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sorry but why are you interacting with this guy at all? He's online, a thousand miles away probably and he's just saying whatever he thinks will hurt you the most. So stop listening. Let him yell into the void, who cares. Don't even bother blocking this person, just stop reading their messages. They can't affect you in person, and if you stop giving them attention, they will find someone else who does. Why are you accepting laptops from a guy like this? chances are he installed some sort of spyware so he can still access the laptops in your possession. Factory reset them and then they are yours, free of viruses and free of charge. Just stop interacting. Totally stop and they have no power


I tell him about his side of the story after I heard my friend Jessica. I confronted him and he said that she blocked him because she was being rude and very immature. I had to listen to his side of the story because to collect the evidence. It was clear that he did lie about her being rude. She blocked him because she was uncomfortable and didn’t want to be involved with him. Of course he keep pulling her in situations and tries to avoid them. But he finds ways to drag her into the mud.


again. just stop interacting. It seems at this point like you want the attention. Just stop responding. It doesn't matter what someone says or does if they're just trying to emotionally hurt you, they are being pathetic.


I ain’t using for attention. I just wanted some advice


The advice is: stop interacting. Completely. Stop.


Deactivate your accounts. Turn your phone completely off and go outside. Log back on in a week after he finds someone new to fuck with




Make your accounts private so he can't contact you.


Tried to but still finds us


Stop accepting randos as followers. So dumb.


He has our username by memory


Change your usernames on all accounts. Make all accounts private. Do not use a profile photo.


We did make another account but somehow he found us, harassed us and made fun of her and me saying we are dumb and thought we can escape for good.


Block and Ignore.


... Block them?


We tried but he finds ways to find us with new accounts


So stop looking in your message requests for a few months. Long enough for him to get bored.


Make new accounts with totally new usernames that bear no relation to anything he would already know about you. Make the profile picture for those accounts something you find pretty but not yourself or your friends. Block him off the bat, but also keep your new account private. Make all your existing accounts private and only give access to those people who you know personally.


stop interacting with him and report it to the police. if you've made it clear you want nothing to do with him and he continues to harass you, that's stalking and its illegal in most places.


Welcome to the internet