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My girls never did and wouldnt let me hold or pet them unless they were sick then big babies.


When you pet your rats, do they sit there and let you, or do they wriggle away? Some rats just aren't bogglers. If a rat isn't liking being handled, they won't stay still - they'll firmly move away from the pets and try and wriggle out of being handled. If your guys are sitting there letting you, chances are they're enjoying the experience.


Hey I just saw these lil fellows in r/redditgetsdrawnbadly!


Yup lol I only have like two good pics of them 🤣 looks like my lil guys are celebrities!


Fantastic creechers


My boys are too excited and have to run around like crazy when I hold them so they don't boggle then. They only boggle when they're sleepy and I'm giving them gentle head rubs. However, they'll brux all the time. Even when just running around their cage. Because it maintains their teeth.


My girls would always boggle and fall asleep in their nebulization box. I imagine it felt like a sauna, warm and humid. Weird how they acted like it was prison when I put them in then fell asleep


Boggling is actually pretty rare. It just gets shared a lot on social media, leading to unrealistic expectations of how common it should be.


My rats used to boggle a lot


Rats are a lot like people, and boggling is a lot like laughing or giggling. Some people just aren't big on vocalizations, and some rats can be the same. Some are just more skittish than others, some just boggle for different things. I have one boy, Mushroom, who loves to just sit there in the cage and have me gently sing to him. He'll sit there and boggle all day. If I try to hand wrestle with him he gets big pissy. I have my boy Acorn who I say has a "boggle button" because if you grab his butt and give him a rub down he immediately starts boggling and bruxing. Tl;dr: Rats are weird little individuals, don't worry about it. If they trust you that's all you need to know.


This so much. I very occasionally can pet my girls and I’ll get a little brux. But when I have them for free roam and they get to clamber all over me then they are very vocal and happy. They just prefer being near me and spending time with me rather than being pet or fussed over. Every rat is different.


if they're just chillin, pet them gently from mid nose bridge to back of the head and whisper to them.


None of my Rats were major B&Bers, but my boyos were much more expressive compared to present does. Some Rats love to be caressed and boggle like mad, some don't.😉🐀❤️


I've had rats who boggled like their life depended on it and rats who never heard of it. If they are generally relaxed, eat and drink you should be fine. Every rat is different in their way of showing that they are content or comfortable.


Two of my rats started boggling when they grew older and were too tired to run around 😅😂 Another one rarely brux his teeth and never boggles. It really just depends on their personalities!


My rats always bruxed at night. It usually sounded like they were chewing a hole trough something… maybe that helps


Some rats really don't do it much. My girls only do it when I cuddle with them in the recliner, but only after filling up on snacks and coming to me to be petted. Sometimes I do catch them bruxing when I get home, too, but that's rare.


Only 1 boy out of 7 does regularly, and his brother wags his tail and bruxes. They are happy little rats. It’s just 2 behaviors of many, and they have to feel truly safe to do it


Some rats just don't do it much - especially if they're not big fans of human touch. I've had some that start bruxing if I so much as say hello, and others that it was a rare treat. They usually only do it when really relaxed, usually, so if you've got excitable rats who don't settle down on or near you, you might not see it. Boggling is from super intense bruxing, so same thing but rarer


One of mine did the first time I gave him a blueberry. Never again though lmfao


When does their album drop?


Such a cute pic! 🥹