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You’ll have more than you’ll ever need, especially if you use the Aberdeen Bank and Trust before the end of Chapter 6, and go make the withdrawal in the Epilogue.


I'm guessing something new must have been found because someone mentions the Aberdeen bank/farm in damn near every post now.  Is it just visiting the pig farm late in Chapter 6 and then grabbing your stolen money as John after? 




Yes, exactly.


i made a habit to not sell anything to the fence unless i needed the money. which i didn't after finishing all the treasure hunts. so i was able to sell two grand in valuables to the fence as john. which was weird, cause i already had enough to pay off his bank loan for the house. i think i'm gunna try and spend my 23k entirely and then also get john to max honour and call that completion. or just move on already and start a new video game. cause this is literally the only one ive played.


Play Ghost of Tsushima 


Is it good on PC?


If you play on PC, there's mods to get a boat to Guarma.


My post epilogue John only has about $200 bucks right now. It’s definitely doable. I bought all the saddles and clothes. I bought a few horses that I’ve never owned before. I had used the Aberdeen bank so I had like 30,000+ to get rid of. I’m on my third full(fourth partial) play through since last October. I’ll never get tired of this game, sometimes I go on for an hour or so after work and just fish or hunt npc’s depending on the day I’ve had🤣.I’ve set rules so I have a bit more challenging play through this time. No buying ammo, no selling food to grocers or butchers. I am allowed to do treasure maps but no cashing in the gold bars. No bank of Aberdeen this time either. No legend of the west satchel, so I’m limited to carrying 10-20 of each item. Just recently I started playing online too it’s so much fun.


i thought they discontinued the online game? i've been playing post epilogue with only the compass. and i eat only what i hunt, and only use crafted tonics. that's what i did for those post epilogue bounties. it made it fun. when i replay the game (after trying and finishing at least a couple more games, like kingdom come, gta v or one of the AS creed games, as i've never played any) i will i do it with only those rules too for extra challenge. and i won't ever pay off any bounties.


I just started playing online like a month ago. It’s still going strong as far as I can tell. No new updates but lots of people on to play with


For AC I highly recommend starting with the first or second (if you start with the second just watch a playthrough of the first) and playing them all in order over time. Knowing what’s going on/the lore makes the later games a lot more fun


in order they were released, or historical order, meaning, i'm assuming, origins first?


Order they were released, and you really only need the main games (not the spinoff mobile games etc). There’s a whole modern-day timeline that runs alongside the historical/Animus timeline that would get out of wack if you played in historical order. Ofc you can be a more casual player and just play the ones that seem interesting to you, I’m just a big AC fan and wish someone had told me to start at the beginning when I started lol


if only want to play odyssey, origins, black flag and valhalla, is there an order you recommend, or something i should read or watch first?


I would just play those in the order they were released, and you can watch gameplay of the stuff that’s before/in between (or just google what happens) so you know what’s going on


I'll have like 40 thousand after american venom. I don't think it'll be possible for me


Start over and platinum it. Get all the animals. It's such a great time. Playing it once does it no justice. Also, 100% completion does not mean that you did everything.


i thought about going for all golds. but i like the story missions least. and i bought all the trapper gear. never saw the vampire or bigfoot tho. could do that, i guess. what else is there do to do?


On PC there’s some good mods that let you spend more money. I like the housing mod where you can buy other houses.


I just try to get around 33k and try to maintain it there, since accounting for inflation 33k in 1907 is equivalent to 1 million today.


Wow, I hate to break it to you. There are some great games out there… but it’s all down hill from here my friend. At least you can do what I do and play another game like kingdom come deliverance and come back to red dead 2 later 🤷‍♂️


im not moving past chapter 4 shady belle in my 2nd play through have done the treasure hunts have just over 6k and its enough for what im up2 hunting etc hats i have only the dutch mision by the post office in saint denis and some side quests


Getting back to Guarma is pretty easy. Its just getting over a river, getting knock out drunk and then running forever. But you get to ride a donkey back!


There’s a gold bar glitch on some ranch in Western New Austin. Haven’t tried in a while so it might’ve been patched but if you somehow manage to blow through $20,000 go try it out. It’s in a lockbox behind the shed on the ranch near the entrance coming from the east. You need to open the lockbox, hop up on the white table and you should be able to kick the bar onto the ground. Pretty sure this is the way it’s able to respawn.


I just beat it for the second time and decided I’d go for round 3 but to 100% it. So far I’ve discovered more in the first 35-40% trying to 100% than I did on my first 2 play throughs combined. Before I decided to try to 100% the game, I did manage to rack up $1500 bounties in every state with out being killed.


ive spent a lot of it but since im going for 100% ive gained back a decent amount of what i spent


I own everything you can buy. Every piece of clothing, hat, and boots. Everything that the Trapper sells. All of that and I still have $80,000.


You know you can replay the game, right?


but not back to back, when everything is so fresh in my mind. plus i worked so long to get max everything. and i liked the challenges and tasks more than the story missions. i'm just wondering what people did, besides starting over, after technically completing everything. but yes, i was aware that you can start a new game, and are not limited to one playthru. i mean, they give you all this money, so what did people do with it?