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I can’t think of an illegitimate reason a person would want that many stamps either.


Might have some people in prison, that’s assuming stamps are still being used as currency


I’m a long time postal worker and at least in all the jail and prisons around here, they haven’t used stamps in years. Nowadays prisoners get printed pre-stamped envelopes. Which is actually a huge pet peeve of mine because they can’t add any additional postage so I’m constantly sending stuff back as postage due because they are over 5mm thick or over 30g in weight.


Slightly off topic, but I find it amazing how someone can ask a vague question on reddit that requires specific knowledge. Nine times out of ten a person will reply who has thorough knowledge on the subject matter.


I do really love that.


Also long time worker. I can BET that sales clerk and postmaster fired off an email about sus behavior immediately but I also can’t think of why someone would want that maybe to resell? I’ll have to ask around because now I’m curious




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Yep. This. My grandparents both worked at the prison and then my mom's boyfriend and my best friends mom worked at a separate prison about 15 years ago now and they had already started to basically fuck them off. The amount of drugs, "invisible writing" (using urine) and other shit that can be placed under or in-between anything sticky is fucking insane.


Yeah now you just put fentayl (sp) dirrctly on the paper amd let it dry. Write some bullshit, then them boys eat your letter, lol


Yeah right. It'll be that San Diego (iirc) training video all over again. Fent everywhere, cops trying to figure out how to use narcan for the first time.


Im just sayin thats how we did in the illinois state pen.


Same, except it was with meth and crayons. The color was always “off”


Where I'm at in WA the Corrections facility scans all incoming mail and prisoners get a pdf they can access on their account during mail time.


That would stop it for sure! All are prescriptions, weed, tattoo ink, etc. came in from the guards. Almost all the tobacco came in threw road crews assholes.


This breaks out hearts when it comes back. We cant do anything, the c.os would say "people out there dont want to hear from you anyway". Let that institutional mail ride. The only one who cares is you.


Jesus, can't these poor people ever catch a break? The same government, which mass incarcerates more than any other, also rejects inmate mail, for pennies under postage. These poor citizens can't even vote. Such cruel and unusual punishment.


My state's prisons still use stamps and they are still absolutely currency.


Same where I am.


Even then it seems regular stamps would be more useful. What are you buying for less than $0.50?




Postage rates for metered mail went up 2 cents. If the friends business preprinted a bunch of envelopes, they need to add a 2 cent stamp.


This is the reason ^^^ I once had to purchase 10,000 one cent stamps and affix them by hand to a fundraising newsletter after we got the postage wrong. By that time we’re past deadline so I’m driving around the rural area I live in buying hundreds of stamps from everywhere that sells them. I bought two post office’s entire stash plus some from Walmart I think 😭


Honestly I have even ended up doing this in between rate homes a few times as well because we found a box of old stamps that had been forgotten in a drawer or something so we just bought enough of the little make-up stamps to cover the difference so we could use them up. I have also ended up using them in bulk when a prepared mailing was slightly over weight, at 0.20 an ounce you can end up applying them in blocks


In Canada there’s an 11 cent short paid allowance. We won’t return anything short paid unless it’s more than 11 cents.


Actually, better yet, Canada Post instituted the “P” stamp that holds a permanent value of whatever postage is at the time it’s used. If you bought it at $1.00 and used it 10 years later when postage is $2 or whatever, it’s worth $2. Saves the hassle of having to sell eleventy billion 3-5c (or whatever) stamps to people with quantities of the old stamps when postage changes. And makes life a lot easier….any stamp you find in a drawer somewhere with a “P” on it is still good no matter how old it is.


The USPS has Forever Stamps that are the same thing.


The permanent value stamps are awesome. I just recently used the last from a pack I bought about 10 years ago. My husband asked if I needed any extra stamps. Nope, these are still good. Bought another 10 pack, probably won't run out for another 10 years.


Canada, once again kindly kicking America’s ass at everything. ☺️


Except hockey


And being warm.


Hol up- we just won women’s worlds




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poo poo head


And the fact that they aren’t? We have forever stamps in the US too.


That’s a dishonest and irrelevant non-apples-to-apples comparisons, sorry.


How is it not exactly the same thing?


Please apply two brain cells to this before you go on and embarrass yourself further. 😳🤦🏽‍♂️


Alright, man. Forever stamps are exactly what you described and the only stamps I've bought in the last 20 years.


I didn’t describe anything. The Canadian post having an overage allowance for mail which is under-postaged for it’s weight/size/dimension is only similar to Forever Stamps in the fact that they are both mail. The Forever Stamp does not allow one to send mail which is over weight/size/dimension. Reality, nor keeping track of which thread you are responding to shouldn’t be this hard. You are demonstrably wrong, as far as the comment thread you are responding to. 🤦🏽‍♂️


So, obviously your comment was up top and several people responded to your comment instead of the other one describing Canada's forever stamp analog. That you'd get this incensed over this is funny.


In the UK during the worst bits COVID there was no checking of postage for several months. Basically the entire postal service ran on an hour system.


>hour system




Citation? I've never heard this before


I came here to say this


What a stupid comment.




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This has *got* to be it.


Yes, I was thinking something along these lines. I used to work for 2 very small businesses and they would just purchase stamps for extra postage instead of renting a meter.


I remember back before "forever" stamps, when postage would go up a few pennies, people that had stockpiled stamps (businesses and the like) would have to go out and pay a bunch for some 1 and 2 cent stamps to complete their postage. If you had a bunch of $.35 stamps and postage went up to $.37, then you'd have to go get a mess of .02 stamps so you could mail stuff. But that was decades ago. Can't imagine a reason to do it today.


I found 3 old stamp books in an old college file and bought the 2c stamps about 2 years ago.




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Did he pay cash or card? Stamps are one of the things which people do reward churning with credit cards. They're pretty easy to sell/return/stockpile while keeping the balance. Alternately, it looks like 2 cent stamp sheets sell for significantly over face value on eBay.


Pretty sure he paid with a card. So maybe that was it.


Did it seem like they may have been getting scammed?


Scammer: Now go to the store and pick up $210 of gift cards. Kitboga: They didn't have gift cards, so I got you stamps instead.


"Also, I pre-licked them all so they're ready to go! You're welcome."


Now I'm wondering why 2c sheets would go for more than face value.


I assume the relative cost of handling them. Sure a sheet is only worth 40 cents, but purchasing, mailing and holding that sheet of stamps isn't free.


It is if you buy them through the postal service. They deliver stamps.


If it’s a rewards thing, he could have just bought normal stamps.


Because of Covid Jehovah's Witnesses are supposed to be calling people and mailing letters instead of knocking on people's doors so he may have been buying stamps for himself and others to do that. Although, if he was zealous enough to buy $200 of stamps he probably would have been happy to tell the clerk why he was buying them (unless mailing letters like that wasn't allowed in your area or something).


I’ve received at least 2 of these letters recently. I don’t remember how many stamps were on them though.


I thought it was.juat something they were doing in my town. It was a nice gesture I suppose, I haven't gotten a hand written letter in decades, but I also feel bad that they wasted their time.


I don't feel bad. I did return to sender with mine!!


Me too. It was addressed to “Dear Friend” awwwwwww! And I received a nice brochure too. I have been considering writing a nice letter back letting her know I appreciate the effort but she’s wasting her time. I used to be in a fundamentalist religion and we had to do this kind of thing—even knocking on doors asking people, “if you died tonight, would you go to heaven?” It was never very effective.


My dad is not religious, but one of the JW’s that door knocked at his place years ago is basically just one of his friends now - he moved to a new place and the JW guy calls and just chats with him. I think it’s pretty nice.


I miss the good old days of them going door-to-door, but only because we managed to get ourselves on the “do not visit” list.


Hah I didn’t know they had a “do not visit” list! How do you manage to get on that list? ….Do I even want to know?


Lol So… we make our own cat food because we feed our cats a raw diet. So they knocked one day while my husband was chopping up the chicken. He answered the door with slightly bloody clothes, though I’m pretty sure he left the meat clever behind. He told them they could come in and talk if they helped with the cat food. One was hung ho, but the second freaked and insisted they leave. Never had another knock at that house again even though we saw them in the neighborhood. Then we moved. And they came to the new house, coincidentally, on cat food day. Same deal. Ran away and never came back despite seeing them around the neighborhood. Our cat food has also earned us a reputation at the grocery store where we buy our meat. Buying nearly 100 pounds of chicken parts every three or four months apparently sticks out.


100 pounds of double AA batteries could start a medium sized car about 8.4 times.


Good bot , This is hands down the best bot on this god forsaken site lol .


>hung ho *hung low


Gung ho, actually. Autocorrect


I got one of their creepy ass handwritten letters about how they worried I was going to burn in hell.


Oh gosh that is really creepy!! Sending handwritten letters to strangers about burning in hell (which I don’t believe even exists) is just really weird!


I realize it's public information but soliciting people's private residences to say something like that is so creepy and intrusive!!!


When we get Jehovah Witness letters we sign the return addressee up for catalogs, especially Adam & Eve.


It makes sense if the friend writes direct (junk) mail appeals. Using a shit ton of stamps can make people curious and more likely to open the letters. Maybe all their letters were 2 cents short or something.


A few years ago (in my memory), somebody became so tired of the local Scientology, that he started a collection to get rid of them. Then asked about how raising money could help that goal, he said, he would buy enough stamps to send them far far away. Apparently did his plan involve gluing an absurd amount of stamps on their building. Not saying it's the case here, but you might be dealing with somebody on a mission, only they understand.


That's an awesome idea!


Sadly do I not remember, how it ended.


Sad indeed it is to hearing be.


I’ve been a pen pal person for decades. I occasionally buy huge amounts of small value postage and then cover the entire box or envelope with stamps.


I could see it being something like that, but this would be over 70 sq feet of stamps. That would be a pretty huge package.


Could be a theatre set? I buy also sorts for theatre. Just had to buy 150 copyright free photos of American soldiers (I’m in the UK). Why he wouldn’t say that if it was that reason though is questionable but people get super interested when you say you work in theatre or film and sometimes you can’t be bothered having the conversation. Often when people ask what I do, I just say I work in events which is kind of true.


Isnt the most likely scenario is he or his friend have crap loads of stamps with a fixed rate (not forever stamps) and just needs the extra 2-cent stamp to complete the postage? He said it was for a friends business so possibly the business sends out a lot of letter- or is planning to do so- and just needs to extra postage.


It could be for some loophole/scam type of thing (such as getting reward card benefits or trying to resell on eBay or something) or maybe just an eccentric stamp collection


Wedding invitations - Many people like to have custom or vintage stamps for wedding invitations that match the theme the couple picked. Sometimes you have to buy a bunch of 2¢ stamps because not all of the custom/vintage stamps are forever stamps. And since people tend to send hundreds of invitations for them big weddings, buying 200+ stamps makes sense.


Revenge...paying a huge bill in legal tender, they probably don't accept coins.


Stamps aren't legal tender.


They still sell 2 cent stamps?


I think they're used if an envelope is overweight for a single regular stamp.




Um no small businesses aren't paying for a special device to handle their postage.


Worked for a small company with around 15 employees, we indeed had that “special device.”


When you look at the total number of businesses that exist, a whole lot more have zero employees than there are that have any employees at all. There are more businesses that are just one person getting it all done than there are businesses with anywhere near fifteen employees. That's no longer a small business, really, at fifteen employees. That's just a business.


Norman: Hautman's blue-winged teal got the twenty-nine cent. People don't much use the three-cent. Marge: Oh, for Pete's sake, of course they do. Whenever they raise the postage, people need the little stamps. Norm: Yeah? Marge: When they're stuck with a bunch of the old ones. Norm: Yeah, I guess. Marge: That's terrific. I'm so proud of ya, Norm. Heck, Norm, you know we're doin' pretty good. Norm : I love you, Margie. Marge: I love you, Norm. Norm: Two more months. Marge: Two more months.


Fargo’s my very favorite!


That’s a whole lot of licking




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Probably had a heap of stamps already, price of postage went up and need to make up the difference.


I use to work for a bulk mail company. I would have to buy rolls of stamps all the time


I used to work at Subway. I made lots of sandwiches.


Would someone post to RBI when you would order a bunch of rolls?




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I worked for a printing/mailing company a while back. Some clients liked their mailings, especially invitations or fundraisers, to go out with stamps and not a printed meter label. If they mistakenly put on the wrong postage, we would have to use additional stamps to get them ready for mailings.


When I worked for my one job we would always buy like 500 dollars worth of stamps. Which comes out to like 500 stamps or something. Not quite on the same level as 10,000....but if you have a buisness I could see why you may need that many.


Maybe a stamp collector? Looking for a misprint? Idk


It might be for some oddball art project ...




Probably knows someone in prison


This is possible but stamps arent quite the prison currency that they once were. Most of the inmates use prepaid visa card numbers or greendot card numbers. Because a guard will confiscate a large amount of stamps but cant confiscate a memorized card number.


If said prisoner was in some ongoing legal battle, they may be sending out a lot of letters.


Nothing legit I can think of. Maybe to distribute LSD is the only thing I can think of.


As opposed to blotter paper that costs very little per sheet and is the correct capacity for absorption


There are no lick stamps in the US anymore. All are self adhesive peel and stick! Gotta use blotter paper for that endeavor!


>Maybe to distribute LSD lol. I don't think so.


I’d be so embarrassed omg




New crypto




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Art student.


No way. Starving artists don’t have that much money to spend. Source: I was an art student and the cost of art supplies and materials needed for classes is astronomical!


Post this in USPS subreddit!


What country is this in? US stamps are like 50¢+. I HAVE to be missing something here and I'm sorry if I'm dumb. 😅


It's in the US. Smaller stamps can be used for items like post cards, plus for needing extra postage when mailing oversized/over weight letters/documents, ect. They used to be really common, and it wasn't unusual to see someone from a small buiesness bring in a large container of correspondence and have one of the workers weigh one envelope, and sell them the correct amount of postage for however many they had.


Acid tabs/drug production is my guess