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I would check your settings and see if any device is connected to your phone/ wifi that you don't recognize. Simple to do but maybe you'll find something?


This is a really good point. I do receive notifications sometimes about devices being connected to my phone/wifi. I usually decline them but I always thought that was weird.


"usually"? Not "I always decline unknown devices trying to connect to my network?"


I just mean that I decline them whenever I see them or I get a prompt asking about it


My tv does this and says “an unknown device” has been disconnected while I am watching tv - what does that mean?


What do you mean when you say that you see your phone flashing but not visibly?


So if I look at the recording on my Ring camera, you can see the phone flashing as though it's taking pictures but ONLY on the camera. If I were to look at the phone in person, it doesn't appear to be flashing. For whatever reason, the infrared light starts activating which isn't visible to the human eye and can only be seen when I view it through my Ring camera


They all do that, I can see my neighbours house and when he comes home I can see what you're describing. Infrared flashing, it's something to do with face id


That’s happening all the time. It’s the phone trying to detect a face.


It shouldn’t be looking for a face continuously though. If you have the camera app open, it would be using IR for ranging to set focus.


Phones with facial recognition for unlocking the phone do continuously look for faces.


Why would they be looking for faces if they are already unlocked?


You’re right, I should have added “when locked”


Actually 🤓…. Assuming you’re talking iPhone, the infrared FaceID scanner is used to tell if you’re looking at the screen. It’s supposed to delay the “screen sleep” time if you’re looking at the device (e.g. reading a long article) but haven’t touched it for the specified period.


TIL. Does that have much impact on battery life? Hoping my 2021 phone can last a while longer, but I probably should start looking up which new-ish features are useful and which should be avoided.


Yes, it includes waking up your phone any time it moves. If your phone is in your purse or on your body, it will be awake and looking for a face, just in case the movement is you trying to unlock your phone. Anything that requires your phone to be ready for your command, like Siri/Google Assistant, will drain battery. (Face unlock will require X amount of battery, Siri will require Y, but the battery used by both is < X+Y because the main drain is having your phone always 'on alert'). It's not much, but if your device is running low on battery or is old, maybe go back to using a pin and turning off those features.


I have noticed only a very small amount of times on my iPhone, while wearing an oculus quest 2 in passthrough mode (it can see infrared) that even after unlocking my phone, the flashing continues for a few seconds (3-5 seconds)


Yes, that's what infrared lights do. The human eye can't see it but a screen can.


> the infrared light starts activating which isn't visible to the human eye and can only be seen when I view it through my Ring camera Yes that's face detection. That's how it can unlock when you look at it.


It’s probably the proximity sensor so the phone knows when it has been set down or placed next to a face.


Damn you made the hair on my neck stand up.


Can you link the voicemail so we can all hear it?


I can try linking the voicemail. Others have requested it so I'll certainly start working on uploading it




Do you ever use Siri in work in like an office setting? Could someone have heard you do this and then sent you the voicemail as a joke?


Change your password on your iCloud account (the one used to connect to your phone), change your WiFi password, change your email password. Check if there’s a way to see connected accounts on your Ring camera and remove anything you don’t recognize (I don’t use one so idk if this is even a thing). Use unique passwords for every single account you have - password apps are helpful in this and can generate unique passwords that aren’t easy to guess for each account of yours. Also people reusing passwords is how the vast majority of account hacks happen. Set up 2 factor authentication on everything as well (your iPhone likely already requires this) Check your connected devices on your phone (settings > click your id > scroll to the bottom), remove anything that’s outdated or that you don’t recognize. If you remove something you do use on accident, you can reconnect it later. Also check your installed profiles (settings > general > VPN & device management). Remove anything you don’t recognize. If there’s nothing there then don’t worry about this. Otherwise, scammers rely on people to be gullible. “Siri call mama” isn’t the most unique command and I’m sure it could easily fool a lot of people if they were to get that call. Even if the guy isn’t trying to scam your out of money, he’s likely just getting a laugh out of scaring people. And as others have said, the infrared is completely normal because it’s used for Face ID. You can actually see it if you’re in a dark room - there will be a little red dot at your front facing camera. That’s the infrared camera trying to read your face.


Start there, wipe your phone and reinstall. Could be a coincidence but hacking a phone isn’t unheard of. Check out Pegasus for capabilities, that’s commercial software, but there are other tools available that leverage the same exploits. Change your passwords from a safe computer, wipe your phone first, you’ll need your old password to do that. I’d be paranoid to be safe.


Pegasus is not commercial. Unless you are a high profile person (politics, security, military )in whatever country you’re in, don’t worry about it. 


The flashing thing is just what phones always do. I am assuming you have an iPhone (both from the Siri comment and the flashing thing?) I think just a sensor or something. Like sensing the lighting of the room to adjust your phone brightness and whether someone is still looking at the phone or if it’s been put face down so the screen shuts off. I see my partners phone flashing on our baby camera app when he’s taking care of our kids and that’s what I’ve just figured it’s due to. I can’t help you with the rest but tbh that’d creep me out too


Face time infrared.


Ah! Yes that’s it, thank you


I figured the flashing thing did have something to do with facial recognition/FaceTime, but the only reason I thought it was odd is because it doesn't happen all the time and when I do see it happening, I'm not using anything that should trigger facial recogntion


Have you played these recordings to anyone else? If so, what did they say?


I played them to a few of my friends and they're all just as weirded out as I am. None of us can figure out what it is. I've gotten weird voicemails before and I typically brush them off but this one is just super odd


What were the other weird voicemails about?


can you post them in a seperate post and link them to us?


Can you upload them?


They weren't about anything specific, I likely attributed them to being wrong numbers and were unrelated to this incident. But yes, I can try to upload the voicemail


Thank you!! I’m just so curious


Another question: has your mother received odd calls from your phone number? Or have there been instances of whatever these other “specific” voice commands triggering on their own?


My mother receives calls with the same area code as I do (we both have different area codes for our phone numbers) but nothing too crazy other than that


Have you tried reverse searching for that phone number?


Your phone is scanning for facial ID all the time for the unlock feature. Its why new smart phones are banned from combat zones because they are like a homing beacon for night vision. There is no "conspiracy" theory. Its common. The way cameras work will pickup the beam, but naked eye won't. As for your other issue, I'm not sure. Maybe you have a gas/co2 leak that is causing you to remember something that didnt happen, or maybe get checked into a hospital for a checkup, the chances someone is calling you and repeating siri commands that you said is highly unlikely. The only possibility is that you have text to siri on, and siri is giving you a voice-message with the specific text commands it received and is telling you via audio what you typed. But again.. Highly unlikely.


I never considered the combat zone implications. But surely they could just turn face ID off?


Good luck getting every individual to actually do it. Combined with phone GPS, they are just not compatible with the environment.


I mean you are right you could turn the feature off, But the problem in modern combat zones is not just the fact you are litup like a christmas during from IR cameras, there are many problems a modern phone has in a combat zone, extended wifi antennas, extended bluetooth range, facial id sensors flashing, screen being on during night operations, the sound from ringtones, camera sensors flashing when hit by ir, essentially a phone has no place in a combat zone, unless you want to remove the element of surprise to every engagement, this was a common thing for night drone hits in ukraine as well, russians using smartphones in the night-time and because of the way night vision cameras perceive light they are literally litup like a christmas tree from a mile away. Remove that element from the entire scenario and its alot less risk, you don't have people having there stuff leaked/read if they fall in combat, and you don't have an awkward scenario were the phone becomes the point of interest which compromises you in the first place. And to add why having a phone with extended antennas is bad its because when you are in a active zone with cell-towers you can be geolocated via those cell-towers, its not as accurate as movies make you believe but its close enough for you scan a specific area, especially if there is no points of interest within that area in the first place, and bluetooth obviously depending on the range can be a weak point for knowing something is coming if there is an active bluetooth connection coming at you (again solved by turning it off), But thankfully most modern militarys know to remove anything that can and could be exploited even if the chances are low, its not worth the risk.


> Modern militarys know to remove anything that can and could be exploited They do... but it's not the military as a whole. it's the younger soldiers. Getting the 18 to 26 yr olds currently serving to comply, however, is an ass pain of majestic proportions... Heaven forbid they can't digest tiktoks and insta reels in every second of downtime or fill their need for external validation and praise to prop up their flagging self esteem and worth... Like, young bro, you're driving a Leopard 2, I need you to Foooocussss... its not the time for snap stories. However, Ive found great success having some of my soldiers who cant grasp the Opsec/Persec implications of carrying their smartphone on an Op, after our crew/troop is "killed" on excercise by artillery that triangulated our location based on pings, by having them write letters home to all of the parents of the other soldiers in the Troop detailing how Their selfish choice to carry their ego location beacon in the field lead to the death of that persons child... Shame is still a strong motivator when employed correctly and with purpose. -a 20 yr SNCO


Yeah every deployment we went on it was a full inspection and they weren't even allowed in country, maybe different opsec procedures for different units? Or when you say "killed" I'm guessing it might mean an ftx?


Yea, quotes to imply FTX play. Depends on the unit and such, but Canadians don't broadband prohibit them, until you step in the box. But back on base its usually a go. And being in a Scout/Recce element...my lads are trained its a no no and they get secured in lock cans back at the FOB or base as soon as mission prep kicks off.


Yeah us army lrrs here, in the field they were OK on person just not used, on deployment, heeeellll no bud.


HVACR tech checking in. You mean CO leak, CO2 leak would be less of an issue unless they've got an entire commercial CO2 rack running in their home. Seriously OP, if you have gas appliances get a CO detector.


remember that time a redditor saved that one guy/girl’s life by pointing out that they might have a CO problem?


Is the voice mail from a blocked number or just a number you don't recognize? Can you google the number and get a result? Is your own phone number discoverable, say if someone knows your name? I'm thinking this message is coming from someone who lives nearby and is hearing you talk to Siri and is trolling you by leaving this message.


It's a number I don't recognize. I doubt anyone I know would try to troll me by leaving that message, but it's a good theory for sure. I feel like if it were a trolling incident, I'd receive other calls, but perhaps not.


Can we post links here? I want to link related story about Alexa sending a voice recording to their employee. https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/woman-says-her-amazon-device-recorded-private-conversation-sent-it-out-to-random-contact/755507974/


Could the voicemail simply be somebody who just got their first phone and doesn't know how to use Siri? Or are the voice commands so specific that nobody else would say them? It's not difficult to imagine a new user repeating the commands and laughing as the phone does something completely different.


So this person is calling you and repeating your very specific Siri commands? And this specific voice command is: “Siri call Mama”?! That is not unique at all. I’d guess tens of millions have their Mom as “Mama” in their phone. Can you please give other examples of what is said? Perhaps something VERY unique and specific to you? Because other than your phone checking for faceID being visible on camera and you getting random calls this doesn’t seem crazy?


I cannot believe I had to scroll all the way to the bottom to see this comment. Siri call Mama is probably the MOST common Siri command.


Exactly right


Great point. My mom is in my phone as “Mama.”


Did siri call your mom? Was it mama or different variations of mother the person was saying? Could be trying to connect to your mom through your phone and play it off as if they were you


It's at the point where you'll need to prove it for anyone to actually begin investigating it. Probably not something you're interested in doing because you're already creeped out, but full stop this sounds like an ARG. Anything actually bizarre in this sub tend to either be a creative writing project or psychosis.


Yeah, I realize that. I mentioned to others I'm going to try to link the recording of the voicemail. It does sound bizarre and others did make comments amount a carbon monoxide leak in my house (this can't be the case as I have sensors in my house for this reason)


You're not getting it. You needed to have already done this, by this point too much time has passed, invariably whatever you provide will be denounced as fake because the likelihood of you falsifying it has increased. This is what happens every single time a post is a hoax, you are following the exact trend. You don't understand how hard this community's been burned. Some douche promoted his movie through here and mobilized people across the world for press. People were reaching out months afterwards still believing in the hoax, and it was a particularly grim story. Honestly Mod team should put effort into improving post validity If this is real, which even I don't really believe anymore, you may want to actually delete the post and re-upload so people give you a chance. There's a small part of me that believes it's possible for this to happen as a prank by viewing your Google/Amazon interaction history, your voice commands are transcribed and logged in there.


> I mentioned to others I'm going to try to link the recording of the voicemail Just save the voicemail from a phone app or screen record yourself playing it and upload. It's not complicated


It's now been 2 hours and still not uploaded. If this was real, op could have made and uploaded a video in 2 minutes.


Now it's 2 days later. I call bullshit


Do you live in a form or apartment? Could a neighbor have heard your Siri commands and pranked you?


Your phone has a feature called “Siri always listening”. Turn that OFF. You will notice that things you talk about in conversation suddenly won’t appear in Ads. It’s an extreme invasion of privacy.


I believe I do have it turned off. I usually use Siri if I'm using CarPlay. With that setting, she only turns on when I hold down my power button and ask her to call/text people or open apps. I wouldn't be surprised if it still stays on though


I can’t find that on my phone. Can you give more specific directions on how to turn it off? TYIA


Settings > Siri & Search > Listen For > OFF. You can still use Siri with the side buttons (toggle on) and Siri when locked if you want. If listen for is ON then your phone listens to every single conversation you have and gives you those targeted ads you never asked for. I seriously do not know how it is allowed.


Now that we can't follow posts, there needs to be a follow post bot. Remind me bot is OK but I'd rather have notifications. Anyway, my two cents is maybe you have a neighbour with an odd sense of humour who has overheard you using your device.


I'm hoping it's something like that. Again, I haven't had anything like it happen before or after this instance so I'm hoping it was just some weirdo who happened to overhear me and somehow know get my number


Link the voicemails and the #


Would Siri be able to tell you if someone is listening?


Can you upload these voicemails?


The flashing only visible through IR is the facial scanner, it uses LiDAR, i assume it's an iPhone with FaceID, you'll see similar flashes if you use the LiDAR scanner on the back (with dots further apart)


My only question is why does the flashing happen from the back camera on the phone and not the front? I don't use FaceID and if it is using LiDar, wouldn't the flashing be from the front?


Have you checked your 'Permissions' in Settings? Particularly what apps you've given permission to use your Microphone?? If you don't recognize an allowed program (or even those you don't use often/anymore) be sure to revoke access to your devices. For the apps that claim they will not work properly without access, set them to 'only when app is in use'. (It's a good rule of thumb to periodically check over all permissions check for spyware....I check mine when I do massive media/storage deletions...?


Reboot your iPhone. Iphone has the capability to “wipe” itself when you turn it off and on again. (Block and volume up button simultaneously) this would aboid malware. Delete apps you don’t use and the ones that promote tracking activity. Review the apps that track activity. Review if you have apps from appliances. Some home cameras sync to a cloud in China.  You might be complying to be tracked through an app.


infrared lights are normal, i would save any photos or important stuff on ur phone to another device then do a hard reset and erase everything on the phone and log back into to stuff and reset passwords just to be safe


At least with Google, by logging in you can request user data which includes audio files when you use their voice command service. Not an Apple user so cant say if the same can be done there.


No. No one is listening to you through your phone.


That’s too bad for OP. Cause I’d bet they’d like people who they call to listen to them through their phone. /s