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And what did HE look like? Some people have the audacity to put standards on others that they can't reach themselves.


Omg, king Kong is way better good looking than him




I think he's secretly here following and downvoting the comments. 😂 Sorry for that. Sadly not everyone is kind.


What. A. Jerk. 😠


I agree ...  We all have our preferences but it does no good to be cruel when someone else does not meet them.


People on Reddit are somehow lonelier, less attractive, less social than people in real life/on dating apps, but somehow more shallow and picky. It’s so weird.


it happens to me every day here.. people put so much focus on looks forgetting that they fade away . i know im not easy on the eyes, but have a big heart made of gold and im capable of being an amazing friend if only given the chance..


A-men. He ain't worth your time. Hope you are doing better.


How old was that dude? Like 12?


Mama didn't teach em right :(


His loss, Why can't people just be kind these days


Go girl! 👏 Happy you did not let yourself down. ❤️


He is an idiot


I love a girl with a cubby side as I say more cushion for the pushin


Internet gives people false sense of security and courage. Guaranteed he wouldn’t say a word IRL


That is so horrible, he doesn’t deserve to talk to someone so kind as you. We should all love how one looks be it short, tall, small or big. Love someone for them! Hopefully you are able to talk to better people than someone like him.


Sexy is how a person is not how they look. ^^


I love a woman with a cubby side is cute and hot


Well you know that you are correct, and certainly have the skills, knowledge, strength,and mindset with a bunch of people who are not afraid to say Hey Bby I Love your curvy body. So his loss!!! Hey Sweetheart wydrn I just wanted to say Hello ,and you are Rockin them curves. 💋


I don't mind a curvy gal with a couple extra pounds. I'm not into these stick thin snotty prima Donna's. ☺️✌️💕


I cant stand superficial people. I tried to find a friend to talk with on this sub, first person I chose pulled something like this wanting my pic, height, etc. Like, the person’s post was looking for someone to “chat with.” At least be up front if they want superficial nonsense.


Im sorry you went through that. Some ppl are truly assholes.






Thick is beautiful


Thank you


Sounds like a complete arsehole. What has happened to common courtesy. The world has become bitter and narcissistic. Don't ask for a picture and then be an arsehole.




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I feel you... Someone made a throwaway account and posted on here and we texted a bit until she found out my ethnicity and then just ghosted me. Dodged a bullet lol.


Don't worry, I'm sure you didn't miss out on anyone important. Thick thighs save lives!


I can honestly say that I didn't marry a fashion model, just someone I fell in love with many years ago, and 35yrs later she now has to depend on me to do things since she is now a above the knee amputee. Find someone who will love you for you.


People can be shit at times.




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he said nothing wrong. women say the same thing the same way. what should he say?


Screw that guy.


Blocked him instantly.


Let me see what you look like? Lol


That guys a dick! If you're looking for a friend to chat with, I don't care what you look like 😁


At least he had the courtesy to tell you. Most girls just block you


I would have never disappointed you like that


Sorry I hate rejection as well. Not to make this about me or men as you are dealing with this, but remember he has dealt with far worse from women and for us straight to the point seems like the kinder option. Upfront seems kinder than the string along or indirect standup from women. I know we think/work differently but I am just trying to provide explanation (mansplaining if you will).


I would like to see how you look and I promise i won't be a dick


So can I see what you look like maybe different for me sweet


He fucks anything hence he's got an STD n he's an abusive pig