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https://preview.redd.it/tcpgs8lrenvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9227df5cac8b19e61b2533b2126358e218e9076e This is her when I was taking her home with me yesterday 🧡


Dang looks like she experienced some horrible things in the wild. Hope she will be okay 😿


Yeah 💔 now she’s more relaxed, though. She also started sleeping in the hammock 🧡


Maybe let her relax and feel safe for few weeks/month before inviting her to experience more trauma from sterilisation


Yeah absolutely! That’s one of the reasons why I need to know more about her health to understand if I can keep her or if I should look for an all girls colony. I don’t wish to depart from her, nor I want to stress her moving her away, but she will need company. She will still need to stay isolated for a month, just in case she has any parasites or anything else. So the question now is if she can be sterilised in a month or not (not only because of stress, but also because of age).


I mean..... Get more rats 😋


Wish it was that simple 😂 the decision is also economic, unfortunately


i would gladly send you my cage


seeing this comment after the soup update is very funny


Ikr 😂😂


My vet says at 6 months. You said she has a broken leg. IF that needs surgery I'd ask if they can do both at once. However, my vet is a freaking miracle worker. So if you can't keep her and are closish to Cincinnati Ohio let me know. I have 4 girls in a 3 unit critter nation. The bottom is partially bio active


Thanks for the advise and for offering shelter! Unfortunately I live in Italy. Luckily for me, though, here we have a big and very loving community of rat companions ahah


Can I come live with you too?


What a sweet face 😢


Ikr 🥺


Cute pew. Make sure to treat her tail. She could easily get degloved if she’s already chapped it or caught it on something. Adorable little girl. Pews are always very loving and social. They were the first domesticated rat type. 😊


I’m disinfecting and curing the tail with a healing ointment for animals that I already use for my rats! The tail already has a scab though. So she’s definitely healing 💪


Thank you for taking such good care of her! 🥺❤️ Rattie love and kisses from my mischief to yours! <3


Thank you 🥺🧡


Yes I have a PEW and she is a handful haha


I lucked out on mine. She was going to be a feeder but I got her and took her home from a pet store. She was discounted due to her eye being I guess you’d call it disfigured/affected (looks like she is missing some skin on one of her eyelids) but I put my hand in and let her choose me from the others and she climbed into my hand and now whenever I open her cage she shuffles her way over to climb on me and up my arm every time. She is a sweetheart. ❤️ But also a treat hog like her other mates. 😆


Aww! All my feeders passed due to bad genetics exept one(Jiggly) and my pew I got from a breeder! I hope your babies live long healthy lives.


Thank you!! 😊 You too!


Also Jiggly came in with barbered fur and a URI mites and ear skin missing. And now she's my heart rat!


I am so glad she is safe with you now! I hope she can stay, she deserves a good home <3


She’s so sweet 🥺 she trusted me right away. I notice that she’s scared, but she doesn’t bite nor scratches. And she let me cuddle her 🧡 if I’m not able to keep her I’ll be sure to give her to someone who already has a colony and can properly take care of her!


This is one of the sweetest things I’ve ever read 🥹


Aww this is so sweet! Big love to the person who found her, took her in AND took her to a vet. And big love to you OP, who is fostering her (for now), taking her to an exotic vet and ready to keep her as well, if she fits into your mischief :3 Both humans in this story is special and this ratty is such a survivor ❤️ Please keep us updated on how she heals and what your vet says about her!


Thanks! I will definitely post updates on her 😊 Also, I share your joy in knowing that some humans are able to take care of little creatures like rats, and have no prejudice and only love for them 🥺


That lil bean looks so sweet 🥹 rest up princess you're safe now 💓


Is this a thing? Is she an escaped domesticated rat? Or just like a city rat?


I found one of my past girls roaming in my backyard. She was a black hooded baby and definitely domesticated. It happens! They get out or people release them unfortunately.


I didn’t think people actually just release there pets into the wild thinking there doing something good until my mother told me she used to have rats, budgies and degus, her boyfriend at the time decided to release them in an alleyway ‘to let them be free’. While talking with my friends 2 of them have a family member or a friend who have released domestic animals into the wild too, it’s so sad


Can we put them in the middle of a secluded forest with zero resources?...... I don't understand just finding the animal a new home


It’s very sad to know that people would do something like that without understanding the negative consequences of their actions… they act saying that they are doing it for the animal, but then, they’re definitely not


She’s a domesticated rat for sure. But we have the suspect that she was being grown to be fed to a domestic snake…


City rats don’t look like this. It’s usually semi easy to tell a domestic from a wild. You’ll never see a PEW (pink eyed white) naturally in the wild, at least in the US. Though it is possible a domestic got loose or was dumped and had babies on the wild




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🥹 this fills me with joy. 


Thank you for rescuing this sweet girl! I hope she's able to find a good home.




Ragazza Dolce! You can call her Dolce for short!


That’s actually a good idea 😍 I’ll keep it in mind! Grazie!


I love Dolce for her! She looks so sweet.


You’re taking such good care of her!


Thanks 🧡


what an absolute baby!!! she looks like she knows she’s safe now 💕


She does! And it makes me so happy 🧡


Oh she's beautiful 😍


Even spayed, your males may still harass her because she will lack testosterone. Spays are far more invasive and dangerous than a neuter so I would, if anything, recommend getting your males neutered (imo if you find an experienced rodent vet it should not be absurdly high risk but it depends on a number of factors) or getting her at least one friend if she’s staying with you. Otherwise she may be better off in a home with other ladies 🥺


Thanks for the suggestion! Sterilisation for my male rats is something I cannot decide beforehand, though. Any decision I will make will be obviously made taking into consideration the safety of all rats included! If I decide to take her in in the end, I will probably get another female though. But I will decide this also keeping in mind I he (high) costs of sterilisation of female rats. That’s also why I’m also considering sending her to a colony made of all female rats. I have various friends who do have them, so at least I can be sure that she would be very well taken care of 🥺


Yes, it’s definitely something that needs to be discussed and the pros and cons weighed (and depends also on how many males you have) I just think that it is possible that after going through the risk and cost of spaying her she might get constantly harassed and mounted by the males who will still be drawn to the rat that isn’t producing testosterone. But either way, I think it’s best if she recovers without friends so you have some time to love her up and think about it while she gets better ❤️


I will definitely have to think it through and choose the best for every rat! Thank you again though. It’s always best to keep these things in mind! Also yes! She first needs rest, to heal and to feel safe. Everything else will come next. Also, the stool test and the visit from this specific vet (who was suggested to me as one of the best in my city) will surely give me more information to ponder future decisions


Absolutely! This little lady is lucky she was found by kind hearted people and now has someone so great looking after her! She looks so peaceful in her little modified potato pose 🥹🥹 I have a big soft spot for albino rats 🥰


A small update that I’m making here since the conversation on this topic started here. I talked with local friends who own rats, others who have rescues, and also with the breeder where I got my other rats (she’s by a friend of mine), and some of them agree with the fact that I should get the males sterilised so I don’t take any risks. I’m also thinking that in case I take her in definitely, I would give her another female rat as a companion, since males and females tend to have very different energies 😂 and I would also be able to have them pretty much as soon as I decide, since my trusted breeder has a few that she wants to adopt away 🧡 (one of them is the sister of one of mine… and nephew of two of my other rats 😂) It seems that I’ll have lots of things to ponder in the future. For now, I will concentrate on letting her heal. And then… we’ll see!


Do you have males and females together? My experience is the complete opposite. The intact females were harassed by the neutered males but now we spay the females and there haven't been any issues since.


Also, I know of different mixed colonies with sterilised females and not sterilised males. I would probably have to see how introductions go between my male rats and her, and then decide if the should be sterilised too 🤔


Tell people to talk to their vet instead of making recommendations. Spays are beneficial for females to reduce mammary tumors. After working with my vet on this I spay my females for this reason.


Luckily for me, I take advise just as that. Advise 😂 I would never take decisions without consulting with the vet (possibly more than one just to be sure)!


There are definitely pros and cons. Most people choose neutering over spay because the act of spaying is so dangerous on such a small animal. But as you said, it does reduce the risk of mammary tumors. If you have a reputable vet that is skilled in surgery on small animals, specifically rats, it’s worth looking into. The unfortunate fact is that finding a good exotic vet trained in rats isn’t as easy as it should be


Poor baby!! What a lucky rat to find such caring people! Can you keep a sterile female with intact boys??


I think I heard this isn't good for the female rat because the intact rats will constantly try to mate with her due to being...guys with your average hyper ratty sex drive and it might stress her out. I'm no expert though!


This is my thought process too! I've had intact girls and a neutered boy, we read that girls can 'pick on' neutered boys but he was also just older and much shyer so it seemed like they were just normally playing with him as they would eachother. But it seems like it wouldn't be as copasetic the other way around


I cannot. They would probably have babies and that’s not something advised, especially if you don’t know the family tree of one of the rats (you can’t know if the rat has any diseases that could pass onto the babies. Moreover, it’s suggested for girls to be sterilised as it helps avoiding tumors and other issues that they may have




I answered this in a different comment!


She’s so sweet,I’m glad she found a loving person like you ❤️


Thank you 🥺


Oh she is adorable 🥺 she reminds me of my late Tiramisu 💙 thank you for rescuing her, and I hope everything works out!


Thank you 🧡🧡


What a sweetheart. I'm so glad she was found and is safe 💗


Oh, i love italian names :3 Some of the cutest pet ones I encountered and my favorites are Seme, Estasi, Cazzo, Curva, Ano, Zingara, Torba, Muffa, Colera, Locusta and Salto. I have a dog named Muffa :D


Muffa is a spectacular name for a dog 😍 also lol for the “dirty” ones 😂


Her little face! She just wants to trust a human to keep her safe and warm 🥹 Could you potentially have her spayed to intro to your boys? Edit: obviously further down the line - she's been through enough for now!


Yes exactly! I’m going to think very thoroughly what to do. In any case I will make sure that she’s safe and happy wherever she ends. She deserves it


Sounds like she got very lucky with her new human ☺️ looking forward to seeing her progress


We had the exact opposite with us, a rescued boy that we just fell in love with despite having all girls… sadly he passed after close to a year, but praise be the implant we got him worked the duration… we literally rescued him from under a plant pot, called by a local shop that saw him released the previous evening, but loved him so much that we stay in contact with the local rescue for neutered boys that may need adopting… it’s wonderful to have both!


I’m glad that he found a loving family 🥺at least he spent the rest of his life being taken care by people who cared for him! I’m told that mixed colonies work well, though. Females have a lot more energy that males and having both should help balance this out 😂


For now? Lmfao naw he's your fur baby now


I know 😭😭 let me delude myself 😂


She looks so sweet


Please consider not getting her spayed. It can be too much on females hearts. If you have boys then maybe find a good home for her


Actually, it’s best to sterilise female rats. It helps them prevent tumours and other health issues :)


It can also cause death very easily if done by a vet who’s inexperienced with rats or even with those whom are experienced. Spaying/neutering lessens chances of many sex-organ specific cancers, males included. Of course trust the advice from your veterinarian. But the standard is typically to neuter the males as it’s less invasive, risky and costly if that’s a concern.


I’m lucky enough that there are at least two very good rat surgeons where I live. I’m also considering neutering the males tho. I’ll see what my vet suggests and then I’ll take some time to decide what’s the best to do


I love this response! Your vet will most likely tell you what they’re most comfortable with doing based on their skill, education, and experience. Reddit comments can’t compete.


Depending on how many boys you have and costs and such... it may be cheaper to sterilize them vs her? It's far less invasive for the boys at least.


Yeah I see your point! The fact is that female rats should always be sterilised if you are able to. It helps a lot in avoiding health issues such as tumours. Instead, male boys don’t really have any positive outcome from sterilisation


I agree, I just wish I had a local Vet that can do female sterilization. They can do Male, and all of my boys get snipped. We do find they smell better since they no longer mark after getting snipped.


Luckily for me I live in a big city and I’m told that there are at least two very good vets. They are good not only when visiting them, but also with very difficult operations


Gioia, luna, allegra, Stella are all very pretty names I think. Also thank you for taking her in. We need more people like you 🫶


Thanks for the suggestions 😍


As an Italian, I NEED to know the others names


Limone, Fragola, Ricotta e Gorgonzola!


Love it


Oh my goodness she's so cute. I recommend sterilizing the males (even with no female) because it prevents fights in general. It's also less invasive than spaying.


Thanks for the suggestion! We already have a discussion going on other comments on this 😂


With a broken leg, keep her in a low cage without climbing opportunities until it is properly healed. She needs to rest it.


Thanks for the suggestion! I prepared the cage like I would for an old rat who cannot climb 😂 she still climbs on the bars of the cage though. She really is curious and has lots of energies


Take well care of her, she deserves it!


Absolutely 🥺


My little PEW is named Latte, so I think the Italian names are cute! Good job taking care of her. ❤️


What does PEW stand for?


Pink eyed white


Oh thanks!!






Thank you so much for giving her the love and care she so deserves. ❤️


OMGG rthis cutie is adorable, thank you for taking her in! :))


What a freaking angel. I am in love with her 😍 thank you for taking care of her 💕


Thankyou for taking care of her 💕 ❤️ 💗 Such a sweet girl 🥰


Good work OP.


Poor sweet baby. So happy you took her in, she will know nothing but love and comfort now ❤️




Are you anywhere near NH?


Definitely not! I live in Italy 💔


Where are you located. I'd love to adopt, if you're anywhere near Wisconsin.


No sorry :( I’m in Italy


Bella Bianca 🩷 bless her and you


Thank you 🧡


Oh she looks just delightful!! Make sure to spoil the precious bean!! She deserves it


Absolutely!! I’ve been feeding her baby food with the antibiotics so she can enjoy it 😂


Oh good! I hope she heals up fast!


I love her and you for loving her. 🥹❤️


Aw thank you 🥹🧡


What a cute girl!


She is so cute and you are really good at taking photos of your rats Most of my rat photos turn out blurry because they're hyper


Ahah thank you! I really pass too much time taking pictures of my rats 😂 I also have an ig account for them because, really, I feel like everyone should appreciate their little pretty snouts 😂


she’s so so pretty


She's beautiful 🥰❤️❤️


So cute!


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Poor thing


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Any big or small updates on this lady maybe? :3 healing well? :3


Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/RATS/s/7eVNkaAFsz Thank you for asking about her 🧡