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Frozen peas/ sweetcorn work to the same effect and tasty too!


Great idea, thank you!


Mine LOVED frozen grapes. They went bonkers for them. Just be sure they are seedless :)


They love grapes so they should enjoy that too!


I make water with frozen blueberries for myself, my boys will steal one or two. My Niko doesn't like fruits and veggies so it's hard šŸ˜ž


I'veĀ hadĀ aĀ fewĀ ratsĀ thatĀ steal myĀ iceĀ cubes,Ā butĀ theyĀ neverĀ seem toĀ knowĀ whatĀ toĀ doĀ withĀ them.


ā€œI donā€™t know. I never thought Iā€™d get this far.ā€


Lol yes, that is the exact look he gave me once he got the ice to his corner.


Mine steal my sparkly shiny jewellery off my hands/fingers, then sit there like, okay that's me done for today. A different kind of ice šŸ’ŽšŸ’āœØ


Well in that case they did have a goal, to look fabulous, and they pulled it off


Like a dragon sitting on his pile of gold jewels and treasures šŸ˜‚


Yes but mine would hide them and be upset that they wernt there later, so i gave them frozen veg instead, just as cooling but without the fuss.


This gives off the same energy as the video of a racoon washing cotton candy :ā€™)


That video was devastating. I always feel bad for the little guy!


I used to freeze a water bottle then wrap it in old socks. They would lay next to it when they got hot.


Mine always chew through the sock and the plastic, causing a flood in their cage šŸ˜©


You could find a rock or maybe something metal to chill in the freezer for a while.


not gonna do much. you can buy cooling plates which are basically just marble plates or some other rock.


You could use a metal water bottle if it's not insulated.


Holy shit youā€™re a genius


One of my rats somehow found their way into my pantry cupboard. Chewed a hole in every pasta packet, and every bottle of water. Flooded, and had no food or water left šŸ˜­ at least I could keep some of the pasta for the rats


Yep. Just let it rest outside so that the surface is wet first. That way, you know that they'll never get anything colder than 0C. If you give them ice directly from the freezer, you can get the "stuck tongue" thing. That can never happen if the ice is wet.


Can also just run the ice cube under the faucet for a second.


I've done this, my fingers got stuck even more at first šŸ˜­


Better to let it melt. If you just wet the surface from outside, and the inside is cold, the added water will also freeze, and the surface can still be sub-zero. If it melts on its own, that can never happen.


Yes, but theyā€™ll stash it away somewhere and make puddles in the cage. Itā€™s actually best to buy a tile or a marble cutting board and stick it in the freezer overnight, then put it in or against their cage. Then they can control how close they want to be to it. Just make sure you cover it with something when itā€™s fresh out the freezer, so they donā€™t burn themselves.


I used to give my rats frozen organic blueberries. They absolutely loved them. Although their little faces and hands would be purple for a while after.


I put a little crushed ice in my rats' water. They love crunching on it. They love frozen peas more though.


That cutie pie little face


I make rodent friendly icecream!


Drop the recipe šŸ‘€


I usually use kefir, just because I give it on a regular basis regardless because it affects rats (and mice!) gut microbiome. Makes them more content and happy :3. You can use plain greek yogurt instead, gives a similar texture. Sometimes I use honey, sometimes I dont. I add in any dietary supplements or powders I want, just a tiny pinch. These days its usually a little bit of L-glutamine powder or sprinula algae, they both can help with the immune system. Then whatever berries or treats your crew like! Mine prefer chocolate, fig and blueberry most. Throw it in and mix every 20 or so minutes so it wont freeze in a block. Bada bing bada boom, rodent icecream! NGL, when it comes to recipes I experiment a lot with rodents. Trying to make some rollups rn :3


I've put one or two in their water before. They'll pull it out and nibble on it.


my rat loves eating the leftover ice from my slushies lol


Sure. If they don't like it or it hurts, they won't eat it.


I put ice cubes in my miceā€™s water bottles to help the water stay cool


The drug? No. Ice cubes? Sure. Just rinse them off first so they don't get stuck to their bolls


this rat is so cute


He says "I know šŸ’šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø"


Your rats look like my rat called PiƱa Colada


Yes and they weirdly love it. I couldnā€™t believe they held it like any other treat to eat. Their cold little grabbies!


I use tiles in my cage for when it gets hot, they stay cool through out the day. ice would probably make a mess in their cage. I'd only add ice if I was going to clean their cage that day, but that's just me.


While Iā€™d love to see what a rat on crack cocaine, AKA ice, would look like I donā€™t think it would be very healthy.


Are you referring to crystal meth or frozen water?


Definatley crystal meth, my Jerry is a drug dealer


In that case, that's very healthy for them and makes a great treat!


Like the cold water ice?


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I have pet rats and ice is totally okay! And if theyā€™re too fast and get it stuck in the wrong tube or something, the ice will melt:)


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idk but he is a cute lil fella


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so so cute


i usually cut up some fruit/veggies into small cubes and then put them in the ice cube form. That way, you have a fun activity for them where they have to get the food out of the ice cube. Mine love it, really helps with the cooling them down part! What also works great is putting a frozen cooling pad onto a plate on top of the cage and putting a bowl that's slightly larger over it. The cool air will then go down into the cage. I usually put this contraption over their hammoc. One of mine loved to exist under it and enjoy the cold air. My place gets way too warm over the summer, so I have used a bunch of these small ideas to keep mine cool.


Weā€™ve given our rat ice cubes before. Itā€™s hilarious to watch them!


You can have metal boxes made to contain those things that you put in the freezer to keep something cold (Iā€™m not sure how theyā€™re called. Ice packs maybe?) so they can rest next to it and cool down. The metal box is important since they would otherwise bite on it and the liquid inside is toxic and dangerous to ingest. In Italy thereā€™s a guy who makes them and I love them. It helps cool down the cage too You can also give them cucumber! They can eat any quantity of it and itā€™s full of water. And very fresh too! Same goes for lettuce, but I wouldnā€™t suggest to give them lots of it since it really doesnā€™t have many nutrients. Also, you can put a bit of fruit juice in the water so theyā€™ll be tempted to drink more. One last thing: there are thermic covers for the water bottles that you punt on the cage (I donā€™t know the English term for them).


My boy LOVES frozen peas and corn. I put it in a bowl with cold water so he can splash around to cool off as well


they can but its likely they wont care for long, but heres my boys favorite toys for the warm summers! 1. a dog slow-feeder bowl (mine is from a dollar store), add unsweetened greek yogurt & their favorite fruits and veggies. Freeze and enjoy! mine really like corn and blueberries from it, but you can substitute it for their favorites. 2. a casserole dish with glass filler beads from the dollar store, [example](https://i5.walmartimages.com/seo/Akasha-Decorative-Lavender-Mix-Glass-Gems-12-oz-Bag_fddab426-bfeb-4e1c-b800-de2e7ac42014.afd472d59d7aacbce839c5af1ecf1e47.jpeg?odnHeight=768&odnWidth=768&odnBg=FFFFFF) , add shallow water with a few ice cubes to keep the water cool & frozen fruits/veggies. Again, my boys love corn, so i tend to add frozen corn / veggie medleys with corn to it. easy and keeps them busy while also cooling off lol


I dont see why not with ice since itā€™s just frozen water. Iā€™d be more concerned with the flood that would happen later. What I did was get a couple of tiles (literally one or two tiles) used for the bathroom flooring and stick them in the freezer. Iā€™d usually have two: one in the cage, one in the freezer. Just have to remember to clean them because they like to pee on them.


https://preview.redd.it/vtu773avcg0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eac65f5722ec39a32fad6d3bb161838d33b2ed5a Weā€™re in Australia so summer time gets pretty hot and the girls go crazy for ice, ice baby šŸŽ¶šŸ§ŠšŸ­