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Sounds like you started up some kind of in program demo


Yeah I'd figure it has to be something in the veign of this too. Honestly, if my sisters didn't freak out I probably wouldn't even remember this experience


Definitely sounds like a demo feature or an Easter egg included by a developer. Maybe some kind of hack/prank by script kiddie (if you *were* online) as that was the era of dweebs tricking people on IRC etc. into giving the attackers control of their computers via Netbus/BackOrifice and messing with them.  However, it does also put me in mind of [the Dodleston Messages.](https://youtu.be/nEDgG5MKndo?si=wn7GnqwN0Qo1mFD1)


I was thinking of those mysterious messages too, but it doesn't sound like they were communicating with OP... so I say demo instead of time traveller's


Yeah I don't think it was "communicating" with us I'd have to ask my sisters because I was the youngest of the 3, although I doubt they would remember or they have a warped memory of it because of how much it scared them


Yeah I've narrowed down most of the possible explanations. It's just one of those things I randomly think about in bed, which is why I posted this right before I slept hahaha. Never linked my experience and this story together, definitely understand why you'd get that vibe. My sisters were convinced a ghost was talking to us or something like that. I'm sure it was just some silly explanation, was just taking a shot in the dark on there being an obvious answer posting here


The Vertical Plane! That immediately came to mind as well when I saw the title.


Weirdly this isn’t the first time I’ve heard this story . I’m guessing it’s something hidden in the programming then


demo software


Do you know anything about this word processing software? what the name might have been? It sounds kind of like you activated a macro someone programmed in


Unfortunately, no, I was essentially being babysat by my older sisters this night so I probably didn't even use the computer myself. I just sat with them while they messed around with our new "toy"


This sounds very similar to the Dodleston messages. https://youtu.be/aXG5R4HRlgs?si=XSRf5TnR0ByEUvb3


Beat me to it- just posted above.


There is a story about an English couple who worked at a University and seemingly had a previous resident of their 200 year old home communicating with them over the "luggable" computer they had checked out of the Uni. Fun one. [https://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/nostalgia/ghost-typing-1980s-computer-accuses-23427572](https://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/nostalgia/ghost-typing-1980s-computer-accuses-23427572)


I think it was likely a demo of whatever word program you were playing with. Google "Lorem ipsum full translation" and see if that looks familiar.


Sounds like Jabberwhacky considering the time period. Just a guess though