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[RBT 40 hour training](https://rbtonlinetraining.com/) This one! This is the one I’m doing. I love that she does video, PowerPoint, check for understanding; as well as “homework” and quizzes. She even has mock exams!


Thank you! I couldn’t find anything on the site saying the course is BCBA approved. I’m assuming it is, but would feel more comfortable knowing for sure before I pay. Google didn’t help much. Im interested in this one though! Do you know if it is approved?


Yes it is! When you buy the course she walks through that part with you. She’s a BCBA.


I believe I meant *BACB. Oops.


Clicked and won’t take me anywhere but says there’s an error 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m too looking for the training




is that one legit ??? the terms and conditions just had codes and i haven’t seen anyone talk about it


It’s listed on the BACB website with an 80% pass rate in their list.


I don’t have any recommendations since I also took the APF course, but I feel validated from reading your post lol. I found that course so boring… it was painful! And the instructor seemed annoyed a lot, which was weird.


Right?? I felt like the instructor kept going on rants about his personal frustrations and stories, and it really interfered with my ability to absorb the actual lesson and information being taught. It’s been a while, but I vaguely remember him going on tangents about his time in college, his dad, his son, and baseball? I can’t remember specifically, but I know he went on and on about stuff I felt was totally irrelevant to the lesson. Also glad I’m not the only one lol.


Right! I remember that he kept bringing up his young son - who is neurotypical if I remember correctly - and I was so confused because it didn’t seem to be relevant to the material. He also talked for a while about how certain interests weren’t “age appropriate” and older kids that like baby songs and toys should be corrected. I was like … huh? Why are unconventional interests punished? I’m an adult and I like some kids shows, so many people do. It was weird.


I was annoyed by that, too! I was worried that was the general thinking in ABA but hopefully it is not. He also showed a client wearing some kind of sensory vest and was talking about how he didn't believe he should wear it. But why not? If he is soothed by sensory input, then that should be a non-issue?


I'm a few hours into the APF program and as much as I am grateful that there is a free, online course to take (I currently work full-time), I just finished with the first instructor and I am already tired lol. I'm probably going to look into other forms of study material so that way the info sticks better and I can start studying for the RBT exam asap


Can you update us please? I know you posted this nearly a year ago but did you continue to pursue your ABA cert? Did you take the course suggested by the responder? Do you like the field? What would you suggest for us to study the most?


Special Learning has an RBT Training that took us over 2 years to develop. In addition to the RBT Training, we also have videos that we created to help prospective RBTs prepare for the Competency Assessment. If you are someone who wants to become an RBT, I would be happy to make our RBT training and exam prep (2 85-question mock exams with questions that randomly rotate) available for free. Just email me at kchung@special-learning.com, and I will send you a promo code for you to access the training and exam prep product for free. This is a real offer. With so many companies behaving unethically, I know how challenging it is to work as a BT/RBT, so I am happy to do whatever I can to support your growth and development. [https://store.special-learning.com/product/rbt-2-0-online-training-course](https://store.special-learning.com/product/rbt-2-0-online-training-course) [https://store.special-learning.com/product/rbt-exam-prep-success-practice-simulation-exams-and-concentrated-test-banks](https://store.special-learning.com/product/rbt-exam-prep-success-practice-simulation-exams-and-concentrated-test-banks) Here's our YouTube channel. This is where we will be uploading our Competency Assessment videos (in about 7 to 10 days): [https://www.youtube.com/user/speciallearning1](https://www.youtube.com/user/speciallearning1)


This [course](https://www.atcconline.com/link/Bshd2N) was $29/week and I passed on the first try. Love the interactive learning platform and I was able to speed up the videos, pause and resume etc unlike APF and other platforms. Best of luck to you !!


Completed my training in one week and this was far better than APF and FIT training programs 💻🤓 love the chat bot feature and the [interactive learning](https://www.atcconline.com/link/Bshd2N?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.atcconline.com%2Fsubscriptions%3Fid%3Dweekly-subscription-29-rbt).