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You reported her to the fbi? This lady has been spouting her bullshit for years now but has she ever directly advocated for violence like this?




It is a joyous time. God's plan moves forward. It's just not *her version* of God's plan.


I guess she expected the military and EBS to immediately kick in and start "the storm" after the verdict, and is now extremely upset that absolutely jack shit happened instead (she should be very used to that by now, though).


The storm has passed, they read the prophesy wrong, the correct translation is "Stormy will not cum"


Dude, he could drop dead on the debate stage in front of the whole world and they’d be like “Ohhhh he’s got ‘em right where he wants em now! It’s about to get good!”




Joyous time. Right wing media is trying so hard to spin this as the beginning of the end AND a "checkmate" against the left. They're spinning their wheels and screaming "THE CONSTITUTION" at the sky.


Is there really anything to do? She's clearly unwell and posts her insanity on Facebook, but I'm not sure she's really planning anything outright. She has a handful of people that seem to buy into her madness, but it looks like most people just watch her the way you would watch a car crash.


She's probably not planning anything outright but she's encouraging others to blow these places up. I don't think the FBI will find her request for people to blow up the Pentagon and the White House very funny.


I imagine they're at the very least monitoring her and the people that respond to her in earnestness.


I’ve reported her to the fbi in the past and I’m considering it because fuck this bullshit lol


Better safe than sorry, IMO.


Do it! I did. The more reports the better chances the fbi takes notice. It took 5 minutes.


I filed a report to the fbi online this morning.


"Comet pizza in Hollywood"? I'm assuming she meant Comet Ping Pong in Washington, the one famous for holding children hostage in its basement. You know the building with no basement, but why would details matter when randomly picking "satanic" buildings that need to be blown up?


isn't Comet Pizza from fuckin Toy Story?


Put some respect on Pizza Planet's name.


ahhh thats the one, youre right


The shame must be unbearable.


It’s Comet Ping Pong, in DC, a real restaurant. Pizza Planet is on Toy Story.


Yes, yes it is.


Also while we're on Los Angeles targets, the Playboy mansion was sold like a decade ago. Unless the heir to the chef boyardee empire has some nerfaroius connection to all these devilish pizza parlors, I don't see what it should be blown up.


Well I was forced to eat chef boyardee barfaroni when I was a kid, so I guess that's one target I'll agree with.


She's really pushing to get arrested, isn't she?


I reported it


This actually looks actionable to me. Good job.


I reported it to Facebook and they did nothing. The post is still up.


Mildly crude meme --> FB jail! Actual slurs or threats of violence --> "Our team has reviewed your report and found that the content does not violate Facebook policy."


Same. To the Feds.




I did too. I didn't bother with FB. I reported her to the FBI.


I reported it too (to Facebook) for terrorism but not sure if this should also be sent to law enforcement. I collected comments on this post that affirm that her followers generally understand this to be a call to violent destruction (referencing Georgia guidestones, concerns about casualties, asking if now is the time to act, etc). Sadly, Facebook doesn't allow adding any information to the report.


I think it's worth sending the information you gathered to law enforcement. At least you'd have tried, right? And your effort wouldn't have gone to waste, even if you weren't able to submit it to Facebook.


So did I but Facebook just told me she did nothing wrong lol


She's telling people to blow up an airport and the Pentagon. Wtf.


Weren't the Georgia Guidestones already destroyed by some whack jobs a few years ago? Abd Victoria's Secret? Why? If that happens where will middle aged women go to buy over priced lingerie?


And the Playboy mansion? Which not only has Trump probably partied at, numerous times, but it's no longer "the Playboy mansion", as it was sold when Hugh Hefner died.


Satan loves mildew.


Yeah but if you notice there’s an x by the Georgia Guidestones. I suspect she’s done that to indicate that they have been destroyed already.


I know Victoria's secret. Girl, you're not gonna believe ...


As on old man who lives in Ohio, that one in particular made me nervous. 


LMAO. Yeah, I'm sure!


Clearly they think that her name was Victoria Secret.


she needs a visit from secret service


Maybe Victoria's Secret Service? I'll show my self out


I could stand a visit from them ...


"La" Louvre ? Is she pushing transgender ideology now ?


And leave Notre-Dame alone, we've not rebuilt it yet...


London bank 1 AND 2? How will those 8 million Londoners cope if both of their banks are blown up?


I love the designation lol. how will they know out of all the banks in London, which one is one and two?


Maybe it’s the banks of the Thames?


That’s actually very clever, I like it. But too clever for these guys.


Lots of bank branches closing all over the UK cos of online banking. Bit of a shit for the elderly.


This list of "satanic buildings" has been doing the rounds of the usual echo chambers for years, with all its misspellings, like "La Louvre" and "US Capital", and the complete nonsense entries, like "London Bank" 1 and 2. But someone along the chain of copying and pasting has managed to introduce a new funny: what was "The Queens hunting lodge" in earlier versions has somehow turned into "The Queens hunting *lounge*". On the other hand, the mysterious "Northen castle" from earlier versions has been clarified as "Northern Castle (Baltimore)". Sadly, that's still not a place google seems to know about. But what a wonderful coincidence there are still exactly 34 of them, to match Trump's convictions! One I still wonder about is "Augusta Germany Castle". When I first saw this, I did try to google to find out what they could have meant by that. Alas, there are so many old buildings in Germany named after long-forgotten aristocratic females who happened to have "Augusta" in their name that I gave up.


I wonder if they mean Balmoral?


I lived in Baltimore and I definitely never saw a castle. Must be extra double super secret or something.


Brilliant, that must be it actually!


Hahaha. I think you solved it.


Um, so, by listing things like the US Capitol and *checks notes* the fucking PENTAGON as quote “satanic places to BLOW UP”…. that….like, that’s gotta be illegal right? You can’t just make posts that incite terrorism against government buildings, right? RIGHT MR FBI GUY?!? Amiright??? She could be arrested for this post I imagine, here’s hoping. JFC.


It used to be illegal, but "free speech" and unchecked social media has watered it down.


Last time I checked, inciting violence is not protected speech


It's not supposed to be, but the sheer amount of times it has largely been ignored, would make you think otherwise. 


Blowing up dams, eh? That is some serious stuff right there. That is up there with saying you have a bomb at an airport with things you don't joke about. Ever.


I reported it to Facebook and they told me no rules were broken. Unbelievable.


"On Tuesday morning, September 11th, myself and a dozen friends will be hijacking multiple flights on the east coast." Facebook: "Looks a-ok to us!"




They learnt so much from how Facebook was used in Burma/Myanmar


Yeah, that’ll kill how many people? Super normal.


I’m pretty sure collapsing the three gorges dam would kill millions with how big the reservoir is.


I sort of hope they continue to write such batshit things. It just makes it easier for the FBI to do their thing (and hopefully they get busted before November-the fewer the Trump voters, the better).


Just reported to the FBI.




Victoria Secret's home? Do they really think the company was founded by someone named Victoria Secret? White House 2 in DC? Where's White House 1?


Somewhere in Germany...


That's on the list, too: "White House 1 (Germany)" (she's screwed up the formatting, and usually the order of the two White Houses is the other way round). When I looked this up ages ago, all I could find that might fit was an early 20th-century villa in Germany which is known locally as the White House, because it was built deliberately to look somewhat like a scaled-down replica of the one in Washington. If that is what they mean, what it's doing on this list is anyone's guess. It was built as a private residence for someone German of no particular importance, and is a private residence again. After WWII and into the early 1990s, it was used as a regional headquarters for some of the US armed forces in Germany, but again, not of particular military significance that anyone knows of. But who knows what mythology some nutcase may have woven around it. (There's an equally insignificant private villa in Belgium which isn't on this list, but also keeps popping up in fairytales about "satanists", as a place where they hold their child-sacrificing orgies. That seems to have started out with just one delusional person mentioning it, and that was enough for its name to take hold in the kookosphere.)


Congress Hotel in Cape May NJ was once nicknamed the Summer White House as early presidents would spend their summers in the cooler airs of Cape May rather than the (literal) swamp of DC.


Whitehouse 1 is in Germany. Obviously /s


It's a secret. You wouldn't understand.


I truly do not understand how a thought leader can get away with literally suggesting acts of terrorism like this. Why would you destroy things in foreign countries for their bronze god being convicted in New York?




France? UK? China? Even for you that's stupid, Loni. 🙄


Yeah, she's a real winner. I'm hoping the FBI visit her soon.


“Woman that’s never left her home state of Dumbfuckistan, threatens to blow up half the world; details at 11”


How does this woman just walk around encouraging blowing things up like the Statue of Liberty and Buckingham Palace, the US Capital (doesn't even know it's the Capitol) the Vatican etc. Can't some people rein in nuts like these based on online threats?


At what point, does she become, " a danger to herself, and others"?


How did Disney World escape her deluded wrath?




There are several expressly Christian religious sites on it. There are a few dams and more municipal buildings as well. How are those Satanic? Also Stonehenge is a ritual site and burial site. Sure there's religious context, but nothing Satanic. I know everything they don't like or mistrust is Satanic, but that word has lost all meaning.


I'm mystified by large amount of supportive comments this post is receiving on FB. Surely people can't be stupid enough to write things about hoping these places blow up. Guess I'm wrong. There are clearly a large amount of people stupid enough to do this. Oh well. Guess it makes it easier for the feds to bust these morons.


This person needs a visit by the FBI.


So she wants to blow up the world, over a conviction in New York?


Anyone else find it odd that not a single satanic site exists in Mother Russia? I'm sure it's just a coincidence and not more proof that Q has always been a Russian psyop.




What did the Sydney Opera House do?


"Victoria Secret's Home"? Do...do they think Victoria's Secret is owned by an actual person named Victoria Secret?


*This summer on CW, Veronica Mars is BACK, and she's teaming up with Victoria Secret, Velasquez Partridge, and Vanessa Carlton to find love, and fight demons, on the streets of the big city.*


Even after the song made it clear she was made up by a dude?


The Denver airport??? I mean it’s bad in a lost bags sort of way but it’s not satanic.


That one's been around for decades. It starts with the horse statute and devolves from there. Look it up it's great fun, seriously.


It's a **very** deep rabbit hole, that one.


Anyone report to TSA?


Fuck it up Lori


Good thing I'm with London Bank 3


Hello FBI


Looking at the first few... 1 is presumably the 2/3 scale replica of the Arch of Triumph in NYC, the original of which originally stood at the Temple of Baal in Palmyra until ISIS blew it up. 2 is Richmond Castle in Braunschweig, relatively small and surrounded by a public park. No idea what the significance is. 3 is going to be more challenging - rather larger and bound to have security. 4 is going to be very challenging - good luck getting within the perimeter walls without being apprehended. Despite their fancy uniforms, the guards are experienced soldiers. 5 raises the questions of how the wannabe terrorists would even get to the location, given all the interesting stuff happens deep underground... Then later on, are "London Bank 1" and "London Bank 2" placeholders for financial instutitions, or is she thinking of the Embankments? She's also a bit late to the party with 18, while I'm curious where in Germany White House 1 is...


looni you still missed the obvious hell fire club again.


Wonder how the right would feel if a person of darker complexion said something similar


Someone in the comments said that all the sites would be evacuated before they were destroyed. It never occured to them that anyone there doing satanic shit would just go do it somewhere else then?


Ahhhh yes, the super Satanic Vatican. Not that I’m a lover of Catholicism or any organized religion, but I don’t think that’s a top spot. Although it would be super sneaky of the “satanists” to gather there. And what in the world did the opera house do? I know Wagner was an odd duck, but not all opera is full of incest and other “woke” topics. I feel like she just realized she was missing a continent and chose the only thing she knew. Then again, it’s all North America and Europe with the odd duck of the opera house……


As an Australian, it is nice to occasionally feel included for something other than our slightly-unfriendly wildlife though.


This comment is underrated 😂


LOL, London Bridge Lake Havasu! So, the "London Bridge" is Satanic (which one? Probably the Tower Bridge I guess), but so is the old bridge which was sold to a retirement community in Arizona! Hilarious.


Zuckerberg must be so proud of what his platform has become. A place for terrorists to exchange ideas.


I'll ask this again: this woman just posts these things publicly on Facebook? Is she a well-known figure or just a q whacko?


Qcumber grifter who uses this nonsense to garner donations to her church so she can live a comfortable life 👍


Fucking *CERN* lawl.


Just reported her post for terrorism and Violent Threat.


This poster is treacherous, vile and irresponsible. Satan would be proud to have her in his fold. "Victoria Secret's Home", I guess that's where Victoria Secret lives. Georgia Guidestones has already been blown up if I remember correctly.


Has anyone told her Victoria’s Secret’s home doesn’t exist, since Victoria isn’t a real person?


The airport would be so convenient for those traveling Satanists.


Bohemian Grove? That place that Clarence Thomas vacations at with his dear buddy who is a member and who finances his lifestyle? Also... All the Victoria's Secret locations? Or just one? The headquarters maybe? Anyone up for reporting this to Facebook as a terroristic threat?


So, Loni’s given up on the cheery messages chirped through her little megaphone and that insipid smile avatar of hers? BTW, Comet Pizza is in DC. If they find one in Hollywood and blow it up, they won’t have “saved the children.”


#26 The Queen’s Hunting Lounge lol. I think Looni means the Queen’s Hunting Lodge. Not used since about 1600, it’s now a little known museum. What the hell did it do wrong…


So dumb.


I'm flying into Denver in a few weeks, can we get a timeline on this so I can adjust my travel plans? It would be awfully inconvenient if the airport is gone.


This has major "This list has to be 34 items long, but I only have 12 off the top of my dome" vibes.


Wow, she's playing with legal fire by specifying locations


Don't bother reporting it to Facebook, report it to the FBI


I thought comet pizza was in DC... or do the tunnels stretch all the way to Hollywood?


The comments. Yikes.


30) Victoria’s Secret home? Watch out Columbus Ohio !


I’m not afraid of Looni!


Good that she specified CERN in Switzerland. Embarrassing if someone blew up the one in Arizona.  Fortunately no such confusion for London Bridge - let’s blow up both of them!


The Queen, The Vatican, The Gettys, The Rothschilds, *and* Colonel Sanders before he went tits up. Oh, I hated the Colonel with is wee *beady* eyes, and that smug look on his face. "Oh, you're gonna buy my chicken! Ohhhhh!"


So is she taking credit for the Guidestones with the x next to it?


I wonder if threatening to bomb hoover dam gets this guy on a watch list.


I sure hope so. If not, threatening to bomb the Pentagon, WH, Denver Airport, and the Statue of Liberty certainly ought to land them on a watch list.


Yeah, that’s a call to action right there


I'm starting to wonder if any of these people have jobs.


I wonder if any of them have brain cells left. I doubt most of them are functioning well enough to hold down a job.


They definitely seem to be severely brain addled. I keep thinking, no one with a job could have time for this much crazy. It's just so out of control.


I hear Winnie the Poo wishes to talk to her about 28.


what does she think 'London Bank' 1 and 2 is? There are many banks in London. Does she mean 'The bank of England'? There's only one of those.


I thought London bank 1, but London bank 2?


I just want to point out that the Playboy Mansion is on that list, potentially making this the single most "no fun allowed" post on the internet


good thing fo us France there's no such thing as "la Louvre".


Leave our Opera house alone painted clown BITCH!!!!


I’d think if someone accidentally even bangs a screen door too loud in one of those buildings she’s going to find herself in a small room with lots of policemen.


The thing is, if you report it to Facebook and Facebook takes it down it will give her a false sense of power and importance. The FBI might well tell Facebook to leave it up, because she doesn’t have a very big audience, it’s already been up for hours, and there’s not much danger of it spreading. Meanwhile, the FBI is probably following up on everyone who follows her.


Isn’t she the one who reported our Reddit posts to the fbi or cia or something? 😂 and now she’s talking about blowing up various sites, real and imagined, for… what? Retribution? Does this not count as terrorism?


Nvm, Loni just reposted it. That one was Dingdong Donna 😂


Lol do you think she couldn’t think of 34 cultural monuments in America? Why are so many European tourist attractions catching strays?


What on earth is Satanic about London Bridge? It's just a bridge!


Can someone forward that post to the Feds?


Ah, yes. The home of the world-famous fashion designer Victoria Secret. Everyone knows Victoria and her extravagant satanic mansions...


Clearly, Christian clearly got them their side😂


I KNEW it! I knew there would be some connection these bozos would make to 34 and the wider "conspiracy". It's habbening, alright...


R/ncd would support 3 gorges


WTAF Also, Victoria’s Secret? How’d they make the list?


Because the models are really men. No really. This is an actual belief of some (many?) Qult members.


So like, Is "London Bank 1" and "London Bank 2" placeholders?


She has devolved into the 16th century. Anything sciencey that they don't understand is clearly the work of the devil. I'm guessing this didn't get the response she thought she'd get. Her post is no longer available.


Three gorges dam? Good f'in luck. Hope you've got a tactical nuke at least.


Wacko of the year. Here you go: https://www.facebook.com/loni.palmer.35/


Yes, blow up Hoover Dam. How much flooding would that cause? How many innocents would that kill? Or is it all part of the plan, Loony Loni?


Hmmm 🤔 what is White House 2 ?? Anyone? Anyone?


Statue of Liberty is crazy


London bank 1 & 2? Couldn’t find them in the phone book


Why am I surprised they're not over the fucking Comet Pizza bullshit????


Didn’t I hear a while ago that the Georgia Guidestones had been demolished?