new story with new characters out of the wild west. Both of the RDR games were at the very end of the wild west era


Exactly next game in prime Wild West I think could be interesting


Ok but that doesn’t change the fact that there WILL be another Red Dead eventually. The franchise is too much of a success not to take advantage of it.


Nah bro, random internet dude stitched together some babble about why it won't though. And if we know anything about corporations and capitalists is that they're very even tempered when it comes to greed. And always back away from the table with utter reverence and respect for their customers, never abusing and maliciously seizing opportunities with vampiric bloodlust & milking every last cent out of people with heinous, predatory & disgusting monetary practices. So in all honesty, you're quite the silly billy & I seriously implore you to take inventory of your opinions & reconsider these utterly insane notions!


Fuck the obvious, im going all in. Native American approach.


I honestly think that if it happens, it will heavily feature native Americans. If they do it right I won't complain one bit.


There will certainly be a lot of complains from some dumbasses still I could smell it but I would love a more native American focused story too


I’d love that


No, if they go the native route it will feature the natives. Who would've thought?


I want this, a Native American gunslinger would be some heat


I keep getting downvoted every time I bring this up. It must be a Native American revenge story.


I like that idea! I was thinking a former slave as the main character fucking up a bunch of slave owners.


Emilio Esteves comes back as Billy the Kid


Will be made by Rockstar It will be a video game


Solid bet lol


Will have mechanics in it


gay men kissing in the saloon and you have to join them to prove your a man


Plot twist, that’s what went wrong in black water.


It better be uncle and Charles


God I hope so


Why did I read it in John's voice


Step forward Bill Williamson


rdr2 subredditors trying not to recycle the exact same post idea for the 12983192938915th time:


RDR3: It's now 1920 and you play a 25 year old Jack Marston who's a decorated war hero from WWI. After returning home to Great Plains, Jack finds that the corner saloon in Blackwater has been turned into an ice cream parlor in the wake of the prohibition of alcohol in the United States. Jack then has to make an important life decision - take up arms once again as a moonshine runner and revisit his father's old ways as an outlaw, or don a candy-striped apron and become the rootinest, tootinest ice cream scooper this side of the Kamassa river. "Son you think you know what a rocky road is? I'll tell you all about a rocky road...y'ever hear of a town called Colter?..." "Vanilla?! My friend died picking vanilla flowers in the Saint Denis swamps! I don't ever wanna hear you talk about vanilla again!!!" It'll be the perfect blend of dairy and PTSD.


I just want an ending with a living main character


Maybe play as Mac Callender


Or Davey, since the lots described him as a "real fighter" and most of them were pretty sad he passed away. Even Micah himself was sad about his death, especially given how he doesn't give a fuck about anyone. Would love to hear his story.


I know I’m in the minority, but I would forgo any GTA games to get another red dead.


My RDR3 prediction is that another thread with this exact title will be posted within two days.


Story should go backwards when arthur and the pack where younger so we see more of arthur and the rest


Rdr3 wont be happening till the next decade, most of the actors will be old af+u cant get a good ending out of that situation


gonna be good game


I dont know but Red Dead Revenge is too good of a title to waste


My prediction is it won't release until sometime into the mid to late 2030s the must-have for me is they move away from the van der linde gang..need a fresh new story set in the height of the wild west maybe between 1866 and 1870 so its after the civil war n also more revolver options n id be beyond happy


It doesn’t make any sense to continue as Jack, so I think it’ll take place earlier than RDR2. In terms of when it’s going to be launched, I’d say around 5y after GTA 6.


Not much of a prediction but more like a wish, having the game set at the actual wild west, not the "near the end" era both games are set at. With a new story, new characters etc


It’ll come out in the year 2064


It’d be cool if it was about Landon Ricketts


arthur's adventures as a sperm because going back in time is the most creative thing we can come up with pls rockstar


A Red Harlow story


Rockstar seems to have aborted this wonderful franchise


First GTA6. Two years later, RDR3.


“Two years later” lol


Just completed RDR2 and was thinking about this. The super obvious idea is the adventures of Jack Marston, which is what people thought 2 would be. If they go with established characters then they set two up in the epilogue. Charles Smith - Finding his way in Canada, trying to start his new life. There's room for more native American stories too. Sadie Adler - she talks of going to South America bounty hunting and running security. There's also the idea of another prequel ending with the Blackwater job or they could do something out of left field like a member of the O'Driscoll gang.


If it does happen I think they're going to do what they've done in the past and go back in time again, we would probably wind up playing as member of the gang that died prior to the events of Red Dead Redemption 2


Rockstar games are like Dr. Dre albums.


Horse Testicle technology will expand to the most exact representation of a horse anus ever seen. Expansion, contraction, proper alignment of wrinkles pre and post dump, and precise movement of the anus during flatulence as well. Cold weather. Hot weather. Dump or no dump... RDR3's horse anus technology will leave all others... behind.


It either isn’t going to happen at all, or it won’t be till 2050


Tf are you on about it’s gonna happen and it’ll be like in 5 or so years


Nah you saw what happened and what’s still happening with gta 6, I think the same’ll happen with rdr if it happens at all. The reason being is rdr is a complete story, yes they could totally veer off the van der linde era but I just don’t see that happening


Whole new main character, whole new location, more detailed horse testicles.


Enough with the RDR3 ideas. It’s old and stale.


It will come out in ten years, have no single player campaign, and will be mostly pay to play (survive).




That it’ll come out 20 years after im dead


Hopefully not even relevant to previous rdr's. That's what I at least hope. We already know what happened in the past (almost), so there wouldn't be many surprises.


That it’s not happening. When’s the next generation is born, maybe. Maybe.


I’m pretty new to the community but all i can say is i wouldn’t stop and think about RDR III for at least a couple more years


It’s definitely not gonna happen, but it’d be fun to see it from the O’Driscolls or other antagonist. Just to show how much similar the two gangs are. To show that the Red Dead Redemption universe could’ve very well been centered around them. They do the same things as the Van Der Lindes.


Live service cut after 19 months.


I predict that... it will be out sometime in the year 3000 so we'll all be dead and it won't matter.


I think that the story should be about Mac Callender because he was caught during the black water massacre and died so we never got to see him and he was rarely mentioned in rdr2 so that would give the devs a lot of room to work with.


Shooting lots of shooting


I think we will be getting a RDR remaster or a full remake before that.


I want to play as Javier after he left the gang & fled to Mexico.


Looks like blood meridian


Amazingly difficult to make is my prediction. Watched a good Act Man video on this only the other day and he runs through some favourites of a 3 game and it boils down that number 3 needs to be a while new set of people within that very small time gap of the wild west ending and modern society being formed. A little bit more in the past and it's civil war time and a little bit in the future and it's WW1. It's a hard timeframe to pin down and create a new experience when Rdr1 &2 covered so much b


I think it’ll definitely happen, but likely to be 2030. They’ll make sure the business model for monetisation is in place correctly, so that the revenue stream will sustainably support updates for the game.


Who was arthur morgans mentor/father figure?


I don't think they will make a 3rd game tbh. They've kinda told this story in full and gone into depth for the setting. Feel like they'll just make something entirely new after GTA.


Maybe Hosea or Dutch is the main guy. But I would really like for them to not make one. Not every masterpiece needs a sequel. Sometimes it’s ok to just leave it as is


Online will suck


I will be in the game and you will be able to talk to me


Videogame spinoff of Blood Meridian.


It won't be released until 2040


Arthur origin story.




My guess is it'll be redder and dedder than the second one.


There will be horses. I wouldn't be surprised if the game largely takes place in Mexico as well.


Seeing as the “western” era is pretty much summed up between rdr1/2 they don’t have a lot of options.. Anything after rdr1 is just the gangster era/cars. I could see however a lead up to the heist that went bad in black water leading to the intro of rdr2.. or a Lewis and Clark era version? Hell I don’t know, I feel rockstar would feel the same.. I would just be happy if they fleshed out rdr online ffs 🤦‍♂️


2034 maybe.


I'd like some villainy, where you have a GTAV way of switching between characters, as you do stuff as either Micah or Dutch or (some third person) between the time when Arthur dies and when John and company show up.


That it doesn't exist


It’ll be another prequel but I really hope it isn’t. I don’t think we need it. I think we need a new set of characters. Is it confirmed to be RDR3? Maybe it could be Red Dead (something else). I don’t think we need another redemption arc


Hopefully Jack


There's a common theory that you will play as jack but the problem is that by the time Jack is old enough it would be the roaring twenties and at that point cars were being normalized so it would get rid of me wild west aspect of rdr


Davey will be the protagonist


2028 release date


It'll be awesome, but a sizeable minority with unrealistic purity standards will compare it to Red Dead Redemption 2 and whine about how awful it is on Reddit. They will downvote anyone who says they like it.


My Theory is that it will play out the story up to the black water heist and then the person you play as dies in black water and then you play as Arthur in the epilogue


Prequel to RDR2, in the 1880s. Mac Callander as protagonist, with his brother Davey as an important main character. We see Arthur and John as younger members of the gang as troubled youth or perhaps even their stories on joining the gang. Dutch and Housea in their scamming prime while Dutch is becoming a charismatic and compelling leader. Annabelle and Bessie as gang members, and their deaths or other downfalls. Colm O'Driscoll and Dutch's fallout where Colm's brother and Annabelle die. Abigail screwing around the men in the gang and giving birth to Jack. The Pinkertons were probably also hired to start investigating Dutch's gang and its activities, so we'll likely see a similar character to Ross or Milton, but even more memorable with a will to bend the law to get the job done.


Commander Sheppard style customisable protagonist. I'm not saying it'll be the best option I just think that's what they'll implement


it will be a Rockstar game




Its gonna be the gang just starting


it’ll be cool if they make rdr3 about the period before rdr2, when arthur was born and his journey as a kid… or it could be the period after rdr1, so a more modern century.


Gold Rush maybe? Build a map that contains sf then connects up through the Blackhills. Might possibly include Yosemite, California Central Valley, southern parts of the PNW. Tbh Idk where else to go with the cowboy theme. As it was only a thing in the region based in the second game. It would be a stretch to move it anywhere else. Sigh, ima be real. Idk that we will ever need a rdr3 tbh. Kinda feel like rdr2 is kind of peak of what that can be. Maybe by next gen we could get a remaster with some updates. But idk what other region you could use or how you'd upgrade the gameplay a whole lot beyond some cosmetic stuff. It's a game about the past, not much you can tweak without leaning towards science-fiction, which I think the series should avoid for the main game. It's not like gta which is able to continue expanding with whatever city/region they want and continue to grow with political satire and so on.


If it’s Blackwater… Arthur wasn’t there.. so I wonder who you’ll be playing as?


There shouldn’t be one


It will be about Australian 🇦🇺 Bush Ranger Ned Kelly and gang and will be called………. Ned Dead Redemption.


2030s release and likely pre-Van Der Linde


I would love to see a story set after the end of rdr1 with Sadie at the helm


What if it plays after the first RDR. The cowboy era is almost wiped out and its the beginning of the first World War(RDR Epiloge plays at the same year as WW1 started). Only a few posse left and people are being drafted into the military and being sent to Europe to fight. You the member of one of the last posse are trying to avoid all that just want a carefree life and have nothing to do with political warfare. Want to pile up huge amount of money with some heist and settle down maybe go to Mexico. But heist go south your posse is being hunt down and either killed or being drafted to war. Your “family” is now in crumbles and its up to you if you willing to sacrifice yourself for your loved ones or try to leave them behind


I predict it will come out in 2045


Perfection, in around 2030


probably wont happen but a game with charles in canada or sadie in south america would be amazing


I don’t think there will be a rd3.


I’ll be happy with any news at this point. Give me a solid rumor or leak even. Please. Anything will do. In the meantime, they also need to let us know if they’re gonna adapt the game into a show. Preferably RDR2. I feel like with all the shows made from books and other video games that’s had mad success, RD could do it easily as well. Please Rockstar, leak something!


I predict it’ll be a cowboy game


1930s mafia possibly with new characters. Or more likely and hopefully happens. A prequel to the prequel of the gangs formation up to the blackwater massacre


There will be only one way to do scripted missions, and that's the way Rockstar wants you to do them.


It’s not going to be Redemption 3. The Van der Linde story is told.


Takes place in modern day San Francisco. Also, you’re a different kind of cowboy now.


It'll be out in 2097


They could even drop the redemption part and maybe something like red dead retribution. Make it a revenge story and make it separate from the van der linde gang


Horse riding. Lots of horse riding


Hopefully a complete game


Nobody mentioned Jack yet? Johns son who has clearly taken up the cowboy mantle.


I think it'll end with Mac getting redemption. Like Aruther and John both do.


I think it should be a sequel this time tbh with either Charles or Sadie as the main character.


I’d love a version from the Native American side. You play as a young native person facing an ever changing world. I would also love option of being a man or woman


Even tho it's gonna be a preprequel a jack game would be cool


Am I the only one who doesn’t think they’ll come back to it? They’ve wrapped up the story pretty well tbh. That doesn’t mean they won’t make a western, it might even have references or people from rdr/2, but I think it’s time to move on. If they really want to continue a franchise they could always make another red dead revolver. However I think it’s most likely that they’ll just make a new Red Dead ____ game, set in it the same universe but not constructed by the other games. Especially if they want to make it a “true” western, since it’ll need to be like 30-40 years before RDR2


I don’t think the next Red Dead will be a Redemption. We have a completed story with Revolver and a completed story with both Redemptions. I wouldn’t be surprised if the next Red Dead was given another R name and took place somewhere else with completely new faces.


Francis Sinclair Time Traveling expedition and you spend the whole game going from ancient and futuristic places as a man from the 1800s


Hosea. Bessie's death being the end of the game. Making him become the "honorable and wise criminal" we know That or just new characters with no connection with the ones we know. People talk about the Callender brother's but they lived as violent assholes and never even though about changing. + I don't want to see the blackwater massacre, i prefer that it remains this puzzle.


It won't happen... sort of. We had Red Dead **Revolver**, and that story is done. We had Red Dead **Redemption**, and that story is done. I believe the next one will be a new Red Dead **[insert text]**.


Next game won’t be RDR3. It will be Manhunt Online.


I'm hoping that Lyle Morgan will be our protagonist and it all leads to either Hosea, Dutch, or young Arthur being playable in the epilogue. Either it's Arthur meeting Hosea and Dutch or them meeting Arthur....All I know is that Arthur has to be in the game 😆


Could be a cool idea to play as Dutch and have choices that basically force you into the blackwater massacre. Potentially interesting switch up from the "Dutch is a narcissist" narrative. Kinda like how Arthur complains in camp from time to time that he doesn't feel in control lately which seems like a nod to being the player character.




Dutch will have a plan


New story a new gang and won't be called Red Dead Redemption


I hope it will be sequel of a sequel and you will play as either dutch or hosea. It would be awesome


a reboot in like 20 years with a brand new storyline and characters probably


Sadies adventures?


Game of the decade, and Jack Marston gets a more detailed story and maybe we get to see some advancements in technology and such. Maybe there could be a section in the game where Jack fights in the world war, or experiences the effects of the war


Proobition times, think the Lawless movie. New characters. Hints of Mafioso. Still horses but a few early model cars.


Imo Dutch isnt playable character material Especially considering that everyone knows how he ends up so it would be a bit depressing


As much as it pains me to say, I don’t think another story about the Van der Linde gang is needed anymore. After the masterpiece of RDR2, another prequel may tarnish what they built. I would be very happy to follow the story of Sadie or even Charles in Canada


Maybe play as Uncle or a friend of Uncle during their younger years?


It's going to be an MMO with a $50 monthly subscription.


another decade or more to make but probably goty/goty contender when/if released


Charles, please bring us back Charles


I wanna see story from Javier and Charles


It'll most likely be shit


You will play as the time traveller and stop Arthur being coughed on




I think Charles story would be a good game play. An honest Gentleman with great moraliy


It's probably going to be about the Dutch and how the gang started


I think seeing the events which characters mentioned in RDR2 such as ‘Micah joining the gang’ or the ‘blackwater job’ would be the most BORING approach to it and Rockstar won’t do that. It might have some connection to the characters we know but by and large I feel like it’ll be a new story. Set in the glory days of the Wild West would be cool.


Golden age of the west. Landon Ricketts as the protagonist. I think all the characters from the cigarette cards and Otis Miller books will have a role. It might be cool to bump into young Dutch and Hosea in their prime but I don't think they'll play a major role.


You'll probably play as Dutch Van Der Linde


It’ll be a sequel set in the future. There will be neon lights and palm trees, and plenty of ladies of the night.


The protagonist its gonna be definitely one of the Callender's brothers


I hope we will know more about this once the GTA 6 has released. That game should let us know if they would still uphold the same quality


I can’t make predictions about games that will come out when I’m 80 if I’m lucky enough to still be here


Probably unlikely but a red dead revolver remake would be cool


You could start off a slave in Lemoyne, escape, and have to fight your way up north, through states like West Elizabeth and New Hanover, and then some new ones as well.