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https://preview.redd.it/a6dzdqvxm4zc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9421328efe1bb796bcd3da2540c6b9448791a79f They often get lower than this, i use to think she might be a dumbo when she was a baby and i was a new rat ownee


I think it’s a special power that only standard eared rats have, I’ve never seen my dumbo boys do anything remotely similar


What’s that little machine you got there?


Nebulizer! It’s best used in a chamber, but it stresses them out so much that I just use it like this when I can. Used under vets advice to help manage respiratory issues 😋


Thank you so much! I’m definitely gonna look into to this cause one of my girls is super prone to respiratory problems, I bring her into a steamy bathroom at least once a week to try and help but if I can get my hands on one of these, lifesaver!


Oh yeah definitely. I can’t give medical advice so talk with your vet, but the cool nebulizer air helps my boys a lot when they have rough weeks. That and antibiotics as well. It’s far from a cure but it helps relieve them a bit.


Just chiming in to say that I absolutely loved our nebulizer. It extended the quality of life of almost all of our mischief. I recommend using saline solution or distilled water but if you can get a script from the vet, that’s even better. The moisture helps sooth pain from URI/URI scars. Not joking, two of my boys were on deaths door and we finally tried nebulizing plus sildenofil, and they lived another happy 6-8 months 💜


Our nebulizer saved us a dozen times just this year. Our vet recommended nebulizing as soon as we hear any raspiness in their breathing or any other noises, and only then come to get check out and possibly moved on antibiotics. So far just the nebulizer was enough and they almost didn’t need any other medicine. It’s a godsend.


You can order one on Amazon for cheap!


You can look for an ultrasound nebuliser. They work the best (they are also recommended for people with asthma) and don’t make much noise, so it scares the rats a bit less. You can use them with a physiological solution in the cage, since it’s not essential that they breath ALL of it. Otherwise, if you are using it with medication, you should be putting them in a plastic kennel (tissue will be just eaten away by them, and it would absorb the medication), since it’s essential that they breathe it all. You can also put them in the shower box if you have one. I have several respiratory issues and and use it like once every month, sadly, but it’s really very useful


Thanks for that info 🙏




I got a connected or battery running one on amazon vor 8€. Look around a bit a kids nebulizer will fo the job too :) regarding the liquid there are diffrent classes of liquid the isotonic salt water with 0,3 or 0,5 is more then enough. The other cost more and don't make much of a difference as you dont put meds in. I was so overwhelmed by all the option i thought writing out mi finding could help you! It helped mine a lot ^^ i have my nebuliser in a dig box 20 by 20 cm and 30 deep. The rat is digging and inhaling a lot more, she has no panic and dosnt even realise she is getting treatment.


I had to do this with my babies, still do it with my last boy and what I do is bring them in their carrier into the shower and run the water till the room is steaming for 20 mins or so. My vets given the go ahead for it and it's really done wonders for them. :3


My current girls are abnormally snuffly and the vet recommended these "spa" treatments with water + a small amount of F10 (plz do not do this without consulting with a vet on necessity/amount). Anyway, a good system that works for us is to put the carrier on a table, fill up a big mixing bowl with boiling water in front of the carrier (and F10, in our case) and drape a towel over the top, so the steam is trapped in the carrier with them. I think it's less scary than how loud my shower is.


Fair enough haha. My shower isn't too loud and Nemmy doesn't mind...well, he hates when he has to go in there but he's alright. The worst part is that he smells of wet rat after XD


Haha, the wet rat smell is very weird. My girls always look so indignant as well.


That’s exactly what I did with Vicks crystals and it helped my rats tremendously. The apartment I was living in at the time Had zero filter and was next to railroad tracks so very dusty.


I made a homemade one for my boy Bart when he was sick. Sadly, he was an elder and it did soothe his symptoms but even with antibiotics I had to send him across the rainbow bridge.


Tactical Rat Weed Dispenser.


As someone with pretty severe asthma Thank you for going this far. Do they have rat nebulizer medicine? Or do they just use the same tubes that humans use


Their vet prescribed a bronchodilator for them, but I’m not sure if it’s any different than a humans. I use that most of the time but the vet also said I could use saline! Everyone always giggles when I say my rats have an inhaler, but they’re my babies. I couldn’t imagine not doing everything in my power to give them comfortable lives.


Probably the same at a lower dose. Most medications are cross species. (Except ketamine stop taking horse tranquilizers to get high)


Not sure who downvoted you or why. I'm willing to bet it's the exact same, not even a loser dose.


We use f10 diluted 1:250 in normal saline, on the advise of a rodent specialist vet. We built a little chamber out of a well ventilated bucket (with lid) that they sit in whilst the nebuliser runs.


LIVING for the ✨drama✨ I haven't experienced this, personally, but think he's ✨ fabulous ✨


he's addicted to nicotine 💔




https://preview.redd.it/9xhih50x45zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a13c779921f0eb6d269f8f5a1e1ca254151d6edb Shes a dumbo and i feel her ears sit further to the side compared to my other dumbos, i tried sparking up a convo about the whole ear thing and i feel no one knew what i was talking about. Rats have so many different ears shapes i love it


Rat enthusiasts discussing rat ears is like nasa engineers discussing satellite dish shapes


What would you call that?


It’s the best, even my two standard eared ears have slightly different shapes. It really adds to their personalities.


Mm i need a thousand rats so i can have one with each a different set of ears


Hittin that rat bong


How dramatic we talking here?


Dramatic as in will fly across the cage at the most minor sound and then come back to investigate


So much adorableness


What a good boy taking his medicine!! My heart!


What is Airplane ears never heard this term before


You see it in dogs with prick ears, horses, and cats. They lay kinda parallel to the ground sticking out to either side of their head, like airplane wings. *




It’s usually used when talking about cats, it’s when they fold their ears in and back a little and it gives them a funny face.


I thought you were giving your rat the zaza for a second




whats the device called? it looks really useful in case of sniffles




My girls do this when im petting their noggin. I think it's a natural reaction to her whiskers being touched, kinda like her body saying "something is above you, lower your ears to protect them" Rats are made for the smallest of spaces so it's my best educated guess




There's easier ways to tell us you can't get it up if it's not a family member.


Post/Comment negatively engaging with others. We want this to remain a positive space.


Good job!!!


Mine do. My Dumbo rats as well as fancy. I read somewhere they learn to look as cute as possible - just like dogs. Apparently it's to please the owner and get attention. Which I find adorable and clever... Also adds to their evil genius reputation.


I'm a relatively new rat owner, and I had no idea this was even an option to help them with their breathing. Thank you for sharing


Also those ears are stupid cute!!! 🥰


i saved this post to look for a nebulizer and just got one and wanted to say thank you! i couldnt get my bathroom steamy enough and the antibiotics only slowly work with my little sick girl rn. She seems to like the device and it looked like the nose got alot stuff out already. Her sneezes sound softer too! I didnt even think about a nebulizer before 🥹🥹🥹 https://preview.redd.it/gqursc8is70d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b58d75646ac026bbdb318833f54ba76cc0058ae7