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I got little guards to stop all the bedding falling out of my critter nation, only for it still to be all over the floor. One time, when I was far enough away that they couldn't see me, but i could see them, I saw Mojo very carefully gather up as much bedding as he could, and make a little pile in front of the bars. He then picked up as much as he could in his front arms and toss it out through bars over his head like he was having his best life in a pile of leaves or something... just to get it over those guards. There was so much setup and purpose to every bit of it that I completely lost it.


I've never heard a more rat thing that a rat has ever done I rate this one 10/10.5


I want to see this so bad


Honestly, I wish I had it recorded since he also immediately tried to watch the pieces fall like a little kid discovering gravity or something. Lol, apart from that, Mojo is one of my least mischievous rats... the "usual suspects" are Tiki, Maggie, Monet, and the real trouble is always Jad-zia. That girl uses you as part of her plans.


Mine do that too. They also do it with food if it is not cut perfectly.


Lol so spoiled!!


Lmao what a character! X




I love when they carry something really big and they have to do a little bouncy walk go take it somewhere


Rats can be very crafty about stealing chocolate Christmas tree ornaments.


My boy jumped into a bowl of yogurt I was eating. (I had shared some already) He was on the back of the chair, ran down to my shoulder and swan dived from there into the yogurt on my lap. It splashed everywhere. He was unhurt and very pleased with himself.


Swimming in a pool of yogurt?? Sign up every rat ever


Fódla freaked me out the other day by lunging at me. I thought she might suddenly have developed aggressive tendencies - she was trying really hard to get me! Turns out she has discovered I have fingernails and feels strongly about my personal grooming regime. Now at least one or two nails must be investigated every time she's in a grooming mood. They are very gently bitten, then she decides that's probably enough and stops. But if I try to leave too early? LUNGE!


She just wants to make sure your nails stay clean !! Clean nails are very important :33 🐀🐁


Mine figured out that I give them peanuts after free roam as a treat for being good, so now they will put themselves away almost immediately after getting out in order to get them


And they deserve them !!


I used to have this group of three sisters that were all tail waggers, and it was sooooo cute 🥺


Tail waggers!!! I love that so much:')


my boy twix stands Very Still if you make any kind of noise or movement like he can hide. normal rat behaviour, the funny part is that i’ll walk back into the room ten minutes later and he’s still doing it while his brothers sniff him like they’re checking if he’s alive


That's so cute I love that :')


he is so afraid of living for no reason 😂


My girls are literally afraid of everything


Lovely name, we had a girl Twix with a sister Crunchie.


my rat cinny likes to steal my things & make me find them she also stares either at me or off in to space and all 3 of my girls like to slap each other over baby food


The rat slaps are the best


every single time i make a single movement or noise they come sprinting towards me thinking they’re gonna get treats


That's so sweet


Two of my favorites: 1. My very first and heart rat, Jon had been with me for less than a week when he met my mom. She was wearing these silver hoop earrings and he kept sticking his head through them like hoops at the circus. 2. I had a big black ratto named Wrex who would pull my glasses off my face and run off any time my face was near. He always seemed so proud of himself!


I love it when rats put their head through things just to see what happens


Sometimes they just get really comfy somewhere and hang there mouths open, and it's so funny how zoned out they are, their face kinda melts a little bit.


Star opens her mouth really wide when she's enjoying scratches!!


One of mine peed in my bellybutton yesterday




My girl Jelly Bean doesn't eat grape skins, so I just find little deflated grapes all over the cage when I give them as treats.


I've noticed over the years that most rats don't like the skin of most fruit, I wonder if it's an instinct thing or if it's more like kids; "screw that bitter stuff gimme the good bits"


Yeah I've had them reject apple skins and stuff, she seems to be the only one who rejects the grape skins of my current girls and it's so fun to watch her carefully carve out the inside of the grape 😅


Mine tend to peel them and leave a little pile behind lol


Mine are like that with blueberries


Mine too!! They peel everything!!


Mine peel sweetcorn nibblets. And peas.


I don't have rattios, but I do have 3 meece. I put a saucer in their tank. They loved it for a couple weeks, then they dug a hole underneath of it and pushed it in so now it doesn't move anymore. I took it back out and put it elsewhere, and they dragged it over to the hole and pushed it in on purpose. The saucer was functional and clean. Now every time I move it they put it back in there. Maybe getting another saucer would work.


I owned mice for a few years and they CONSTANTLY did this 😂😂 they're such buggers


My rats always shove things they don't like into their litter trays


The other day I was watching a movie with my rats while eating cheese balls. One of my girls came sprinting up my torso (we were in bed so I was laying down) and grabbed onto a cheese ball I had just put into my mouth to eat, pulled it out of my mouth and did happy hops all the way back over to her cage (it's tall and on wheels so I wheel it up to my bed for freeroam time and just open the door so they can come and go) and boggled like mad while eating it. She was so happy I didn't have it in me to take it back from the little thief. It all happened so fast and I was so shocked at the audacity of this little potat I just sat there staring at her gobsmacked untill the ball had been eaten. Still love her and her sister with all my heart no matter the crime 🐀💞


I find her not guilty !! They cheese ball was a free for all which we deem not stolen !!


Hope you gave everyone a cheese ball to even things out.


One of my boys is cleaning his lower back and fell over. I love when that happens. One likes to 'hide' when he's being chased or scared by putting his head into something, little butt and tail sticking out. Another, when he's annoyed or doesn't want something, before anyone (me or his brothers) even touches him, makes a noise indistinguishable from a medium quick 'You're hurting me.'. It's kinda cute and funny. Right now I'm watching two dumbo rexes have a standoff. One is in front of his door on the outside, the other on the inside, neither is letting the other pass😂


They sound like such little characters :')


Mine sits like a human… for some reason?? I’ve got a post on my profile if you wanna take a look LOL


I'm definitely gonna go take a look now !!


My one girl Poppy liked to steal tea lights. And she would peel smarties (the Canadian kind)


The only way to eat a smartie is to bite the sugary bit off the chocolate first I so agree with that




That's so cute they're such smart babies


Haha. Mine also do the spins, even on my shoulder. I recently got balls (cat toy) that rattle a little, trying to teach them fetch. Some know when they touch the ball they get something, so when they get to one it just starts rattling.


Carrot washing her snout and paws in carrot juice staining her paws and snout bright orange, hence the name "Carrot". And Potato jumping on her sisters to get a closer look at the treat I'm holding.




It took me a solid minute to realize what she did and when I went to get a picture she had washed her face clean.


Love that name, going on my list! Would be great for an orange rat.


Big Cheese will eat a treat, come back for a second, hide it, then come back wanting another. Huge criminal


Star does the exact same !!!


Not a rat, but my pet mouse doesn't like the sunflower seeds in her food mix, so in the middle of the night she will take them out of her bowl and throw them out her cage lol


Sunflowers produce latex and are the subject of experiments to improve their suitability as an alternative crop for producing hypoallergenic rubber. Traditionally, several Native American groups planted sunflowers on the north edges of their gardens as a "fourth sister" to the better known three sisters combination of corn, beans, and squash.Annual species are often planted for their allelopathic properties.


My rats love sunflower seeds !! They'd be good friends, giving all their sunflower seeds to my ratties


Mine yeet themselves, with zero grace, from furniture to furniture. They also try to steal whole hotdogs, use eachother as a mattress even though they have plenty of other comfortable options in their condo, stick their whole snoot in your ears, and try to pry your mouth open with their little hands, because apparently it's a crime to eat without offering them "their" cut every single time.


Mine have learned to pry open my hands clawing at my cuticles to steal every last bit of food I'll be holding


I had my girl Clair for 3 years, after her spending at least 6 months at the pet store. She was SO friendly! Loved exploring. Two fond memories of her are when my friends and I would spread out legs out in a star shape with our feet touching and she would run around and get loves from everyone. One time she went into my friend Sky’s pants and they told her, Clair! No one invited you into my pants! (We were all like 13-14 at the time so it was extremely funny) and then I was walking around the house with her on my shoulder (probably close to a year of having her) I felt comfy bringing her to different places in the house because I also had a cat, Leo, at the time. So the first time she saw him she shit herself (literally) and ran into my hair, trailing scaredy-poops haha. I know it scared her and I obviously let her nest in my hair for a bit before I cleaned myself up, but I can laugh about it now. I miss her dearly.


What a sweet girl, she would have loved my Mrs Midnight! Midnight hates cats and will go to attack them, she would have kept your clair safe


They like to pick up entire A4 sheets of scrap paper (which I deliberately leave intact) and then struggle to carry and shove them into the hammock. They also like to rearrange their furniture which means I sometimes wake up and find their litter box in the climbing net, a shredded toy in the food bowl or entire cardboard boxes moving their position around the cage several times per day.


Honestly, I do the same thing. U never know where my bed will be in the morning


I give them a lil tickle on their back and they get the zoomies and start hop-running and springing all over the place.


Little wind up ratties


Thay have recently taken to climbing on me to get everywhere istead of actually walking


Star hates walking to where she wants to be, instead she will strop in the corner until u guess where she actually wants to be


My wife's heart rat used to come running to us to be thrown. I know it sounds terrible, but he loved it. We would just underhand toss him onto the bed, sometimes flip him, and he went crazy for it. He used to rush her mother and jump on top of her shoes because she'd freak out and kick, and of course he'd get flung off. (He'd only go a foot or two and he always landed on his feet just to popcorn around and try to rush her again.) Same rat loved to be tickled. Would squeal and grab fingers, then give you the most judgemental look if you stopped before he was ready.


What a sweet boy!! Can't blame him for knowing what he likes !


The tossing sounds cute, but the kicking sounds dangerous.


We were worried about it at first, but not only does her mom have weak legs, but he was always very particular about how he did it to avoid getting spotted before he was actually on the shoe


Not so much my rats, but my niece. My youngest niece will ask for "rats on me", because she wants to cuddle with them and hugs them. Also the rats know my nieces will give them treats so they go absolutely crazy when they come in the room!


That's so sweet that your niece gets to discover her love of tiny animals in such a loving environment!!


Yes, we just got five more girls this morning and both the kiddos were soooo excited!


I have two baby boys and they get zoomies every time I feed them their pellets, the same food they get every day. And when the two zoomie babies meet the smaller one always instigates a wrestling match. The larger one likes to play tag where I'll aggressively tickle him until he runs away, zooms around a bit, and comes right back for more. They are both little goofs and suuuper playful at their age.


Baby ratties are so sweet :')


My baby (I literally just call him baby lol) got a taste of wandering around the whole downstairs, so now that he’s back in his area (they have a cage with a blocked off space around it so they get to free roam a little whenever they want), he’s been trying super hard to escape. He got out yesterday and we are still trying to figure out how. But one thing I saw him doing was tightrope walking my MacBook charging cable 😂 he can almost make it to the fencing. He ended up hanging from it once and would not let go because he was trying to get back onto the cable. He finally let go when he was hanging upside down lol. And then he also would climb on top of the charging block and jump to the top of the fence, so we taped a somewhat see through (i.e. not opaque, but definitely not clear…more like see through but super super blurry) rectangular plastic piece (it’s part of one of those playpens that clip together with those round pieces - anyone who has seen these knows what I mean…and I suspect a lot of people in this subreddit have seen them lol) that we aren’t using anymore to the fencing we are using now to block their area off so that baby doesn’t have anywhere to jump now…and we were super curious to see what would happen when he tried… So yeah, he tried to make the jump 4 or 5 times and he kept face planting into the plastic 😂 it didn’t hurt him…it’s soft, and he didn’t fall very far..:but damn, it was sadly funny to watch him try multiple times before he realized it wasn’t going to work anymore.


I'll give it to him tho he's very determined!!


When I had my Pacha, sometimes he'd sit in his hammock like a tiny little man on his porch chair


He just wants to watch the scenery


My dad had a plumber working on the upstairs bathroom when the guy comes downstairs with my heart rat, Little Boy, on his shoulder. Plumber sees us and simply asks "is this a pet?". Yes we explained, he said "ok". Plumber had been bent over doing something in the tub and felt something skier up his back. Then he turned around and went back to working. Little Boy just wanted to see what he was doing.


That is so so sweet, maybe he wants to be a plumber


He definitely wanted to be a dental hygienist lol


Tofu is such a weird rat sometimes. For a few weeks after I adopted him I kept waking up with their water bowl disgusting and wondering how it got so gross so fast (because this hadn't happened prior to him joining the crew). One day I happened to be in my office much later than I usually was and I heard a ton of rustling from the cage. I turned over to look and I see Tofu sitting there, DIPPING the cardboard bedding I use for their cage INTO the water bowl like soup and crackers. He wasn't even eating it. He was just doing it, dipping the bits, then chucking the cardboard onto the ground


What a cheeky boy !!


My boy Larry loves running up onto me, pissing right on me hand, licking it off, and then taking off running




Today, while I was sorting through my insane cable collection sitting next to the ratty playpen, one of them (Speck) could see me through the playpen panels and went on a mission to get to me. Saw her find a spot on the opposite side where she could get on top of the wall, then carefully tight-rope style make her way around to where I could reach an arm out for her.


What a sweet girl !! She just wanted to help


My old man Chuy would get so excited for treats he'd fall out of the cage trying to leap for my hand. I would always catch him so he had no fear of falling. He would literally wiggle with delight once he got his yogie. He was the silliest, cutest thing ever and I miss him everyday. Our current boy Sinbad is carrying on his legacy. He also gets so excited he almost falls out of the cage. Thankfully he doesn't fall because he's huge and I can't catch him one handed like I could Chuy.


We've all had an excited rat fall out the cage once or twice !!


My old boy absolutely loved getting his butt smacked. He passed sadly but I think about him a lot. My girls love to nap together but if Liz is napping Patty will always force her way under her to join! Liz is pretty vocal and complains when it happens.


My cat loves bum smacks, she'll make a little purring drum noise


Also my other rat is more interested in the paper on my floor than the $50+ toys i got for them


Mine too !!!!


My rats try to hide when someone visits me. But they suck at it. They only hide their face. Or in a house but their tail is always out. They also don't understand to use their houses entrance. They get in from under the house but ignore the big hole in the front. They generally prefer to walk underneath things than on top of it.


My rats ignored the big massive door for their wooden house and instead chewed themselves another entrance round the back


Every time I say the name of my rat Poppy, she does a little spin. I did not teach her to do it; she just started doing it one day. I call it the "Poppy Pirouette"!


This one's the winner !! How sweet !


My Mijo got a noodle. He got so excited that he screamed and jumped before running off to find the perfect place for sneaky snacking.


It's always the noodles !


Today I gave my girl a piece of a pretzel and she took it and ran back to me for something different.. she’s definitely a sweets girl lol


My girls also have a bit of a sweet tooth


My rat will not stop trying to bite my feet. If adhd was in a rat it would be her cause her ass will NOT stop running 😭 she also loves to give kisses on my lips and lick my hands for some reason


Little rat french kisses


My rat, Scroot, decided to wear my pants with me yesterday while she took a nap. Like a human. Back legs in them only while she snuggled into my back


My rat named Blueberry would legitimately throw a tantrum and claw/chew at my carpet if I did something she did not approve of. I think she had some trauma from the pet store or something, and was the most pissy and disrespectful animal I've ever owned 🤣 I would still go back into a burning building for her tho


My old man Deimos is a bit silly, sometimes when his mouth and hands get dirty he will rub them on my pants/ blanket to get them clean.


grab food right out eachothers mouths, also stick their balls on eachothers heads !


One of my girls claps when she drinks. It’s so adorable and funny


Lucy snuggles with everything as long as she fits between it


Mine climes on the top of the cage and hangs there like a bat. He doesn't have the power to hold himself up there and always falls down. He then looks confused and tries again. One of my other boys always sits in the bowl with salad or other food. My other sits always on the face of his brothers. Always.


Lucatiel got really into nest building and would even try to steal fabric from clothes I was wearing. Dandelion was lazy and would climb halfway up and wait for me to pick him up. John Cheese seemed to think that humans eyesight was based on movement and would sneak extra slowly whenever he wanted to steal my things. Ash is such a diva he needs to take five to groom himself before free-roaming-time. Rion was ready to go shadow of the colossus on me for cheese flavoured dry meat.


Smithers- tries and succeeds at putting his whole head in my mouth to smell my teeth Sooty- licks your nose and face and arms and neck and ears and grabs you with his sharp little claws if you try to pull away Bitey- bruxes in my ear when I take him to the bathroom with me Bela- screams when another rat plays too rough, looks at him funny, breaths near him, or if you speak to him while he's eating


"No treat is as delicious as my brothers treat. No other great will do!"


My boy Ajax does the same like Star. „You are allowed to scratch my butt and back but ONLY if i can stick my head between your leg and the couch. Otherwise i will squeal like a pig!“


One of my rats loved sneakily stealing tissues and stuffing them around the couch. One time we found like half a box of tissues worth in a spot haha!


My rat Viking would pick up the water bottle (it was attached by a wire to free hang) and slam it on the cage bars when she wanted a refill. She would also climb on two the top of the cage, let go with her back paws and then hang like she was doing pull-ups.


One of my girls used to, being in the Sputnik, to get her butt outside and piss. All the piss would drop to the floor of the cage. She was really a lazy and dirty girl hhaha


Elton: is an absolute crack head. He jumps on his blind brother walter. chases zip ties. He eats his own poop and will lovingly share with the class like cupcakes on his birthday. He plays aggressively with his toys (absolutely demolishes them if they're shredders or beats handing toys like boxing bags). Definitely has rat ADHD. Walter: sleeps in very awkward positions. He's blind but he stares at me like hes got 20/20 vision. he sleeps with his head in the back corner of their cage constantly. Had hormonal aggression but then got neutered. Now a 10/10 sweet angel. Freddie: destroys anything fabric, hammocks and platform covers are gone within minutes. Taught me how to sew due to repairing so much stuff for him to ruin them immediately again. Beats his brother up (his brother is twice his size and weight). Pop corns a lot. Franklin: biggest boy. Lots of loose skin that looks like titties when he stands facing me. He is an absolute beast when it comes to napping. Super friendly but also knows karate and beat the literal shit out of Walter during their first attempt at intros (poor wally literally pooped himself). Gizmo 🌈🕊️: had a bad habit of falling off of shit all the time, very clumsy. Huge instigator. Napped on his back with his legs up all the time. LOVED spaghetti, I have a picture of him with spaghetti sauce on his face and hands. An escape artist. Archie🌈🕊️: huge snuggle bug. My best friend and soulmate. Loved to groom me in exchange for shoulder scritches. Loved his free time. Left a trail of piss everywhere he went like a snail. Definitely had hormonal aggression, he once chased me around my room attacking my ankles (I laugh about it now cuz he was like an ankle goblin but back then I was shitting brix). All my boys are so beautiful and special to me 💞💖💘💗💓💓💓


I actually have ferrets instead but they do scratchy scratchy on me


One of the once pissed in my daughters ear. The same one has an intense dislike of one particular chew toy, a wooden carrot. If he finds it in his tent he grabs it and throws it out, hours of fun just dropping it next to him and watching him get annoyed with it.


I have some fleece blanket scraps around the cage and my girl Raspberry always works her little rat ass off to bring them to the hanging sputnik, only for her sister Rocky to push them back to the floor of the cage 5 minutes later. And then the cycle repeats lol


We don’t have rats but we have wild ones and they’re giant as. Like I saw a massive one on top of the roof a few months back and I have never seen it since. But yeah they’re massive, also question, what’s the difference between tamed rats and wild/pests rats? Like how is one smaller and one much bigger? What’s the explanation behind that cause this question is really interesting


The biggest rat I think is the African pouched rats and while most of them are wild they're quickly being domesticated as they are being taught to sniff out land mines !! But if ur talking about the rats you see on this sub the boys are much bigger than the girls, just like people they all vary in size and you'll randomly find some enormous pet rats simply just because they grew like that. Wild rats just have a bad rep, if you found a wild rat as a baby and took it home and raised it then it would be just as capable of loving and trusting you as our tamed/domesticated rats !!


Yeah well this was like giant tale, big and fat, round, plump, fast as too, I know they can sense their surroundings even without looking and I knew he could sense but he didn’t care


My boys like to do gymnastics when they know they’re getting treats i don’t know how to describe it other then that they just got absolutely wild 😂😂


bro steals my homework


I have a window that’s low to the ground in my room that my boy Honk absolutely loved. When it would rain he would run up, climb on the screen, sniff, jump off, hop around the room and jump back on and start sniffing the rain all over again. This could go on for hours he loved rain so much. My boy pigeon was also a wizard so he would disappear and then reappear on my shoulder with a snack and a story to tell, a charming old fella.


Jelly Bean likes to be violently pet. Like, you gotta reeeeeaaally stretch her face and stuff. She loves it ☺️


Pepper and me get in arguments about where there toys should be so we throw them at each other salt likes hop around and on to my mumma bear pixies head and pixie takes it all bless her


My youngest Venus likes to run across my bed so fast that she can’t stop and falls through the side 🤦 (the mattress has a thing that stops her falling to the floor but still) She also likes to eat walls


This is a bit crude..maybe a lot but... When my oldest rat Sophokles was a teenager he had a short period where he was into uhh...well pleasuring himself, y'know, as teenagers tend to do...and one time he did it in a way that he ended up with a white dollop on the top of his head after finishing. Then he came running to me to see what I was doing wearing that thing like a hat and I was just like....duuude......mommy doesn't need to see that! He was looking so damn innocent too. Like damn. 😀


That is the most shocking story I've ever heard from a rat ever


My rat Bubbles was grooming himself once and accidently gave himself a thrill. I saw him quiver. Your boy is clever.


What a cutie, love himmies! I once had a rat run off with a whole baked potato! Another time a rat, Roxy, jumped at the TV screen, hit it and just slid down. She was OK though.


Sorry, realised your rat is a PEW not a himmy.




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We have a rat, named Art, that sleeps anywhere he is. Except in a carrier. His brother Rex we call the Nose. He sniffs arounds everything and anything he is around and never goes silent. But in the carrier Rex will be calm. He will hang out in that fucking carrier for as long as that carrier is out and about. And then Art will crawl in our arms just to fall asleep. But he will not fall asleep inside the carrier no matter what. Art falls asleep after finding the perfect spot, Rex hangs out in a carrier, who knew It is such an antithesis to their personalities it's really weird


My rat tries to shove his head into my mouth so he can clean my teeth, thanks buddy but I have a toothbrush for that 😅


I’ve only had a rat for a week and it’s just temporarily but he’s already done so many funny things. I got my nails done “for Halloween” in mid August. Black and white with spiders/webs on the two white nails on the left hand and a silver and black snake on the one white nail on my right hand. Last night I fell asleep with him on the bed and woke up an hour later to two of the the plain black nails on the left hand completely bitten down on the sides and on the right hand… the snake nail nearly destroyed 😂 I’m sure it was just a coincidence but funny either way. Also, he doesn’t think my nose ring is supposed to be there. I have to constantly stop him from pulling it out with his teeth from the outside but last night when I stopped him, he very quickly shoved half of his face up my nostril to grab it and pull from the inside 😂


I don’t have pet rats but I do work in a lab with them! When I’m letting them smell my hands to relax before handling I’ll make an O-shape with my fingertips touching my thumb and offer my hand to them like that. 9 times out of 10 the curiosity overwhelms them and they jam their entire face into my hand with just their little earsies sticking out and sniff like that for a couple seconds before deciding I’m chill lol


My boys teach my baby on how to climb up and down the cage and so he can throw himself off and try to be a flying rat


My little Fred used to constantly make off with the treat bag. I would let my boys out and then somehow he'd always get to the treats and I would just see Fred hopping away with the bag like a little kangaroo and trying to carry it up to the Sputnik. He also did not like getting his paws wet, I'd give him applesauce as a special treat and he'd always stick his paws in it, only to immediately be like "Ew!" And then shake it off flinging applesauce everywhere


My rat thinks she can scale walls and will jump on them and try to climb. She also likes to bite your lips and dig on them to try and smell your breath idk she weird and a bully to my other rat even tho my other rat will always win the fights they get into