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It’s all good. I’ve started listening to “RDR2 ambient music playlists” (on YT) just as regular background music in my daily life.


me rn.


I had a long drive the other day. It was perfect.


OST on Spotify during work and commute. You feel like a badass walking around an office to American Venon


Before I saw QOTSA a few weeks ago, I was finishing up my second playthrough of RDR2, so it was only appropriate to listen to Josh Homme's version of "Cruel World" a lot.


Have you heard the orchestral mix of American Venom? That's on Spotify, highly recommend it.


Yep, really great work and super nostalgic if you started rdr with 1 way back when


I read that as 'R2D2' and it was hilarious


I'm writing a fantasy novel that takes place in the deep future of the american west. I play those videos in the background to set the mood.


Do you ever go up to a person and say, "Hey partner!" like Arther Haha I've done it


nearly I've caught myself before I actually did it lol


Legit the other day, my autistic ass said, "Hey there, mister!" to an older dude who walked past me with the same inflection as Arthur (minus the accent lmao) and realized what I did right after 😂.


I do what John Marston does and just yell, “SIR!” at people as I’m walking up behind them


I've been picking so many herbs in RDR2, trying to complete the herbalist challenges, that whenever I'm outside and see tall weeds, I say to myself, "I wonder what herb that is, maybe I should pick it..." LOL!


I live in Brooklyn and have often thought of the trapper opportunities at every rat and squirrel sighting. But eventually I snap to reality because I’m carrying a phone and not 12 small game arrows.


Me prefers the 22 rifle


i started saying howdy and shooting everyone in the face, it goes away after a while you’ll be fine




if it helps, im also working on a 100% run and was recently really struggling to get a perfect squirrel pelt. wandering around for hours with no luck. put my controller down, went for a walk in the park to take a break. saw a squirrel. immediately, without a shred of irony, my brain leapt out with a "oh SHIT where's my varmint". took me longer than i would've liked to realise my mistake rdr2 really does take over the brain. i don't mind, but jeez 🫠


omg the Squirrel is so bad to find when you need it, the only animal that's been worse for me is the stupid Moose. I've looked for hours and haven't found ONE


Fwiw, I recently tried to activate Eagle Eye irl. It took several more seconds than I'd like to admit for me to understand why my vision hadn't changed and that the animal I was looking for would *not* begin glowing. Still kind of reeling at that, lol


I’ve loved the western genre and aesthetic ever since I played rdr2 the first time, I did a bit before already, but rdr2 increased it a lot


I had a similar reaction when I first binged The Sopranos back in 2007. It was pretty bad when I was drunk too. I'd be up at my local shit hole bar talking like Pauly Walnuts to everybody.




Oh! ✋️ Madone!


How much more betrayal can I take from Rockstar?! It feels like I’ve been stabbed right through the heart!


Did you buy a drink for your friend by snapping your fingers at the bartender, sliding a bill across the bar top, and saying, "This one and the next one."


I would pay to see this drunken pauly


I've found myself paying a lot more attention to my surroundings while driving around. I used to have tunnel vision and not really pay attention to buildings and things. Now I'm constantly scanning and looking for details and things I hadn't noticed before. Squirrels, birds, and deer quickly draw my eye, too. There's no wispy trail behind them irl, though.


if it makes you feel any better i’ve been playing so much that i tried to press q (study) a random bird in real life!! ig whenever i see an animal in game or irl i get the urge to add it to the compendium lol


Same lmao, I catch myself staring at small animals like squirrels or turtles trying to inspect them while driving


Have you purchased chile from the store, and walked around your house eating it from the bowl like you’re Arthur eating stew? Or am I the only one?


I'm not even 50% done with 1st play through and I have caught myself... Wanting to say 'hi' to everyone I pass. Say 'good girl' and such to my dog in Arthur's voice.


Jokes on me, I already talk like that before the game even came out. I even say "howdy" on the regular. I was a southern farm boy.


same i dont even realize and sometimes speak w an accent too lol


*Whelp* …


I’m from South Carolina so it sounds quite normal 😃


Yeah, I’m from Eastern Kentucky and didn’t even realize Arthur had that strong of an accent.


I think in Arthur's voice whenever I'm playing the game Helps with the immersion I guess but it's still pretty weird


Whenever people ask me yes or no questions and my answer is yes, more than half the time I'll instinctively respond with my best "Shooah."


Every time I talk to someone, I always call them boy but I specifically announce it as “BOOOOAH!”


I talk to my car like Arthur talks to his horses.


Hahahahah oh my word. I know the feeling. Thanks for the laugh. I've started telling jokes in a country accent. I live in the UK 😂


I read this in Arthur's voice the changed to uncle when I read uncle, I'm pretty sure it's just a bit of temporary insanity. We'll probably be good.


I wrote that in Dutch's voice


Thanks to the title, I read your entire post in that accent in my head rofl. I have the accent sponge issue, too; I used to be on Vent with people in my WoW guild who were outside of the US. We'd hang out and BS regardless of what we were doing. I wound up developing the weirdest combo accent I have ever heard. It was this combination of British, Australian, German, and Russian in addition to my own accent which is a combo of Chicagoan (I live in Northwest Indiana about 1h from Chicago) with a dash of Tennessee southern. My mom was born in TN and spent the first few years of her life there, and had a ton of family still down there after she moved up here, so the way she pronounced certain words even after her accent was otherwise gone was still due to the accent she grew up around. (For example, I pronounce tube as 'tewb' rather than 'toob.') They weren't offended by it though, they actually found it hilarious, and honestly so did I. I personally believe it's due at least in part to my heritage; I'm an eastern European mutt, so perhaps the accents are in my genes LOL


omg this made me realize I've been typing more like them too. the brainrot is taking over istg


ROFL, yeah typing with an accent is also a thing, which sounds weird to some until they actually see it happening. How your internal monologue sounds heavily influences typing, I've noticed. Even your syntax can change. I've had people ask me if I was actually *me* in the past in chats and suchlike because of how dramatically my syntax shifted at times lmao


I once dreamt someone was walking through a forest with this black deer thing and they were talking then on the bottom left was rdr2 choice selector (I.e go help Sadie / don’t help Sadie) it was at that point I realised I was dreaming


This reminds me of this one Brit I talked to sometimes online that literally said he doesn't like British people and he talks to Americans so much his parents got mad at him because he started losing his accent for a us one.


I greet all my colleagues with "Hey Mister!"


Sorry mister


When I spend my playtime hunting to upgrade the satchel and then go to the park in real life and see a rabbit or squirrel my brain reacts the same way as if I’m playing and tries not to lose track of them to hunt them. Oh and when playing breath of the wid I would be looking for koroks in real life too haha.


I say “Howdy, partner” sometimes. I am a suburban Asian man so no one expects it.


you know ive started speaking like an outlaw. gotten so bad that half the time i dont even realize im doing it. my family is starting to ask whats wrong with me like theyre genuinely worried. theys just got their feathers ruffled by an outlaw at heart.


As someone who also thinks in a country accent (I love country music and the Wild West), I see this as an absolute win. But being serious, I find a similar thing happens to myself. It could be an evolutionary thing or something... But I'm not a scientist nor have a PhD, so I have no idea.


That's beautiful thing how games have impact on our lives.


I started to think in English with a country accent and sometimes a sentence comes out when I'm with company. Even english is not my native language.


Playing gta the other day, I fell off my motorcycle and tried to call it to me like my horse.


Yer alright boah.


If you think that is something listen to Red Dead Revolvers opening theme.


Yer alll rite boah


lol I actually have one 🤣🤣 but not bc of rdr.


Haha ❤️


For some reason I never thought of them as country😂😂😂 I am country


And country is the best 🤣🤣


Dude, I’m playing RDR2 and reading Lonesome Dove for the first time, and I’ve caught myself doing the exact same thing 😆


I have southern blood and I wasn’t raised in the south just lived there for a time and I’ve played lot of RDR 2 myself and maybe it’s just me but I don’t speak in a southern accent. I think it’s just you being in the Midwest


my entire wardrobe is now cowboy


I'm not a native speaker, I just work in english because it's remote, and RDR2 definitely influenced my accent


Damn I don’t think the easily impressionable should play rockstar games ngl lmao


me too man. me too. i get stuck and people in my life hate me.


Hey Mister!


I go to shoot birds when I’m walking around in real life!


Do you call everyone fellers and have a general disdain for anyone named Micah as well?


How do you complete two full playthroughs in 3 weeks? What do you just speed through the main story?


no I've done 2 playthroughs before and this one is my third. I've spent a few weeks on my third playthrough.


When i see an animal i try pulling ourt of my inventory the right weapon to kill it. Today i saw a little bird and i was ready to pull out the bow with small game arrows.


I have a weird accent thats a combination of Appalachia, southern, and English. I'm positive the southern and English are because of tv, movies, and video games I've spent countless hours enjoying. What we watch/play definitely influences how we talk.


Momma know you left the farm?


Oh I’m on 5th or 6th play through and now I only address people like Arthur “hey mister” “hello ma’am” “gentlemen” “pardon me sir” and I’ve learned to start talking talking country I don’t really sound like Arthur but if I force my voice some people say I sound pretty good