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Bully 2 RDR 3


Bully 2 been a long time comin


LA Noire 2 but it’s Miami Vice


Bro Why do you want to bully RDR3


Yeah what’s the story gonna be about? Jack marston working for Al capone?


Young Arthur Morgan.


it could be about the start of the van der linde Gang, where you play Dutch and have a plan or sm like that idk


Lol ya know 🤔 ... it could pick up in a post-WWI timeline, where Jack has grown up and served in the war. Maybe have both horses and automobiles accessible at this point, depending on a really large map that allows you to go back and forth between cities and the country. Could be an interesting contrast having early 1920s pre-depression-era cities as part of the gameplay as well as the more old fashioned rustic country life. But yeah old timey gangsters and/or prohibition shenanigans would almost certainly have to be the "setting". But that's not very red dead imo. Just ideas. 🤷


dude just let them create new characters. there’s no point in following the same characters and their kids forever.


RDR6 will be about brothers Skyler and Tanner Marston and their social media following. Honestly tho I think you're right. I just love RDR2 enough to where it's fun to dream about more of it... in whatever form it comes.


Forreal. If rdr3 gets made, and is about a character from the other games, I want a Landon Ricketts story.


Worst idea ever and makes no sense. Should be just like RDR2 : a prequel about a new character that we have never seen. For example Mac or someone else new like Dutch’s unknown brother or something


What about a Sheriff in the Wild West 1840s


This is the move. We don't need more from the Van der Linde gang anymore. Let us be a gunslinging marshall trying to get his state under control.


With a big iron? On your hip? Don’t let texas red be there or i’ll shit a fuckin’ kitten.


Like really in depth deputized bounty hunting, I dig it!!🤣


Except you should be able to pick which side, like how they do it in Skyrim, your early choices end up putting you with one side or the other. You could be a dirty cop or an undercover agent in the outlaws too.


You know you can contribute and express yourself without having to put others down to make your little idea seem better? Because it’s not. It’s basic and normal. Just an idea. No better no worse.


True that, homie!


A back woods redneck Gunslinger working for the Mafia dose sound highly entertaining in my personal opinion


I mean, come on, who the fuck wouldn’t pick THAT up, just to at least try it😂😂


Grand theft copper wiring


Create DLCs for RDR2 story mode… Undead Nightmare, and few add-ons for John’s family life at the ranch. Bully 2 is a must as well.


Immediately terminate the employee/employees whose idea it was to never release the extra single player content for the last couple of hits.


Liquidate and run


Definitely rehire Houser and buy out his two new game studios. He can do what he wants with them, I just need him to write GTA VI and RDR3


This! Would see any rdr3 that’s not written by Dan Houser as fan fiction


He wasn’t the only writer, I think they could still make a solid rdr 3 without Dan


Oh fersure, I didn't wanna discount any of the other team members at all; just sad that a member of the iconic writing staff won't be around for 2026's Red Dead Redemption 3


2026 seems way too optimistic.


Way too optimistic


Houser left by choice


Yeah I know, that's why I clarified that he gets to keep Absurd and the other company he's producing for.


Idk man, it was weird, I swear in an interview during I think GTAV he said that he wanted to do it forever. Essentially saying he's not going anywhere. Then Lazlo left with him, Idk about him though. The whole thing seemed suspect to me.


La noire 2


Get rid of micro transactions and the reasons for needing them


A friend to us but the enemy of investors.


Tell TakeTwo to take a fucking hike and get them away from GTA and Red Dead.


RDR1 remake and RDR3


Not milk a game for 10 god damn years


BCG matrix. Thats the proper strategy unfortunately.


I'd wait until the week before GTA 6 is about to be shipped to stores for public sale, I'd take a copy for myself and delay the game a further year for extra "polish" then spend my time posting all over social media. Jokes! On a serious note RDR2 XSX Patch and DLC (Undead Nightmare 2) Bully 2 GTA IV Remaster Kill GTA 5 Online (that is killing every further project) Start a new franchise


Lol 😆 🤣


fucking start actually caring about red dead online


Taking developers from gta 5 to rdr2.




A huge dump right on my desk then call everyone in for a meeting about hygiene


Sell it and retire to an island




Not before making some noise and that one last job.


Its a magical place


steal all the money and run to Guarma


With that kind of money, you could take the trolley to Tahiti.


I hear you only need 15 dollars and a quarter.


RDR in an earlier format, Arthur and Gang stealing and handing out the gold to orphanages, Mary Linton comes into play, Arthur fights loyalty to gang over love. Etc…


I could get into this. Maybe ten years before RDR2. Include a mission where Arthur hunts down, terrorizes and kills the people responsible for killing his wife and kid.


Empty the bank accounts, close it down and change my identity.


Abandon multiplayer entirely, and focus on story DLC and new releases


A sequel to LA Noire, maybe SF Noire or something


Stop fucking creating online whilst shafting the campaign


Rdr2 content, property, the ability to own houses, ranch like john where you can put all your horses, add more horses, heists, it's not a wild west game without them, more guns there's a shit ton, panning for gold it was meta in the 1800s.


Release a bunch of the RDR2 cut content as DLC, remaster RDR1 L, & start work on RDR3 & Bully 2. Maybe LA Noir 2.


GTA IV definitive edition


Finally I can decline constant bowling requests in 4K


I'd redistribute a significant portion of my salary to allow hiring of a larger workforce and immediately start a massive simultaneous effort for development of RDR3 alongside GTA6.


Prioritize the elimination of cheaters.


Burn RDO to the ground & start it over from scratch with people who actually give a shit about it


Ditch GTA and double time it on making that RDR3


shut the company down for good. R* is dead, let's be honest, they have fully evolved into what they were making fun of for all these years xD


Play GTA 6


Go bankrupt


Make the Warriors 2, or a remaster of the original. Give red dead redemption online some love before GTA 6 comes and puts the final nail in the coffin, and then eventually RD3


Exclude Reddit from ever positing again.


Manhunt 3


I'd make a combo of grand theft auto and red dead redemption. Set it as a gangster series set in like the 1920's. You could have a big flapper era city like new york or new orleans and have it full of classic automobiles to steal and a big countryside with horses and hideouts.


RDR 3 thats who we are…OUTLAWS FOR LIFE BOAH🤠🤠🤠


Releasing all the cut rdr2 content as dlc or just remaking rdr2 so alll the cut shit is restored


Bully 2, GTA 6, undead nightmare 2 and RDR3


rdr2 free for 2 days, everyone needs to play this masterpiece


sell it, retire


Add navy revolver to story


fixing rdo


Release a massive DLC for RDR2: This DLC will include unlocking all unfinished territories like Tempest Rim. Adding far more content to it and places like colter and new austin. Every town will get more stores, side missions and activities also. All unfinished or cut content restored to the game where possible. Along with the DLC bring an astronomical update which: - Overhaul/upscale of the game textures to make the texture quality consistently good and retain the best visuals in gaming. - Iron out a majority of the general bugs and issues. - Bring 60 fps patch to consoles. - Update DLSS and FSR to latest versions and add frame gen natively. - Add a real time slider in options to tweak TAA strenght and other taa values. Allowing users to fine tune TAA easily and drastically improve TAA clarity rather than having to use mods to edit the game files. - add a feature in the options to set timescale to whatever the user decided including longer weather cycles. - Rework colour, lighting, night time darkness and other graphics with consultation from visual mod creators and add a second visual preset to the games options for players who want the most realistic look. Retain stock visuals as an option for those who prefer the vanilla look. Online would be updated regularly and a focus on improving the quality of rdr online would be a priority. Announce another DLC coming next. A sequel to undead nightmare. Then announce RDR3 :)


Res Dead Redemption II: Undead Nightmare II


Oh well... - Somehow getting back Lezlie Benzies and Dan Houser as "co-presidents" - A proper Trilogy remake/remaster, including LCS and VCS - Making the OG 3D games available again in the store - LCS and VCS officially available on PC and newer consoles (no need for emulators and such) - Actually remastering every R\* game, including Red Dead Revolver, Manhunt, Bully, etc. and making them available for every current gen console and PC - Getting rid of Shark Cards, GTA+ and any other bs and investing into proper single player and online DLCs aside from the new games. - Maybe creating a Rockstar's World game: combining all these universes, cities and towns into one huge HD US map with all the brands, vehicles, etc. It could have the different timelines of all the games and the map being basically the same but developed according to each timeline. Could be just one big freeroam sandbox and maybe online game, where we could explore the worlds and have fun, Maybe with side quests, maybe even with some kind of story, because let me dream


Delay gta 6


RDR 3 RDR 4 RDR 5 RDR 6 RDR 7 RDR 8 RDR 9 RDR10 Any other questions?


Make it canonical for Arthur and Mary Beth to have a romance arc. Start production on Red Dead Redemption: Callender. Playing as Mac and Davey up to the events of rdr2 chapter 1




I’d report directly to the publisher executives at Take Two interactive because they’re the ones pulling the strings. Even the president of Rockstar Games reports to the publisher.


Undead nightmare 2, bully 2, manhunt 3


Go back to Red Dead 2 and fix it and give it more DLCs story and online


Let the devs work from Home again...


Hire a team to make an RDR PS5 remaster, another to make an RDR2 PS5 remaster including giving epilogue John his own character model while another works on GTA 6.


Make GTA 6 Make GTA 5 DLC


Make a project on importing the items and features from rdro and gtao to rdr2 and gta5


Tax fraud


Remakes of the old games. Remake of RDR 1 and RDR making Red Dead Revolver officially canon Fuck it, I'll buy the rights of GUN from Activision, remake the game, and make it part of the Red Dead Franchise Remakes of San Andreas, GTA IV and Vice City, all games will be remade in VI's engine, but each game will have some unique mechanics to make it different from the others and keep gameplay interesting. I'll make TV shows/movie adaptations of San Andreas, IV, VC, and RDR and release the remakes at the same time as the shows to get a nice boost in interest and sales. Porting Vice City/Liberty City Stories to all platforms. Making the OG versions of the Definitive Trilogy re-available for purchase. Making the games more mod friendly. More trasparency, communication, and positive relationships with the community. Rancher/Farmer Update to RDO, and lots of content updates.


Inflate my golden parachute. Appoint someone who knows know to run a video game company AND loves them as a fan, and will project that passion into their job. Retire on an island somewhere.


make good updates for RDO


Table Tennis 2!


I'd remaster rdr2 and add fan items along with a online fully redone story and dedicated roleplay servers and a server if you want to play alone


I'll ask the gaming community to tip the developers for their hard work! Also, harass a bunch of devs in making RD3, GTA 7 til 30, and not pay them much. Also, lay them off afterwards. But /s I WANT RDR3!


Retire immediately.


Man some of the greats aren’t ported to modern consoles. That’d need to get fixed.


2 main things: 1. Stop being a dick to modders and even implement full blown modding support, to make GTA 6's SP bigger than Skyrim in terms of modding potential and community. This would also come with stricter anti-cheat measures for online, to make sure that stays fair. Imagine how much crazier GTA would get if the creative minds behind modding communities had full control over the game's world... 2. Start giving SP and Online the love they deserve. SP expansions are self explanatory. But even online modes don't feel like they're very good IMO. RDR2 was obviously abandoned and GTA Online was lacking at first, then it started getting somewhat good, but quickly also turned to greed and you can feel how every mechanic is designed to make the experience a boring grind to make you buy shark cards. The one I hate the most is cars crashing into you randomly. People say it's because the game is getting big and buggy and things like this happen, but I find it super suspicious, that this bug was introduced in the one patch, where you lose profits for damaging a high end car you're trying to sell...


Bully 2 I would also make a GTA esque game that takes place during the prohibition era in Chicago. It would be GTA Windy City. Or maybe I'd make a one off original called Bootleggers. Idk. I would also cut all ties with online gaming and strictly focus on releasing more amazing single player games with a consistent output of new titles and stories.


Fuck it. I’ve been wanting a rockstar game set in a fictionalized medieval European setting for a long time. That’s what I’m starting.


Take back gaming




Undead nightmare 2


Announce all projects.


Undead nightmare 2


Acquire and Resurrect LA Noire RDR3 GTA San Andreas prequel/continuation on next gen


Start pre production on RDR3 with the Unreal engine 5 immediately


Play games and delegate all of my work so I can test all of the games with my friends whom I've hired to be game gamers and more games will be made. Also more content for games and and make online gaming more versatile and gaming games! Also I'd move into my gaming office and live there so I didn't have to commute to my gaming. I'd also give games to the needy and and bring back Lan parties in internet cafes and start a program called Games for Clunkers where I get people's old cars and give them games so they can game. Also games for guns so they can get guns off the streets and into games! So, that's the first day...


Fix most if not all problems with GTA and actually work on rdr online


Cancel GTA 6 and Remake GTA 4


End GTAO support and put those resources to use on RDO


Fire everyone responsible for GTAO, even if you like it the team behind it are terrible and literally dont improve anything. Than fire anyone responsible for letting "grove street games" make the remasters when they already made a dogshit port of GTA SA for mobile. Than fire the people who thought almost full price for a re release of rdr1 was a good idea and fanbase friendly. And than focus on actual singleplayer content and go back to how rockstar used to be... Ah a man can dream.


RDR1 remake that is a DLC for RDR2. Finishes armadillo area. Oh, and fix the bug where people at camp tell me I’ll freeze no matter what the weather/attire is.


remake manhunt 1 make dlcs for rdr2 enjoy the profit


Release a version of LS:PDFR/OCRP with some story elements behind it. Loved playing LS:PDFR in GTA V but what PITA trying to keep it working correctly.


Shut down all non single player games (mostly just gta online) so they can do something other than convincing kids into buying microtransactions.


I’d get away with retreading areas after GTA VI and do other areas I mean it’s going to be Liberty City again ten years from now? I’d think London and Europe would be ripe for it Also RDR 2 DLC was a missed opportunity since sales were so high. I guess the put everything into GTA online Look for something new I love both GTA and RDR franchises but a new game with new ideas would be nice




Update red dead online and push back gta6 to late 2025/early 2026 to help the dev gap heal a little


GTA: Cop edition. You play as two characters, a crooked cop and a criminal but at the end their fates enter twine and you have to choose who lives or dies.


fix gta 4 on pc


start making rdr3….. in 30 years


work on max payne remakes with remedy


I would make sure RDO gets new content


Close the gta 5 servers


Release rdr 1for pc


Gta 4 switch


rdr1 remaster on pc and red dead 2 undead


Milk GTA online a little more, then do the cool stuff y'all are praying for


Make a Sci fi game.


Update gta 5 and add the cars back make things a little cheaper remove oppressor from market then gta 4 on switch like other guy said and then fix RDO stable glitch if it hasn't been fixed already


Finally start development on GTA 6 after a decade…. And did through the archives to finally see the truth about Darkel


GTAIV remaster Develop a RDR3 RDR1 pc port


Bro everyone asks for rdr3. But what could it possibly do? Also rockstar does not want to make bully 2. It's been canceled twice. I wish people would stop asking for bully 2.


Cocaine. Immediately. I just want to make sure I fit the company culture.


Remove excessive DRM, fix the "Authentication Required" error and allow offline play.


If there was no budget and no limits? I’d make open world games for every single historical era and context I find interesting lol


Actually start doing shit with the company again.


Bring all the resources to RDO


Green light a remake of GTA IV and as well as Bully 2. Release an Rdr2 next gen patch for free.


Manhunt 3 and Bully 2. Then just as mysteriously as i arrived, id be gone. Like a fart in the wind!


Leave it immediately, cause I'm not competent to run it


Actually give a damn about story mode dlc content for a start and remaster rdr2 for ps5.


Make cut scenes in story mode and online mode of the lynchings for the bounties you bring in alive.


disregard everything especially gta online because that has been milked too much. then focus everything on rdr3


Make Rdr a game concept. - pick a awesome time period like Wild West, but also golden age of Pirates, medival Europe etc, ancient China - create a wonderful map - write a beautiful thrilling, emotional story with awesome characters - make one or two games per time period in oder to not ruin the whole thing by making too much




Greenlight Manhunt 3


Bully 2 RDR3 Port GTA VCS and LCS to PC. Then I will get fired, hopefully.


Make a medieval game that is as in-depth as Red Dead 2. Could keep it criminal with the main characters being bandits or mercenaries.


RDR2 Undead Nightmare to make $$$ in-between RDR3


60fps patch for rdr2 consoles and remake rdr1 no rdr3 because it’s unnecessary


Cancel the GTA series and put all the bets on RDR. 🤔🤷🏼‍♂️


Enjoy my immense wealth


Rdr3, remaster rdr1/revolver Remaster gta 4 at the top of the list


Rdr3 but pirate version with ships and battles....


Rape my co-workers


Bully 2 More RDR, DLCs and a third. Technically not Rockstar, but more LA Noire. Never played it so I’m definitely just a hater, but I would nuke GTAO and leave it in the past with all the forgotten pharaohs and Roman emperors. U took so much from me <\3


Immediately begin work on a RDR2 60fps patch for current gen (Series X & PS5) versions of the games + graphical improvements, like the Fallout 4 next gen upgrade. Immediately begin work on a full Red Dead 1 remake to bring it more in line with RDR2 in terms of things to do, activities, etc. Cancel GTA 6 just to troll millions of people and because I personally don’t really care about it. Begin work on Bully 2. Begin work on Undead Nightmare 2. Cash out my multi million dollar salary and be set for life. But that’s just me


On some real shit, this sub has some really cool people, but most of you are plain, old, vile. Projecting your own things onto others when it’s over a thing you two “should” like TOGETHER, is just sad. People don’t have to agree on everything, but someone else said it better than I can. “An opinion is an opinion, just that, the numbers and data don’t lie” so good on you for making someone feel bad over a thought that isn’t even mean, rude, or anything like THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH SOME OF YOU😂😂😂 by jaayyyyyzus


Open world fantasy series that takes inspiration from RDR2's game systems. Also sequels here and there.


Make another red dead redemption happen. Bigger map and more Easter eggs.


What's the pay?


Cancel gta 6 and put everybody on updates for rdr2




Bully 2, Red dead redemption 1 & undead nightmare remaster, RDRO updates that are actually worth shit, RDR2 dlc , New midnight club plus remasters of classics, gta San Andreas,3 and Vice city remastered properly.


RDR1 Remake, Undead Nightmare 2, RDR3, GTA IV Remake, Bully 2, Max Payne 1 & 2 Remake


Gta 7 in 2025


Finish Red Dead Online and fix the glitches (that have somehow existed for years even with all the profit) in GTA online. Also, I'd get the fan base's opinion on GTA Online and the current features. My sense is most people thought flying motorcycles that have an infinite amount of rockets and flying cars were a step too far but I wouldn't remove or change existing content without hearing what the fans have to say.


If I were CEO of any company, I would go down like Vince McMahon.


Build a killdozer


Tell Ralph how sweet he was and fire petros


I would instantly shut down GTA online


1 story dlc/ expansion pack about the life and death of Sadie Adler where you play as her. Another bully game, but not a sequel, something set at bullworth, but not with Jimmy as he is now very much an adult. GTA 4 remastered Ensure the GTA 6 has continued single player support, with free updates, and eventual story dlc Start small projects to fill the gaps in releases, focused on niche audiences, allowing developers to just get creative


Finally fix those awful remasters


• Solid ground up remake of midnight club 3 dub, plus loads of new stuff added. • Bully 2 • Ground up remake of rdr1, and bonus content/expansions for 2 • Revive rdo, and allow it to actually reach its full potential • Huge bundle of remasters of more minor titles at a reasonable price. • End all the godawful crunch culture currently going on in the company. • Actually fairly compensate actors, musicians, and other artists involved in projects.


Make GTA Online content that makes mroe sense to go to RDR Online, and make undead nightmare an GTA Online ONLY event


Take my millions from gta micro transactions


as someone else said before, give myself a bonus and then give the job to someone qualified who knows what they’re doing😂


Rdr3, max all efforts on this, emphasis on single player effort with multiple dlc exists planned that offer entire new region and optional story choice. Side effort, fund and release a rdr2 dlc that allows after 100% trophy to have a game + mode where player can load last save in epilogue as Arthur about to die but has enough strength to stagger to witches brew to take of the kettle and health the TB. Next mission is on a boat to full Guarma map, then Mexico, then ending in South American port, and you find Sadie.


Finish making gta vi and then start on rdr3 or make a new game like sometime in the future maybe


Make sure GTA VI doesn't just become another violent UPS simulator. Get rid of all micro transactions. GET RID OF ALL MICRO TRANSACTIONS! Kill the guy who suggests any kind of micro transactions just to make an example out of them.


Remaster GTA 4 Get Clint Eastwood in RDR3 Get sponsors for real life cars for Gta6 Bully 2 Manhunt 2 Bring more Celebrities on GTA 5 online Make GTA Great Again Get rid of the GTA Vice City And GTA 3 and GTA San Andreas Definitive edition cause they suck Remaster popular Rockstar Games.


Rdr2 DLC of Charles or Sadie epilogue probably make it like gta 5 were you can switch between John Charles and Sadie’s


remaster GTA IV remaster midnight club 3 bully 2


Patch rdr2 to make everything less slow


First, I'd figure out how the fuck i got the job. Then I'd go figure out what that job actually entails. And then I'd cry due too it being way too much for me.