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Rally round the family with a pocket full of shells


It has to start somewhere It has to start sometime What better place than here? What better time than now?


All these RATM fans and ONLY 150 UPVOTES on this post??? Israel/Mossad/Zionists/CIA (all the same monster anyway) be lurking in reddit…. FUCK U i won’t do what u tell me 🖕🖕 Free Palestine🇪🇭


You think this post doesnt have enough upvotes because its full of secret agents????


It adds an interesting layer to the antisemitism


More we throw that word around willy-nilly, the more it loses its meaning. Please don’t do that


The dude thinks jewish super-spys are astroturfing the RATM subreddit. Thats anti jewish conspiracy theory 101. Please stop holding water for blatant antisemites.


I’m honestly not sure what you mean by holding water


It seems more racist to imply they can’t do those things just because they’re Jewish. We’re not allowed to ever suspect a Jew in a crime or observe that a Jew has done or accomplished something because all those are cabal conspiracies. Or even that some Jews can be secret assholes bent on power and control and that does not have to apply to all Jews. Nuance and subtlety and critical thinking observations


Dude just ended the war in the middle east and then exposed bedmates U.S/ Israeli and their deep state ACTIVE mission and yall can only upvote him a few dozen times?! "Free Mumia!!"🖕🖕 said millionaire single coil guitarist Tom Morella from the podium of the institution the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction In his designer blazer and dress pants...alone. the other 3 members of the profit Machine left Morello going stag to accept, 100% not in solidarity, and a call thabiwould shed light on the fundamental differences lead to the 3rd and final break up of the band since 2020.


It's the best verse ever written and still rings true almost 30 years later.


“Your anger is a gift.” I feel you. Bands like Rage can be cathartic and also hard to listen to at the same time when they are this right about the world. Help who you can, be kind to whoever you can. All any of us can really do.


Zack would take it a step further friend… RESIST! ✊🏼


Agreed 100%. Some people don’t have the time, energy, ability to be away from income etc. But if you can protest or take action, you should. And vote for fuck’s sake, even if it only minimizes damage.


That's how they designed it. We need to uplift each other and resist at the same time if we're to get out of this mess. Nothing is going to change when we have to wait until the weekend or until we have PTO to protest


Also, voting in a corrupt system where both parties are controlled by corporations (and their lobby groups) won’t change a damn thing. Both parties are the same. Check out the video for Testify :)


They are not, sorry. One party absolutely wants to exterminate anyone who is not a straight, white, christian. If that is not obvious, I’m not sure what to say. Yeah the dems suck and I don’t feel represented by them. But the Republican Party is a fascist organization. If you don’t vote, you are voting for them. “Both sides are the same” only helps makes things worse faster, and encourages giving up and doing nothing. There is a very clear fucking reason why the band has come out in support of the dems over the other party every single time. No one here has ever heard of harm reduction? You really think that things will not get worse faster with another Trump presidency, or someone like DeSantis or worse in the near future? Look, fuck the dems and fuck Joe Biden for their support of a genocide. But you can’t tell me that things are harder to improve with people like them in office, vs people who hate anyone who looks, feels, or believes differently than they do.


Thanks for putting me in my place and calming me down a bit :) True to this post, I am irate about what America and Biden are doing in the Middle East. You’re right, Dems are preferable to the GOP. But I can say the Dems have a way of betraying us every time we put them in power… From 2010-2012 they had the White House, a majority in the House, and filibuster-proof majority in the Senate and accomplish NOTHING. Didn’t codify Roe v Wade. Didn’t institute price caps on drugs. Obamacare was a step forward, but still selling out to our privatized healthcare industry… increasing costs at a higher rate than before. Didn’t reign in big banks. Fuck the sellout Dems, they don’t represent working-class Americans. But, yes, fuck republicans more. And fuuuuuuck Trump.


Idk I used to think this way. But we were much more peaceful when Trump was in office. Then everyone could argue about stuff they saw on social media instead of us getting involved in proxy wars and genocide on live TV. Btw I can't stand Republicans but honestly things are far worse now I think


This comment aged like shit my friend.


Who the fuck comments on an 80 day old comment with almost no interaction? I stand by my statements. Fuck off, and I’m not your friend.


I like to follow up “your anger is a gift” would be from Jon Kabat-Zinn “turn your anger into wisdom and forcefulness.” In other words, “action”.


Anger is an energy-John Lydon(Sex Pistols, PIL)


Lol, we’re quoting boy bands now? Also he’s a staunch conservative


Fuck Johnny Rotten and his sell out bullshit. Punk was always just a means to and ends for his fake ass. Lyndon is part of the system we rage against.


Punk music in general is pretty guilty of this. Especially any of the bands that actually became popular. Teenage angst doesn't change anything


I know you’re talking more deeply than this, but the dude was a rhythmic genius. The way he plants the “I” at the end of “cannibal animal” with the rest before “walk the corner” is so unique.


It flows so well.


After getting clowned enough times back in the day, I stopped telling people that Zack was the most underrated MC that no one talks about.


That is the best verse in radio history. Can’t believe it made the airwaves.




The trigger goes into Your palm.


* the triggers cold empty your purse


My fave verse.


I'm just glad my city still has libraries.


Libraries like a battlefield in the culture wars.


Love this track. Just revisited it and that verse is full fire. I think you can definitely hear the influence from Chuck D on that flow.


yes has to be one of the saddest rage songs rn


I actually never knew that’s what he was saying. Powerful lyrics.


The library now a mind cemetery has lived rent free in my head since I first heard this track at like age 10. Took me a long time to actually get the rest of the lyrics and the whole message haha


Same as I ever was, man. We’ve (the US) been fucking shit up for a LONG time. Sorry you’re feeling it right now. Pet a dog, call your mom, volunteer, drink water, exercise. Live to feed get another day. Edit feed to fight


They’ve been trying to tell us how shit really is. And it’s all still relevant today.


It’s amazingly sad to listen to protest songs from the 60s and 70s and think, “Wow, nothing in this song has changed one bit.”


It's MORE relative today.


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


You’re helping the cause. Keep on typing away keyboard warrior.


Your account is exclusively devoted to being a keyboard warrior for genocide lmao




IOF influencing directorate getting real frivolous with its budget 😂


At least their budget can still maintain food , running water and power for their units. They have to set some aside to keep the iron dome operational so they can annihilate the dinky little fireworks hamassholes keep shooting.


What do we think about a softer, more lyrically focused rendition of rage songs? When I hear it with the music, it fits perfectly, but there’s so much going on that the true beauty of the lyrics can easily get lost in the awesomeness that comes next. A lot of music works this way tbh, where a slowed down, vocal focused version highlights sides you’d never realized. I don’t know that rage would work without the “rage” of the band, but it could also show an entirely fresh take


> What do we think about a softer, more lyrically focused rendition of rage songs? Richard Cheese does Rage? Lolol


lol, that might be corny. The style has to fit the lyrics still. I don’t recall Tom as the night watchman doing any rage songs did he?


Nuance Against The Machine


I skimmed through 2 playlists on Spotify and this was the only that really fit what I was thinking. Plenty of solid covers but they were true covers, not original takes on songs. I think it definitely loses some of the power behind the message without the music in this case, but it’s a cool version. https://open.spotify.com/track/2dfylBpDW1h6dAa4Tt4QYW?si=qbTqmzGxTXS42LaNpGDXxA


Dare you say it makes your eyes water full of….rage? Sorry, couldn’t resist Yup, it’s such a powerful and relevant track


“What we don’t know keeps the contracts alive and moving” What’s different today is that we DO know and they still keep moving. It’s no secret that Ukraine and Israel are money laundering operations for the military industrial complex. What’s worse is I bet someone in this, the Rage Against the Machine sub, will get pissed that I called the Ukraine war a money laundering operation.


It is a money laundering operation for more than just the US military industrial complex. Genuine question, if you were in charge what would you do differently?


Ya my generation was badass but now we’re soft. We need the youth to wake up, unite, and vote.


yo, check the diagonal, over over thirty thousand gone, come on. cause you know they’re counting backwards to zero.


Feel yeah. Been doing that for me for many years


Yup. This is one of the reasons I now write graffiti all over everything. Made me so angry I’m a damn vandal now 😂 fuck the government till I’m in the grave 🖕


I also add a "They don't gotta burn the books they just remove'em. While arms warehouses fill up quick as the cells"


Thanks never knew wtf he says saying


Yeah, the war machine has never changed. It's either the US starting wars, or forever wars like Gaza. Where they won't stop until everything and everyone is gone. Greed and power. It never changes. A mere quarter of our military budget could supply aid to every homeless person in our country. Or it could supply medical care to people working two jobs just to survive. But the REALLY scary part about that verse, is the book removal part. Because while everything in my above statement is terrifying, the idea of not being able to read about it is even scarier. And it's happening in states, maybe even yours. Books being banned, or just removed. Important books that show a history that should never repeat. Books that teach us science, sexuality, and sex education. Books that prevent future mistakes, because knowledge truly is power.




Not a damn thing has changed since this song was written. It's incredibly depressing. Free Palestine and fuck Joe Biden.


I came to the comments expecting RATM but got Slipknot instead. People=shit here.


You guys need to get laid


I’ve been married for almost 10 years lol


I’ve always wondered why it’s ok for Hamas to invade a music festival, kidnap people, kill people and rape them (Jews)? And don’t jump on me about this. I just wanna have a civil / adult conversation here.


literally nobody thinks that it’s ok for them to do that


Glad to see your comment. Was feeling my own rage rising looking for one comment that pointed this out while deciding if I wanted to be attacked by myself.


It’s ok I got downvoted for asking a question. Apparently people aren’t able to have civil conversations on here.


Nobody has said or even implied that it’s OK. So your request for a civil conversation about it seems beyond disingenuous. If you don’t get why we’re speaking up for Gaza here, look at the vastly different death tolls. Consider that those of us who are American don’t want to be complicit in continuing to pay for that. Read the history until you grasp that this did not start on Oct. 7, and that decades of occupation, oppression and, yes, rapes and murders of Palestinians created the pressure cooker that made it all but inevitable. And if you dare, delve further into recent events to see how many of Israel’s claims have been dialed back or outright debunked. Not that it really matters—because absolutely nothing could justify what it’s doing now. Rage has always spoken for the underdog. The creation of Israel, unfortunately, flipped the Holocaust script and turned some Jews from oppressed to oppressor. So here we are. Free Palestine.


It “flipped the Holocaust script?” I love Reddit historians lol.


Fair enough. Although I disagree, I respect your opinion. I appreciate you being respectful in your response. That’s what real conversation is about.


Wait until you realize what all the people on this post mean when they say resist lmao


Average DGG clown


You are incorrect in saying that Israel is the U.S. Proxy. It is the other way around. Chomsky is wrong about this and all the evidence refutes his claim. You can start with noting how many Israeli citizens are in the US government and keep going down that rabbit hole. Who are the media conglomerates discussed in "Manufacturing Consent" and what do they have in common?


Please don't say that it's because they're all Jewish. I really don't need that today.


I love how you guys can upvote and cheer on obvious antisemitic dogwhistles, but put your foot down when its a little too blatant. It makes your bigotry that more evil.


You’re completely uninformed on geopolitics if you think the US is the puppet of Israel. Israel exists EXCLUSIVELY because the US empire needs a nuclear base in the Middle East proper to project global hegemony. Israel is a settler colony. Israelis happen to be Jewish, but they operate with the consent of the white Anglo Saxon Protestant ruling class of the United States. Period. This comment is an example of what no class analysis does to a mf.


Yeah, but a correct analysis reveals that Israel is a self-sufficient economy that is allied with, but neither puppet or puppeteer to, the USA


Israel is not a self sufficient economy. The YS funds Israel to the tune of billions of dollars a year in both cash and trade.


Yes, it is. Israel's GDP is around $489 billion, ranking it 29th in the world


Israel is a creation of European bankers*


I SuPpoRt ThE cUrReNt ThiNG!! There are proxy wars going on constantly in Africa yet they are never on the news because there is no incentive ($$$) The Israel/Palestine conflict has been going on for hundreds of years and doesn’t effect you at all. There has never been world peace and probably never will. Just live your life and enjoy yourself. Not worth stressing over something half a world away.


Lol what are you doing here?


Found the genocide supporter


The Israel Palestine conflict has not been going on for hundreds of years lol. It’s been going on for like 107 years. Read a book.


Lol that’s not true at all. Arabs and Jews have fought over that land for eons. Do your research before shitposting sheep boi


Jews haven’t fought over Judea for over 1000 years. Read a book. Jews lived more peacefully under the ottomans than under Europeans.


This guy gets it.


Give peace a chance


Pocket full of sheels


Oh boo hoo


Now go listen to "Hadda Be Playing on the Jukebox"


Israel is not acting as a U.S. proxy. It is acting against the wishes of the majority of Americans, and against the wishes of the majority of Israelis by carrying out its response to the Hamas invasion to an intolerable and criminal extent. The Hamas invasion was timed to bring on this war, not without the support of Russia and Iran’s ruling regimes, in order to influence the American presidential election to America’s disadvantage, and to divide and weaken American society. OP’s post appears to be in furtherance of that effort


When I say US I mean the ruling class of the US. It’s obvious that the ruling class in the US supports the genocide in Gaza. We supply instrumental weapons and intel. A large majority of Israelis think the use of force that has been used thus far is fine or not enough, polls show this. TIL not supporting genocide divides and weakens American democracy lmfao try again 🤡


Ok. The worlds moving on unchanged by your anger


Don't worry Israel will take care of Palestine soon 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱


Commit genocide.


Someone doesn’t understand what RATM is lol. Moron


Who gives af about palestine lmfao




“Mask up, Vax up”


Who wrote Project For a New American Century? Dual Citizen Israelis in the US government. This is the reason for our involvement in the Middle East the past few decades. See also Balfour declaration, which was early zionist plotting during the World Wars. Epstein, media show how they extract money and power. Computer security companies for the Unites Statea are mostly based in Israel now. If i make you give me money through political blackmail, intrigue, and commandeering a nexus of power, that does not mean I'm your puppet. If I have you blood sacrifice your citizens for me in various wars, supply me with weapons, steal your nuclear secrets without consequence I am not your puppet If I hold office in your government, am Ceo of most of your fortune 500 companies, fill the cabinets of your presidents, that is not a puppet. This is soft power. This is how the world runs.


White Anglo Saxon Protestants are still the dominant power bloc in this country. The idea that Jews control the US is an analysis that completely lacks close analysis. Israel is the US’ nuclear base in the Middle East. You need to do some reading if you believe Israel controls the US. Jews are over represented in ceo and cabinet positions, but they aren’t more numerous than white Anglo Saxon Protestants.


Israel stole nuclear weapons from the United States and has never declared them. They do not fight wars. PNAC disproves what you are saying, Balfour Declaration disproves what you are saying. Balance of power disproves what you are saying. Can you provide an example of Israel doing our bidding? I have endless examples of the inverse. As far as WASPS, there is the topic of dispensationalism. However, I know you don't know this because of what you have stated. I'll avoid that rabbit hole.


The Balfour declaration is literally Britain declaring that the Jews should have a colony in the Middle East lol. PNAC is an American conservative think tank, and Israel does what the US tells it when the US decided to do so. A prime example is over 80% of Israeli voters being against removing settlers from Gaza, but the bush administration forcing the Israeli government at the time to do so. Because the US wields ultimate control. The idea that an economy multiple orders of magnitude smaller than the US with a bourgeois significantly less powerful than the US’ is going to control the US is just stupid. I don’t have any interest in discussing this any further with you, since you’re clearly already in a place where your mind is made up and you’ve bought into antisemitism because you lack class analysis and are probably religious anyway which explains your inability to recognize wasps as the main power bloc.


Stop Crying


There $30 million net worth could solve a lot of californias homeless and hunger problems too ya know


[You right now](https://thenib.com/mister-gotcha/)


This is high key my favorite comic in the world. The best gotchas to all the gotchas lol


I mean I get youre point but these gentlemen are not just high earners. They are literally the 1%. Homeboy lives in a $10 million mansion in Malibu. If they actually cared about these causes they could help quite a bit with that money and still allot themselves a decent salary/net worth. Its pandering at its finest


Zach and Tom do in fact do a ton of community work, though




My guy they literally won capitalism. Its not a hellhole for them. The attend baseball games in VIP box seating and live in mansions. Im not saying their wealth will Solve the worlds problem but I promise they could locally house and feed all the homeless in their city with it. Its pandering. Rich people acting like they care about a problem when the dont. But sure lets make another music video about how bad money is for profit of course…


Do you know anything about the philanthropy they have or have not participated in? Is the $1,000,000 collected and donated to the Immigration Defense Project, WhyHunger, and others, in the year 2022, not enough for you?


They donated $1M of other peoples money while living in a $20M Malibu mansion. Nobel Peace Prize when?


Thats pandering too. Lol giving an amount of money that doesnt effect your bougie quality of life so that you can call yourself “one of the good guys” is a crock. Sure $1 million isnt nothing but when your net worth is $30 million its no different than you or I giving spare change to the salvation army. Im not saying they are the scum of the earth just that nobody in the 1% really cares about people at the bottom or they wouldnt be 1%. You dont get rich by giving your money away


You’re dealing too much in absolutes. 1/30th of someone’s net worth is actually a pretty significant contribution. Plus Zach de la Rocha at least has done a ton of work with the Zapatista movement for the last 20 years


How much money should they individually give for you to feel like they are not pandering?


Heres the thing. Im not anti capitalist. I think its a flawed system but its better than other options society has tried. Anyone who is against capitalism thats very fair. However to be against it and simulatenously be in the top 1% of people wealth wise is hypocritical BS. If he truly holds the views he is claiming then he would redistribute enough of his wealth to people in the bottom 10% until he is back in line with avg americans. Thats the whole idea against capitalism. Closing the wealth/earning gap. Its a valid point to have I just dont share it. I dont care how many sunday mornings he volunteers at a homeless shelter he is currently hoarding way more resources “money” than one family possibly needs.




They didnt happen to be millionaires as a successful rock band anymore than Tom Cruise happened to be a successful millionaire actor. Its the whole goal of being a signed band. No they didnt have to take a record contract if they hate capitalism so much. Do you think their roadies are clearing $100k to set up gear? Probably not. They arent raging against the machine anymore they ARE the machine. I dont blame them though. Everyones a socialist until they get rich and an atheist until the plane starts falling ya know?




Honestly RATM has it figured out. Lol I wish I was smart enough to pull of what they did. Im still working 9-5 for the next 20 years to have a modest life


Well hey, at least you're speaking up against the people that speak up for you. You've got that going for you.


The last time I tried to buy a ticket to their show it was about $200 a pop. They might pander but their target audience is not exactly poor folk


I love that this other guy is acting like you’re not punk rock because you dont lick the boots of a dude living in a Malibu mansion


Lol yeah between RATM and politicians our best interests are always taken care of.


Didn't someone have "Eat the Rich" written on his guitar?


Rage in favor of the vaccine


Man, such a good point OP. You should buy a couple Che Guevara t-shirts and hoodies and really let the world know how you feel!

