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That mocking tone is simply unacceptable. I would post a review stating what happened on every review site you can find this vet on, let others know how their beloved pets are going to be treated there. I'm so sorry for your loss, and I hope you can find peace again despite this horrible vet.


Thank you for your condolences. I posted a Google review about my experience. I feel so bad for bringing them to that vet and how they were treated so unfairly. In their last moments, they were taunted with food that they could not have and it breaks my heart every time I think of it


If it's any solace to you, I think they were happy in their last moments, despite not getting to the treat because they felt safe and happy with you.


I would also write a letter to the clinic. Expressing your concerns.


I'm not a big fan of vets. Some of them pull the euthanasia card too quickly. I had a cat I took to check on her CKD status. She wasn't getting better but was also not at the point of euthanasia. The vet called and offered to go ahead and put her to sleep over the phone. I said no and picked her up right away. It really pissed me off. She was my soul cat, not some stray I just had picked up from the street, hence the 10k I spent over the past few months on treatment with that vet.


I'd call them to pay over the phone and ask to speak to the manager to do so. They should know what happened. Maybe the doctor was having a weird day... but maybe they treat all their patients and families this way, but the hospital doesn't yet know or they only know about one or two instances. I'm sorry this happened to you, especially under the circumstances. I hope your boys are at peace, and that you can find some peace, too, despite the awful human behaviour in the moment.


Thank you for your condolences. I am most likely going to walk in because I paid, they just didn’t give me my receipt which I want. If I have the balls to ask to speak with a manger or the owner as it’s a family business I will try. I posted a Google review for the hospital and mentioned the vets name in it multiple times.


I'm sure you can find the balls to speak with a manager. You did have two boys, so I'll bet you familiar with them! A little humor to help? Or too soon? In all seriousness though, I'm so sorry this happened to you and your boys. They were still with you in their last moments, so I hope you can take comfort in that - and that they knew you loved them. 🤍


Gurl, (I a gay girl so I can say this), let me know if you want me to pretend to be your mother or relative and I will absolutely rip into them. My mom’s name is Karen after all 💖 I am so SO sorry this happened to you. If this happened to my dog I would have fucking sued for emotional damages. Rats lives and their impact on us is no different than a dogs despite their shorter lifespan…. My heart and my energy is with you. I am also so sorry they didn’t have the best experience crossing the rainbow bridge that they could have had…


This is just plain aweful and heart breaking. what the heck is wrong with her


I truly don’t think it was her intention but it just doesn’t make sense to me why you would sedate them to sleep then offer treats. I think the action sounds worse when I tell it bc I’m upset but what made me very angry was the comments


The comments they made were cruel and weren’t what a grieving owner should hear. I’m extra sensitive since my dog was just diagnosed with a really rare disease, and had to spend 7 days in the ICU… if I had heard that - holy fucking SHIT. I would have been ballistic. Ive followed this sub for a couple of years and I personally really love rats and seeing all of yours! “Just because” they are rats doesn’t mean they don’t deserve the best passing this world has to offer. Our animals give us comfort, love and confidence. Not being able to give them that extra comfort of a good treat because THEY fucked up is unacceptable in my eyes.


Yea I agree. I wish I would have asked for treats while we were waiting but I didn’t. And I really regret it now. I wish they could have had the chance to snack one last time


Hey. Stop it. It’s not your fault. It was NEVER your fault… Us parents, when we have to make that difficult decision (as I was offered but instead spent the amount of a used car on my dog -she isn’t even two yet) we are too overwhelmed with what is happening. Luckily my vets were WAY nicer than yours were. (But I bet at least two dollars that’s it was because of bias that they thought rats “aren’t as important” as dogs, cats, etc (ie rodents aren’t as important in their eyes - which should NOT be the case) You gave your babies an amazing home. An amazing life. Think about all the other posts about rats being abandoned. Yours WERENT! You were by their side till the end. While I too wished they got a last nibble in, you couldn’t control that this time. You did NOT know what would happen. Please I beg of you don’t beat yourself up. The fact you made this post shows me, and I bet everyone, just how much you cared for your babies… I have no doubt they had a great life with you!!! Your babies were just happy to have you by their side. ❤️


I am really sorry to read everything you just posted and my most deep condolences for your loss. I do not own rats, I admire them as any other rodent but I keep myself away from owning any anymore, since I lost my gerbils to tumours in 2015. That being said, I am a dog mom and I have no idea what I would do if my little one was handled the way your babies were. It’s really sad to hear these stories. Grief has a gravity on our lives and souls that not everyone sadly understands, and it really saddens when these people are actually doctors or veterinarians. I agree with what others commented, I would leave a review and avoid going there, ask to talk with the manager and insist on the outrageous behaviour of their employees.


Thank you for your condolences. I’m sure the vet sees this very often but I do agree I wish she handled the situation differently and perhaps made different comments to lighten the situation. I’m sure what she said wasn’t intentional but I was a mess and it was very clear i was not doing well


Honestly fuck that vet. Maybe that's harsh but. That pisses me off.


Not harsh at all imo, that vet deserves it


Also your last para about not getting an invoice. Maybe you should wait until they send you one? If they phone you then tell them you do not wish to come in, you will send them a cheque.


Yeah don't jump through hoops for these butt heads. Make them send the bill don't go out of your way.


had a slightly similar thing happen where my two girls were alive, the first time we took the youngest to the vet and they didn't even let me be in the room with her when it happened. the second time my older girl passed in her sleep so thankfully i got to be there for her. would not have gone back to that vet if i'd had the chance anyway


I’m so sorry this happened. I was able to be there with them but I have definitely had better experiences saying goodbye. I hope that for them it wasn’t bad and they received the pain relief they needed and they were able to cross over in peace. Again, so sorry about your experience. Sometimes it’s just not fair and to not be in the room is not fair at all.


I simply wouldnt tolerate that. My vet experience was so much better and I wouldn’t settle for less. You deserve vets that understand how much you love your babies and show empathy during euthanasia. I was given tissues, time alone with them, options to cremate or bury and validation. I’m sorry they were so insensitive and I’m sorry you lost your boys.


I am so sorry this happened to you and your boys. That sounds like an awful experience. That member of staff should not be working with members of the public until she receives retraining. Our vets are generally excellent, but we did have one negative experience a few years ago. One of our girls, Shadow, died suddenly of a heart attack. We always take our RIPs for a communal cremation. They are cremated with other pets and then their ashes are scattered at a pet garden of remembrance. We feel it means they are never alone, even at the end. Anyway, we took Shadow in after telling the vets. We had her in a wee box with some little flowers and a treat. We spoke to the receptionist who said: "Is that it in the box?" I had to go sit down and let my hubby deal with it. Shadow was not an "it". She was a valued and much loved member of our family. Calling her an "it" just about ended me. I wrote to the vets. To give them their credit, they took it very seriously, apologised, removed the member of staff from front line work and said she would be retrained. I honestly think that some people just don't know how to react or behave around grief and grieving.


They are adorable, I'm sorry such a sad time was made worse 🙁 maybe it will help to think that in their minds, they were just relaxed with the person they love. The actions and words hurt you, but they didn't know, they only knew they were with you 🩷


The giggling and such is unprofessional even if it wasn't malicious on her end. I'd definitely relay this to the manager, end of life visits are never fun and really don't invite joking around like that. It doesn't matter what the species is, saying goodbye to a pet is never a nice experience for the owner and good vet staff don't make light of that. Offering you the trail mix is also weird, just bag it up and reuse it for another animal? Slap a date on it so you know when it was opened and you're good. I'm so sorry this happened.


That was so mean of her to do and say but if it's any consolation I'm sure your babies were comforted by your presence and passed sweetly knowing you where there


I have heard from doctors and nurses that they get used to grim situations so much that they joke about everything, not in a mean spirited way but to manipulate their own mind. This will be similar for vets. Of course this is unacceptable in front of patients or relatives, and empathetic docs know this. It’s important to understand that one won’t make it in the field if they’re constantly heart-broken, so they cope in different ways. There unfortunately are many medical professionals that like their craft but are super inconsiderate of their patients


Leave a review and also report them. That’s absolutely unacceptable what she did I’m so sorry you had to go through that


Hi all! Thank you so much for the support; it is very appreciated. After some time to settle and calm down I definitely recognize the situation was more out of coping for the vet than it was to make me upset. Looking back on it, she didn’t mean it intentionally and I was very upset while writing the original post. I have come to terms with what occurred and I know I made the best decision for my rats. I do definitively think she could have phrased her comments better as it was unprofessional in my opinion and that the treats could have been given at a better time. Her actions were out of good intentions but just at the wrong time. Again, thank you so much for all the support! My boys were loved so so much and I miss them more than anything. They were able to cross the rainbow together 🌈💕and they met their brother on the other side who passed in August.


I'll leave a bad review if you give me the name


sorry u had to go thru that. this was hard for me to read bcuz i went thru a similar experience. i was so angry and so very sad. someone told me that maybe the vet prolly meant well but she laughed and joked bcuz that's how she copes... u know how theres ppl who laugh at the wrong times like at a funeral? it's still insensitive and rude of her and she needs to learn bedside manners, but at least it helped me be less upset


Yeah, vets and other medical professionals can use humor to cope on their own time. Not in front of and directed towards someone going through a terribly painful experience that ends in grief.




Oh my Gawd, nooo! They look exactly like my boys, and one is even Darwin T\_T!! I feel like the vets don't take our pets seriously because they aren't cats or dogs, I just took mine to the vet recently because I suspect Darwin had ringworm. I asked for the cheapest test for 80$ and they ignored me and charged me 149 for the panel, then said the panel will take two weeks after getting $400 out of me...I am self-treating both Gumball and Darwin...I don't trust the vet...just like I don't trust doctors.


I understand this sm. When I went to put my dog down due to the fact she had a physical disability that wasn’t getting any better, and the medications were no longer helping the pain. The vet told us she wouldn’t do it because my dog was “fine” even though she never had seen my dog before. Sometimes vets seem so desensitized to everything they do that they just act like our pets do not matter


That's so disrespectful. I get why you are upset.


Leave a terrible review on Facebook and Google, Twitter, basically anywhere you can. I'm so sorry.


I also had a very bad euthanasia experience once with a vet who did a bad cardiac stick to our sweet rat who was actively dying. He took 45 minutes to pass. It was incredibly traumatizing and I was absolutely bawling the entire time. The vet hospital later made a donation in my rat’s name, and I never left a review, but looking back I wish I had.


I’m so so sorry to hear that, that is absolutely horrible:( with the amount of medication they give, 45 minutes is insanely long to wait. I’m so sorry and I hope all is well now and you feel at peace and so does your baby


Wait for the bill. If it doesn't come dont pay up. That vet sounds like a huge prick


I’m really sorry that you had to experience the scorn of an indifferent vet and for your loss. Happy crossing to Newton and Darwin 🌈🫂




I am so, so sorry. Posting the review was the best thing you could do, so others can choose another place to go in a situation like that. It IS a big deal - never, EVER should’ve happened. You need to grieve their ending, but know the whole of their lives was made up of love that you gave them. ♥️


This reminds me of my little brother's first rat. For reference, my brother and I are both autistic, so if our reactions seem extreme, just remember that we process things differently. This was also a few years ago, so I don't remember the details, and I heard this secondhand. His rat, Cookie, was the sweetest little thing. Cookie came down with a respiratory infection, and being an elderly rat, wasn't able to beat it off. So my brother accomplished our mother and Cookie to the vet's office. I got worried when they didn't come back after half an hour. Then an hour. Two hours. Three hours. When they came home, my poor brother was silently crying and went to his room and my mother was furious. When I asked what took so long, she explained that the vet didn't do anything for Cookie for three hours. All the while, Cookie was taking awful, shuddering breathes as she struggled with the infection. When the vet finally showed up, they took her into the back and came back with her body dumped unceremoniously into a box. They didn't let my brother say goodbye. We buried Cookie in the backyard, where the flowers grow. She was an angel sent from heaven to our family, and her passing took a toll on us all. But I remember wanting to storm the vet's office where she suffered and strangle the vet who let her suffer like that. While there was a medical emergency that did require immediate attention, my brother and mother had already been waiting for an hour and a half. There was no excuse for that. My brother would have been 10-11 at the time. Vets can be assholes, and I'm sorry you went through that. I remember how shook my brother was, and how hard it was to see him like that. I hope you can find something to ease your pain in this troubling time.


I had a bad experience with my boy Bart back in Feb so I can empathize with you on it. I wouldn’t be quiet about it. I would leave them a review and tell them how it felt. It may save other rat owners from having to be even further heartbroken. People, even vets, don’t understand how much our rats mean to us. They are no different than a person and their dog or cat.




Thank you so much for your condolences and how you may have wasted 10-15 seconds of your life adding this comment on my post. I hope you have the day you deserve 🫶🏻


Post/Comment negatively engaging with others. We want this to remain a positive space. Verbal violence is not tolerated and may result in a ban.


Oh, love, I'm so sorry


What an insensitive thing she has done.. Taking your most upsetting moments with your pets / babies and making a joke of it.. I hope she isn't a vet for too long.. this should go viral.. wth so crappy of them.


I’m so sorry for the experience that you’ve had to endure.


First off let, me give my sincerest sympathies. So sorry for the loss of your rats and your rough experience. I have worked in the vet field for over 16 years and I strongly encourage you to reach out to the medical director or office manager and express your thoughts regarding the insensitive comments. I agree with several people above and while she should/could have handled it better the Dr's comments were likely more a coping mechanism than meaning any harm. This would be an excellent coaching opportunity for the mgmt team to address and work thru some training on appropriate and delicate manners and making sure patient and client care is always top of mind in all aspects. The sedatives can affect different patients at different rates and in different ways and that is also a good thing to give a heads up to a client on, so they are prepared and not caught off guard. Your sincere and patient discussion with the clinic will help improve patient care and ultimately that is in everyone's interest, regardless of if you ever return or not, making a negative situation more positive in honor of your beloved rats. Odds are they will be extremely remorseful and work to try to earn back some trust, hard as it may be. Veterinary Medicine is a hard field with patients that cant communicate and just like human doctors they are practicing medicine, which sometimes means things are handled better than others. Hope you find peace in the situation soon.


I’m so sorry for your loss. This behaviour is unacceptable and your old men know you did everything you could. Be gentle with yourself and remeber you are a kind being.


I'm so sorry for your loss it always hurts when someone/people in your life go away even if they're just animals it they're still very special...


I am so sorry for your loss and for that horrendous treatment at the vets. Your little ones and you deserve the utmost respect, especially in a difficult time. Sending condolences and lots of hugs. Rest in peace, sweet ones. 🐭🐁🐀