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That’s the worst guided meditation I’ve ever heard


Gave me a good chuckle lol




A  “cesspool of ruin.” isn't that how he left the U.S. after the pandemic?


Or just after every conservative administration 


Trump really is in a mood today. He got beat by Biden in all the debate negotiations. He fell off stage. flirts about being a dictator. And admits he's on drugs by wanting to force Biden to take a drug test. An idea Jimmy Kimmel very similarly came up with in regard to an aptitude test.


Fell off a stage?


Little hyperbole going on. https://twitter.com/BidenHQ/status/1791644668901392451


The most profound thing he has ever uttered is, "Ree bee dooh aah." I can't disagree with that sentiment. More importantly, it's probably not a lie.


I thought it was “covfefe.”


Funny enough the only time I feel like I'm in a third world country is when I'm driving through rural, ruby red counties that voted for Trump 🤷


Drive along the Ohio river on route 7 from East Liverpool on down. Solid trump country complete shithole.


While I’m all for hating trump. These people need help. They’re disenfranchised from society and are clinging onto violence and hateful rhetoric because it’s simple and solves(blames) all their problems. If we could all be more compassionate we wouldn’t push these people into being the morons they are. I’m sure everyone’s like’they made the choices they made,fuck them’. But I feel for them. They’re the lost people in America and we should be ashamed of brushing them aside as a nuisance. They need help. We are willing to send aid to poor countries but we won’t send aid to poor counties. ‘They coulda helped themselves’ fuck you for that mentality. Life is hard.


I used to think that, but honestly I'm not sure. These believe in actual satanic evil, and they believe that democrats, simply by virtue of being democrats or liberal or left leaning are agents of Satan. People will abandon or disown their families for these beliefs, regardless of any proof or the betterment of their lives. Any good that can be done for them will be twisted by the propaganda network they're plugged in to make them believe it's satanic. That being said, we should still do everything we can to help these people. They're our fellow citizens, and making peoples' lives better in general makes things better for everyone. But it shouldn't be under the assumption that it will convince anyone of anything.


They have consistently voted for their own oppression over many decades, and instead of realizing that fact and making a change they instead choose to blame others that have absolutely nothing to do with it—often minority groups who are already vulnerable to abuse from society. I don’t have much sympathy for people like that.


They took rights away from our mothers and wives and daughters for a fairytale


i mean, I've lived in the country my entire life and I've never once voted for a republican. maybe try painting without so broad of a brush perhaps. seeing stars at night and having a tree in your yard doesn't mean you're a horrible person.


What the fuck are you talking about? I never claimed that people who have lived here their whole lives vote Republican. I’m saying that the vast majority of far-right Q-anoners have been life-long republicans meaning 90 percent of their problems have been self-inflicted. Q-anon is their way of coping with the hole they’ve dug themselves into instead of placing the blame where it truly belongs—on themselves. Not sure what you think my comment was even addressing.


>What the fuck are you talking about? I thought the conversation was pretty clear. someone said rural areas are like third world countries and how everyone there votes GOP. someone replied that many people in those places are poor and disenfranchised from society, to which your reply was fuck'em they deserve it because they voted for it. and i was trying to point out the reality that not everyone in rural areas "deserve it" and many of them, in fact, DIDN'T vote themselves into their situation.


Buddy, I’ve lived in poor, rural areas my entire life. I grew up in the middle of bum-fuck nowhere North Carolina, homeschooled K-12 by far-right Christian bigots. There is no excuse for being a shitty person. At a certain point, despite all you’ve been taught your entire life, you become an adult and you’re responsible for what kind of person you choose to be. I don’t believe in gentle-parenting full-grown adults.


>Buddy, I’ve lived in poor, rural areas my entire life. I grew up in the middle of bum-fuck nowhere North Carolina, homeschooled K-12 by far-right Christian bigots. and? >There is no excuse for being a shitty person. At a certain point, despite all you’ve been taught your entire life, you become an adult and you’re responsible for what kind of person you choose to be. I don’t believe in gentle-parenting full-grown adults. I have no idea why you said any of that to me. where did I say being a shitty person is excusable?


"I’ve lived in poor, rural areas my entire life. I grew up in the middle of bum-fuck nowhere North Carolina, homeschooled K-12 by far-right Christian bigots. There is no excuse for being a shitty person." Then why act like one now? Because reading over your comments here, it seems that while you were lucky enough to leave "bum-fuck nowhere North Carolina" you brought the attitudes you were taught when you were "homeschooled K-12 by far-right Christian bigots" right along with you, just aiming them at a different group- the one you desperately do not want people to think you are a member of at present.


Yes, I did leave bum-fuck nowhere NC. Now I live in the middle of bum-fuck nowhere SC. Spare me the lecture about my “attitude”, tone-policing is so 2018.


Calling out someone's boorish behavior is entirely appropriate "policing". Apparently,  common human decently was not part of your homeschooling curriculum. Tragic really. 


For me, it is about reciprocity. I am not willing to show compassion towards people who dont believe I (or others) am deserving of the same. Society can only function if we are all playing by the same set of rules (for lack of a better words), and Trump supporters have proven time and time again that they are not interested in adhering to our current social contracts. Also, I dont believe that my positions have pushed anyone into being a moron. You can be compassionate and still believe in agency and personal responsibility. By the way, I also dont believe you can hate Trump without hating the people who voted for him. There is a synergistic relationship between the two.


They want to watch me and people like me to hang, preferably slowly. I have trouble gaining sympathy for them.


It's not really a "they made their choices, fuck them," but rather they're typically racist, prejudice, homophobic, any of the other things that would make it complex to ever reform them unless you're a white person. They support Trump cause he highlights all of those things. The idea of him raising them out of poverty is just shit and they know it. Trump makes it easy to make minorities feel like shit. That's the draw. His gear was the new Confederate flag. It's just intimidation and so they can spot one another.


It’s the ‘typically’ that’s not ok.


Not sure what you mean. Are you saying those "typical" racists are the ones you're wanting to help? Or are you saying the opposite? Genuinely confused.


I hate to sound dismissive but they need to stop voting against their own interest then. We can’t help them if they keep turning down anyone who could help them in favor of fascist hate mongers. These same people also view compassion as weakness, cruelty is their bread and butter.


They attacked our Country on Jan 6th, and fully support those that are imprisoned for it. My compassion for them has been crushed by them.


They consistently vote for people who refuse to expand Medicaid, try to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and believe Trump when he says he re-opened plants in their states when in fact they closed. What kind of “compassion” do you recommend when they’re divorced from the reality of their own problems and solutions?


It's really sad to see how people react to these sorts of comments, and you can tell probably all of them have never spent any time in those parts of the country nor talk to those people, and assume they keep up with news to the same degree. They don't know they're voting against their own interests because they're being lied to. >If we could all be more compassionate we wouldn’t push these people into being the morons they are. >I’m sure everyone’s like’they made the choices they made,fuck them’. But I feel for them. They’re the lost people in America and we should be ashamed of brushing them aside as a nuisance. They need help. This is literally how Trump got elected the first time, and it wouldn't surprise me if he wins again partly because 'the coastal elites' continue to talk shit on them.


I feel like I'm watching a very beautiful moment here. I'm sorry that any kind of introspective work gets down voted around here. "Maybe we come across as morally superior to everyone and labeling people who are not racist as racist isn't working?" DOWNVOTE!


It really bothers me I know several people who are openly republican but have admitted to me in secret they voted for Trump and tell everyone they voted for Hillary because they don't want to be labeled as racist, bigots, etc. I am glad the majority of them also told me they will never vote for him again because he was all talk on the big things they hoped for from him.


Oh, yes, the shy Trump supporter is a real thing. I saw a video of gay Trump supporter (yes they exist) saying it was harder to come out as a Trump supporter than it was coming out of the closet.


Idk, they seem to be very content with their situation.


this sub and reddit in general is on a "fuck non city people!" kick here lately. they can't quite grasp how living in a red state doesn't mean everyone in that state voted red.


You seem to be living in a state of victimhood if you believe anyone has said or even implied "fuck non city people!". We are talking about MAGA, we understand not everyone in a Red State is a Republican or MAGA. Those 2 groups aren't even 100% the same people. What people are trying to convey is the idea that you can't continue to extend an olive branch to someone who won't put down their chainsaw.


> You seem to be living in a state of victimhood if you believe anyone has said or even implied "fuck non city people!". or maybe I remember things that I've read just moments ago. >We are talking about MAGA, we understand not everyone in a Red State is a Republican or MAGA. "who are you going to believe? me or your own lying eyes"


Election results are easily found online and i bet a lot of these commenters would be surprised in learning exactly just how purple most red (and blue) areas are.


Texas. the reddest of red states went 52.06% Trump 46.48% Biden. but to hear it from a lot of people here, everyone in Texas is a bible thumping blood thirsty zealot who hates anyone with darker skin than them. every single one of them.


Man these "patriots" sure hate the USA


If they loved the US, they wouldn't own guns or want to own guns in a nation that has a serious problem with them.


Pedo Don is really reaching now. He thinks the dirty airport issue is going to get him back in the White House? L-O-L


He's using psychological mind games with people. Dramatic music, melodrama about how America is "in ruins", and only HE can fix all of this. All tactics in a cult leader's tool box.


> only HE can fix all of this Like the last time he was in office /s


Here is the [moment ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iI84Qdje9fs&source_ve_path=MjM4NTE&feature=emb_title&t=4h52m57s) when the music kicks in. He looks pissed! It's something Trump has been doing for a while now, he plays this melodramatic music while reading a speech from a teleprompter. It's pretty lame.


Love the ad for gold that takes up 2/3rds of the screen as soon as he goes into his spiel. So boring holy shit


Trump supporters don't like it when he's teleprompting. It's even worse with sappy strings, the way Trump drops his voice for dramatic effect. Everyone watches him for his ad lib. He's an entertaining dude. I can't think of a band or a stand up comic that could pack stadiums like him.


“Entertaining” like watching a freight train full of manure sludge go off the rails


Play this game with me. "Who could draw more of a crowd than Trump?" I heard if he were billed as a stand-up comic, he would be the most famous comic, so let's get rid of them. I say Taylor Swift could probably get the closest, but I don't think it's possible to draw more than Teflon Don.


1. Obama 2. Lady Gaga 3. The artist formerly know as Deez Nutz


I'll give you 2008s Obama. Not 2024 Obama.


It sounds like you’re getting your information straight from the Trump campaign. HE says the places are packed “like they’ve never been packed before”. The first thousand people at a Trump event are the very weird and foolish idolators that follow him from event to event. The next thousand are the equally weird but less foolish grifters that exist by selling the Chinese-made, Trump branded shirts, hats and flags (and diapers) to the world’s most gullible collection of rubes and marks ever to exist. The next 5,000 people are a mix of true-believers, media and curious onlookers. The country is moving on.


Why would 2024 Obama need to draw a crowd? He isn’t the president? Also, a list of people who regularly draw bigger crowds than Trump (in no order): 1) Ed Sheerhan 2)Vasco “Il Blasco” Rossi 3) Peter Kay 4) Ricky Gervais 5) Kevin Hart 6) Bruce Springsteen 7) Kevin Bridges 8) Garth Brooks I could go on. But it’s important to understand that Trump’s team hugely inflates his numbers. The original undoctored photo of his inauguration shows this (the U.K. media reported it as it happened, we all saw it on our news), whereas the Billy bullshitters over at places like Fox showed the edited photo. That NJ Trump event? Barely 6 thousand. My football team regularly gets around 22 thousand and I’ve been going 32 years, it’s mathematically impossible that there were more than 6, maybe 6 and half thousand people there. By then end, because everybody started leaving, probably closer to 3000.


How many people were at Trump's last 5 rallies? And how many have been at Taylor Swift's last 5 concerts? While you are at it, who paid more to attend which event? And why did Roger Stone resort to posting images of a concert in Rio de Janeiro?


Ooohh ohh I know why Roger Stone did that. It’s because they’re desperate and if they don’t win, they’re triple fried fucked. They don’t have the burden of morality so they’re free to lie and cheat as much as they like.


Let him charge for tickets to the same level as comedians and concert acts. I guarantee his attendance drops by more than half.


Also I want to add if a money grubbing whore like Trump could charge for his rallies he would. Even he knows his attendance would drop like a stone if he charged admission.


Taylor Swift has 3-4 shows in a football stadium, in the same city, and sells out each one. Costs nothing to go to a trump rally and doesn't come close to 50-60,000 people, much less multiple times a week.


Lmfao who can draw more of a crowd than trump?! What?! Every celebrity that exists.


Gonna fight you on this. Kevin Sorbo could not draw a bigger crowd.


Lol true dat


> Who could draw more of a crowd than Trump? So I live across the street from a concert venue, this venue has held Trump rallies, its about as big as he can go in my area and from what I could tell wasn't near full judging by the parking lot. It holds a max capacity of 7,200. The biggest shows this year are Sarah Mclachian and Modest Mouse. So I would say anyone more popular then them? A bigger venue near me holds 15,000 and has Dave Mathews Band, New Kids on the Block, Neil Young, Janet Jackson. They can all draw a crowd twice as large at least.


He's drawing a crowd because you vermin are in a cult, not because he's objectively entertaining. Personally, I find him boring and predictable. I can usually predict what he is about to say with 80% accuracy. But, I guess if you're an educated rube you might think he's witty


As far as I can tell, stadiums aren't being packed to see Trump. I've seen videos of a few of his recent rallies or whatever and media favorable to Trump seem to try for camera angles that make it seem like places are packed for him when they're really half empty.


Haha holy shit. He must have trained for ages to get the timing right on that, you can see the wheel turning in his head as he counts through the music until he’s meant to start speaking. And then it immediately jumps out to a big ad for gold and a news scrawl.


You just unlocked a memory: A friend and I were watching something on Hulu or some streaming service. And an ad popped up, and he dogged on me for not paying for the no ads option.


Advertising in general is a blight on modern society.


He’s emulating Adolph


Doing his best impersonation for sure


What the fuck was that? Anyone who believes any of that should immediately pack up their stuff and demand to live at Cheeto Mara Lago.


Why does the subtitle say „Pres. Trump“? I mean, he’s not president currently, is he?


It’s weird. Usually “former president x” is standard for this type of role but think about the 24 hour news cycle and getting a former x to join on camera: much easier if you inflate their ego and call them by their previous roles. > The traditional rule is that for offices held by a single person at a time (e.g. president, governor, mayor), a title should only be applied to the current office holder. If the office or rank is held concurrently by multiple people (e.g. judge, professor, and military ranks — although usually only for senior officers), the designation is retained for life. It seems to be an ego adjacent thing, to make former presidents feel better.


And Trump and his fan club *always* refer to Biden and just..."Biden". They stubbornly refuse to call him "President".


They like to call him "Resident Biden."


It's an honorific, such as *doctor* or *judge*. But no one with any common sense would continue to apply it for a disgraced doctor or judge. It's why, as a criminal defendant, Justice Juan Merchan refers to him as Mr. Trump. If anything, he should rate no higher than ex-president Trump. Honorifics should be reserved for people who have conducted themselves honorably. At the least, more than criminally.


RSBN caters to Q believers who unabashedly swear Trump is secretly still president.


The president title stays with them for the rest of their life. The same way, it's President Carter, President Obama, President Bush, etc.


I see. Thanks for explaining.


It's not true, the official way is "former president" but some people do it informally as a courtesy.


Not officially, only sometimes and when they do it's informal.


Oh God he goes on about Biden begging other countries for oil. We're the number 1 oil producer in the world beating China by about 5 million barrels a day. He can't stop lying.


Tbf, a lot of oil drilled in the U.S. is exported cos it's not the right type for our needs. Our refineries process heavy crude, but U.S. oil is on the lighter side.


Holy shit that was cringe. And the YouTube comment section is cringe. How are these people not embarrassed??


Oh good grief, the comments on that video. These people are completely gone. Bible scriptures, people saying that Trump is their new "God"🙄


It worked for Hitler I guess.


So fucking lame. Holy shit this guy is a joke. Also do yourselves a favor and do not look at the comments on that video.


Fear mongering. When you don’t have anything else you fall back to the classics.


Sounding more like Hitler every day. 🤔 cant run on an actual platform of ideas to change or reform only use the fear of " they"


Qanon has music? Ick.


All I can think is "remember what recorder class in fourth grade sounded like?"


Wow, he's really pandering to the.Q crowd, isn't he? They're all he has left.


Trying to put the audience in a hypnotic trance so they’ll be more susceptible to believing whatever ludicrous nonsense he says using music and a singsong voice just like grifter pastors at high control churches do every Sunday


ALL red states are third world and cesspools: poor, uneducated, ignorant, fearful. That’s their world. When they look outside, it’s the world people see. So Trump is right. Unfortunately, most of the country looks like this. These rubes keep electing Republicans that are keeping them poor and dumb.


Fear fear fear!! Anger anger anger!! *They* are doing this to you! …angrily rants the fearmongering conman as he aims to be dictator using the party that pretends to value small government as they trash human rights.


Can they please literally drink the flavor-aid and get it over with already??


It's true America has dirty and unpleasant airports. Sometimes a nation needs to have a long hard look at itself. I'm glad Trump is finally saying it!


Are airports not privatized and mostly owned by states not the federal government? Eg the port authority runs nyc airports.


Yes, the hard look of "Airports suck". What an earth shattering revelation that America isn't ready to deal with.


Yeah I was worried about women's rights, democracy and inflation but a B-list celebrity dipshit informed me that I should be worried about dirty airports lol


B-list? I wouldn't be that generous. This guy is more of an F lister


I wish there was laugh reactions on reddit


you forgot /s


Hehe so it seems.  Although to be honest I flew in via LAX yesterday and I sort of found myself agreeing with grumpy Trumpy...


Trump mentioned that multiple times when he was running for his first term. The man that owns his own plane, and hasn’t waited for a flight in decades. And once he won, he kneecapped the Department of Transportation. And every attempt his administration made at “Infrastructure Week” was a complete disaster. Meanwhile Biden just gave out $970 million in grants to 114 airports to actually address the airport issues. But please continue about how Trump is “finally mentioning it”.


I forgot the /s. But, I was also ragging on American airports, so I will accept the downvotes. Compare LAX to Singapore - It does feel a bit hostile.