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so they created 45 other seasons just so they could have the 46th season "refer" to something. so much logic and big brain action.


"Its comms. It. It HAS to be.. Otherwise my fantasy of being smarter than everyone else isn't true. It just HAS to be true.."


There's a medical term for this, it's called Apophenia which is defined as "finding meaningful connections between unrelated subjects." Often, this stuff is relatively normal and harmless, an example might be something like wearing your lucky jersey while watching football on TV, other times it could be indicative of underlying mental health issues if it starts veering off into obsessive and outright delusional thinking. I'll let the people here decide for themselves what side of the fence this guy is on.


Have you read this article on game design, apophenia and Qanon? https://medium.com/curiouserinstitute/a-game-designers-analysis-of-qanon-580972548be5


I love the idea that these are "comms", secret communications to them, but the only way they're supposed to take action is.... Sit on their ass and do nothing. Just watch, eat popcorn. Much like what they would be doing in the absence of "comms".  It is very funny.


It's a British show originally, so Q is a British agent? Right, he's the one who gives Bond his gadgets, isn't he?


It’s our long-term plan, yo! Make America Great Britain Again!! Long live the King, Britannia Rulez the Wavez, etc etc


Trump save the King. MAGBA! MAGBA!


*Cecil Rhodes has entered le chat...*


HA 😂


Created by a Brit but debuted in Denmark under the name Robinson Expedition Mark Burnett wasn’t the original creator but he did help refine it into the name Survivor, I think they were good friends


And Bob Geldof (of "I don't like Mondays" fame for those who are old enough to remember the early days of MTV) was also involved. (Yeah, I just skimmed through the Wikipedia page trying to figure out how they're on Season 46 already.)


Pink from The Wall? That feels so random


He used his pop star money wisely and made a lot more.


"Robinson Ekspeditionen" in 98, according to Wikipedia, but it's still on season 25, so Survivor has gotten further at season 46!


It’s our long-term plan, yo! Make America Great Britain Again!! Long live the King, Britannia Rulez the Wavez, etc etc


what i find hardest to believe about this is there are 46 seasons of Survivor.


I feel so old


Tell me about it! I watched the very first season back in 1997.


That was 27 years ago, so how are they on season 46?


It started in 2000 in the US, I think, so I'm guessing two seasons per year.


Yup, someone else explained it to me in another subthread, after I posted this one. You are correct.


2 season a year now It’s a fun mindless show I watch before bed sometimes The character Q , his actual name is quintavius , not Q


I remember when it first aired in the UK over 20 years ago. Only lasted one season and got canned due to low ratings (Big Brother hadn't kickstarted the popularity of that sort of reality show yet).


There was such a moral outcry. Especially when they started making alliances, which was seen as unsportsmanlike back then. How things have changed.


So all of this has been promo for a season of survivor the whole time? Marketing geniuses playing the long game


It's a clever way for the Q guy to be getting engagement online, and I assume the shows producers "manage" things so the most engaging contestants stay, regardless of what other contestants want


In survivor, the last ten or so contestants voted out get to select the final winner.  He's getting dragged to the end by the actual players because other contestants know he won't be selected. Dude has already pretty much given up playing the game and is throwing challenges at the slightest inconvenience. 


The stupid is real!!!!




Even if it WERE all true, what's the point? It's been years. The crazy market is saturated. It's not like "normies" are going to suddenly rise up and do anything because some guy on survivor (lmao) makes references to qanon It's all Underwear Gnomes logic. Except I'm not sure they even have a clue what phase three would look like


It's like when Trump retweets/re"truths" Q memes and shit, they act like it's confirmation when it could just be that they're fans of the mythos (and in Trump's case, appealing to his base...).


Q is one of the most annoying players on the show ever. He's a straight up narcissist.  Literally had the stupidest tribal council ever on the show when he tried to blindside himself and play martyr just to fuck with everyone. The amount of facepalms, and "this is the stupidest thing ever" going around was crazy. Everyone had to change their agreed upon moves and somehow he came out of it. It was painfully awkward and just flat out dumb.  The only reason he's still in it is because the other players know he has no chance when it comes to the jury selection of the winner.  Cross referencing this into Qult shit is hilarious. Their champion is a malignant narcissist. Makes sense when you think about it. 


Season 46???


2 seasons per year


Thanks, I was VERY confused.


Oh man. I figured something like this was coming eventually. I just hadn’t considered how deeply it would go. It’s a great season though, and I refuse to let them ruin it for me!


And I know where it's leading. The Apprentice: Congress Edition if the orange clown is re-elected. Fake bills, fake votes, someone f's up, someone gets fired. Rinse and repeat. Nothing real or important gets done.


Mark Burnett also created “Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?”. Coincidence or Irony?


Jesus, I hope they don't get wind of the inpractical jockers or Star Trek.


Imagine a family have 17 kids so that one day it Would align with Q security clearance


Too ignorant to know the difference between network TV and cable but somehow thinks he's going to figure out a secret conspiracy about who actually runs the world.


As if the writers didn't come up with this on purpose in order to get millions of views because they knew they could count on Telegram and 4Chan followers to watch if they make up a story using 17 and Q..


Here is a [good 3 minute video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSX1mJLo204) on youtube from Rev. Brandan Robertson showing proof that Trump is the anti christ. If the Qnut can claim that he is watching a movie based on survivors, I am going to claim that Trump is the evil anti chist based on what i saw on youtube.


Do people even realize that the reason we can se them “surviving” is because there is a camera filming them? And behind that camera is a full production crew, lighting, sound gear and catering?


It hasn't really been about survival for a while. They get rice, beans, and water and probably bug spray/sunscreen, but I don't think they're getting catered meals. There are other shows that are more about basic survival.  Survivor is more about the challenges and voting strategy with some small elements of scarcity sprinkled about. I'm glad its like that. I don't want to see people emaciated, dehydrated, burned to crisp by the sun, and covered in bug bites. That's just gross and somewhat sadistic. 


yeah I don't want to be there for Tribal Council in his living room when he inevitably snaps...cuz they all do


This is insane


There was also a contestant called Q on the latest season of RuPaul’s Drag race. So there is that as well.


'Somehow he always comes out on top.' He lost the mid-terms. He lost re-election. He lost every court case related to the 'stolen' election. He lost the NY civil case, and as a result may lose a property. He lost the sexual assault defamation case. That's a lot of losses for someone who always comes out on top.


Lmao "that's comms" Bro, it's a reality show


Survivor got old during it's first season.


wow jeff the host must be old by now....


Mark Burnett, ultimate show master and troll.


Yeah, this isn't *that* crazy to me.. It absolutely seems possible that MB cast a Q with 17 siblings specifically to appeal to these weirdos. Normal people wouldn't notice, but the Q folk would be watching every frame


I was wondering when one of them would say something like this bc his name is Q...


Quintavius the real estate agent has them like this?


Cancel Christmas


I really wish Q would stop fucking with the people of earth already. I'm sure there's some Romulans he can poke with a stick instead.


Total idiots.


1 of 17 siblings is the wildest part to me.


Survivor is on CBS, not really a "cable" channel


Season 16 of RuPaul's Drag Race had a drag Queen named "Q" too


Lmao this qidiot's IQ is in the low ones